291 research outputs found

    Hydrogen emission from Jupiter: Hydrogen emission from sunlit atmosphere of Saturn

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    Successful IUE observations of the equatorial sunlit atmosphere of Jupiter and Saturn have been obtained. Spectra containing atomic and molecular hydrogen and solar reflection continuum emissions have been analyzed, with the purpose of determining the long term temporal behavior of the electroglow process. Quantitative estimates have been established for the first time using a model analysis of the short wavelength region of the spectrum. Both systems show varying degrees of long term variability in hydrogen emission rate, but the time scale is too short to determine whether there is a dependence on solar cycle activity. As part of the emission modeling program, a preliminary point source spreading function for the IUE SWP instrument has been established, suggesting a wavelength dependence in spectral line width different from previous analyses. Further IUE observations are planned for both Jupiter and Saturn

    Large time scale variation in hydrogen emission from Jupiter and Saturn

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    The IUE and Voyager spacecraft observations of Jupiter and Saturn were combined to obtain a consistent measurement of temporal variation of the equatorial subsolar hydrogen emission. The outer planets appear to have rather independent behavior over time scales of the order of 10 yr, particularly in emission from the H Ly alpha line. The time interval from 1978 to the present shows variation of mean equatorial H Ly alpha brightness of 2 at Jupiter and 5 at Saturn. The relative magnitudes of the variations is sufficiently different to suggest that response to input from the Sun is at least nonlinear. The brightness of H2 band emission appears to be relatively more stable than H Ly alpha. There is evidence in IUE observations of a moderate increase in H2 band brightness with increasing time at Jupiter, in opposition to the variation in H Ly alpha

    IUE observations of a hot DAO white dwarf: Implications for diffusion theory and photospheric stratification

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    Observations of the DAO white dwarf PG1210+533, including the first high dispersion spectrum of a hybrid H-He object of this nature were obtained by IUE. In contrast with hot DAs in the 50,000 K temperature range, PG1210+533 shows no narrow interstellar-like metal lines, in spite of an optically observed He/H abundance of 0.1. This lack of metal makes accretion from the ISM an unlikely source for the He in the PG1210+533 photosphere. A significant discovery in the high dispersion spectrum is the existence of a sharp, non-LTE like, core seen in the He II 1640 line. Such features are detected in DO white dwarfs. A small aperture SWP low dispersion observation reveals the Lyman alpha profile of PG1210+533 to be surprisingly weak and narrow. Fits of this profile using pure H models yielded a T(eff) = 56,000 K. Fits of the Balmer H gamma profile however, yield T(eff) = 42,300 K and log g = 8.5 + or - 0.5 for the same models. It is unlikely that homogeneously mixed H-He atmospheres can resolve the inconsistency between the Lyman alpha and H gamma features in this star. Stratified models involving thin H photospheres may be necessary to explain these results

    Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Sirius-Like Triple Star System HD 217411

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope imaging and spectroscopy of HD 217411, a G3 V star associated with the extreme ultraviolet excess source (EUV 2RE J2300-07.0). This star is revealed to be a triple system with a G 3V primary (HD 217411 A) separated by ~1.1" from a secondary that is in turn composed of an unresolved K0 V star (HD 217411 Ba) and a hot DA white dwarf (HD 217411 Bb). The hot white dwarf dominates the UV flux of the system. However; it is in turn dominated by the K0 V component beyond 3000 {\AA}. A revised distance of 143 pc is estimated for the system. A low level photometric modulation having a period of 0.61 days has also been observed in this system along with a rotational velocity on the order of 60 km s-1 in the K0 V star. Together both observations point to a possible wind induced spin up of the K0 V star during the AGB phase of the white dwarf. The nature of all three components is discussed as are constraints on the orbits, system age and evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    The White Dwarfs within 25 Parsecs of the Sun: Kinematics and Spectroscopic Subtypes

