245 research outputs found

    La productividad de las regiones europeas: un análisis agregado y por sectores.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la productividad de las regiones europeas durante el periodo 1990-2011. Haciendo uso de diversas técnicas de análisis, se concluye que: a) la dispersión regional y sectorial es elevada; b) las ganancias de productividad agregada se deben, prácticamente en su totalidad, a aumentos en la productividad de los sectores; c) existe un proceso de convergencia beta, tanto a escala agregada como sectorial; d) lo mismo sucede, con la única excepción del sector industrial, con la convergencia sigma; e) la descomposición del proceso de convergencia en productividad revela que el mismo se sustenta, casi exclusivamente, en el efecto crecimiento de la productividad sectorial; y f) existe una evidente bipolarización en la distribución de productividad, si bien ésta ha decrecido en el tiempo.The aim of this paper is to analyse productivity at regional level in the EU between 1990 and 2011. By making use of various techniques it concludes that: a) the regional and sectoral dispersion of productivity is rather high; b) the gains experienced in aggregate productivity are due, almost entirely, to the sectors productivity growth effect; c) there is a beta-convergence process at the aggregate and sectoral levels; d) the same occurs for sigma-convergence, apart from the industrial sector; e) the accounting decomposition of the aggregate productivity convergence process reveals the sectoral productivity growth effect to be almost the only responsible for regional catching-up; and f) there exists an evident bipolarisation in the productivity distribution, although it has decreased over the sample period

    Change in National Identification: a study of the Catalan case

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho. Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionale

    Multivariate analysis of sensory data of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Graciano during ripening. Correlation with the phenolic composition of the grape skins

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate sensory changes in grape skins during ripening and to obtain a correlation with their phenolic composition. Flavan-3-ols (monomers and dimers), prodelphinidins, hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins and flavonols were determined by HPLC-DAD-MS. In addition, skin dilaceration, tannic intensity, astringency, acidity, aroma intensity (AI) and type of aroma were evaluated. Multivariate analysis showed the evolution of these samples during ripening and the relationship among sensory scores and phenolic composition of grapes skins. Skin dilaceration, type of aroma and to a lesser extent AI tend to increase during ripening. The contents in the phenolic compounds in grape skins present a similar pattern to the aforementioned sensory parameters. Nevertheless, tannic intensity, astringency, dryness and acidity present an opposite pattern which indicates a decrease of these sensory scores during ripening.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2008-05569-C02-01Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme CSD2007-0006

    ¿Debería la Política de Cohesión centrarse en el fomento de la I+D?: evidencia para España

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    Durante las últimas décadas la literatura sobre los gastos en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) como motor de desarrollo, tanto a nivel nacional como regional, ha crecido de forma notable. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es examinar el papel jugado por los gastos en I+D como instrumento de cohesión. Para ello, el trabajo evalúa la conexión entre patentes (como "proxy" de gastos en I+D) y el crecimiento económico entre las provincias españolas (NUTS3) durante el periodo 1995-2010. En otras palabras, queremos averiguar si las provincias con mayor número de patentes crecen a un ritmo más alto que aquéllas con poco impulso innovador. Además, el trabajo analiza la presencia de efectos desbordamiento, así como si el efecto de las patentes sobre el crecimiento depende del grado de desarrollo de cada provincia. Los resultados ponen de relieve, primero, que las patentes impulsan el crecimiento. Segundo, que no hay evidencia que apoye la existencia de efectos desbordamiento. Tercero, que el efecto de las patentes sobre el crecimiento parece ser mayor en las regiones más desarrolladas que en la menos desarrolladas. De acuerdo con estos resultados, una política de cohesión enfocada en la inversión en I+D en las regiones menos desarrolladas parece ser necesaria.Over the last decades, there has been a vast amount of literature on the subject of Research and Development (R&D) expenditure as a main driver of economic growth, both at national and sub-national levels. This being so, the main purpose of this manuscript is to investigate the role played by R&D as a cohesion instrument. To accomplish this aim, the paper assesses the link between patents (as a proxy for R&D) and economic growth across the Spanish provinces (NUTS3) over the period 1995-2010. In other words, we want to evaluate whether provinces with high patent production grow at a higher rate than those with low innovative performance. In addition, we want to test for the presence of spatial spillovers, and to assess if the effect of patents on economic growth depends on the development degree of provinces. The results show, firstly, that patents act as a growth driver. Secondly, that there is no evidence of spatial spillovers. And, thirdly, that the effect of patents on growth seems to be higher for developed than for less developed provinces. In view of these findings, major efforts should be devoted to promote a cohesion policy focused on R&D investment in the less developed territories

