55 research outputs found

    Exploring segregation and sharing in a divided city: A PGIS approach

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    This article presents a novel exploratory investigation into the location and characteristics of spaces that are segregated and shared between Protestant and Catholic communities in Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK). Focusing on a particularly segregated part of the city, this study uses state-of-the-art participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) and visualization techniques to create qualitative, bottom-up maps of segregation and sharing within the city, as experienced by the people who live there. In doing so, it identifies important and previously unreported patterns in segregation and sharing between sectarian communities, challenging normative approaches to PGIS, illustrating how alternative methods might provide deeper insights into complex social geographies such as those of segregation. Finally, the findings of this work are formulated into a set of hypotheses that can contribute to a future research agenda into segregation and sharing, both in Belfast and in other divided cities

    Genetic Sharing with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Diabetes Reveals Novel Bone Mineral Density Loci.

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    Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a highly heritable trait, but genome-wide association studies have identified few genetic risk factors. Epidemiological studies suggest associations between BMD and several traits and diseases, but the nature of the suggestive comorbidity is still unknown. We used a novel genetic pleiotropy-informed conditional False Discovery Rate (FDR) method to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with BMD by leveraging cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated disorders and metabolic traits. By conditioning on SNPs associated with the CVD-related phenotypes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, triglycerides and waist hip ratio, we identified 65 novel independent BMD loci (26 with femoral neck BMD and 47 with lumbar spine BMD) at conditional FDR < 0.01. Many of the loci were confirmed in genetic expression studies. Genes validated at the mRNA levels were characteristic for the osteoblast/osteocyte lineage, Wnt signaling pathway and bone metabolism. The results provide new insight into genetic mechanisms of variability in BMD, and a better understanding of the genetic underpinnings of clinical comorbidity

    Use of farmers' indicators to evaluate the sustainability of cropping systems on sloping land in Yunnan Province, China.

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    Diversity in the biophysical and socio-economic attributes of agricultural systems makes them uniquely niche based. Farmers are expert in local biophysical and socio-economic situations and can contribute in developing pragmatic indicators of agro-environmental development. During evaluation of an agricultural research project in Yunnan, China, local farmers were capable of evaluating the effects of modified technologies on existing cropping systems and discussed their attitudes to the interventions using their own indicators. Farmers' response can be grouped into seven major aspects: i) effects on income, ii) effects on production resources, iii) effects on crop management, iv) existing local knowledge about the technology, v) availability of inputs, vi) access to information, and vii) socio-economic conditions of farming households. Farmers concluded that environmental conditions in the experimental catchment in comparison to an adjacent untreated catchment were better in terms of soil and water losses, vegetation cover and natural resources, infrastructures and catchment management, use of environmentally-friendly technologies, and crop productivity. Success in soil and water conservation programmes depends on the efforts of the farmers and other local users and their greater involvement helps to identify more pragmatic indicators. Furthermore, it increases ownership of the programme, enhances interactions with the project scientists, increases farmers' awareness of agro-environmental problems and their possible consequences. These development will enable scientists to develop better targeted interventions and increase the likelihood of adoption of tested technologies by local communities. The use of paired adjacent catchments improved evaluation activities and is proposed as good practice for future catchment improvement programmes

    Crossbred ewes gain more weight and are fatter than Merino ewes when managed together but similar coefficients predict lamb birthweight and survival

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    Current Australian ewe management guidelines are based on research from Merino ewes and have been transposed to crossbred ewes. It is unknown whether guidelines developed for Merino ewes are applicable to crossbred ewe production systems. To investigate this, the effect of ewe liveweight and condition score profile during pregnancy on lamb birthweight and survival for Border Leicester × Merino (BLM) crossbreds was compared with Merino ewes. Condition score profiles of 720 Merino and 680 BLM ewes were managed from 50 days after ram introduction to achieve one of four target condition scores at lambing. There were three replicates of the four target condition score treatments and both breeds of ewes were in each plot. By Day 140 after rams in, the BLM ewes were fatter (P < 0.001) and heavier (P < 0.001) than the Merino ewes, despite being managed in the same plots. Liveweight at conception and change in liveweight in late pregnancy of the Merino and BLM ewes had a similar effect on the birthweight and weaning weight of their lambs. However, birthweight and weaning weight of lambs from BLM ewes was less sensitive to ewe liveweight change in early pregnancy. Birthweight survival curves were similar in lambs from Merino and multiple-born lambs from BLM ewes, and the survival of lambs from multiple-bearing BLM ewes responded to manipulation of condition score in a similar pattern to lambs from Merino ewes. Therefore, managing liveweight or condition score of multiple-bearing BLM ewes is likely to improve lamb survival in a similar fashion to lambs from Merino ewes, although the absolute response in survival will be smaller than that achieved in Merino ewes at the same condition score. In addition, it is important to manage liveweight of both single and multiple-bearing BLM ewes during pregnancy to optimise weaning weight of their lambs, as those lambs born to BLM ewes of low liveweight were significantly lighter at weaning

