Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
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    540 research outputs found

    Understanding the role of scientific knowledge transfer in the women's participation and farmer activities in Central Java

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    Di DAS Serayu di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, hutan berubah menjadi lahan pertanian. Tujuan proyek Penguatan Pengelolaan Hutan dan Daerah Aliran Sungai Berbasis Masyarakat (SCBFWM) adalah untuk meningkatkan dan memperluas program pengelolaan hutan dan daerah aliran sungai berbasis masyarakat dari pemerintah Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan model RIU (Research-Integration-Utilization), studi ini mengkaji bagaimana penelitian ilmiah dapat menghasilkan saran kebijakan yang efektif dan peran pembuat keputusan dalam mengubah saran menjadi pemecahan masalah yang efektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah kabupaten peduli terhadap lingkungan, namun tidak melarang secara tegas budidaya kentang di hulu. Ketika proyek SCBFWM didirikan, pembatasan penanaman diterapkan. Penelitian tentang pentingnya partisipasi perempuan dalam pengelolaan DAS telah dikomunikasikan kepada pemerintah kabupaten dan dimasukkan dalam proposal proyek SCBFWM, namun tindakan yang sebenarnya berbeda. Model RIU menunjukkan bahwa sains berkualitas tinggi tidak cukup tanpa integrasi yang efisien dan penggunaan yang demokratis.The forest turns to agricultural land in the Serayu watershed in Central Java, Indonesia. The Strengthening Community-Based Forest and Watershed Management (SCBFWM) project aims to improve and expand the Indonesian government's community-based forest and watershed management programs. The study's objectives are: 1) investigate the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of scientific findings in everyday life; 2) analyze the potential impacts of alternative strategies for the development of farming systems in the watershed on rural livelihoods; and 3) analyze the rules and governance structure that organizes the action of actors and how decisions are made. We use the RIU (Research-IntegrationUtilization) Model to examine how scientific research can yield effective policy advice and decision-maker's role in transforming advice into effective problem-solving. The findings that emerged from the research demonstrated that the district government cares about the environment but does not prohibit upstream potato cultivation strictly. When the SCBFWM project was established, cultivation restrictions were implemented. The research on the importance of women's participation in watershed management was communicated to the district administration and included in the SCBFWM project's proposal, but the actual action was different. The RIU model demonstrated that high-quality science is insufficient without efficient integration and acknowledges the inherent divergent interests within science and polic

    Simulation of the impact of land use change on surface run-off in Karst Leang Lonrong Sub-Watershed

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    Estimation of surface run-off in karst watersheds has not been widely carried out and the estimation method is generally developed for non-karst watersheds. This study aims to analyze the accuracy of estimation of river discharge at the outlet of the Karst Biringere Sub-watershed using the modified Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method and analyzed the impact of land use change on river discharge at the outlet of the Karst Biringere Sub-watershed. Modification of the SCS-CN method in estimating direct flow at the outlet of the Beringere Sub-watershed is influenced by the similarity of rainfall and direct flow fluctuation of river discharge. The modified SCS-CN method provides satisfactory direct flow estimation when rainfall with observed direct flow of river discharge forms a linear relationship with a strong correlation. Changes in land use with reduced forest cover into mining areas result in increased run-off and reduced storage, the larger the forest land becomes mining areas, the greater the increase in run-off and reduction in storage. Reclamation of the former mining area to be a forest reduces run-off and increases water storage

    Evaluation of the Air Pollutant Standard Index (ISPU) parameter concentration limits in industrial estates on Java Island

