16 research outputs found

    Search of Calculation Procedures in an Engineering Company

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    Hlavním cílem mé bakalářské práce, která nese název Rešerše kalkulačních postupů ve strojírenském podniku, je rozbor současného kalkulačního systému vybraného podniku a návrh na vypracování jeho zdokonalení. V teoretické části jsou uvedeny základní informace týkající se charakteristiky nákladů, členění nákladů a kalkulace nákladů. Dále představuji podnik Schwarzmüller s.r.o. V analytické části se nachází detailní rozbor současných kalkulačních postupů využívaných ve vybraném nákladovém středisku a návrh opatření k jejich optimalizaci s možností využití i v dalších nákladových střediscích.The main goal of this bachelor thesis, which is entitled Search of Calculation Procedures in an Engineering Company is an analysis of the current cost calculation system of chosen company and a proposal for its improvement. The theoretical part provides basic information regarding the costs, breakdown of costs and costing. I also present the company Schwarzmüller s.r.o. In the analytical part there is a detailed analysis of the current calculation procedures used in the selected cost center and a proposal of measures to optimize them with the possibility of use in other cost centers

    Prevention of radiation-induced dysphagia: A scoping review

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    Bakalářská práce "Prevence radiačně indukované dysfagie: scoping review" se zaměřuje na metody prevence vzniku radiačně indukované dysfagie v kontextu radioterapie. Teoretická část práce je věnována anatomii a fyziologii polykacích orgánů, dysfagii, radioterapii i jejím nežádoucím účinkům a charakteristice metodiky scoping review. Dále byly v práci pomocí standardizované metodiky scoping review identifikovány a zhodnoceny metody prevence radiačně indukované dysfagie. Následovala klasifikace vyhledaných preventivních metod na metody radiologické, ošetřovatelské a experimentální. V závěru práce jsou veškeré nalezené preventivní metody rozděleny dle období jejich provádění v kontextu ozařování.Bachelor's thesis "Prevention of radiation-induced dysphagia: A scoping review" focuses on methods of prevention of radiation-induced dysphagia in the context of radiation therapy. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated to the anatomy and physiology of swallowing organs, dysphagia, radiation therapy and its side effects, and the characterisation of scoping review methodology. Preventative methods for radiation-induced dysphagia were identified and analysed using a standardized methodology of the scoping review. Identification and analysis were followed by classification of found preventative methods to radiological, nursing, and experimental methods. In the conclusion part of the thesis, all identified preventative methods are divided by the period in which these methods are performed in the context of irradiation.Fakulta zdravotnických studiíStudent/ka úspěšně obhájil/a bakalářskou práci, odpověděl/a na doplňující otázky oponenta.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    General view of somatic and germinal interferences with human genome for the purpose of Homo Sapiens Sapiens improvement by means of the Christian ethics

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    Substantiality of the thesis is the question of moral and ethic in the sphere of developing genetic and inheritance research. Thesis is especially focused on ethics consequences which result from the application of this research. Thesis is divided in two parts. First part contains general information about genetics science and it is more likely descriptive. This part outlines fundamental principles of genetic, its evolution and genetics breakthroughs and their today exploitation. Thereinafter are mentioned genetics techniques divided in singles areas of interest with main focus on human genetic manipulation {--} main topic of the thesis. Close of this part is dedicated to the theoretical aspects of the ambition in the field of human changing and the description of achieved goals. There are mentioned controlling and regulating mechanisms as conclusions of the first part of the thesis. Opinion on regulation of clerical representatives, civil law, laic public and scientists themselves are referred-to. Second part of the thesis is focused directly on the ethics risks of the practical use of genetic technologies and their impact on human being. The principles of catholic ethic are foreshadowed. The expectations of human genetic improvement are confronted gradually by those principles. [90] Statement, that the human improvement by the genetic manipulation is non tenable by means of the Christian ethics is a conclusion of this thesis

    Chronic Administration of Monosodium Glutamate under Chronic Variable Stress Impaired Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function in Rats

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    The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is the primary endocrine system to respond to stress. The HPA axis may be affected by increased level of corticotrophin-releasing factors under chronic stress and by chronic administration of monosodium glutamate (MSG). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether chronic MSG administration aggravates chronic variable stress (CVS)-induced behavioral and hormonal changes. Twenty-four adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 200~220 g, were divided into 4 groups as follows: water administration (CON), MSG (3 g/kg) administration (MSG), CVS, and CVS with MSG (3 g/kg) administration (CVS+MSG). In addition, for the purpose of comparing the effect on plasma corticosterone levels between chronic stress and daily care or acute stress, 2 groups were added at the end of the experiment; the 2 new groups were as follows: naïve mice (n=7) and mice exposed to restraint stress for 2 h just before decapitation (A-Str, n=7). In an open field test performed after the experiment, the CVS+MSG group significant decrease in activity. The increase in relative adrenal weights in the CVS and CVS+MSG group was significantly greater than those in the CON and/or MSG groups. In spite of the increase in the relative adrenal weight, there was a significant decrease in the plasma corticosterone levels in the CVS+MSG group as compared to all other groups, except the naïve group. These results suggest that impaired HPA axis function as well as the decrease in the behavioral activity in adult rats can be induced by chronic MSG administration under CVS rather than CVS alone