76 research outputs found

    3D Information System of Historical Site – Proposal and Realisation of a Functional Prototype

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    The development of methods for 3D data acquisition, together with progress in information technologies raises the question of creating and using 3D models and 3D information systems (IS) of historical sites and buildings. This paper presents the current state of the “Live Theatre” project. The theme of the project is the proposal and realisation of a 3D IS of the baroque theatre at Eeský Krumlov castle (UNESCO site).The project is divided into three main stages – creation of a 3D model, proposal of a conception for a 3D IS, and realisation of a functional prototype. 3D data was acquired by means of photogrammetric and surveying methods. An accurate 3D model (photo-realistic, textured) was built up with MicroStation CAD system. The proposal of a conception of a 3D IS was the main outcome of the author’s dissertation. The essential feature of the proposed conception is the creation of subsystems targeted on three spheres – management, research and presentation of the site. The functionality of each subsystem is connected with its related sphere; however, each subsystem uses the same database. The present stage of the project involves making a functional prototype (with sample data). During this stage we are working on several basic technological topics. At present we are concerned with 3D data, its formats, format conversions (e.g. DGN _ VRML) and its connection to other types of data. After that, we will be seeking a convenient technical solution based on network technologies (Internet) and an appropriate layout for the data (database). The project is being carried out in close co-operation with the administration of the castle and some other partners. This stage of the project will be completed in December 2005.A functional prototype and the information acquired by testing it will form the basis for the final proposal of a complex IS of a historical site. The final proposal and appropriate technology will be the outcome of the project. The realisation of a complex 3D IS will then follow. The results will be exploitable both for site management and for organisations working in the area of presenting historical sites and creating multimedia shows.

    Profit Analysis Using Mathematical Simulation of the Business Strategy Proposal

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce „ Analýza zisku pomocí matematického modelování pro návrh strategie podniku “ je zhodnocení současné situace podniku a návrh na její zlepšení pro návrh strategie podniku. V první části mé práce definuji strategické cíle podniku, použité metody měření a použité metody vedoucí k návrhu strategie podniku. Druhá část obsahuje analýzu zisku firmy z hlediska nákladů, tržeb a bodu zvratu. V části poslední se zaměřím na zhodnocení zjištěných výsledků a návrhů pro další činnost podniku.The aim of the bachelor thesis „Analysis of the profit by using simulations for proposal of business strategy“ is to analyze current state of a company and submit a proposal for improvement of business strategy. In the first part of the bachelor thesis defines strategic objectives of company, used measuring methods and methods leading to proposal of business strategy. The second part includes analysis of the company profit through costs, sales and break event point. In the last part I focused on the review of outcomes and new business proposals.

    Development in realistic defects for test specimens

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    Pro potřeby kvalifikace nových i stávajících metod nedestruktivního zkoušení je nezbytná schopnost vyrábět zkušební tělesa s realistickými vadami odpovídající vadám detekovaným v provozu energetických zařízení. Centrum výzkumu Řež, proto vyvíjí vhodné efektivní postupy výroby realistických vad realizovatelných v různých materiálech, dílech, nebo konstrukcích s homogenními i heterogenními svary. V článku jsou popsány oblasti, kde byly vyvinuty funkční postupy pro výrobu vad s vysokou mírou shody s vadami z provozu. Pro zjištění charakteru a rozsahu vytvořených vad jsou využívány nedestruktivní i destruktivní metody zkoušení. Popsány jsou zkušební tělesa s korozními, únavovými a výrobními svarovými vadami. Na základě zjištění z praxe jsou též vyvíjeny vady s kombinovaným charakterem.Presentované výsledky byly finančně podpořeny Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy – projekt LQ1603 Výzkum pro SUSEN. Práce byla realizována na velké infrastruktuře Udržitelná energetika (SUSEN) vybudované v rámci projektu CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0108 a CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_008/0000293.For qualification of new and current methods of non-destructive testing, it is necessary to be able to produce test specimens with realistic flaws corresponding to flaws detected in the service of power industry devices. The Řež Research Center therefore develops suitable and efficient procedures to produce realistic flaws that can be created in various materials, parts, or constructions with homogeneous and heterogeneous welds. The article describes the areas, where functional procedures have been developed to produce flaws which are very similar to flaws detected in service. Non-destructive and destructive testing methods are used to determine the nature and dimensions of flaws. Test specimens with corrosion, fatigue and manufacturing weld flaws are described. Based on findings from service, flaws with a combined character are also developed