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    Due to the harmful effects of air pollution on health, outdoor air pollution standards are getting stricter. Because of environmental changes, the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 14/2020 must reevaluate the concentration limits for ISPU parameters. This study aimed to examine the concentration ranges and ISPU values for SO2, NO2, CO, O3, and PM10 in industrial estates on Java Island, and set concentration limits for five relevant ISPU parameters based on the results of monitoring, sampling, and toxicity studies. A drop in the average concentration of the five ISPU parameters in 2022 compared to monitoring from 2015 to 2019 shows that the air quality in industrial estates on Java Island is improving. The ISPU values between 10 and 56 are in the good-to-moderate range, which means that the air quality is still good enough for the health of humans, animals, and plants. The relevant concentration limit recommendations for ISPU in good-to-moderate categories for SO2, NO2, CO, O3, and PM10 were 42–77 ΞΌg/Nm3, 29–120 ΞΌg/Nm3, 3519–5037 ΞΌg/Nm3, 33–97 ΞΌg/Nm3, and 29–82 ΞΌg/Nm3, respectively. The results of this study can be used to improve Indonesia’s ambient air quality index system (ISPU)

    Addition of Anadara Granosa Shell Chitosan in Production Bioplastics

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    Bioplastics is a plastic composite material that can decompose quickly and is environmentally friendly when interacting with soil and microorganisms. The aims of the research are: to examine the optimal composition of bioplastics made from tapioca waste by adding blood clam shell chitosan and glycerol, to determine the quality of production bioplastics from tapioca waste with the addition of blood clam shell chitosan and glycerol, and to determine the chemical content of the clam shells. bioplastic function of tapioca with the addition of blood clam shell chitosan and glycerol. The method used is experimental. Production of bioplastic by mixing waste tapioca flour, chitosan, and glycerol with a composition of 65%:35%:5mL, 70%:30%:5mL, and 75%:25%:5mL and additional water. The sample was put into a water bath and stirred at a temperature of 80oC for 15 minutes. Bioplastics were printed in aluminum foil, dried at 100oC for 90 minutes and cooled at room temperature for 6 hours. Laboratory test samples with tensile strength, elongation at break, FTIR, and biodegradation tests according to SNI 7188.7:2016 in the category of bioplastic easily decomposed. The results of the tensile strength on PBA1 samples were 0.75 Mpa, PBA2 samples were 0.54 Mpa, and PBA3 samples were 0.34 Mpa. Test value for elongation at break the PBA1 sample is 23.68%, the PBA2 sample is 15.33%, and the PBA3 sample is 12.12%. The sample test results do not meet the quality standard value of SNI 7188.7:2016 for the bioplastic category. The optimal composition of bioplastics is found in the PBA2 sample using tapioca flour as raw material with chitosan and glycerol as much as 70%:30%:5mL with a tensile strength 0.54%, an elongation at break 15.33%, biodegradation of 43%, and has a bioplastic content with functional groups (C=C), (CO), (CH),(OH), (C=C), and (CH2)n in the FTIR test results

    Correlation of some water quality parameters and Pb in sediment to gastropod diversity in Ambon Island Waters

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    The coastal waters of Ambon Island have quite diverse ecosystems that allow for the presence of various organisms, one of which is gastropods. This study aims to analyze the correlation of some water parameters and Pb in sediment to the diversity of gastropods. The research method was carried out by observing the density, water quality  parameters, and Pb metal in sediments. Water parameters were measured in situ and analyzed in the laboratory. The distribution of gastropods was analyzed through Principal Component Analysis (PCA). At the same time, the correlation analysis was carried out using the Pearson correlation approach using SPSS v.16. The results showed that the types of gastropods with the highest density in the waters of Ambon Island were Terebralia sulcata, Hebra corticata, and Nerita patula. While the species with the lowest density value were Nassarius olivaceus, Polinices didyma, Lunella cinerea, Conus eburneus, Cypraea isabella, Vexillum plicarium, and Columbella scripta. The Shannon-Wienner Diversity Index ranges from 1.253–2.622, and the diversity index ranges from 0.083-0.207. It was included in the low category caused by the disturbance of water pollution and Pb metal in sediments. Meanwhile, the dominance index ranged from 0.098 to 0.511 indicating species dominance at several observation stations. The waters' physical-chemical parameters strongly correlating with gastropod diversity are DO and Pb, with respective correlation values ​​of r = 0.656 and r = -0.785. &nbsp

