29 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Agraria Nomor 6 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL), ditegaskan bahwa objek PTSL ini meliputi seluruh bidang tanah bai yang sudah memiliki hak maupun yang belum, yang sudah ada tanda batasnya maupun yang akan ditetapkan tanda batasnya. Maka, dapat diartikan tanah pusako termasuk di dalamnya sebagai objek PTSL. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk menjamin kepastian hukum dari keberadaan tanah pusako sebagai tanah milik adat yaitu dengan mendaftarkan tanah pusako melalui PTSL. Namun, nyatanya masih sedikit dari masyarakat hukum adat yang mendaftarkan tanah pusakonya melalui PTSL ini, seperti yang terjadi di Kota Bukittinggi. Berdasarkan hal inilah penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian dengan mengambil rumusan masalah yaitu: (1) Bagaimanakah proses pendaftaran tanah pusako sebagai tanah milik adat melalui PTSL oleh kantor pertanahan Kota Bukittinggi, dan (2) Apa yang menjadi faktor penghambat pendaftaran tanah pusako sebagai tanah milik adat melalui PTSL di Kota Bukittinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis empiris, yang mana dalam hal ini peneliti akan mengkaji tentang aturan hukum yang ada dan membandingkannya dengan kenyataan yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam proses pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah pusako sebagai tanah milik adat di Kota Bukittinggi dilakukan melalui 2 tahapan, yaitu tahapan bersama dengan anggota kaum dan tahapan yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Bukittinggi. Begitu jelasnya pemaparan terkait dengan proses pendaftaran tanah pusako ini, namun dalam prakteknya masih belum optimal untuk mengajak masyarakat hukum adat Kota Bukittinggi untuk mendaftarkan tanah pusako mereka. Oleh karena ini, hal yang terjadi di lapangan ini tentunya dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yang menghambat terlaksana dengan baiknya proses ini. Faktor tersebut terdiri atas faktor Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), faktor masyarakat, dan faktor dari aparat pelaksana PTSL itu sendiri. Kata Kunci: Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap, Tanah Pusako Milik Ada


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    Scholars has emphasized that community involvement are an important factor in achieving sustainable tourism goals, including community empowerment. The study purpose is to identify community perception of social empowerment resulted from tourism development, to analyze the community involvement in tourism development and to analyze the relationship between community involvement and perceptions related to social empowerment in tourism development. The method employ in this research was a quantitative approach (i.e., household survey). The result showed that majority respondents have a positive perception related social empowerment indicators, including conflict in the area. Community involvement in tourism industry and decision-making process could enhance respondents’ perceptions toward social empowerment indicators. It can be seen from the percentage of the respondents who has positive perception is higher than those who do not involve in tourism industry or decision-making process. The interesting finding is, however, despite the limited resources due to island condition and the ethnic composition that dominate by certain ethnic group, the conflict occurs in the area seems to be low. Since more respondent are disagree if tourism in their area increase the conflict.    Key words: community involvement, decision-making process, tourism industr

    Analysis of the utilization of groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) by the community around the Cibodas Resort Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

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    Groundcherry (Physalis angulata) is a medicinal plant originating from the Cibodas Resort forest, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. This study aimed to identify the actual potential of cecal plants and analyzeperceptions, motivations, and perceptions of the impact of their utilization by the community around Cibodas Resort MGPNP. Research was carried out from September to November 2021, in Cibodas Resort MGPNP and Cimacan Village. The total number of groundcherrys found at an altitude of 1,000–1,600 masl is 148. Results of the Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA) for groundcherry are 20, which means they are high risk of becoming invasive in the area. The dominant characteristic of the Cimacan Village community is married to the last high school education level who works as an entrepreneur. The highest intensity utilization of thegroundcherry is as an ingredient for food or drink consumption. Motivation of the community using groundcherry plants is same for religion, education, ecology, culture, recreation and society. Perceptions of impact of using groundcherry plants are uncertain to economic, social and cultural impacts. Perceptions of the ecological impact are considered disagreed by the surrounding community. Utilization by a community using a cultivation approach can be a solution to the high risk of invasiveness of groundcherry plants.Cecendet (Physalis angulata) merupakan tumbuhan obat yang berasal dari hutan Resort Cibodas Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana potensi aktual tumbuhan cecendet dan menganalisis intentsitas, motivasi serta persepsi terhadap dampak pemanfaatan oleh masyarakat sekitar Resort Cibodas TNGGP. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai November 2021, berlokasi di Resort Cibodas TNGGP dan Desa Cimacan. Jumlah cecendet yang ditemukan pada ketinggian 1000 - 1600 mdpl adalah 148 jenis. Hasil penilaian dari Hawaii Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA) tumbuhan cecendet adalah 20 yang berarti beresiko tinggi menjadi invasif di dalam kawasan. Karakteristik masyarakat Desa Cimacan dominan sudah menikah dengan tingkat pendidikan terakhir SMA yang berprofesi sebagai pedagang. Intensitas masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan cecendet paling tinggi adalah sebagai bahan konsumsi makanan ataupun minuman.  Motivasi masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan cecendet sama rata untuk religi, pendidikan, ekologi, budaya, rekreasi dan sosial. Persepsi terhadap dampak pemanfaatan tumbuhan cecendet adalah ragu-ragu untuk dampak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Persepsi terhadap dampak ekologi dinilai tidak setuju oleh masyarakat sekitar. Pemanfaatan oleh masyarakat dengan pendekatan budidaya dapat menjadi solusi tingginya resiko invasif dari tumbuhan cecendet


