43 research outputs found

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    O Pensamento Crítico pode ser fomentado por museus através do uso de redes sociais? E isso pode ser mensurado?

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    As museums more frequently employ cyberlearning tools to engage target audiences, questions are left as to the effect they have on critical thinking and participant interaction. While research exists regarding the extent to which critical thinking is stimulated in formal cyber-learning environments, studies related to informal cyber-learning environments, such as virtual conferences, are lacking. The scope of this project was to evaluate whether critical thinking could be assessed in virtual conferences and the extent to which it could be stimulated. A mixed- method approach, evaluating participation logistics and conversation analysis, revealed that, while critical thinking was stimulated during the virtual conferences, mostly the less complex stages, ””such as problem identification and definition””were observed. More complex stages ””such as problem exploration, application, and integration””were not as commonly observed. The study also confirmed the crucial role of the moderator in facilitating participation. Com o crescimento do uso de ferramentas de cyber-aprendizagem (cyber-learning) por parte dos museus para envolver seus públicos-alvo, permanecem questões sobre o efeito dessas ferramentas sobre o pensamento crítico e a interação dos participantes. Apesar da existência de pesquisas sobre a que extensão o pensamento crítico é fomentado em ambientes formais de cyber-aprendizagem, há uma falta de pesquisas em ambientes informais de cyber-aprendizagem, como conferências virtuais. O objetivo do projeto era avaliar se o pensamento crítico poderia ser mensurado em conferências virtuais e em eu medida ele poderia ser estimulado. Uma abordagem de métodos mistos avaliando a logística de participação e a análise de conversas revelou que, embora o pensamento crítico tenha sido estimulado durante as conferências virtuais, apenas as primeiras fases, como a identificação e definição de problemas, foram utilizadas pelos participantes. As fases superiores do pensamento crítico, a exploração de problemas, a aplicação e a integração não foram muito utilizadas durante as conferências virtuais. O estudo também confirmou o papel crucial do moderador na facilitação da participação

    O Pensamento Crítico pode ser fomentado por museus através do uso de redes sociais? E isso pode ser mensurado?

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    As museums more frequently employ cyberlearning tools to engage target audiences, questions are left as to the effect they have on critical thinking and participant interaction. While research exists regarding the extent to which critical thinking is stimulated in formal cyber-learning environments, studies related to informal cyber-learning environments, such as virtual conferences, are lacking. The scope of this project was to evaluate whether critical thinking could be assessed in virtual conferences and the extent to which it could be stimulated. A mixed- method approach, evaluating participation logistics and conversation analysis, revealed that, while critical thinking was stimulated during the virtual conferences, mostly the less complex stages, ””such as problem identification and definition””were observed. More complex stages ””such as problem exploration, application, and integration””were not as commonly observed. The study also confirmed the crucial role of the moderator in facilitating participation. Com o crescimento do uso de ferramentas de cyber-aprendizagem (cyber-learning) por parte dos museus para envolver seus públicos-alvo, permanecem questões sobre o efeito dessas ferramentas sobre o pensamento crítico e a interação dos participantes. Apesar da existência de pesquisas sobre a que extensão o pensamento crítico é fomentado em ambientes formais de cyber-aprendizagem, há uma falta de pesquisas em ambientes informais de cyber-aprendizagem, como conferências virtuais. O objetivo do projeto era avaliar se o pensamento crítico poderia ser mensurado em conferências virtuais e em eu medida ele poderia ser estimulado. Uma abordagem de métodos mistos avaliando a logística de participação e a análise de conversas revelou que, embora o pensamento crítico tenha sido estimulado durante as conferências virtuais, apenas as primeiras fases, como a identificação e definição de problemas, foram utilizadas pelos participantes. As fases superiores do pensamento crítico, a exploração de problemas, a aplicação e a integração não foram muito utilizadas durante as conferências virtuais. O estudo também confirmou o papel crucial do moderador na facilitação da participação

    Developing a Feasible and Credible Method for Analyzing Healthcare Documents as Written Data

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    Healthcare provides a rich, and constantly increasing, number of written documents, which are underutilized in research data for health and nursing sciences, but previous literature has only provided limited guidance on the process of document analysis. The aim of this paper is to provide a methodological framework for analyzing health care documents as written data, based on a systematic methodological review and the research team's experience of the method. Based on the results, the methods consist of seven phases: (i) identify the purpose, (ii) determine the document selection strategy, (iii) select or design an extraction matrix, (iv) carry out pilot testing, (v) collect and analyze the data, (vi) consider the credibility, and (vii) ethics of the study. The framework that has been developed can be used to carry out document analysis studies that are both feasible and credible

    Optimoitu sote-ammattilaisten koulutus- ja osaamisuudistus

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    Hankkeen tavoitteena oli kuvata millaisia osaamistarpeita sote-uudistus synnyttää, mitä olisi tehtävä, jotta näihin uusiin tarpeisiin pystyttäisiin vastaamaan ja mitä tapahtuu, jos tarpeisiin vastaamisessa epäonnistutaan. Tutkimushankkeessa toteutettiin kansainvälinen systemoitu kirjallisuuskatsaus ja meta-analyysi, sote-asiantuntijoiden ja työntekijöiden empiirinen aineistonkeruu, kansallinen osaamishanke-kartoitus sekä verkkokysely koulutuksen asiantuntijoille. Tutkimushankkeen tulokset syventävät ja monipuolistavat sote-ammattilaisten tulevaisuuden osaamistarpeita. Ammattialakohtainen substanssiosaaminen muodostaa tulevaisuuden osaamisen ytimen. Tämän lisäksi kaikkia sote-ammattiryhmiä koskeva geneerinen osaaminen sisältää asiakastyöosaamisen, palvelunkehittämisosaamisen sekä työntekijyyden ja yhteistoiminnan muutososaamisen. Lisäksi tulee arvioida, onko tarvetta uusille tutkinnoille tai nykyisten tutkintojen uusille kelpoisuuksille, jotta sosiaali- ja terveyssektorit ylittävien asiakkuuksien tarpeisiin voitaisiin vastata. Näillä kohdistuksilla ja muutoksilla voidaan varmistaa, että tulevaisuudessa sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattien osaaminen on ammattialakohtaisesti näyttöön perustuvaa, ja ammattilaisilla on jaettua, toimintaympäristön muutostarpeisiin vastaavaa osaamista tuottaa asiakaslähtöistä ja vaikuttavaa hoitoa ja palvelua. Osaamisen kehittäminen edellyttää aiempaa systemaattisempaa osaamisen arviointia ja näyttöön perustuvien koulutusinterventioiden käyttöä. Uusien geneeristen osaamisalueiden perustaidot tulee sisällyttää sote-alan tutkintoon johtaviin koulutuksiin, mutta erityisen ajankohtaista on vastata osaamisvajeisiin täydentävällä koulutuksella. Työelämässä toteutettavat kehittämishankkeet ovat tarpeen alueelliseen ja paikalliseen osaamisen kohdistamiseen. Osaamiseen kohdistuvien hankkeiden alueellinen ja valtakunnallinen koordinointi tukisi hankkeiden kohdistamista, toteuttamista ja raportointia sekä mahdollistaisi hyvien käytänteiden jakamisen. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammatillinen osaaminen on ja tulee olla jatkuvassa muutoksessa, ja keinoja osaamisen parantamiseksi ja ajantasaistamiseksi on kehitettävä ja arvioitava koko ajan

    Renal stem cells: fact or science fiction?

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    The kidney is widely regarded as an organ without regenerative abilities. However, in recent years this dogma has been challenged on the basis of observations of kidney recovery following acute injury, and the identification of renal populations that demonstrate stem cell characteristics in various species. It is currently speculated that the human kidney can regenerate in some contexts, but the mechanisms of renal regeneration remain poorly understood. Numerous controversies surround the potency, behaviour and origins of the cell types that are proposed to perform kidney regeneration. The present review explores the current understanding of renal stem cells and kidney regeneration events, and examines the future challenges in using these insights to create new clinical treatments for kidney disease

    O Pensamento Crítico pode ser fomentado por museus através do uso de redes sociais? E isso pode ser mensurado?

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    As museums more frequently employ cyber-learning tools to engage target audiences, questions are left as to the effect they have on critical thinking and participant interaction. While research exists regarding the extent to which critical thinking is stimulated in formal cyber-learning environments, studies related to informal cyber-learning environments, such as virtual conferences, are lacking. The scope of this project was to evaluate whether critical thinking could be assessed in virtual conferences and the extent to which it could be stimulated. A mixed- method approach, evaluating participation logistics and conversation analysis, revealed that, while critical thinking was stimulated during the virtual conferences, mostly the less complex stages, —such as problem identification and definition—were observed. More complex stages —such as problem exploration, application, and integration—were not as commonly observed. The study also confirmed the crucial role of the moderator in facilitating participation