428 research outputs found

    Community rotorcraft air transportation benefits and opportunities

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    Information about rotorcraft that will assist community planners in assessing and planning for the use of rotorcraft transportation in their communities is provided. Information useful to helicopter researchers, manufacturers, and operators concerning helicopter opportunities and benefits is also given. Three primary topics are discussed: the current status and future projections of rotorcraft technology, and the comparison of that technology with other transportation vehicles; the community benefits of promising rotorcraft transportation opportunities; and the integration and interfacing considerations between rotorcraft and other transportation vehicles. Helicopter applications in a number of business and public service fields are examined in various geographical settings

    When is an image a health claim? A false-recollection method to detect implicit inferences about products' health benefits

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    Objective: Images on food and dietary supplement packaging might lead people to infer (appropriately or inappropriately) certain health benefits of those products. Research on this issue largely involves direct questions, which could (a) elicit inferences that would not be made unprompted, and (b) fail to capture inferences made implicitly. Using a novel memory-based method, in the present research, we explored whether packaging imagery elicits health inferences without prompting, and the extent to which these inferences are made implicitly. Method: In 3 experiments, participants saw fictional product packages accompanied by written claims. Some packages contained an image that implied a health-related function (e.g., a brain), and some contained no image. Participants studied these packages and claims, and subsequently their memory for seen and unseen claims were tested. Results: When a health image was featured on a package, participants often subsequently recognized health claims that—despite being implied by the image—were not truly presented. In Experiment 2, these recognition errors persisted despite an explicit warning against treating the images as informative. In Experiment 3, these findings were replicated in a large consumer sample from 5 European countries, and with a cued-recall test. Conclusion: These findings confirm that images can act as health claims, by leading people to infer health benefits without prompting. These inferences appear often to be implicit, and could therefore be highly pervasive. The data underscore the importance of regulating imagery on product packaging; memory-based methods represent innovative ways to measure how leading (or misleading) specific images can be. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved

    COVID-19 patients require multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approaches to address persisting symptom profiles and restore pre-COVID quality of life

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    Long-COVID diagnosis is prominent, and our attention must support those experiencing debilitating and long-standing symptoms. To establish patient pathways, we must consider the societal and economic impacts of sustained COVID-19. Accordingly, we sought to determine the pertinent areas impacting quality of life (QoL) following a COVID-19 infection. Three hundred and eighty-one participants completed a web-based survey (83% female, 17% male) consisting of 70 questions across 7 sections (demographics, COVID-19 symptoms; QoL; sleep quality; breathlessness; physical activity and mental health). Mean age, height, body mass and body mass index (BMI) were 42 ± 12 years, 167.6 ± 10.4 cm, 81.2 ± 22.2 kg, and 29.1 ± 8.4 kg.m2, respectively. Participant health was reduced because of COVID-19 symptoms (“Good health” to “Poor health” [P<0.001]). Survey respondents who work reported ongoing issues with performing moderate (83%) and vigorous (79%) work-related activities. COVID-19 patients report reduced capacity to participate in activities associated with daily life, including employment activities. Bespoke COVID-19 support pathways must consider multi-disciplinary approaches that address the holistic needs of patients to restore pre-pandemic quality of life and address experienced health and wellbeing challenges

    Understanding the impact of legislation on 'reduction of disease risk' claims on food and drinks: The REDICLAIM project

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    The Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (EC No. 1924/2006) has established a common framework for the regulation of nutrition and health claims used on foods across the European Union. This regulation aims to provide the European food industry opportunities for product innovation whilst protecting consumer interests with respect to controlling misleading advertising and promoting public health. However, in order to satisfy the approval of new health claims procedure particularly for new 'reduction of disease risk' claims [Article 14(1)(a) claims], significant research activity is required by industry to scientifically substantiate the claims they wish to make. There is a need to establish whether the implementation of this legislation is in fact driving product innovation and the development of healthy foods or whether it forms a barrier to such developments. The EU-funded REDICLAIM project is currently considering these issues. This article describes the project's preliminary results and outlines the further programme of work

    Impact of Mental Health Comorbidities on Health Care Utilization and Expenditure in a Large US Managed Care Adult Population with ADHD

