Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
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    605 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Community Participation in Sustainable Forest Management in BKPH Mojorayung, Madiun

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    The success of sustainable forest management is inseparable from community participation as the leading actor in the Social Forestry Program. Various factors, including internal factors from the community and external factors, affect the participation of the community. Factors impacting community participation in sustainable forest management were analyzed in this study. The study was conducted at BKPH Mojorayung, KPH Madiun, East Java Regional Division Perum Perhutani, from April to June 2022, using a survey method with 242 randomly selected respondents. Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was conducted with the SmartPLS software. Based on the results, it was found that three factors impact the community's participation in forest management: the empowerment process accuracy, the role of community empowerment workers, and the support of group leaders. The characteristics of the communities around the forest did not affect community participation in forest management. Community participation also affects the sustainability of forests

    Local Wisdom of Pest Attack Control in Residential Areas (Study Case: Gunung Meja Nature Park, West Papua, Indonesia)

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    Healthy plants can be seen from good morphology and are not even attacked by pests. Local community knowledge of seeing symptoms and signs of plant stature will be very helpful, especially in dealing with problems related to plant growth. This study aims to determine the form of local wisdom in dealing with plant pests in residential areas around the Gunung Meja Nature Park. The method used is observation and interviews related to the identification of forms of attack, the level of pest attack on plants, and their handling by the community. The research object is focused on multipurpose tree species that produce wood and non-timber trees such as fruits that have high economic value. The results showed that the number of plant species in Anggori was 137 plants with a diversity index (H) of 2.956 which was included in the medium category. Plants in Anggori also suffered damage caused by pests with an attack frequency (FS) of 50% and attack intensity (IS) on plants of 21%. Pest control has been carried out by the community traditionally, such as 12% pruning, 8% logging, 20% fumigation, 8% stove ash and 16% soap to eradicate pest attacks

    Modeling Landslide Hazard Using Machine Learning: A Case Study of Bogor, Indonesia

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    Landslides occur in many parts of the world. Well-known drivers, such as geological activities, are often enhanced by violent precipitation in tropical regions, creating complex multi-hazard phenomena that complicate mitigation strategies. This research investigated the utility of spatial data, especially the digital elevation model of SRTM and Landsat 8 remotely sensed data, for the estimation of landslide distribution using a machine learning approach. Bogor Regency was chosen to demonstrate the approach considering its vast hilly/mountainous terrain and high rainfall. This study aimed to model landslide hazards in Sukajaya District using random forests and analyze the key variables contributing to the isolation of highly probable landslides. The initial model, using the default settings of random forest, demonstrated a notable accuracy of 93%, with an accuracy ranging from 91 to 94%. The three main predictors of landslides are rainfall, elevation, and slope inclination. Landslides were found to occur primarily in areas with high rainfall (2,668–3,228 mm),elevations of 500 to 1,500 m, and steep slopes (25–45%). Approximately 4,536 ha were potentially prone to landslides, while the remaining area (> 12,000 ha) appeared relatively sound

    Vertical Garden Identification and Plant Species Diversity of Urban Green Space in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

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    Tren berkebun non-horizontal yang disebut “taman vertikal” menerapkan pertumbuhan tanaman pada berbagai media dinding dan/atau permukaan vertikal lainnya. Di Kota Banda Aceh, inovasi penghijauan kota ini mulai menjadi tren karena mendongkrak estetika bangunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur jumlah vertical garden yang terdapat di Kota Banda Aceh dan mengkaji preferensi masyarakat terhadap desain dan ragam tanaman yang diaplikasikan pada taman vertikal tersebut.  Penelitian ini dilakukan di 9 kecamatan di Kota Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia pada bulan Januari hingga September 2022. Metode penelitian meliputi survei eksploratif ke seluruh kota dengan cara mencatat dan mendokumentasikan taman vertikal di berbagai ruang publik, organisasi swasta dan publik, perumahan penduduk, hotel, tempat ibadah, berbagai bisnis kuliner dan kafetaria. Data preferensi taman dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan metodologi deskriptif, kemudian rumus Shannon-Wiener digunakan untuk menghitung indeks keanekaragaman spesies. Dari total 166 kebun yang terdokumentasi dan 150 sampel lokasi pengamatan taman vertikal ditemukan 66 jenis spesies tanaman yang diaplikasikan. Perumahan adalah lokasi yang paling sering mengaplikasikan taman vertikal. Ficus pumilla (dollar creeper) merupakan tanaman yang paling sering digunakan oleh masyarakat, dan fasad hijau merupakan desain taman yang paling umum diterapkan. Di sembilan kecamatan, indeks keanekaragaman tertinggi terdapat di Kecamatan Syiah Kuala dengan H' 2,9 dan indeks keanekaragaman terendah terdapat di Kecamatan Kuta Raja dengan H' 1,2. Berdasarkan fungsi tumbuhan: 44 jenis tumbuhan merupakan tanaman hias, 13 jenis tanaman berbunga, 7 jenis tanaman berbuah, dan 3 jenis tanaman herba.Vertical gardens (VG) applies plant growth to various wall media and/or other vertical surfaces. In Banda Aceh City, these urban greening innovations are beginning to create trends as they boost building esthetics. The objectives of this research were to identify the various types of vertical gardens and to analyze people's preferences, including the design and variety of plants used in these types of vertical gardens, between January and September 2022 in nine sub-districts of Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The research method involved an exploratory survey of the entire city where VG was applied in various public spaces, private and public organizations, residential housing, hotels, mosques, various business culinary, and cafeterias. Data on garden preferences were collected and analyzed using descriptive methodology, and the Shannon-Wiener Formula was used to examine the species diversity index. From a total of 166 documented gardens and 150 sample locations where vertical gardens were observed, 66 plant species were discovered. Vertical gardens are most frequently used in residential housing. Ficus pumilla (dollar creeper) is the plantmost frequently used by the community, and green facades are the most common style of vertical garden design applications. In the nine sub-districts, the highest diversity index was found in the Syiah Kuala Sub-district with H' 2.9, and the lowest diversity index was found in the Kuta Raja subdistrict with H’ 1.2. Based on plant function, there were 43 species of ornamental plants, 13 species of flowering plants, 7 species of fruitful plants, and 3 species of herbs.&nbsp


