198 research outputs found

    Assessing the Short-Term Forecast Capability of Nonstandardized Surface Observations Using the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD)

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    The number of surface observations from nonstandardized networks across the United States has appreciably increased the last several years. Automated Weather Services, Inc. (AWS), maintains one example of this type of network offering nonstandardized observations for similar to 8000 sites. The present study assesses the utility of such a network to improve short-term (i.e., lead times \u3c 12 h) National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) forecasts for three parameters most relevant to the energy industry-temperature, dewpoint, and wind speed. A 1-yr sample of 13 AWS sites is chosen to evaluate the magnitude of forecast improvement (skill) and influence of physical location (siting) on such improvements. Hourly predictions are generated using generalized additive modeling (GAM)-a nonlinear statistical equation incorporating a predetermined set of the most significant AWS and NDFD predictors. Two references are used for comparison: (i) persistence climatology (PC) forecasts and (ii) NDFD forecasts calibrated to the AWS sites (CNDFD). The skill, measured via the percent improvement (reduction) in the mean absolute error (MAE), of forecasts generated by the study\u27s technique (CNDFD+) is comparable (\u3c 5%) to PC for lead times of 1-3 h for dewpoint and wind speed. Skill relative to PC slowly increases with lead time, with temperature exhibiting the greatest relative-to-PC skill (similar to 30% at 12 h). When compared to baseline CNDFD forecasts, the MAE of the generated CNDFD+ forecasts is reduced 65% for temperature and dewpoint at the 1-h lead time. An exponential drop in improvement occurs for longer lead times. Wind speed improvements are notably less, with little skill (\u3c 5%) demonstrated for forecasts beyond 4 h. Overall, CNDFD+ forecasts have the greatest accuracy relative to CNDFD and PC for the middle (3-7 h) lead times tested in the study. Variations in CNDFD+ skill exist with respect to AWS location. Tested stations located in complex terrain generally exhibit greater skill relative to CNDFD than the 13-station average for temperature (and, to a lesser degree, dewpoint). Relative to PC, however, the same subset of stations exhibits skill below the 13-station average. No conclusive relationship can be made between CNDFD+ skill and the sample stations located near water

    Joint estimation of gene conversion rates and mean conversion tract lengths from population SNP data

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    Motivation: Two known types of meiotic recombination are crossovers and gene conversions. Although they leave behind different footprints in the genome, it is a challenging task to tease apart their relative contributions to the observed genetic variation. In particular, for a given population SNP dataset, the joint estimation of the crossover rate, the gene conversion rate and the mean conversion tract length is widely viewed as a very difficult problem

    A Simple Model for the Influence of Meiotic Conversion Tracts on GC Content

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    A strong correlation between GC content and recombination rate is observed in many eukaryotes, which is thought to be due to conversion events linked to the repair of meiotic double-strand breaks. In several organisms, the length of conversion tracts has been shown to decrease exponentially with increasing distance from the sites of meiotic double-strand breaks. I show here that this behavior leads to a simple analytical model for the evolution and the equilibrium state of the GC content of sequences devoid of meiotic double-strand break sites. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, meiotic double-strand breaks are practically excluded from protein-coding sequences. A good fit was observed between the predictions of the model and the variations of the average GC content of the third codon position (GC3) of S. cerevisiae genes. Moreover, recombination parameters that can be extracted by fitting the data to the model coincide with experimentally determined values. These results thus indicate that meiotic recombination plays an important part in determining the fluctuations of GC content in yeast coding sequences. The model also accounted for the different patterns of GC variations observed in the genes of Candida species that exhibit a variety of sexual lifestyles, and hence a wide range of meiotic recombination rates. Finally, the variations of the average GC3 content of human and chicken coding sequences could also be fitted by the model. These results suggest the existence of a widespread pattern of GC variation in eukaryotic genes due to meiotic recombination, which would imply the generality of two features of meiotic recombination: its association with GC-biased gene conversion and the quasi-exclusion of meiotic double-strand breaks from coding sequences. Moreover, the model points out to specific constraints on protein fragments encoded by exon terminal sequences, which are the most affected by the GC bias