    Proyecto Empresarial "Alas S.A.": estrategia de recursos humanos y procesos de calidad.

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    Alas S.A. is an entrepreneurial firm located in Quito, Ecuador. The goal of Alas S.A. is to provide the target market a unique and original product through butterflies’ release designed for any social event; targeting social economic status A and B. This firm is created by Nicolas Almeida, Ma. José Bustamante, Daniela Contreras, Anggelo Toscano y Samantha Vergara. Alas S.A. is a pioneer enterprise in the national market, being this one of its competitive advantage. Its competitors designed other specific products in order to ornament the atmosphere of the event. However, Alas S.A. is committed with its consumers since its proactive behavior create memories and unique moments through the butterflies’ release. This project will be profitable since its third year; the breakpoint will be in the 52.38th month. Alas S.A. is an opportunity for presenting the target market a new way of executing wonderful events.Alas S.A. es una empresa creada en Quito, Ecuador; con el objetivo de brindar un producto emprendedor, innovador y único mediante la liberación de mariposas para cualquier tipo de evento social. Todas las actividades de la empresa estan enfocadas en la creacion de valor, por medio de una alta caldiad en los procustos y servicions, de manera que se cumplen todas las espectativas de los clientes.Los productos y servicios están dirigidos a un segmento alto y medio alto a nivel nacional. Esta organización es forjada por Nicolas Almeida, Ma. José Bustamante, Daniela Contreras, Anggelo Toscano y Samantha Vergara. Alas S.A. es pionera en el mercado, convirtiendose aquella en la principal ventaja competitiva. Otras empresas brindan servicios para armonizar el ambiente. Sin embargo, esta empresa proactiva se compromete con sus clientes a crear recuerdos y momentos únicos a través de la liberación de mariposas. El proyecto está previsto que sea rentable desde el tercer año, alcanzando el punto de equilibrio a los 52.38 meses. Alas S.A. es una oportunidad única para brindar al público objetivo nuevas formas de presentar y ejecutar momentos inolvidables

    Measurement of intra-distribution dynamics: An application of different approaches to the European regions

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    This paper examines the intra-distribution dynamics of per capita income between the European regions for the periods 1980-1993 and 1993-2005. To this end, three approaches are applied: the stochastic kernel approach, the highest conditional density approach and the estimation of mobility measures based on the Markov chain approach. One main conclusion and lesson have been obtained. The conclusion is that, although the distribution exhibits a great persistence, the degree of intra-distribution mobility has been much higher in the first period than in the second. The lesson is that, in dealing with intra-distribution dynamics, the use of different but complementary approaches is highly recommended