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    Traditional knowledge explains the sustainable use and management of natural resources that are critical for the long-term of ecosystems and food security one of the challenges in maintaining traditional knowledge is urbanization. This study aims to identify the diversity of food plants used by the Gayo Lut community and describe the effect of urbanization on changes in traditional knowledge. Data collection methods include freelisting and field observation. This research involved 3 groups of 16 elders, 16 non-urban, and 16 Urban. The respondents were asked to freelist by mentioning 25 of Gayo Lut traditional common food plants and interviews related to food terminology, including the food plants used. Data were analyzed with Salience Index using Anthropac, and Jaccard index to see the similarity knowledge. This study found a total 188 of food plants and 224 dishes. The effect of urbanization on food plants knowledge is significantly seen for urban community. In contrast to cuisines knowledge, urban people tend to have more knowledge, and modified recipes as a form of adaptation but still maintained distinctive flavors. This study also reveals that there is a close relationship between traditional cuisine and food plants, which can be an alternative for food plant conservation. Key words: food plant, Gayo Lut, salience index, traditional cuisine, traditional knowledg


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    Character of the nation today is quite alarming so as to make the government a loss and several times changed the curriculum to be able to shape the character of the nation in accordance with Indonesian culture. So should the stress is learning in cultural values, not just focusing on modernization by requiring students to master a foreign language, English for example. By studying the local language does not mean students will be retarded or even not able to follow the development of the era. Precisely with the generation of the nation early on if it was taught the habit of using the local language then the child will be proud to be able to introduce the local language to the outside world through the modernization of the moment. Additionally, when children understand very well about the local wisdom then the child will have a character in accordance with Indonesian culture. Role playing is a way of mastery learning materials through the development of imagination and appreciation of students. Development of imagination and appreciation of the students is done with playing the character of living or inanimate. Counseling children with role-play techniques in this program focuses using the Java language manners. Java language is divided into three levels, namely language ngoko (rough), madya (regular) and krama (smooth). In this language levels, its use varies according to who they are talking to an opponent. Everyday, ngoko used to talk with peers or younger, madya used to talk to the person who is quite formal, and krama used to talk with people who are respected or older. Therefore, the Java language has ethical good language to use and reflect the characteristics of the indigenous culture of Indonesia as a nation east. Keyword : Child Counseling, Javenese Role Play, Character Early Childhoo

    Bridging the Gap Between Education and Experience: A Comparative Analysis of IPB University Museum's Visitor Experience

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    The IPB Museum, located on the Darmaga Campus of IPB University, serves as a platform to showcase its rich history, developments, and future aspirations. University museums are vital institutions, embracing innovation and fostering communities of knowledge. Previous research emphasizes the impact of visitor experience on satisfaction and loyalty, highlighting the advantages of interactive technologies in museums for improved engagement and education. Evaluating technology's impact is crucial, and this study utilizes The Museum Tourism Experience and Experiential Value questionnaire to provide a baseline measurement and benchmark for future interventions, enabling a comprehensive evaluation of technology's impact on visitor experiences and satisfaction. In this study, 103 undergraduate students from the User Experience Design Course were invited to visit the IPB Museum to assess their experience using The Museum Tourism Experience and Experiential Value (MTEEV) questionnaire, which evaluates five aspects of the visitor experience. The students completed the questionnaire both before and after their visit, aiming to measure the impact of the museum visit on their perception and evaluate the effectiveness of the IPB Museum. The museum received lower ratings in visual appeal, entertainment, escapism, willingness to pay more, and imaginary vividness compared to visitors' past experiences, indicating potential areas for improvement to enhance the overall visitor experience. Lastly, we present our participatory strategy using MBKM and the capstone program to improve the museum experience.     &nbsp

    Potency and Conservation of Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java-Indonesia

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    Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) is a high ecological and economical value species of Indonesia. Aren grows spreading in Indonesia including at Meru Betiri National Park in the province of East Java, Indonesia. The community in Meru Betiri National Park uses aren fruit which is called kolang-kaling. Even though aren grows naturally in this area, the community has not maximized its utilization. This study aims to identify the actual and ideal conditions for aren conservation also to analyse the gap between them, and to formulate the conservation actions to realize a sustainable aren conservation in Meru Betiri National Park. The data wascollected by using vegetation analysis and in-depth interviews with all of the aren farmers. Aren regeneration in Meru Betiri National Park is categorized stable and seems to be decreased. The use of aren by the community is limited only from the fruit as kolang-kaling. There is a gap between current and ideal conditions for achieving aren sustainability. To achieve the ideal conditions, conservation actions are needed among aren farmers by utilizing agroforestry systems, increasing the value of aren, intensive coaching for aren farmers, and forming a group of aren farmer