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    This article focuses on problematics of creating digital orthophotos using historical aerial photos. The project is part of a grant project that deals with change in rural architecture over the last two centuries. The orthophotos are one of the outputs created in the grant project and illustratively represent development of the selected villages over the last 80 years. In addition to orthophotos other outputs such as analytical map data (development of selected villages since the years around 1830 till present) are created. The article describes the current state of orthophoto creation and also difficulties that might be encountered at processing of historical photos. The specificity of this project is in small areas (primarily built-up areas of selected villages) that are processed. Such an area is usually captured only in one or two photos, which significantly affects the way of the photogrammetric processing. The project involves three preselected villages. Orthophotos are created for each of them in three terms (approximately 1938 + 1970 + 1985) and this chronological order is amended with purchased data for the year 1953 and the present. The time series of orthophotos, together with other inputs, bring better understanding to the development of rural settlements in the context of socio-historical events – e.g. Second World War, socialist expropriation, collectivization, agricultural large-scale production, changes in ownership after 1989 etc

    Species delimitation 4.0: integrative taxonomy meets artificial intelligence

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    Although species are central units for biological research, recent findings in genomics are raising awareness that what we call species can be ill-founded entities due to solely morphology-based, regional species descriptions. This particularly applies to groups characterized by intricate evolutionary processes such as hybridization, polyploidy, or asexuality. Here, challenges of current integrative taxonomy (genetics/genomics + morphology + ecology, etc.) become apparent: different favored species concepts, lack of universal characters/markers, missing appropriate analytical tools for intricate evolutionary processes, and highly subjective ranking and fusion of datasets. Now, integrative taxonomy combined with artificial intelligence under a unified species concept can enable automated feature learning and data integration, and thus reduce subjectivity in species delimitation. This approach will likely accelerate revising and unraveling eukaryotic biodiversity.K.K., L.K., P.M., and J.W.’s research is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant 01IS20062, M.H. by the German Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL-BLE) grant 2819NA106, and L.H. by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection grant 67KI2086. K.K. also received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program Taxon-Omics SPP1991 funding line Seed Money for Post-Doc Grants. E.H., S.T., and N.W. are supported by the DFG priority program Taxon-Omics SPP1991 grants Ho4395/10-2, To1400/1-1, and Wa3684/2-1, respectively. J.d.V. is supported by the DFG priority program SPP 2237 MAdLand grant VR 132/4-1. J.d.V. further thanks the European Research Council for funding under the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (Grant Agreement No. 852725; ERC-StG ‘TerreStriAL’). H.L. is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 32171813.Peer reviewe

    Morphological Convergence in Forest Microfungi Provides a Proxy for Paleogene Forest Structure

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    Amber, fossilized plant resin from gymnosperms and angiosperms, is renowned for preserving a wide range of organisms in microscopic fidelity. These so-called amber inclusions comprise many groups of organisms, ranging from bacteria to arthropods and vertebrates. Calicioid lichens and fungi, which are from now on referred to as “calicioids,” constitute a diverse group of tiny ascomycetes with superficially similar, usually well-stalked ascomata and which often accumulate mature ascospores on top of the apothecial disk to form a true mazaedium. The aim of this study is to use all available information on the morphology and ecology of extant calicioids to reconstruct the substrate and habitat ecology of known fossil calicioids and then to use this information to open new insights into the stand structure and ecological conditions of European Paleogene amber forests. First, we introduce the morphology of extant calicioids and demonstrate that their structural features are intimately linked to habitat ecology and are instrumental for successful dispersal; we also explain the conspicuous morphological convergence between phylogenetically distant calicioid fungi. Then, we show that the adaptive traits of calicioids have not changed since at least the Eocene, and argue that their fundamental niches also have remained unchanged. Finally, we summarize what the diversity and relative abundance of fossil calicioids in amber tells us about the ecological conditions that once prevailed in European amber forests.Peer reviewe

    Hrad Rýzmburk - historie, současnost a obnova hradu doplněné o nové poznatky z osídlení této lokality v době bronzové

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    Import 08/06/2007Prezenční541 - Institut geologického inženýrstv