    Should cohesion policy focus on fostering R&D? Evidence from Spain

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    RESUMEN: Durante las ultimas decadas la literatura sobre los gastos en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) como motor de desarrollo, tanto a nivel nacional como regional, ha crecido de forma notable. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es examinar el papel jugado por los gastos en I+D como instrumento de cohesion. Para ello, el trabajo evalua la conexion entre patentes (como proxy de gastos en I+D) y el crecimiento economico entre las provincias espanolas (NUTS3) durante el periodo 1995-2010. En otras palabras, queremos averiguar si las provincias con mayor numero de patentes crecen a un ritmo mas alto que aquellas con poco impulso innovador. Ademas, el trabajo analiza la presencia de efectos desbordamiento, asi como si el efecto de las patentes sobre el crecimiento depende del grado de desarrollo de cada provincia. Los resultados ponen de relieve, primero, que las patentes impulsan el crecimiento. Segundo, que no hay evidencia que apoye la existencia de efectos desbordamiento. Tercero, que el efecto de las patentes sobre el crecimiento parece ser mayor en las regiones mas desarrolladas que en la menos desarrolladas. De acuerdo con estos resultados, una politica de cohesion enfocada en la inversion en I+D en las regiones menos desarrolladas parece ser necesaria.ABSTRACT: Over the last decades, there has been a vast amount of literature on the subject of Research and Development (R&D) expenditure as a main driver of economic growth, both at national and sub-national levels. This being so, the main purpose of this manuscript is to investigate the role played by R&D as a cohesion instrument. To accomplish this aim, the paper assesses the link between patents (as a proxy for R&D) and economic growth across the Spanish provinces (NUTS3) over the period 1995-2010. In other words, we want to evaluate whether provinces with high patent production grow at a higher rate than those with low innovative performance. In addition, we want to test for the presence of spatial spillovers, and to assess if the effect of patents on economic growth depends on the development degree of provinces. The results show, firstly, that patents act as a growth driver. Secondly, that there is no evidence of spatial spillovers. And, thirdly, that the effect of patents on growth seems to be higher for developed than for less developed provinces. In view of these findings, major efforts should be devoted to promote a cohesion policy focused on R&D investment in the less developed territories

    Internal Migration in Spain: Dealing with Multilateral Resistance and Nonlinearites

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    This paper investigates the determinants of internal mobility across Spanish provinces of both foreigners and natives over the decade 2004-14. Building on an extended gravity model, our econometric strategy controls for multilateral resistance to migration by including different fixed effects structures. Additionally, the paper allows for some nonlinearities in the key economic determinants of migration, wages and unemployment. The main finding is that the impact of economic factors on internal migration is higher for foreigners than for natives; furthermore, the effect of these factors on internal migration is clearly nonlinear for the group of natives, while this only happens for foreigners when dyadic fixed effects of origin-destination are considered. Finally, the paper shows that the nature of the amenities with the greatest impact on internal movements differs between the two groups: foreigners look for social services and cultural amenities, whereas natives are more attracted by good climate conditions

    Cycloidal Domains in the Magnetization Reversal Process of Ni80Fe20/Nd16Co84/Gd12Co88 Trilayers

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    The magnetization reversal of each individual layer in magnetic trilayers ( permalloy / Nd Co / Gd Co ) is investigated in detail with x-ray microscopy and micromagnetic calculations. Two sequential inversion mechanisms are identified. First, magnetic vortex-antivortex pairs move along the field direction while inverting the magnetization of magnetic stripes until they are pinned by defects. The vortex-antivortex displacements are reversible within a field interval which allows their controlled motion. Second, as the reversed magnetic field increases, cycloidal domains appear in the permalloy layer as a consequence of the dissociation of vortex-antivortex pairs due to pinning. The field range where magnetic vortices and antivortices are effectively guided by the stripe pattern is of the order of tens of mT for the Ni Fe layer, as estimated from the stability of cycloid domains in the sample

    Inversión extranjera directa en las regiones españolas: ¿Cuáles son los factores determinantes?

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    ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to analyze foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in Spain at regional and sectoral levels over the period 1997-2013. After showing that they are very volatile and highly geographically concentrated, the paper examines their determinants by estimating an FDI equation by GMM and GLS. This is done not only for the whole period and total FDI but also for two sub-periods (pre-crisis and crisis) and main places of origin (Europe and America). The results show that FDI inflows in Spain are mainly determined by market size, the level of human capital in interaction with wages, and the own characteristics of Madrid.RESUMEN:The purpose of this paper is to analyze foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in Spain at regional and sectoral levels over the period 1997-2013. After showing that they are very volatile and highly geographically concentrated, the paper examines their determinants by estimating an FDI equation by GMM and GLS. This is done not only for the whole period and total FDI but also for two sub-periods (pre-crisis and crisis) and main places of origin (Europe and America). The results show that FDI inflows in Spain are mainly determined by market size, the level of human capital in interaction with wages, and the own characteristics of Madrid