    Study on green concrete (porous concrete) sustainability in order to support the sustainable construction in Indonesia

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    Currently implementation progress of green concrete (porous concrete0 is still very slow. The sustainable construction launched by the government has also not received a positive response from the construction sector. Greenery Open Spaces (RTH) and urban spatial planning in Indonesia have not accommodated the type of water-friendly pavement (porous concrete). Buildings that must meet the 30% of Green Base Cooeficient (KDH) also have not included the criteria for water-friendly concrete pavements. From the results of the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis using Rapfish-R, it is known that the sustainability status of porous concrete is at a score of 71.9 (sufficiently sustainable). There is no leveraging factors from the ecological dimension. Leverage from economic dimensions, i.e.: added value for customer, durability and installation costs. Institutional dimensions, i.e.: application of ecolabels, product standards and criteria for RTH and KDH. Socio-technical dimension, i.e.: public understanding and perception, certification scheme, role of media, design and maintenance. From this leveraging factors, then can be formulized the strategy and roadmap for supporting the sustainable construction related to green concrete applicatio

    The diversity and conservation status of snakes in the eastern part of PT GAN, Riau Province

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    PT Global Alam Nusantara (GAN) merupakan salah satu konsesi restorasi ekosistem di hutan rawa gambut Semenanjung Kampar. Bersama empat konsesi lainnya dikelola di bawah Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER). PT GAN tidak seperti PT-PT lainnya di RER, informasi mengenai keanekaragaman dan status konservasi ular di PT GAN belum tersedia. Untuk itu penelitian dilakukan untuk melengkapi informasi tersebut. Ada 4 transek yang diletakkan secara sistematik berdasarkan kondisi habitat. Dua transek berada di dekat sungai (transek 1 dan transek 2), dua transek lainnya berada jauh dari sungai dan berada di sekitar peat dome (transek 3 dan transek 4). Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES) pada empat transek pengamatan. Analisis data menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener (H’) dan Indeks Sorensen (IS). Ular yang ditemukan berjumlah 16 individu, yang tergolong dalam tiga famili dan 11 spesies, yaitu: Ahaetulla prasina, Boiga jaspidae, Boiga cynodon, Boiga drapiezii, Coelognathus flavolineatus, Dendrelaphis caudolineatus, Dryocalamus subannulatus, Lycodon subcintus, Sibynophis melanochepalus, Tripodolaemus wagleri, dan Calliophis bivirgatus. Keanekaragaman ular di PT GAN tergolong sedang dengan indeks kesamaan Sorensen rendah. Seluruh spesies ular yang ditemukan tidak dilindungi, dengan status IUCN berisiko rendah, dan belum masuk ke apendiks CITES.    PT Global Alam Nusantara (GAN) is one of ecosystem restoration concessions in Kampar Peninsula managed by Riau Ecosystem Restoration (RER). Unlike other companies under RER, information on the diversity of snake species in PT GAN is not yet available. Therefore, this study aims to determine the diversity and conservation status of snake species in PT GAN. There are 4 transects are placed systematically based on habitat conditions. Two transects are located near the river (transect 1 and transect 2), the other two transects are far from the river and are located around the peat dome (transect 3 and transect 4). Observations were made using the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method on four observation transects. Data analysis used the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') and the Sorensen Index (IS). The snakes found were 16 individuals, belonging to three families and 11 species, namely: Ahaetulla prasina, Boiga jaspidae, Boiga cynodon, Boiga drapiezii, Coelognathus flavolineatus, Dendrelaphis caudolineatus, Dryocalamus subannulatus, Lycodon subcintus, Sibynophis melanochepalus, Tripodolaemus wagleri, and Calliophis bivirgatus. The diversity of snakes in PT GAN was moderate with a low Sorensen similarity index. All snake species found are unprotected, with low-risk IUCN status, and have not been included in the CITES appendix

    Assessing the importance of stakeholder analysis in utilizing homegarden (pekarangan) agrotourism in East Java, Indonesia

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    Pengelolaan agrowisata pekarangan di Banyuwangi telah melibatkan pemangku kepentingan dari berbagai pihak. Namun stakeholder yang ada masih belum terkelola dengan baik dan belum ada aturan yang mengatur interaksi dan peran masing-masing stakeholder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan dan menganalisis stakeholder yang terlibat dalam program agrowisata berbasis pekarangan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Beberapa metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah identifikasi pemangku kepentingan, klasifikasi pemangku kepentingan, dan hubungan antar pemangku kepentingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat terdiri dari tiga kelompok, yaitu: kelompok pemerintah daerah (dinas pariwisata, dinas pertanian, pemerintah desa), kelompok masyarakat (pokdarwis, kelompok tani, dan masyarakat), kelompok swasta (asosiasi pelaku wisata, dan pariwisata). /pelaku usaha swasta). Pemangku kepentingan yang termasuk dalam kuadran 1 (Pemain Kunci) adalah Dinas Pariwisata, Dinas Pertanian, Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Desa dan Pemerintah Desa. Kuadran 2 (Subjek) terdiri dari kelompok tani dan masyarakat yang berada di sekitar kawasan wisata. Sedangkan kuadran 3 (Context Setter) terdiri dari asosiasi pelaku wisata dan pemilik usaha/swasta dan kuadran 4 (Crowd) adalah perguruan tinggi dan Bappeda. Hubungan antar kelompok pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pengembangan agrowisata pekarangan di Banyuwangi dapat dilihat melalui kegiatan operasional di lapangan dan dokumen resmi yang mengatur hubungan tersebut. Hubungan antar pemangku kepentingan dikelompokkan menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu: hubungan komunikasi, koordinasi dan kerjasama.The management of homegarden (pekarangan) agrotourism in Banyuwangi involves stakeholders from various part. However, existing stakeholders are still not properly managed, and there are no rules that regulate the interaction and role of each stakeholder. This study aimed to map and analyze the stakeholders involved in the homegarden-based agrotourism program in the Banyuwangi Regency. Some of the methods used in this study are stakeholder identification, stakeholder classification, and the relationship between stakeholders. The results showed that the stakeholders involved consisted of three groups: local government groups (tourism offices, agricultural offices, and village governments), community groups (pokdarwis, farmer groups, and communities), and private groups (associations of tourism actors and tourism/private business actors). The stakeholders included in quadrant 1 (key players) are the Tourism Office, Agriculture Office, Village Tourism Awareness Group (Kelompok Sadar Wisata/Pokdarwis), and Village Government. Quadrant 2 (subject) consisted of farmer groups and communities located around the tourist area. Quadrant 3 (Context Setter) consisted of an association between tourist actors and business/private owners, and Quadrant 4 (Crowd) consisted of universities and Regional Development Planning Board (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah/Bappeda). The relationship between stakeholder groups involved in the development of homegarden agrotourism in Banyuwangi can be seen through operational activities in the field and official documents that regulate this relationship. Relationships between stakeholders are grouped into three groups: communication, coordination, and cooperation

    Ecoenzym quality and potential of residues as bioactivator for organic waste composting