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    We present the fractional distribution of spectroscopic subtypes, range and distribution of surface temperatures, and kinematical properties of the white dwarfs within 25pc of the sun. There is no convincing evidence of halo white dwarfs in the total 25 pc sample of 224 white dwarfs. There is also little to suggest the presence of genuine thick disk subcomponent members within 25 parsecs. It appears that the entire 25 pc sample likely belong to the thin disk. We also find no significant kinematic differences with respect to spectroscopic subtypes. The total DA to non-DA ratio of the 25 pc sample is 1.8, a manifestation of deepening envelope convection which transforms DA stars with sufficiently thin H surface layers into non-DAs. We compare this ratio with the results of other studies. We find that at least 11% of the white dwarfs within 25 parsecs of the sun (the DAZ and DZ stars) have photospheric metals that likely originate from accretion of circumstellar material (debris disks) around them. If this interpretation is correct, then it suggests the possibility that a similar percentage have planets, asteroid-like bodies or debris disks orbiting them. Our volume-limited sample reveals a pileup of DC white dwarfs at the well-known cutoff in DQ white dwarfs at Tef about 6000K. Mindful of small number statistics, we speculate on its possible evolutionary significance. We find that the incidence of magnetic white dwarfs in the 25 pc sample is at least 8%, in our volume-limited sample, dominated by cool white dwarfs. We derive approximate formation rates of DB and DQ degenerates and present a preliminary test of the evolutionary scenario that all cooling DB stars become DQ white dwarfs via helium convective dredge-up with the diffusion tail of carbon extending upward from their cores.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Resolving Sirius-like binaries with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We have imaged seventeen recently discovered Sirius-like binary systems with HST/WFPC2 and resolved the white dwarf secondary in eight cases. Most of the implied orbital periods are of order several hundred years, but in three cases (56 Per, Zeta Cygni and REJ1925-566) the periods are short enough that it may be possible to detect orbital motion within a few years. It will then be possible to derive dynamically determined masses for the white dwarfs, and potentially these stars could be used as stringent tests of the mass-radius relation and initial-final mass relation.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, eds. H. Shipman and J. Provenca

    Hubble Space Telescope Spectroscopy of the Balmer lines in Sirius B

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    Sirius B is the nearest and brightest of all white dwarfs, but it is very difficult to observe at visible wavelengths due to the overwhelming scattered light contribution from Sirius A. However, from space we can take advantage of the superb spatial resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope to resolve the A and B components. Since the closest approach in 1993, the separation between the two stars has become increasingly favourable and we have recently been able to obtain a spectrum of the complete Balmer line series for Sirius B using HST?s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). The quality of the STIS spectra greatly exceed that of previous ground-based spectra, and can be used to provide an important determination of the stellar temperature (Teff = 25193K) and gravity (log g = 8.556). In addition we have obtained a new, more accurate, gravitational red-shift of 80.42 +/- 4.83 km s-1 for Sirius B. Combining these results with the photometric data and the Hipparcos parallax we obtain new determinations of the stellar mass for comparison with the theoretical mass-radius relation. However, there are some disparities between the results obtained independently from log g and the gravitational redshift which may arise from flux losses in the narrow 50x0.2arcsec slit. Combining our measurements of Teff and log g with the Wood (1995) evolutionary mass-radius relation we get a best estimate for the white dwarf mass of 0.978 M. Within the overall uncertainties, this is in agreement with a mass of 1.02 M obtained by matching our new gravitational red-shift to the theoretical M/R relation.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The Physics of Crystallization from Globular Cluster White Dwarf Stars in NGC 6397

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    We explore the physics of crystallization in the deep interiors of white dwarf stars using the color-magnitude diagram and luminosity function constructed from proper motion cleaned Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6397. We demonstrate that the data are consistent with the theory of crystallization of the ions in the interior of white dwarf stars and provide the first empirical evidence that the phase transition is first order: latent heat is released in the process of crystallization as predicted by van Horn (1968). We outline how this data can be used to observationally constrain the value of Gamma = E_{Coulomb}/E_{thermal} near the onset of crystallization, the central carbon/oxygen abundance, and the importance of phase separation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter