1,140 research outputs found

    Biorrelaciones entre los musgos y su acarofauna en México

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    Comments are given regarding a preliminary list of 48 families of mites collected on mosses in Mexico: 11 Mesostigmata, 17 Prostigmata (=Actinedida), 1 Astigmata and 19 Cryptostigmata (=Oribatei); a general analysis is made of the relationship between the bryophytes and their associated fauna. An in-depth study of this faunal group must reveal a much greater number of associated species.La lista preliminar de ácaros colectadas sobre musgos en México incluye 48 familias: 11 Mesostigmata, 17 Prostigmata (=Actinedida), 1 Astigmata y 19 Cryptostigmata (=Oribatei). Se presenta un análisis general de la relación entre las briofitas y su fauna asociada. El estudio detallado de estos grupos de animales seguramente dará a conocer un número mayor de especies asociadas con las briofitas

    The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias Against Women in the Treatment of Pain

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    In general, women report more severe levels of pain, more frequent incidences of pain, and pain of longer duration than men, but are nonetheless treated for pain less aggressively. The authors investigate this paradox from two perspectives: Do men and women in fact experience pain differently - whether biologically, cognitively, and/or emotionally? And regardless of the answer, what accounts for the differences in the pain treatment they receive, and what can we do to correct this situation

    Cianobaktériumok és eukarióta algák talajszuszpenzióból történő közvetlen vizsgálatának lehetősége áramlási citométerrel

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    A talajokban élő cianobaktériumok és eukarióta algák edafonban betöltött szerepe kulcsfontosságú. Eddig megismert kölcsönhatásaik a talaj más szervezeteivel és a magasabb rendű növényekkel, valamint hozzájárulásuk a talajok mikroszerkezetének kialakulásához és a nitrogénellátáshoz a legismertebbek. A talajalgák mennyiségi és minőségi kimutatására meglehetősen kevés közvetlen és közvetett sejtszámolási módszer és adat áll rendelkezésre. Jelen munkánkban Ramannféle barna erdőtalajon őszi búza, bíborhere, kukori-ca és szója parcellákból gyűjtött talajminták cianobaktérium és eukarióta mikroalga sejtszám vizsgálatát végeztük el egy — ezen a téren még újnak számító — nagysebes-ségű, automatizált sejtanalitikai módszer, az áramlási citometria alkalmazásával. A négy növénykultúrából 2013 júliusában, Keszthelyen, a felszíni öt centiméte-res talajrétegből hat ismétlésben vett talajmintákból vizes szuszpenziót készítettünk, majd mértük azok aktív algasejt-tartalmát. A cianobaktériumokat és az eukarióta algákat klorofill-a és fikoeritrin autofluoreszcencia alapján különböztettük meg a szuszpenzió egyéb elemeitől. A mérésekhez Beckman Coulter FC–500 áramlási citométert használtunk, mintánként öt perc futtatási idővel. A műszer által rögzített eseményszámból következtettünk az algasejtszám-értékekre. A citométeres ábrákon — megfelelő beállítások után — jól elkülönülő alga sejtpopulációk jelentek meg. Valamennyi mintában a cianobaktériumok domináltak, legalább 60%-os aránnyal. A kukorica talajában mutattuk ki a legnagyobb alga jelenlétet (2,4·105 sejt·g−1 száraz talaj), míg a búzáéban a legkevesebbet, alig 50%-ot (1,1·105 sejt·g−1 száraz talaj). A cianobaktériumok becsült sejtszámát tekintve a kukorica és a szója talajában jelentősen nagyobb abundancia mutatkozott a bíborhere és őszi búza talajához viszonyítva. Szignifikáns különbséget találtunk a becsült eukarióta alga sejtszámban a kukorica- és szója talaja között, a kukorica javára. Eredményeink igazolták, hogy az áramlási citometria megfelelő és hiánypótló módszer lehet a talajok kvantitatív mikrobiológiai vizsgálatai során, különös tekin-tettel a fotoszintetizáló szervezetekre

    The Role and Legal Status of Health Care Ethics Committees in the United States

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    Over a quarter of a century has passed since health care ethics committees (HCECs) in the United States received legal recognition as alternatives to the courts in resolving conflicts related to patient end-of-life care. By the mid to late 1980s HCECs had been established in over half of U.S. hospitals and had received a certain legitimacy in the health care system. Given their age and growth one could characterize them developmentally as emerging from adolescence and establishing themselves in young adult-hood. As a result, we might expect that they would have resolved the identify crisis characterizing the adolescent years. Yet, HCECs in the United States remain somewhat amorphous. In part, this may be due to their relative lack of legal status. In most U.S. jurisdictions HCECs remain unregulated and lack homogeneity in structure and operation. To the extent that they share common characteristics, these committees are multi-disciplinary in membership and exist to address ethical dilemmas that occur within health care institutions. Early on in the evolution of HCEDs, judges, in several judicial opinions, encouraged the development of these committees, and two states adopted statutes or regulations that provided them with legal status. Until recently, however, HCECs in most states have been able to develop in a variety of ways and perform a range of functions with limited legal authority or oversight. In the last few years, a handful of states have passed laws giving HCECs legal authority to make certain kinds of decisions. While these states remain in the minority, HCECs in most states serve a role as a mechanism for “alternative” dispute resolution, particularly in cases involving end-of-life care. This chapter reviews both the history of HCECs in the United States and their legal evolution