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    Ecoenzyme is a complex organic solution that can be an alternative for environmental management. Ecoenzym is made by fermenting water spinach, chinese cabbage, mango, papaya, with palm sugar or granulated sugar and water in  plastic bottles of 1500mL for 3 months. Ecoenzyme solution was analyzed for aroma quality, color, pH, volume and alcohol content. Ecoenzyme residues (BRE), effective microorganisms (BEM) and without bioactivator (TBP) were tested for the ability to decompose organic waste aerobically in plastic buckets.  All treatments produced an ecoenzyme solution with a strong acid aroma, light brown to reddish brown in color, pH ranging from 3.1-.3.4, volume ranging from 740-780mL and contained alcohol ranging fom 4.1-4.8%. The lowest volume of ecoenzyme solution was 740mL in ECO2 and the highest was 780mL in ECO6. The lowest alcohol content is 4.1% in ECO3 and the highest is 4.8% in ECO5. Residual ecoenzymes (BRE), effective microorganisms (BEM) and without bioactivator (TBP) are able to decompose organic waste with the results of pH, temperature, humidity, total N, P2O5 and K2O that meet the Indonesian national standard (SNI) for composting. The composting pH value ranging from 6.4-7.5, temperature ranging from 27-36oC, humidity ranging from 66-81%, total N ranging from 0.68-0.80%, P2O5 ranging fom 0.49-0.54%, and K2O ranging from 0.75-.0.90%. This study concludes that the use of mango and papaya waste and palm sugar produces an ecoenzyme solution with the highest alcohol content and potential ecoenzyme residues as a bioactivator for organic waste compostin

    Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Indeks Kenyamanan di Kota Semarang

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    Semarang City is one of the cities with the most dense population in Indonesia. The increase in the population of Semarang City causes land conversion which has an impact on increasing heat and can cause environmental problems. The results of the random classification of forests for land use in 2013-2022 are dominated by the built-up land class. Use of built-up land continues to increase from 2013-2022 by 8.84% or an area of 3410 ha. This causes a reduction in green open space by 7.59% or an area of 2928.49 Ha and is still sufficient by 30%. In the predicted use of land in 2032, the dominance of the built-up land class is 61% (23,575 ha). The availability of green open space (RTH) in Semarang City continues to decline from 2013-2032 by 9%. Where in 2032 the availability of green open space will be 29.62% or less than 30%. The relationship between green open space and comfort levels influences each other, where a reduction in green open space causes an increase in comfort levels. Directions need to be made for developing green open spaces consisting of priority 1 areas, namely adding green open spaces in each sub-district, maintaining existing green open spaces, and creating roof gardens and vertical gardens to reduce temperatures in densely populated areas. Meanwhile, priority area 2 is maintaining existing green open space in the form of urban forests and plantation areas.Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kota terpadat diIndonesia. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk Kota Semarang menyebabkan adanya lahankonversi yang berdampak pada peningkatan panas yang dapat menyebabkanmasalah lingkungan. Hasil klasifikasi hutan acak untukpenggunaan lahan tahun 2013-2022 didominasi oleh kelas lahan terbangun. Penggunaanlahan terbangun terus meningkat dari tahun 2013-2022 sebesar 8,84% atau 3410 ha.Hal ini menyebabkan berkurangnya ruang terbuka hijau sebesar 7,59% atau 2.928,49 Ha dan sedangmasih mencukupi sebesar 30%. Pada prediksi penggunaan lahan tahun 2032 dominasikelas lahan terbangun sebesar 61% atau 23.575 Ha. Ketersediaan ruang terbuka hijauspace (RTH) di Kota Semarang terus mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2013-2032 sebesar9%. Dimana pada tahun 2032 ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) sebesar 29,62% ataukurang dari 30%. Hubungan antara ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) dengan tingkatKenyamanan saling mempengaruhi, dimana terjadi penurunan ruang terbuka hijaupeningkatan tingkat ketidaknyamanan, perlu dilakukan arahan untukpengembangan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) yang terdiri dari Kawasan Prioritas a1 yaitu menjaga ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). dan menambah ruang terbuka hijaudengan membuat taman atap dan taman vertikal di setiap rumah untuk menurunkansuhu. Area Prioritas 2 adalah penambahan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) dimasing-masing kabupaten. Area Prioritas 3 adalah mempertahankan ruang terbuka hijau yang ada diberupa hutan kota dan perkebunanLand Use Change, Green Open Space (RTH) and Temperature Humandity Index (THI


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    Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
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