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    AbstractObjectiveTo estimate the health resource use (HRU) and expenditure of adult patients with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) subsequently diagnosed with one or more mental health (MH) comorbidities.MethodsUsing Kaiser Permanente Southern California electronic medical records (January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2009), we identified adults with at least one ADHD diagnosis and at least two subsequent prescriptions fills for ADHD medication. The date of first MH comorbidity diagnosis after the index ADHD diagnosis was defined as the index transition date. Continuous eligibility 12 months before and after the index transition date was required. For patients with multiple transitions (≄2), the post-transition period reflected the 12 months after the second transition. HRU for all-cause inpatient, outpatient, emergency department, behavioral therapy, overall prescription fill counts, and ADHD-specific prescription fill counts and mean patient expenditure (2010 US )wereestimated.GeneralizedestimatingequationswereusedtoevaluatedifferencesinHRUandexpenditurebetweenthepre−andpost−transitionperiods,respectively.ResultsOfthe3809patientswithADHDidentified,989(26) were estimated. Generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate differences in HRU and expenditure between the pre- and post-transition periods, respectively.ResultsOf the 3809 patients with ADHD identified, 989 (26%) had at least one transition (n = 357 single and n = 632 multiple). From the pre- to the post-transition period, for single transition cohort, all HRU increased significantly except for behavioral therapy. In the multiple transition cohort, all HRU increased significantly. Total expenditure increased by mean ± SE of 1822 ± 306and306 and 4432 ± $301 (both P < 0.0001) in the single and multiple transition cohorts, respectively.ConclusionsTwenty-six percent of patients with ADHD transitioned to MH comorbid diagnoses. Increased HRU and expenditure were associated with MH transitions. Identifying of patients with ADHD at risk for MH comorbidities may help to improve their outcomes

    Host-linked soil viral ecology along a permafrost thaw gradient

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    Climate change threatens to release abundant carbon that is sequestered at high latitudes, but the constraints on microbial metabolisms that mediate the release of methane and carbon dioxide are poorly understood1,2,3,4,5,6,7. The role of viruses, which are known to affect microbial dynamics, metabolism and biogeochemistry in the oceans8,9,10, remains largely unexplored in soil. Here, we aimed to investigate how viruses influence microbial ecology and carbon metabolism in peatland soils along a permafrost thaw gradient in Sweden. We recovered 1,907 viral populations (genomes and large genome fragments) from 197 bulk soil and size-fractionated metagenomes, 58% of which were detected in metatranscriptomes and presumed to be active. In silico predictions linked 35% of the viruses to microbial host populations, highlighting likely viral predators of key carbon-cycling microorganisms, including methanogens and methanotrophs. Lineage-specific virus/host ratios varied, suggesting that viral infection dynamics may differentially impact microbial responses to a changing climate. Virus-encoded glycoside hydrolases, including an endomannanase with confirmed functional activity, indicated that viruses influence complex carbon degradation and that viral abundances were significant predictors of methane dynamics. These findings suggest that viruses may impact ecosystem function in climate-critical, terrestrial habitats and identify multiple potential viral contributions to soil carbon cycling

    Designing a mHealth clinical decision support system for Parkinson's disease: a theoretically grounded user needs approach.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the established evidence and theoretical advances explaining human judgments under uncertainty, developments of mobile health (mHealth) Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) have not explicitly applied the psychology of decision making to the study of user needs. We report on a user needs approach to develop a prototype of a mHealth CDSS for Parkinson's disease (PD), which is theoretically grounded in the psychological literature about expert decision making and judgement under uncertainty. METHODS: A suite of user needs studies was conducted in 4 European countries (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, the UK) prior to the development of PD_Manager, a mHealth-based CDSS designed for Parkinson's disease, using wireless technology. Study 1 undertook Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) including elicitation of user needs, cognitive demands and perceived risks/benefits (ethical considerations) associated with the proposed CDSS, through structured interviews of prescribing clinicians (N = 47). Study 2 carried out computational modelling of prescribing clinicians' (N = 12) decision strategies based on social judgment theory. Study 3 was a vignette study of prescribing clinicians' (N = 18) willingness to change treatment based on either self-reported symptoms data, devices-generated symptoms data or combinations of both. RESULTS: Study 1 indicated that system development should move away from the traditional silos of 'motor' and 'non-motor' symptom evaluations and suggest that presenting data on symptoms according to goal-based domains would be the most beneficial approach, the most important being patients' overall Quality of Life (QoL). The computational modelling in Study 2 extrapolated different factor combinations when making judgements about different questions. Study 3 indicated that the clinicians were equally likely to change the care plan based on information about the change in the patient's condition from the patient's self-report and the wearable devices. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our approach, we could formulate the following principles of mHealth design: 1) enabling shared decision making between the clinician, patient and the carer; 2) flexibility that accounts for diagnostic and treatment variation among clinicians; 3) monitoring of information integration from multiple sources. Our approach highlighted the central importance of the patient-clinician relationship in clinical decision making and the relevance of theoretical as opposed to algorithm (technology)-based modelling of human judgment