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    Construction projects are among the sectors that are growing rapidly in Indonesia and have an impact on the environment from the resulting construction waste. The purpose of this study is to analyze the highest type and quantity of construction waste generated from Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) work from the difference in the amount of material from the BOQ with the amount attached to the as-built drawings, evaluate the economic value by calculating the ratio of the amount of waste generated to the amount of material at BOQ (waste level) × the scope of work percentage (waste cost), selling value of waste (the quantity of waste × the local selling price), and costs of disposal of construction waste based on the agreement of each project management. This study uses a descriptive quantitative method. The results showed that most of the construction waste generated was based on its type, consisting of copper-based cables, steel and plastic pipes, and polyurethane ducts. The highest quantity of construction waste came from the office project, which was 2 × 1.5 mm2 NYA cables (216,515 m). The highest waste level value came from office, condotel, and factory projects using several types of cables (> 94%). The highest waste cost value came fromthe condotel project is polyurethane duct (IDR 5,727,267,000.00). The metal waste produced is sold by contractors to collectors for recycling. Non-metal waste is disposed by paying a civil contractor. Construction waste management policies must be implemented to reduce the amount and impact of construction waste generated. Proyek konstruksi merupakan salah satu sektor yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia dan berdampak pada lingkungan dari limbah konstruksi yang dihasilkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis jenis dan jumlah limbah konstruksi terbanyak yang dihasilkan, mengevaluasi nilai ekonomi, nilai jual limbah dan biaya pembuangan limbah konstruksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis limbah konstruksi yang dihasilkan berdasarkan jenisnya, sebagian besar terdiri dari beberapa jenis kabel berbahan dasar tembaga, pipa baja dan plastik, serta saluran polyurethane (PU). Limbah konstruksi terbanyak berasal dari proyek perkantoran yaitu kabel NYA 2×1,5 mm2 (216.515 m). Nilai waste level tertinggi berasal dari proyek perkantoran, kondotel, dan pabrik yang berasal dari beberapa jenis kabel dengan nilai > 94%. Nilai waste cost tertinggi berasal dari proyek kondotel saluran PU (Rp 5.727.267.000,00). Limbah logam yang dihasilkan dijual oleh kontraktor kepada pengepul untuk didaur ulang. Limbah bukan logam dibuang dengan membayar kontraktor sipil yang mengangkut limbah tersebut. Kebijakan pengelolaan limbah konstruksi perlu diterapkan untuk mengurangi jumlah dan dampak limbah konstruksi yang dihasilkan

    Indonesian Big Agrarian Data: A Contextual-Based Interpretive Structural Model

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    The government neglects to pay attention to village development as a result of the inaccurate data collected by numerous entities. Whereas in reality, there are many people who currently hold land tenure that might be used to grow into a community that is sustainable. This study therefore intends to evaluate the Indonesian Big Agrarian Data (IBAD) implementation paradigm based on sustainable villages. The study was carried out in the West Nusa Tenggara village of Senawang in the Orongtelu District of Sumbawa Regency. Six months were spent conducting the research. The information used is a combination of primary data from questionnaire and secondary data from earlier studies or library searches. The ISM analysis approach was employed to develop a sustainable village implementation model. The findings indicate that proper implementation can impact the community, BPN/ATR, and BIG by utilizing licensed surveyors and focusing on policy interpretation from the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy. However, there is no complete data survey and map method, and a data guardian has not been established. Therefore, adjustments are necessary to develop comprehensive village measurement policies and change employee perspectives

