157 research outputs found

    The Diabetes Education Experience of Randomly Selected Patients Under the Care of Community Physicians

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the diabetes education and nutritional counseling received by patients under the active care of community physicians. The study population consisted of 440 patients with diabetes from the practices of 68 primary care physicians in eight Michigan communities. Fifty-eight percent of the sample reported having received diabetes education, and the mean number of years since the most recent education was 4.15 years. Sixty-six percent reported having seen a dietitian. Patients who had received diabetes education scored higher on a basic diabetes knowledge test (70% correct vs 60%) than patients who had not received diabetes education. From 1981 to 1991, a decline was observed in the percentage of patients who reported having received diabetes education (70% to 58%). Although patient education is an integral part of comprehensive diabetes care, too few patients are receiving it. Furthermore, diabetes education often results in less-than-optimal levels of knowledge. The situation has deteriorated over the past 10 years, and patients who are not on insulin typically are the least well served.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68590/2/10.1177_014572179402000506.pd

    The interaction between a sexually transferred steroid hormone and a female protein regulates oogenesis in the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae

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    Molecular interactions between male and female factors during mating profoundly affect the reproductive behavior and physiology of female insects. In natural populations of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, blood-fed females direct nutritional resources towards oogenesis only when inseminated. Here we show that the mating-dependent pathway of egg development in these mosquitoes is regulated by the interaction between the steroid hormone 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E) transferred by males during copulation and a female Mating-Induced Stimulator of Oogenesis (MISO) protein. RNAi silencing of MISO abolishes the increase in oogenesis caused by mating in blood-fed females, causes a delay in oocyte development, and impairs the function of male-transferred 20E. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that MISO and 20E interact in the female reproductive tract. Moreover MISO expression after mating is induced by 20E via the Ecdysone Receptor, demonstrating a close cooperation between the two factors. Male-transferred 20E therefore acts as a mating signal that females translate into an increased investment in egg development via a MISO-dependent pathway. The identification of this male–female reproductive interaction offers novel opportunities for the control of mosquito populations that transmit malaria

    Domain Organization of Long Signal Peptides of Single-Pass Integral Membrane Proteins Reveals Multiple Functional Capacity

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    Targeting signals direct proteins to their extra - or intracellular destination such as the plasma membrane or cellular organelles. Here we investigated the structure and function of exceptionally long signal peptides encompassing at least 40 amino acid residues. We discovered a two-domain organization (“NtraC model”) in many long signals from vertebrate precursor proteins. Accordingly, long signal peptides may contain an N-terminal domain (N-domain) and a C-terminal domain (C-domain) with different signal or targeting capabilities, separable by a presumably turn-rich transition area (tra). Individual domain functions were probed by cellular targeting experiments with fusion proteins containing parts of the long signal peptide of human membrane protein shrew-1 and secreted alkaline phosphatase as a reporter protein. As predicted, the N-domain of the fusion protein alone was shown to act as a mitochondrial targeting signal, whereas the C-domain alone functions as an export signal. Selective disruption of the transition area in the signal peptide impairs the export efficiency of the reporter protein. Altogether, the results of cellular targeting studies provide a proof-of-principle for our NtraC model and highlight the particular functional importance of the predicted transition area, which critically affects the rate of protein export. In conclusion, the NtraC approach enables the systematic detection and prediction of cryptic targeting signals present in one coherent sequence, and provides a structurally motivated basis for decoding the functional complexity of long protein targeting signals

    Quality improvement in small office settings: an examination of successful practices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physicians in small to moderate primary care practices in the United States (U.S.) (<25 physicians) face unique challenges in implementing quality improvement (QI) initiatives, including limited resources, small staffs, and inadequate information technology systems 23,36. This qualitative study sought to identify and understand the characteristics and organizational cultures of physicians working in smaller practices who are actively engaged in measurement and quality improvement initiatives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We undertook a qualitative study, based on semi-structured, open-ended interviews conducted with practices (N = 39) that used performance data to drive quality improvement activities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Physicians indicated that benefits to performing measurement and QI included greater practice efficiency, patient and staff retention, and higher staff and clinician satisfaction with practice. Internal facilitators included the designation of a practice champion, cooperation of other physicians and staff, and the involvement of practice leaders. Time constraints, cost of activities, problems with information management and or technology, lack of motivated staff, and a lack of financial incentives were commonly reported as barriers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings shed light on how physicians engage in quality improvement activities, and may help raise awareness of and aid in the implementation of future initiatives in small practices more generally.</p

    The Plasmodium Export Element Revisited

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    We performed a bioinformatical analysis of protein export elements (PEXEL) in the putative proteome of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. A protein family-specific conservation of physicochemical residue profiles was found for PEXEL-flanking sequence regions. We demonstrate that the family members can be clustered based on the flanking regions only and display characteristic hydrophobicity patterns. This raises the possibility that the flanking regions may contain additional information for a family-specific role of PEXEL. We further show that signal peptide cleavage results in a positional alignment of PEXEL from both proteins with, and without, a signal peptide