    Temporal Analysis of Meiotic DNA Double-Strand Break Formation and Repair in Drosophila Females

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    Using an antibody against the phosphorylated form of His2Av (γ-His2Av), we have described the time course for the series of events leading from the formation of a double-strand break (DSB) to a crossover in Drosophila female meiotic prophase. MEI-P22 is required for DSB formation and localizes to chromosomes prior to γ-His2Av foci. Drosophila females, however, are among the group of organisms where synaptonemal complex (SC) formation is not dependent on DSBs. In the absence of two SC proteins, C(3)G and C(2)M, the number of DSBs in oocytes is significantly reduced. This is consistent with the appearance of SC protein staining prior to γ-His2Av foci. However, SC formation is incomplete or absent in the neighboring nurse cells, and γ-His2Av foci appear with the same kinetics as in oocytes and do not depend on SC proteins. Thus, competence for DSB formation in nurse cells occurs with a specific timing that is independent of the SC, whereas in the oocytes, some SC proteins may have a regulatory role to counteract the effects of a negative regulator of DSB formation. The SC is not sufficient for DSB formation, however, since DSBs were absent from the heterochromatin even though SC formation occurs in these regions. All γ-His2Av foci disappear before the end of prophase, presumably as repair is completed and crossovers are formed. However, oocytes in early prophase exhibit a slower response to X-ray–induced DSBs compared to those in the late pachytene stage. Assuming all DSBs appear as γ-His2Av foci, there is at least a 3:1 ratio of noncrossover to crossover products. From a comparison of the frequency of γ-His2Av foci and crossovers, it appears that Drosophila females have only a weak mechanism to ensure a crossover in the presence of a low number of DSBs

    Fine Scale Analysis of Crossover and Non-Crossover and Detection of Recombination Sequence Motifs in the Honeybee (Apis mellifera)

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    BACKGROUND: Meiotic exchanges are non-uniformly distributed across the genome of most studied organisms. This uneven distribution suggests that recombination is initiated by specific signals and/or regulations. Some of these signals were recently identified in humans and mice. However, it is unclear whether or not sequence signals are also involved in chromosomal recombination of insects. METHODOLOGY: We analyzed recombination frequencies in the honeybee, in which genome sequencing provided a large amount of SNPs spread over the entire set of chromosomes. As the genome sequences were obtained from a pool of haploid males, which were the progeny of a single queen, an oocyte method (study of recombination on haploid males that develop from unfertilized eggs and hence are the direct reflect of female gametes haplotypes) was developed to detect recombined pairs of SNP sites. Sequences were further compared between recombinant and non-recombinant fragments to detect recombination-specific motifs. CONCLUSIONS: Recombination events between adjacent SNP sites were detected at an average distance of 92 bp and revealed the existence of high rates of recombination events. This study also shows the presence of conversion without crossover (i. e. non-crossover) events, the number of which largely outnumbers that of crossover events. Furthermore the comparison of sequences that have undergone recombination with sequences that have not, led to the discovery of sequence motifs (CGCA, GCCGC, CCGCA), which may correspond to recombination signals

    An Investigation of a Role for U2 snRNP Spliceosomal Components in Regulating Transcription

