79 research outputs found

    Cell type-specific expression of endogenous cardiac Troponin I antisense RNA in the neonatal rat heart

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    Since the number of detected natural antisense RNA is growing, investigations upon the expression pattern of the antisense RNA become more important. As we focused our work on natural occurring antisense transcripts in human and rat heart tissues, we were interested in the question, whether the expression pattern of antisense and sense RNA can vary in different cell types of the same tissue. In our previous analysis of total neonatal rat heart tissue, we demonstrated the co-expression of both cTnI RNA species in this tissue. Now we investigated the expression of antisense and sense RNA quantitatively in neonatal cardiomyocytes (NCMs) and neonatal cardiac fibroblasts (NCFs). Performing northern blot as well as RT-PCR, we could detect natural antisense and sense RNA transcripts of cTnI in NCM and NCF implying that these transcripts are co-expressed in both cell types. The absolute amounts of the RNA transcripts were higher in NCM. Both RNA species showed identical sizes in the northern blot. Quantification by real-time PCR revealed a higher relative level of natural antisense RNA in NCF compared to NCM which points out to a cell type-specific expression of sense and antisense RNA. Our observations suggest that antisense RNA transcription may contribute to a cell type-specific regulation of the cTnI gen

    Analysis of KRAS Mutations of Exon 2 Codons 12 and 13 by SNaPshot Analysis in Comparison to Common DNA Sequencing

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    Due to the call for fast KRAS mutation status analysis for treatment of patients with monoclonal antibodies for metastatic colorectal cancer, sensitive, economic, and easily feasible methods are required. Under this aspect, the sensitivity and specificity of the SNaPshot analysis in comparison to the commonly used DNA sequencing was checked. We examined KRAS mutations in exon 2 codons 12 and 13 with DNA sequencing and SNaPshot analysis in 100 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissue samples of pancreatic carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, and nonsmall cell lung cancer specimens of the primary tumor or metastases. 40% of these samples demonstrated mutated KRAS genes using sequencing and SNaPshot-analysis; additional five samples (45/100) were identified only with the SNaPshot. KRAS mutation detection is feasible with the reliable SNaPshot analysis method. The more frequent mutation detection by the SNaPshot analysis shows that this method has a high probability of accuracy in the detection of KRAS mutations compared to sequencing

    Differential expression of apoptotic genes PDIA3 and MAP3K5 distinguishes between low- and high-risk prostate cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite recent progress in the identification of genetic and molecular alterations in prostate cancer, markers associated with tumor progression are scarce. Therefore precise diagnosis of patients and prognosis of the disease remain difficult. This study investigated novel molecular markers discriminating between low and highly aggressive types of prostate cancer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using 52 microdissected cell populations of low- and high-risk prostate tumors, we identified via global cDNA microarrays analysis almost 1200 genes being differentially expressed among these groups. These genes were analyzed by statistical, pathway and gene enrichment methods. Twenty selected candidate genes were verified by quantitative real time PCR and immunohistochemistry. In concordance with the mRNA levels, two genes <it>MAP3K5 </it>and <it>PDIA3 </it>exposed differential protein expression. Functional characterization of <it>PDIA3 </it>revealed a pro-apoptotic role of this gene in PC3 prostate cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our analyses provide deeper insights into the molecular changes occurring during prostate cancer progression. The genes <it>MAP3K5 </it>and <it>PDIA3 </it>are associated with malignant stages of prostate cancer and therefore provide novel potential biomarkers.</p

    Reduced mRNA and Protein Expression of the Genomic Caretaker RAD9A in Primary Fibroblasts of Individuals with Childhood and Independent Second Cancer

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    Background: The etiology of secondary cancer in childhood cancer survivors is largely unclear. Exposure of normal somatic cells to radiation and/or chemotherapy can damage DNA and if not all DNA lesions are properly fixed, the mis-repair may lead to pathological consequences. It is plausible to assume that genetic differences, i.e. in the pathways responsible for cell cycle control and DNA repair, play a critical role in the development of secondary cancer. Methodology/Findings: To identify factors that may influence the susceptibility for second cancer formation, we recruited 20 individuals who survived a childhood malignancy and then developed a second cancer as well as 20 carefully matched control individuals with childhood malignancy but without a second cancer. By antibody microarrays, we screened primary fibroblasts of matched patients for differences in the amount of representative DNA repair-associated proteins. We found constitutively decreased levels of RAD9A and several other DNA repair proteins in two-cancer patients, compared to onecancer patients. The RAD9A protein level increased in response to DNA damage, however to a lesser extent in the twocancer patients. Quantification of mRNA expression by real-time RT PCR revealed lower RAD9A mRNA levels in both untreated and 1 Gy c-irradiated cells of two-cancer patients. Conclusions/Significance: Collectively, our results support the idea that modulation of RAD9A and other cell cycle arrest and DNA repair proteins contribute to the risk of developing a second malignancy in childhood cancer patients

    ADAM8 signaling drives neutrophil migration and ARDS severity

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) results in catastrophic lung failure and has an urgent, unmet need for improved early recognition and therapeutic development. Neutrophil influx is a hallmark of ARDS and is associated with the release of tissue-destructive immune effectors, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and membrane-anchored metalloproteinase disintegrins (ADAMs). Here, we observed using intravital microscopy that Adam8–/– mice had impaired neutrophil transmigration. In mouse pneumonia models, both genetic deletion and pharmacologic inhibition of ADAM8 attenuated neutrophil infiltration and lung injury while improving bacterial containment. Unexpectedly, the alterations of neutrophil function were not attributable to impaired proteolysis but resulted from reduced intracellular interactions of ADAM8 with the actin-based motor molecule Myosin1f that suppressed neutrophil motility. In 2 ARDS cohorts, we analyzed lung fluid proteolytic signatures and identified that ADAM8 activity was positively correlated with disease severity. We propose that in acute inflammatory lung diseases such as pneumonia and ARDS, ADAM8 inhibition might allow fine-tuning of neutrophil responses for therapeutic gain