    The Ornaments of the Arma Veirana Early Mesolithic Infant Burial

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    Personal ornaments are widely viewed as indicators of social identity and personhood. Ornaments are ubiquitous from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene, but they are most often found as isolated objects within archaeological assemblages without direct evidence on how they were displayed. This article presents a detailed record of the ornaments found in direct association with an Early Mesolithic buried female infant discovered in 2017 at the site of Arma Veirana (Liguria, Italy). It uses microscopic, 3D, and positional analyses of the ornaments as well as a preliminary perforation experiment to document how they were perforated, used, and what led to their deposit as part of the infant’s grave goods. This study provides important information on the use of beads in the Early Mesolithic, in general, as well as the relationship between beads and young subadults, in particular. The results of the study suggest that the beads were worn by members of the infant’s community for a considerable period before they were sewn onto a sling, possibly used to keep the infant close to the parents while allowing their mobility, as seen in some modern forager groups. The baby was then likely buried in this sling to avoid reusing the beads that had failed to protect her or simply to create a lasting connection between the deceased infant and her community.Funding was provided by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (#9412), L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, National Geographic Society Waitt Program (#W391-15), Hyde Family Foundation [via the Human Origins Migrations and Evolutionary Research (HOMER) consortium], Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant (#430–2018-00846), University of Colorado Denver, Washington University in St. Louis, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, and ERC n. 724046 – SUCCESS (to S.B.; http://www.erc-success.eu/). Part of the ornament analysis was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (grant agreement no. 639286 HIDDEN FOODS to E.C; http://www.hidden-foods.eu) to E.C. CHEI (University of California San Diego) supported 3D imaging. S. Talamo has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement no. 803147 RESOLUTION, https://site.unibo.it/resolution-erc/en). The micro-CT scans have been co-funded by EuroBioimaging, Italian Multi-sited Multi-modal Molecular Imaging (MMMI) Node, application n.EuBI_FANE130

    Polarizable Anionic Sublattices Can Screen Molecular Dipoles in Noncentrosymmetric Inorganic-Organic Hybrids

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    We report the growth and photophysical characterization of two polar hybrid lead halide phases, methylenedianiline lead iodide and bromide, (MDA)Pb2I6 and (MDA)Pb2Br6, respectively. The phases crystallize in noncentrosymmetric space group Fdd2, which produces a highly oriented molecular dipole moment that gives rise to second harmonic generation (SHG) upon excitation at 1064 nm. While both compositions are isostructural, the size dependence of the SHG signal suggests that the bromide exhibits a stronger phase-matching response whereas the iodide exhibits a significantly weaker non-phase-matching signal. Similarly, fluorescence from (MDA)Pb2Br6 is observed around 630 nm below 75 K whereas only very weak luminescence from (MDA)Pb2I6 can be seen. We attribute the contrasting optical properties to differences in the character of the halide sublattice and postulate that the increased polarizability of the iodide ions acts to screen the local dipole moment, effectively reducing the local electric field in the crystals

    The Ornaments of the Arma Veirana Early Mesolithic Infant Burial

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    Personal ornaments are widely viewed as indicators of social identity and personhood. Ornaments are ubiquitous from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene, but they are most often found as isolated objects within archaeological assemblages without direct evidence on how they were displayed. This article presents a detailed record of the ornaments found in direct association with an Early Mesolithic buried female infant discovered in 2017 at the site of Arma Veirana (Liguria, Italy). It uses microscopic, 3D, and positional analyses of the ornaments as well as a preliminary perforation experiment to document how they were perforated, used, and what led to their deposit as part of the infant’s grave goods. This study provides important information on the use of beads in the Early Mesolithic, in general, as well as the relationship between beads and young subadults, in particular. The results of the study suggest that the beads were worn by members of the infant’s community for a considerable period before they were sewn onto a sling, possibly used to keep the infant close to the parents while allowing their mobility, as seen in some modern forager groups. The baby was then likely buried in this sling to avoid reusing the beads that had failed to protect her or simply to create a lasting connection between the deceased infant and her community.publishedVersio
