291 research outputs found

    La psicoterapia sulla strada verso l'accademizzazione?

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    Zusammenfassung: Bereits seit einigen Jahren fordert das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit in Deutschland eine Psychotherapie-Direktausbildung. Damit könnte Psychotherapie, vergleichbar mit Medizin oder Psychologie, studiert werden. In Österreich gibt es ähnliche Überlegungen. Der Artikel befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Vor- und Nachteile eine solche Akademisierung gegenüber der aktuellen Psychotherapieausbildung hätte. Sowohl für die aktuelle Psychotherapieausbildung als auch für die Akademisierung lassen sich Vor- und Nachteile anführen. Zudem muss der Begriff der Akademisierung klarifiziert werden. Welche Veränderungen auch kommen, für sie gelten die drei folgenden Anforderungen: Die Veränderungen sollten ausführlich und sachlich diskutiert werden, auf dem bisherigen Wissen aufbauen und entsprechend evaluiert sein oder werden. Schlüsselwörter: Psychotherapie, Psychotherapiewissenschaft, Psychotherapieforschung, AkademisierungSummary: For some years the German Federal Ministry of Health has been calling for psychotherapy training to be provided directly by universities. This would make it possible for psychotherapy to be studied at university, like medicine and psychology. In Austria thoughts are also following a similar trend. The article addresses the question as to the potential advantages and disadvantages of such an academisation of psychotherapy training as compared to the current training settings. Both the current form of training and the academisation have advantages and disadvantages. The concept of academisation also needs to be clarified. Whatever changes take place, the following three requirements apply: The changes should be discussed in detail and objectively, built on the knowledge accumulated to date and be or have been appropriately evaluated. Keywords: Psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic science, psychotherapy research, academisationRiassunto: Già da alcuni anni il Ministero tedesco per la salute chiede una formazione diretta in psicoterapia. Ciò consentirebbe di studiare psicoterapia in modo simile a quanto avviene per la medicina o la psicologia. Anche in Austria sono in atto riflessioni simili. L'articolo si occupa della domanda dei vantaggi e degli svantaggi che una tale accademizzazione avrebbe rispetto all'attuale formazione in psicoterapia. Sia per l'attuale formazione psicoterapeutica che per l'accademizzazione è possibile identificare vantaggi e svantaggi. Va inoltre chiarito il concetto di accademizzazione. Indipendentemente dall'evoluzione che seguirà, questi cambiamenti vanno 1) discussi dettagliatamente e oggettivamente, 2) devono basarsi sulle conoscenze attuali e 3) devono essere stati valutati o venir valutati sulla base di queste nozioni. Parole chiave: psicoterapia, scienze psicoterapeutiche, ricerca psicoterapeutica, accademizzazion

    Characterization of mesostasis regions in lunar basalts: Understanding late-stage melt evolution and its influence on apatite formation

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    Recent studies geared toward understanding the volatile abundances of the lunar interior have focused on the volatile-bearing accessory mineral apatite. Translating measurements of volatile abundances in lunar apatite into the volatile inventory of the silicate melts from which they crystallized, and ultimately of the mantle source regions of lunar magmas, however, has proved more difficult than initially thought. In this contribution, we report a detailed characterization of mesostasis regions in four Apollo mare basalts (10044, 12064, 15058, and 70035) in order to ascertain the compositions of the melts from which apatite crystallized. The texture, modal mineralogy, and reconstructed bulk composition of these mesostasis regions vary greatly within and between samples. There is no clear relationship between bulk-rock basaltic composition and that of bulk-mesostasis regions, indicating that bulk-rock composition may have little influence on mesostasis compositions. The development of individual melt pockets, combined with the occurrence of silicate liquid immiscibility, exerts greater control on the composition and texture of mesostasis regions. In general, the reconstructed late-stage lunar melts have roughly andesitic to dacitic compositions with low alkali contents, displaying much higher SiO2 abundances than the bulk compositions of their host magmatic rocks. Relevant partition coefficients for apatite-melt volatile partitioning under lunar conditions should, therefore, be derived from experiments conducted using intermediate compositions instead of compositions representing mare basalts

    Predominantly Non-Solar Origin of Nitrogen in Lunar Soils

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    Simultaneous static-mode mass spectrometric measurements of nitrogen, carbon, helium, neon, and argon, extracted from the same aliquot of sample by high-resolution stepped combustion, have been made for a suite of five lunar soils. Noble gas isotope ratios show that the majority of noble gases are derived from a solar wind source; for example, at peak release temperatures of 500–600 °C,21Ne/22Ne = 0.0313 ± 0.0007 to 0.0333 ± 0.0007, and 20Ne/22Ne = 11.48 ± 0.05 to 12.43 ± 0.07, with values at the lowest temperature steps less fractionated during implantation from, and therefore even closer to, solar values (21Ne/22NeSW = 0.03361 ± 0.00018 and 20Ne/22NeSW = 14.001 ± 0.042 (Pepin et al., 2012)). Despite the co-release of nitrogen and solar wind argon, measured nitrogen isotopic signatures at each temperature step, whilst variable, are significantly more enriched in 15N compared to the measured solar wind nitrogen value from the Genesis mission. Therefore, mixing between a 15N-enriched non-solar planetary nitrogen source with solar wind nitrogen is required to explain the measured isotopic values from the stepped combustion analysis of lunar soils. Binary mixing calculations, made under different assumptions about the degree of loss of solar wind 36Ar, reveal that the majority (up to 98%) of the nitrogen released is derived from a non-solar source. The range of modelled non-solar end-member nitrogen compositions required to satisfy the measuredδ15N values varies between samples and temperature steps from +5‰ up to +300‰, or between +87‰ and +160‰ for bulk samples. This range of modelled isotopic compositions for the non-solar source of nitrogen encompasses measured values for several different groups of carbonaceous chondrite, as well as IDPs

    Toward understanding the microscopic origin of nuclear clustering

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    Open Quantum System (OQS) description of a many-body system involves interaction of Shell Model (SM) states through the particle continuum. In realistic nuclear applications, this interaction may lead to collective phenomena in the ensemble of SM states. We claim that the nuclear clustering is an emergent, near-threshold phenomenon, which cannot be elucidated within the Closed Quantum System (CQS) framework. We approach this problem by investigating the near-threshold behavior of Exceptional Points (EPs) in the realistic Continuum Shell Model (CSM). The consequences for the alpha-clustering phenomenon are discussed.Comment: Special Issue of Fortschritte der Physik - Progress of Physics: Physics of Non-Hermitian Systems (10 pages, 10 figures

    Genetic Basis of Myocarditis: Myth or Reality?

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    Improved Magnetic Focusing of Charged Particles

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    A New Type Mass Spectrometer

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    Massenspektroskopie kleinster Substanzmengen in der Kernphysik und in der Isotopenkosmologie

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