    Targeted high throughput sequencing in clinical cancer Settings: formaldehyde fixed-paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor tissues, input amount and tumor heterogeneity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Massively parallel sequencing technologies have brought an enormous increase in sequencing throughput. However, these technologies need to be further improved with regard to reproducibility and applicability to clinical samples and settings.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using identification of genetic variations in prostate cancer as an example we address three crucial challenges in the field of targeted re-sequencing: Small nucleotide variation (SNV) detection in samples of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue material, minimal amount of input sample and sampling in view of tissue heterogeneity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that FFPE tissue material can supplement for fresh frozen tissues for the detection of SNVs and that solution-based enrichment experiments can be accomplished with small amounts of DNA with only minimal effects on enrichment uniformity and data variance.</p> <p>Finally, we address the question whether the heterogeneity of a tumor is reflected by different genetic alterations, e.g. different foci of a tumor display different genomic patterns. We show that the tumor heterogeneity plays an important role for the detection of copy number variations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The application of high throughput sequencing technologies in cancer genomics opens up a new dimension for the identification of disease mechanisms. In particular the ability to use small amounts of FFPE samples available from surgical tumor resections and histopathological examinations facilitates the collection of precious tissue materials. However, care needs to be taken in regard to the locations of the biopsies, which can have an influence on the prediction of copy number variations. Bearing these technological challenges in mind will significantly improve many large-scale sequencing studies and will - in the long term - result in a more reliable prediction of individual cancer therapies.</p

    Environmental Isocyanate-Induced Asthma: Morphologic and Pathogenetic Aspects of an Increasing Occupational Disease

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    Occupational diseases affect more and more people every year. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), in 2000 an estimated amount of at least 160 million people became ill as a result of occupational-related hazards or injuries. Globally, occupational deaths, diseases and injuries account for an estimated loss of 4% of the Gross Domestic Product. Important substances that are related to occupational diseases are isocyanates and their products. These substances, which are used in a lot of different industrial processes, are not only toxic and irritant, but also allergenic. Although the exposure to higher concentrations could be monitored and restricted by technical means, very low concentrations are difficult to monitor and may, over time, lead to allergic reactions in some workers, ending in an occupational disease. In order to prevent the people from sickening, the mechanisms underlying the disease, by patho-physiological and genetical means, have to be known and understood so that high risk groups and early signs in the development of an allergic reaction could be detected before the exposure to isocyanates leads to an occupational disease. Therefore, this paper reviews the so far known facts concerning the patho-physiologic appearance and mechanisms of isocyanate-associated toxic reactions and possible genetic involvement that might trigger the allergic reactions

    A Novel Modular Antigen Delivery System for Immuno Targeting of Human 6-sulfo LacNAc-Positive Blood Dendritic Cells (SlanDCs)

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    Previously, we identified a major myeloid-derived proinflammatory subpopulation of human blood dendritic cells which we termed slanDCs (e.g. Schäkel et al. (2006) Immunity 24, 767-777). The slan epitope is an O-linked sugar modification (6-sulfo LacNAc, slan) of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1). As slanDCs can induce neoantigen-specific CD4+ T cells and tumor-reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, they appear as promising targets for an in vivo delivery of antigens for vaccination. However, tools for delivery of antigens to slanDCs were not available until now. Moreover, it is unknown whether or not antigens delivered via the slan epitope can be taken up, properly processed and presented by slanDCs to T cells.Single chain fragment variables were prepared from presently available decavalent monoclonal anti-slan IgM antibodies but failed to bind to slanDCs. Therefore, a novel multivalent anti-slanDC scaffold was developed which consists of two components: (i) a single chain bispecific recombinant diabody (scBsDb) that is directed on the one hand to the slan epitope and on the other hand to a novel peptide epitope tag, and (ii) modular (antigen-containing) linker peptides that are flanked at both their termini with at least one peptide epitope tag. Delivery of a Tetanus Toxin-derived antigen to slanDCs via such a scBsDb/antigen scaffold allowed us to recall autologous Tetanus-specific memory T cells.In summary our data show that (i) the slan epitope can be used for delivery of antigens to this class of human-specific DCs, and (ii) antigens bound to the slan epitope can be taken up by slanDCs, processed and presented to T cells. Consequently, our novel modular scaffold system may be useful for the development of human vaccines

    A novel ACE2 decoy for both neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants and killing of infected cells

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) led to millions of infections and deaths worldwide. As this virus evolves rapidly, there is a high need for treatment options that can win the race against new emerging variants of concern. Here, we describe a novel immunotherapeutic drug based on the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor ACE2 and provide experimental evidence that it cannot only be used for (i) neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in SARS-CoV-2-infected animal models but also for (ii) clearance of virus-infected cells. For the latter purpose, we equipped the ACE2 decoy with an epitope tag. Thereby, we converted it to an adapter molecule, which we successfully applied in the modular platforms UniMAB and UniCAR for retargeting of either unmodified or universal chimeric antigen receptor-modified immune effector cells. Our results pave the way for a clinical application of this novel ACE2 decoy, which will clearly improve COVID-19 treatment