    Probing the interaction between solid benzene and water using vacuum ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy

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    We present results of a combined vacuum ultravioloet (VUV) and infrared (IR) photoabsorption study of amorphous benzene:water mixtures and layers to investigate the benzene-water interaction in the solid phase. UV spectra of 1:1, 1:10 and 1:100 benzene:water mixtures at 24 K reveal a concentration dependent shift in the energies of the 1B2u, 1B1u and 1E1u electronic states of benzene. All the electronic bands blueshift from pure amorphous benzene towards gas phase energies with increasing water concentration. IR results reveal a strong dOH-π benzene-water interaction via the dangling OH stretch of water with the delocalised π system of the benzene molecule. Although this interaction influences the electronic states of benzene with the benzenewater interaction causing a redshift in the electronic states from that of the free benzene molecule, the benzene-benzene interaction has a more significant effect on the electronic states of benzene. VUV spectra of benzene and water layers show evidence of non-wetting between benzene and water, characterised by Rayleigh scattering tails at wavelengths greater than 220 nm. Our results also show evidence of benzene-water interaction at the benzene-water interface affecting both the benzene and the water electronic states. Annealing the mixtures and layers of benzene and water show that benzene remains trapped within in/under water ice until water desorption near 160 K. These first systematic studies of binary amorphous mixtures in the VUV, supported with complementary IR studies, provide a deeper insight into the influence of intermolecular interactions on intramolecular electronic states with significant implications for our understanding of photochemical processes in more realistic astrochemical environments

    Chromatin status and transcription factor binding to gonadotropin promoters in gonadotrope cell lines.

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    BackgroundProper expression of key reproductive hormones from gonadotrope cells of the pituitary is required for pubertal onset and reproduction. To further our understanding of the molecular events taking place during embryonic development, leading to expression of the glycoproteins luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), we characterized chromatin structure changes, imparted mainly by histone modifications, in model gonadotrope cell lines.MethodsWe evaluated chromatin status and gene expression profiles by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, DNase sensitivity assay, and RNA sequencing in three developmentally staged gonadotrope cell lines, αT1-1 (progenitor, expressing Cga), αT3-1 (immature, expressing Cga and Gnrhr), and LβT2 (mature, expressing Cga, Gnrhr, Lhb, and Fshb), to assess changes in chromatin status and transcription factor access of gonadotrope-specific genes.ResultsWe found the common mRNA α-subunit of LH and FSH, called Cga, to have an open chromatin conformation in all three cell lines. In contrast, chromatin status of Gnrhr is open only in αT3-1 and LβT2 cells. Lhb begins to open in LβT2 cells and was further opened by activin treatment. Histone H3 modifications associated with active chromatin were high on Gnrhr in αT3-1 and LβT2, and Lhb in LβT2 cells, while H3 modifications associated with repressed chromatin were low on Gnrhr, Lhb, and Fshb in LβT2 cells. Finally, chromatin status correlates with the progressive access of LHX3 to Cga and Gnrhr, followed by PITX1 binding to the Lhb promoter.ConclusionOur data show the gonadotrope-specific genes Cga, Gnrhr, Lhb, and Fshb are not only controlled by developmental transcription factors, but also by epigenetic mechanisms that include the modulation of chromatin structure, and histone modifications

    Helynévtörténeti vizsgálatok az ómagyar korból = Onomastic Research of the Old Hungarian Period