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Kreasi Eceng Gondok pada Anggota Forum Komunikasi Disabilitas Kudus (FKDK)

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    Forum Komunikasi Disabilitas Kudus (FKDK) merupakan suatu komunitas resmi penyandang disabilitas di Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah yang sudah diakui pemerintah dan berdiri sejak Bulan November 2014. Selama ini masyarakat penyandang disabilitas di Kabupaten Kudus masih terdeskriminasi. Mereka kesulitan untuk mencari kerja karena banyak perusahaan di Kabupaten Kudus yang menolak mereka dan tidak menyediakan kuota bagi penyandang disabilitas. Untuk itu sangat diperlukan keterampilan-keterampilan untuk membuka usaha sehingga mereka dapat menambah pendapatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Disamping itu keberadaan eceng gondok di Kabupaten Kudus, terutama di Kecamatan Undaan, sangat melimpah. Eceng gondok dianggap tanaman liar yang sangat mengganggu yaitu menimbulkan masalah pada lingkungan dan memperkeruh kualitas air sungai. Dibalik kelemahannya itu, eceng gondok dapat diberdayakan dan diolah menjadi suatu produk kreasi khususnya anyaman yang berdaya guna dan bernilai seni tinggi. Tujuan program pengabdian ini yaitu mengetahui cara mendampingi anggota FKDK untuk meningkatkan produktivitas disabilitas mandiri, mengetahui cara memanfaatkan dan menambah nilai guna eceng gondok dan mengetahui cara mendampingi anggota FKDK dalam memasarkan produk kreasi eceng gondok. Program GENDIS IRENG meliputi survei lokasi dan sosialisasi, pengambilan eceng gondok, pengeringan dan pemipihan eceng gondok, pembuatan sampel, pembuatan buku panduan, pendampingan, keberlanjutan program, monitoring serta evaluasi. Jadi kerajinan eceng gondok membuka peluang usaha bagi masyarakat, mulai dari penyediaan bahan baku, mengolah bahan mentah menjadi setengah jadi, serta memproduksi produk kerajinan eceng gondok

    Gemah Ripah: Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Bersih dan Produktif dari Rumah di Desa Cendana

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    New normal is a government policy that must be implemented in everyday life, including in the life of the people on Cendana Village, Banjarnegara Sub-District, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java. The spread of COVID-19 has also affected various sectors of social life from economy, politics, social, and culture. This activity aims at public awareness to apply the new normal protocol, support the food needs of the community during pandemic by utilizing residents yard, and increase the selling value of the crops produced by residents with simple innovations from home. This activity was carried out on 8-18 August 2020. The results obtained were an increase in knowledge of COVID-19 and the application of a new normal protocol based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, the formulation of the “Lintang Asri” Farmer Woman Group at Dukuh Lintang Tiba, Cendana Village, 37and the direct application of the knowledge obtained after the socialization and demonstration of agriculture product innovation by several residents in Cendana Village. Keywords: community movement, yields, yar


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    Gayo coffee has many benefits in terms of the environment, economy, and socio-cultural aspects, especially for the Gayo tribe. Recently, Gayo coffee has been the main commodity for the plant cultivation of the Gayo tribe, including the Mude Nosar as local farmers. One of the ways to cultivate Gayo coffee is through an agroforestry system. However, limited reports on the tree species composition and its management in Gayo coffee-based agroforestry needs to be explored. This study aims i) to identify the tree species composition and structure, as well as 2) to analyze the management of Gayo coffee-based agroforestry system in Mude Nosar Village. The study method used plot establishment for vegetation analysis, and interviewed the Gayo coffee farmers. The results showed that the number of tree species at all growth stages was 26 species. The highest Important Value Index (IVI) at the understory and sapling level in order was rumput kerbau (Paspalum conjugatum) and Gayo coffee (Coffea arabica), while at the seedling, pole, and tree levels were dominated by lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala). The local farmers often use lamtoro as a shade tree for Gayo coffee in agroforestry system. The species diversity index (H') showed low values at all growth levels, except for understory plants with moderate values. The horizontal structure of the tree stand showed an inverted J curve, meaning that the regeneration rate is normal. The vertical structure of the tree stand belongs to strata C and D. The local farmers have applied good Gayo coffee management practices through an agroforestry system including land and seed preparation, planting, maintenance, and harvesting techniques. Coffee seeds and seedlings are from natural regeneration. Plant maintenance techniques are carried out by weeding, pruning, organic fertilization, and controlling pests and diseases. The harvest coffee season is generally twice a year. The management of Gayo coffee using an agroforestry system impacts the ecological, economic, and social aspects.&nbsp