94 research outputs found

    OpenPNM: A Pore Network Modeling Package

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    Pore network modeling is a widely used technique for simulating multiphase transport in porous materials, but there are very few software options available. This work outlines the OpenPNM package that was jointly developed by several porous media research groups to help address this gap. OpenPNM is written in Python using NumPy and SciPy for most mathematical operations, thus combining Python's ease of use with the performance necessary to perform large simulations. The package assists the user with managing and interacting with all the topological, geometrical, and thermophysical data. It also includes a suite of commonly used algorithms for simulating percolation and performing transport calculations on pore networks. Most importantly, it was designed to be highly flexible to suit any application and be easily customized to include user-specified pore-scale physics models. The framework is fast, powerful, and concise. An illustrative example is included that determines the effective diffusivity through a partially water-saturated porous material with just 29 lines of code

    Evidence for a Fourteenth mtDNA-Encoded Protein in the Female-Transmitted mtDNA of Marine Mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

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    BACKGROUND: A novel feature for animal mitochondrial genomes has been recently established: i.e., the presence of additional, lineage-specific, mtDNA-encoded proteins with functional significance. This feature has been observed in freshwater mussels with doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA (DUI). The latter unique system of mtDNA transmission, which also exists in some marine mussels and marine clams, is characterized by one mt genome inherited from the female parent (F mtDNA) and one mt genome inherited from the male parent (M mtDNA). In freshwater mussels, the novel mtDNA-encoded proteins have been shown to be mt genome-specific (i.e., one novel protein for F genomes and one novel protein for M genomes). It has been hypothesized that these novel, F- and M-specific, mtDNA-encoded proteins (and/or other F- and/or M-specific mtDNA sequences) could be responsible for the different modes of mtDNA transmission in bivalves but this remains to be demonstrated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated all complete (or nearly complete) female- and male-transmitted marine mussel mtDNAs previously sequenced for the presence of ORFs that could have functional importance in these bivalves. Our results confirm the presence of a novel F genome-specific mt ORF, of significant length (>100aa) and located in the control region, that most likely has functional significance in marine mussels. The identification of this ORF in five Mytilus species suggests that it has been maintained in the mytilid lineage (subfamily Mytilinae) for ∼13 million years. Furthermore, this ORF likely has a homologue in the F mt genome of Musculista senhousia, a DUI-containing mytilid species in the subfamily Crenellinae. We present evidence supporting the functionality of this F-specific ORF at the transcriptional, amino acid and nucleotide levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results offer support for the hypothesis that "novel F genome-specific mitochondrial genes" are involved in key biological functions in bivalve species with DUI

    Biology and conservation of freshwater bivalves : past, present and future perspectives

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    Freshwater bivalves have been highly threatened by human activities, and recently their global decline has been causing conservational and social concern. In this paper, we review the most important research events in freshwater bivalve biology calling attention to the main scientific achievements. A great bias exists in the research effort, with much more information available for bivalve species belonging to the Unionida in comparison to other groups. The same is true for the origin of these studies, since the publishing pattern does not always correspond to the hotspots of biodiversity but is concentrated in the northern hemisphere mainly in North America, Europe and Russia, with regions such as Africa and Southeast Asia being quite understudied. We also summarize information about past, present and future perspectives concerning the most important research topics that include taxonomy, systematics, anatomy, physiology, ecology and conservation of freshwater bivalves. Finally, we introduce the articles published in this Hydrobiologia special issue related with the International Meeting on Biology and Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves held in 2012 in Braganc¸a, Portugal.We would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors and institutions, especially to the Polytechnic Institute of Braganca for all the logistic support. We acknowledge all keynote speakers, authors, session chairpersons and especially to all attendees whose contributions were fundamental for the success of this meeting. We would also like to thank all referees of this special issue and to Koen Martens, Editor-in-Chief of Hydrobiologia, for all the valuable comments and suggestions. The chronogram was built with the help of the expert opinion of fellow colleagues Rafael Araujo, Arthur Bogan, Kevin Cummings, Dan Graf, Wendell Haag, Karl-Otto Nagel and David Strayer to whom we are very grateful. The authors acknowledge the support provided by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and COMPETE funds-projects CONBI (Contract: PTDC/AAC-AMB/117688/2010) and ECO-IAS (Contract: PTDC/AAC-AMB/116685/2010), and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE, under the project "PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2011"

    Investigating the Bivalve Tree of Life – an exemplar-based approach combining molecular and novel morphological characters

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    Voluntary assisted dying: the expanded role of psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand

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    In November 2021, New Zealand joined the Australian states of Victoria and Western Australia in making voluntary assisted dying (VAD) legally available. Three other Australian states, Tasmania, Queensland and South Australia, also passed VAD legislation in 2021 (Table 1). VAD legislation in each jurisdiction provides a medico-legal framework, including assessment by two independent medical practitioners, to enable people experiencing unbearable suffering from a terminal illness to access medical assistance to end their lives. VAD marks a significant societal change as it becomes an option in end-of-life care, resulting in legal, ethical and clinical ripples and transforming the landscape of medical and psychosocial care of terminally ill patients