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    A pályázat futamideje alatt megjelentettünk 5 könyvet (2 monográfiát, illetve a folyóirattá alakuló Helynévtörténeti Tanulmányok c. sorozat 3 kötetét, a negyedik kötete, a HT. 5. pedig megjelenés alatt van), illetve 60 tanulmányt. További 2 monográfia (Hoffmann István akadémiai doktori és Póczos Rita PhD-értekezése) szintén közvetlenül a megjelenés előtt áll. Elkészítettük a Korai magyar helynévszótár 2., illetve a Helynévtörténeti adatok a korai ómagyar korból 3. és 4. adatbázisát, és lezárult a szócikkek megszerkesztése is. A KMHsz. 2. és a HA. 3. nyomdai előkészítése folyamatban van, mindkét kötet 2010-ben megjelenik. A szótári munkálatokhoz kapcsolódóan az Árpád-kori vármegyék digitális térképei (modern térinformatikai programmal, georeferált térképekként) ugyancsak elkészültek. A pályázat résztvevői hazai és nemzetközi konferencián egyaránt előadásokkal szerepeltek: valamennyi pályázati résztvevő előadást tartott a 2006-os Nemzetközi Hungarológiai Kongressuson (Debrecen), illetve a 2007-es VI. Magyar Névtudományi Konferencián (Balatonszárszó). A program két résztvevője részt vett a 2008-as Nemzetközi Névtudományi Konferencián (Torontó) is. Minden évben megrendeztük a helynévtörténeti szemináriumot, amelynek megszerkesztett és lektorált előadásait a Helynévtörténeti Tanulmányok köteteiben adtuk közre (a legutóbbi, a 2009. évi szeminárium anyaga a HT 5.-ben jelenik meg, e kötetnek a nyomdai munkálatai jelenleg zajlanak). | During the course of the project, we published 5 books (2 monographs and Volume 3 of the series Helynévtörténeti Tanulmányok (HT, Studies in the Field of the History of Toponyms) which is now published as a journal and its 4th volume, HT 5 is in press now), and 60 papers. 2 more monographs (the academy doctor?s thesis of I. Hoffmann and the PhD thesis of R. Póczos) is just about being published. We prepared the 2nd database of Korai magyar helynévszótár (KMHsz, Dictionary of Early Hungarian Toponyms), and the 3rd and 4th databases of Helynévtörténeti adatok a korai ómagyar korból (HA., Toponym History Data from the Early Old Hungarian Age) and the edition of the dictionary entries was completed, too. The 2nd database of KMHsz and the 3rd one of HA are in press already and both are expected to be published in 2010. Related to the dictionary, the digital maps of the comitats of the age of the Árpád dynasty (using modern geoinformation programmes, prepared as georeferenced maps) were also prepared. Participants of the project appeared with lectures at conferences in Hungary and abroad. All of them delivered lectures at the 2006 International Congress of Hungarology (Debrecen), and the National Conference of Onomastics in 2007 (Balatonszárszó). Two members of the programme participated at the International Conference of Onomastic Sciences (Toronto, 2008), too. We organised the Toponym History Seminar in every year, lectures of which were published in the volumes of HT

    Os nomes da Operação Lava Jato: aproximações e apropriações do entretenimento no campo político

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    RESUMO A associação entre entretenimento e política vem sendo apontada por diversas autoras e autores, como Katz e Dayan (1990), Street (2001), Meyer (2002), Van Zoonen (2004) e Martino (2011) como uma das principais características contemporâneas. Este artigo delineia o uso de nomes relacionados com mídia e entretenimento na designação das fases da chamada “Operação Lava Jato”, deflagrada pela Polícia Federal em 2014. A partir de pesquisa documental sobre a origem e o uso dos nomes, o artigo sugere que o uso desse tipo de designação articula o que seria, de outra maneira, uma operação policial, com a lógica do ambiente midiático, permitindo uma maior divulgação e compreensão. Palavras-chave: entretenimento; política; mídia; Lava Jato.   RESUMEN La asociación entre entretenimiento y política viene siendo apuntada por diversos autores, como Katz y Dayan (1990), Street (2001), Meyer (2002), Van Zoonen (2004) y Martino (2011) como una de las principales características contemporáneas. Este artículo se delinea el uso de nombres relacionados con medios y entretenimiento en la designación de las fases de la llamada “Operación Lava Jato”, desencadenada por la Policía Federal en 2014. A partir de la investigación documental sobre el origen y el uso de los nombres, el artículo sugiere que el uso de este tipo de designación articula lo que sería de otra manera una operación policial, con la lógica del ambiente mediático, permitiendo una mayor divulgación y comprensión. Palabras clave: entretenimiento; política; medios; Operación Lava Jato.   ABSTRACT The association between politics and entertainment has been pointed by several researchers (e.g. Katz and Dayan, 1990; Street, 2001; Meyer, 2002, Van Zoonen 2004, Martino, 2011) as one of the main features of contemporary political communication. This paper investigates the use of media and entertainment related names to noun the stages of a Brazilian Federal Police investigation on political corruption, the “Operação Lava Jato”. Grounded on documentary research, this paper argues that the use of media-related names makes what would otherwise be only a political operation into a media event. Keywords: entertainment; politics; media; Lava Jato Operation

    Os caminhos do curso de dança da UNICRUZ (1998-2010)

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    O presente texto tem por objetivo visibilizar analiticamente o percurso institucional do Curso de Dança – Licenciatura Plena da UNICRUZ (1998-2010), em Cruz Alta/RS. Para isto, apresenta o seu processo histórico, o pioneirismo, a inserção e relevância para Rio Grande do Sul, especialmente no que se refere à formação superior em dança, bem como suas repercussões na instalação de outros sete cursos de Dança no Estado. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e adota a metodologia da história oral, utilizando como principal instrumento entrevistas semiestruturadas com ex-professores, ex-alunos e pessoas envolvidas. Embora o Curso tenha se consolidado e contribuído para os avanços nos estudos de dança  no Rio Grande do Sul, em 2010 formou a última turma. Estes acontecimentos não o aniquilam, eles o tornam inteligível ao percebermos as relações de um Curso com seu tempo. A análise das memórias permitiu avaliar que o curso seguiu uma trajetória consoante às condições do contexto em que se desenvolveu. A história do curso de Dança da UNICRUZ representa um marco na história da educação superior em Dança no Rio Grande do Sul, pois, a partir dele, se instalaram sete outros cursos no Estado