    Proteomic Analyses of Host and Pathogen Responses during Bovine Mastitis

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    The pursuit of biomarkers for use as clinical screening tools, measures for early detection, disease monitoring, and as a means for assessing therapeutic responses has steadily evolved in human and veterinary medicine over the past two decades. Concurrently, advances in mass spectrometry have markedly expanded proteomic capabilities for biomarker discovery. While initial mass spectrometric biomarker discovery endeavors focused primarily on the detection of modulated proteins in human tissues and fluids, recent efforts have shifted to include proteomic analyses of biological samples from food animal species. Mastitis continues to garner attention in veterinary research due mainly to affiliated financial losses and food safety concerns over antimicrobial use, but also because there are only a limited number of efficacious mastitis treatment options. Accordingly, comparative proteomic analyses of bovine milk have emerged in recent years. Efforts to prevent agricultural-related food-borne illness have likewise fueled an interest in the proteomic evaluation of several prominent strains of bacteria, including common mastitis pathogens. The interest in establishing biomarkers of the host and pathogen responses during bovine mastitis stems largely from the need to better characterize mechanisms of the disease, to identify reliable biomarkers for use as measures of early detection and drug efficacy, and to uncover potentially novel targets for the development of alternative therapeutics. The following review focuses primarily on comparative proteomic analyses conducted on healthy versus mastitic bovine milk. However, a comparison of the host defense proteome of human and bovine milk and the proteomic analysis of common veterinary pathogens are likewise introduced

    Demonstration of age-dependent capsular material on Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1

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    Extracellular capsular material was demonstrated on early log-phase cells of Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 by the fluorescent-antibody and several capsular staining techniques. The presence of this material was shown to be age dependent. Wide capsules were demonstrable on cells from 2- to 12-h cultures, whereas cells from 16- to 22-h cultures had very little cell-associated capsular material. The Maneval technique most clearly demonstrated the presence of capsules on cells from young (6-h) cultures when compared with other capsule staining techniques.Not peer reviewedVeterinary Parasitology, Microbiology and Public HealthPatholog

    A randomized trial to assess the impact of opinion leader endorsed evidence summaries on the use of secondary prevention strategies in patients with coronary artery disease: the ESP-CAD trial protocol [NCT00175240]

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    BACKGROUND: Although numerous therapies have been shown to be beneficial in the prevention of myocardial infarction and/or death in patients with coronary disease, these therapies are under-used and this gap contributes to sub-optimal patient outcomes. To increase the uptake of proven efficacious therapies in patients with coronary disease, we designed a multifaceted quality improvement intervention employing patient-specific reminders delivered at the point-of-care, with one-page treatment guidelines endorsed by local opinion leaders ("Local Opinion Leader Statement"). This trial is designed to evaluate the impact of these Local Opinion Leader Statements on the practices of primary care physicians caring for patients with coronary disease. In order to isolate the effects of the messenger (the local opinion leader) from the message, we will also test an identical quality improvement intervention that is not signed by a local opinion leader ("Unsigned Evidence Statement") in this trial. METHODS: Randomized trial testing three different interventions in patients with coronary disease: (1) usual care versus (2) Local Opinion Leader Statement versus (3) Unsigned Evidence Statement. Patients diagnosed with coronary artery disease after cardiac catheterization (but without acute coronary syndromes) will be randomly allocated to one of the three interventions by cluster randomization (at the level of their primary care physician), if they are not on optimal statin therapy at baseline. The primary outcome is the proportion of patients demonstrating improvement in their statin management in the first six months post-catheterization. Secondary outcomes include examinations of the use of ACE inhibitors, anti-platelet agents, beta-blockers, non-statin lipid lowering drugs, and provision of smoking cessation advice in the first six months post-catheterization in the three treatment arms. Although randomization will be clustered at the level of the primary care physician, the design effect is anticipated to be negligible and the unit of analysis will be the patient. DISCUSSION: If either the Local Opinion Leader Statement or the Unsigned Evidence Statement improves secondary prevention in patients with coronary disease, they can be easily modified and applied in other communities and for other target conditions


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    A política doméstica e as relações internacionais com freqüência são inextricavelmente vinculadas; todavia,as teorias existentes (particularmente as estatocêntricas) não levam adequadamente em consideraçõestais vínculos. Quando os líderes nacionais devem obter as ratificações (formais ou informais) dos membrosde seus parlamentos para um acordo internacional, seus comportamentos em negociações refletem os imperativossimultâneos tanto de um jogo de política doméstica quanto de um jogo de política internacional.Usando exemplos de cúpulas econômicas ocidentais, das negociações do Canal do Panamá e do Tratado deVersalhes, dos programas de estabilização do Fundo Monetário Internacional, da Comunidade Européia ede muitos outros contextos diplomáticos, o artigo oferece uma teoria da ratificação. Ele enfatiza o papel daspreferências, coalizões, instituições e práticas domésticas, das estratégias e táticas dos negociadores, daincerteza, das reverberações domésticas das pressões externas e o papel dos interesses do negociador-chefe.Essa teoria de “jogos de dois níveis” também pode ser aplicável a muitos outros fenômenos políticos, taiscomo a dependência, os comitês legislativos e as coalizões multipartidárias