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    There is mounting evidence to suggest that the synthesis of pre-mRNA transcripts and their subsequent splicing are coordinated events. Previous studies have implicated the mammalian spliceosomal U2 snRNP as having a novel role in stimulating transcriptional elongation in vitro through interactions with the elongation factors P-TEFb and Tat-SF1; however, the mechanism remains unknown [1]. These factors are conserved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a fact that suggests that a similar interaction may occur in yeast to stimulate transcriptional elongation in vivo. To address this possibility we have looked for evidence of a role for the yeast Tat-SF1 homolog, Cus2, and the U2 snRNA in regulating transcription. Specifically, we have performed a genetic analysis to look for functional interactions between Cus2 or U2 snRNA and the P-TEFb yeast homologs, the Bur1/2 and Ctk1/2/3 complexes. In addition, we have analyzed Cus2-deleted or -overexpressing cells and U2 snRNA mutant cells to determine if they show transcription-related phenotypes similar to those displayed by the P-TEFb homolog mutants. In no case have we been able to observe phenotypes consistent with a role for either spliceosomal factor in transcription elongation. Furthermore, we did not find evidence for physical interactions between the yeast U2 snRNP factors and the P-TEFb homologs. These results suggest that in vivo, S. cerevisiae do not exhibit functional or physical interactions similar to those exhibited by their mammalian counterparts in vitro. The significance of the difference between our in vivo findings and the previously published in vitro results remains unclear; however, we discuss the potential importance of other factors, including viral proteins, in mediating the mammalian interactions

    Cell Type–dependent Requirement for PIP Box–regulated Cdt1 Destruction During S Phase

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    Previous studies have shown that Cdt1 overexpression in cultured cells can trigger re-replication, but not whether CRL4Cdt2-triggered destruction of Cdt1 is required for normal mitotic cell cycle progression in vivo. We demonstrate that PIP box–mediated destruction of Cdt1Dup during S phase is necessary for the cell division cycle in Drosophila

    Circadian function in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer experience disrupted rest–activity daily rhythms, poor sleep quality, weakness, and maintain attributes that are linked to circadian function such as fatigue. This report describes the rest–activity patterns of 33 non-small-cell lung cancer patients who participated in a randomised clinical trial evaluating the benefits of melatonin. Data are reported on circadian function, health-related quality of life (QoL), subjective sleep quality, and anxiety/depression levels prior to randomisation and treatment. Actigraphy data, an objective measure of circadian function, demonstrated that patients' rest–activity circadian function differs significantly from control subjects. Our patients reported poor sleep quality and high levels of fatigue. Ferrans and Powers QoL Index instrument found a high level of dissatisfaction with health-related QoL. Data from the European Organization for Research and Treatment for Cancer reported poor capacity to fulfil the activities of daily living. Patients studied in the hospital during or near chemotherapy had significantly more abnormal circadian function than those studied in the ambulatory setting. Our data indicate that measurement of circadian sleep/activity dynamics should be accomplished in the outpatient/home setting for a minimum of 4–7 circadian cycles to assure that they are most representative of the patients' true condition. We conclude that the daily sleep/activity patterns of patients with advanced lung cancer are disturbed. These are accompanied by marked disruption of QoL and function. These data argue for investigating how much of this poor functioning and QoL are actually caused by this circadian disruption, and, whether behavioural, light-based, and or pharmacologic strategies to correct the circadian/sleep activity patterns can improve function and QoL

    A High-Resolution View of Genome-Wide Pneumococcal Transformation

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    Transformation is an important mechanism of microbial evolution through which bacteria have been observed to rapidly adapt in response to clinical interventions; examples include facilitating vaccine evasion and the development of penicillin resistance in the major respiratory pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. To characterise the process in detail, the genomes of 124 S. pneumoniae isolates produced through in vitro transformation were sequenced and recombination events detected. Those recombinations importing the selected marker were independent of unselected events elsewhere in the genome, the positions of which were not significantly affected by local sequence similarity between donor and recipient or mismatch repair processes. However, both types of recombinations were sometimes mosaic, with multiple non-contiguous segments originating from the same molecule of donor DNA. The lengths of the unselected events were exponentially distributed with a mean of 2.3 kb, implying that recombinations are stochastically resolved with a fixed per base probability of 4.4×10−4 bp−1. This distribution of recombination sizes, coupled with an observed under representation of large insertions within transferred sequence, suggests transformation has the potential to reduce the size of bacterial genomes, and is unlikely to act as an efficient mechanism for the uptake of accessory genomic loci