    Proteomic analysis of human plasma during intermittent fasting

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    Intermittent fasting (IF) increases lifespan and decreases metabolic disease phenotypes and cancer risk in model organisms, but the health benefits of IF in humans are less clear. Human plasma derived from clinical trials is one of the most difficult sample sets to analyze using mass spectrometry-based proteomics due to the extensive sample preparation required and the need to process many samples to achieve statistical significance. Here, we describe an optimized and accessible device (Spin96) to accommodate up to 96 StageTips, a widely used sample preparation medium enabling efficient and consistent processing of samples prior to LC-MS/MS. We have applied this device to the analysis of human plasma from a clinical trial of IF. In this longitudinal study employing 8-weeks IF, we identified significant abundance differences induced by the IF intervention, including increased apolipoprotein A4 (APOA4) and decreased apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2) and C3 (APOC3). These changes correlated with a significant decrease in plasma triglycerides after the IF intervention. Given that these proteins have a role in regulating apolipoprotein particle metabolism, we propose that IF had a positive effect on lipid metabolism through modulation of HDL particle size and function. In addition, we applied a novel human protein variant database to detect common protein variants across the participants. We show that consistent detection of clinically relevant peptides derived from both alleles of many proteins is possible, including some that are associated with human metabolic phenotypes. Together, these findings illustrate the power of accessible workflows for proteomics analysis of clinical samples to yield significant biological insight.Dylan J. Harney, Amy T. Hutchison, Luke Hatchwell, Sean J. Humphrey, David E. James, Samantha Hocking, Leonie K. Heilbronn and Mark Laranc

    Chlamydia testing rates in general practices across Australia: the Australian collaboration for chlamydia enhanced sentinel surveillance (ACCESS)

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    Chlamydia is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) in Australia. Notifications have more than doubled between 2002 and 2007, with the majority being among 15 to 24 year olds, but there is so far limited information on the time trends and predictors of chlamydia prevalence in the Australian population. In 2007, the Australian Government funded the ‘Australian Collaboration for Chlamydia Enhanced Sentinel Surveillance (ACCESS)’, to provide better national information on chlamydia testing and outcomes in a range of clinical contexts. One key setting is\ud general practices (GPs).\ud ACCESS is making use of three data sources related to testing at GPs: (i) Health Insurance Commission (HIC), which provides data from GPs making Medicare-rebatable claims for chlamydia testing in Australia, (ii) a national sentinel network of GPs, which provides chlamydia testing data\ud electronically through clinical data management systems and (iii) the Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH); which provides chlamydia testing and diagnosis data from a continuous national study of general practice activity. For the purpose of this paper, we analysed Medicare data for the period October 2007 to March 2008. We used population denominators to calculate age and sex specific rates of chlamydia testing in general practice.\ud During the study period, 6.3% of 15–24 year old females and 1.6% of 15–24 year old males were recorded by HIC as having been tested for chlamydia. In this age group, chlamydia testing rates varied by jurisdiction; the highest observed in Northern Territory (21.9% females, 6.8% males), Western Australia (8.7% females, 2.4% males) and Queensland (7.9% females, 2.1% males) and lowest in Tasmania (1.7% females, 0.4% males). Rates in other jurisdictions were in the range 5.0–5.8% for females and 1.2–1.5% for males. Despite chlamydia testing being recommended for sexually active youth, Medicare data highlights that GP testing rates in this group are low; the highest observed in jurisdictions with the greatest numbers of Aboriginal people, suggesting that community screening programs in these jurisdictions\ud are playing an important role in the uptake of testing. These findings will support the evaluation of testing initiatives designed to control chlamydia infection in Australia

    Genetic correlations between meat quality traits and growth and carcass traits in Merino sheep

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    Genetic correlations between 16 meat quality and nutritional value traits and live weight at various ages, live ultrasound fat and muscle depth, carcass measures, and carcass dissection traits were estimated for Merino sheep in the Information Nucleus (IN). Genetic correlations between live weight at various ages and the carcass traits are also reported. The IN comprised 8 genetically linked flocks managed across a range of Australian sheep environments. Meat quality traits included between 1,200 and 1,300 records for progeny from over 170 sires for intramuscular fat (IMF), lean meat yield (LMY), shear force (SF5), pH, meat color, and meat nutritional value traits including iron and zinc levels and long-chain omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels. The genetic correlations indicated that selection of Merino sheep to either reduce fat or increase muscle using ultrasound assessments will result in little change in IMF and SF5. Myoglobin levels would tend to be reduced following selection for reduced ultrasound fat depth (0.35 ± 0.21, 0.43 ± 0.14), whereas increases in myoglobin levels would occur due to selection for increased ultrasound muscle depth (0.25 ± 0.24, 0.38 ± 0.15). Selection for increased live weight will result in favorable correlated responses in hot carcass weight (0.76 to 0.97), dressing percentage (0.13 to 0.47), and carcass muscle (0.37 to 0.95), but unfavorable responses of increases in carcass fatness (0.13 to 0.65) and possible small reductions in muscle oxidative activity (−0.13 ± 0.14 to −0.73 ± 0.33) and iron content (−0.14 ± 0.15 to −0.38 ± 0.16), and a possible deterioration of shear force from selection at later ages (0.15 ± 0.26, 0.27 ± 0.24). Negligible changes are generally expected for LMY and meat color traits following selection for increased live weight (most genetic correlations less than 0.20 in size). Selection for increased LMY would tend to result in unfavorable changes in several aspects of meat quality, including reduced IMF (−0.27 ± 0.18), meat tenderness (0.53 ± 0.26), and meat redness (−0.69 ± 0.40), as well as reduced iron levels (−0.25 ± 0.22). These genetic correlations are a first step in assisting the development of breeding values for new traits to be incorporated into genetic evaluation programs to improve meat production from Merino sheep and other dual-purpose sheep breeds