    Nature-Based Solutions in Urban Landscapes: Determinants Influencing Willingness to Participate in Composting in Metropolitan Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Amidst the rapid urbanization of Jakarta, the adoption of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) like composting offers a sustainable pathway for waste management and environmental rejuvenation. This research endeavors to discern the critical factors impacting the willingness of Jakarta's metropolitan populace to participate in composting activities. The study identified key determinants through a comprehensive analysis, including the availability of composting facilities, the expertise of trained cadres, the adoption of advanced composting technologies, and routine field monitoring. Furthermore, demographic nuances, specifically marital status, and age, surfaced as influential parameters. Singles and the younger age bracket (20-29 years) exhibited distinct attitudes towards composting, hinting at underlying generational and lifestyle-based disparities. The findings provide a foundation for tailoring policies and interventions that cater to Jakarta's unique urban fabric, promoting a more inclusive and influential composting culture

    Marine Debris Pollution and Its Impact on the Mangrove Ecosystem (Case Study: Karimunjawa Island and Kemujan Island, Indonesia)

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    Coastal areas possess a diverse potential wealth of natural resources that can be developed and utilized by humans, such as fisheries, marine tourism, and transportation. One form of disruption to the balance of coastal and marine ecosystems is the pollution caused by waste. The Karimunjawa Islands face serious challenges related to waste pollution. Therefore, an identification of carried out regarding the composition of polluting waste as well as impacts or disruptions caused by marine waste pollution on the mangrove ecosystem in the coastal areas of Karimunjawa Island and Kemujan Island. Various types of waste were found at the research site, including plastic, metal, glass, rubber, organic, and others. Based on the enteri locations of Karimunjawa Island and Kemujan Island, 370 items of plastic waste and macro-debris amounted to 442, predominantly on Lumbung Beach. The dominant mangrove is Rhizophora sp., which has muddy sandy substrate. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that this waste situation makes the coastal areas of Karimunjawa Island and Kemujan Island vulnerable to environmental pollution problems. The impact on the environment is a decrease in benthic biota density owing to the abundance of waste. The higher the density of waste, the lower the density of benthic species found in the mangrove ecosystemenvironment

    Carbon Sequestration in the Green Open Spaces along Primary Road of Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia`

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    Global climate change caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is currently a focus for various countries worldwide, including Indonesia. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main source of emissions, with a significant portion originating in urban areas. This is due to the high levels of air pollution from motor vehicles and rapid industrial growth. Urban green spaces are areas within cities that consist of non-built-up spaces filled with naturally grown or cultivated vegetation. These green spaces exist directly alongside the transportation infrastructure, which helps reduce air pollution, especially CO2, through the vegetation that makes up these areas. One type of urban green space is a green corridor, which forms elongated paths or areas. This study assessed the carbon sequestration of 17 primary road networks in Pontianak City using three allometric models. Plot positions for data collection were determined using purposive sampling, with each side accounting for 5% of the total zigzag plots. This research focused on vegetation at different growth stages, such as saplings, poles, and trees. The results were estimated at 256.86 tons ha-1 (Hardiansyah and Ridwan formula), 269.96 tons ha-1 (Chave formula), and 193 tons ha-1 (Brown formula)

    Environmental Dynamics in The Sumatran Coffee Landscapes: Opportunities and Challenges Through Spatial Perspectives

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    Industri kopi di Indonesia, khususnya di lanskap Sumatera menyumbangkan kontribusi yang penting terhadap ekonomi nasional yang berdampak pada pertumbuhan regional. Namun, lanskap ini mengalami ancaman lingkungan dari deforestasi yang mengakibatkan kehilangan hutan primer. Ancaman deforestasi disertai dengan krisis iklim memberikan tantangan terhadap perkebunan kopi yang ada. Kajian ini melakukan analisis geospasial untuk meninjau secara komprehensif tantangan dan peluang bagi petani kecil di Sumatera dari kopi arabika (Aceh tengah) dan robusta (Tanggamus). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perkebunan kopi monokultur yang teridentifikasi di Aceh Tengah dan Tanggamus berturut-turut sebesar 23,453 ha dan 43,991 ha. Selain itu, kajian ini juga menemukan agroforestri kopi campur dengan luasan sekitar 132,569 ha di Tanggamus dan 19,450 ha di Aceh Tengah. Tanggamus dan Aceh Tengah memiliki areal kesesuaian kopi yang sangat baik. Kami juga menemukan bahwa sebesar 86% kopi yang saat ini ada di Aceh Tengah terindikasi lolos standar EUDR. Selain itu, kami juga menemukan bahwa sekitar 94% kopi robusta di Tanggamus terindikasi lolos standar EUDR sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pasar bagi petani kopi untuk pasar Eropa.The coffee industry in Indonesia, particularly in the Sumatran landscape, emerges as a vital contributor to the nation's economy, impacting regional growth. Nevertheless, this landscape faces ecological threats from rapid deforestation, resulting in a substantial loss of primary forest cover. This historical deforestation along with climate crisis presents challenges for coffee plantations. The study employs geospatial analysis to comprehensively outline challenges and opportunities for smallholder coffee farmers in Sumatra, particularly in the Arabica (Central Aceh) and Robusta (Tanggamus) landscapes. The study shows non-shade coffee plantations covered approximately 23,453 ha in Central Aceh and 43,991 ha in Tanggamus. Additionally, mixed agroforestry areas were prevalent, comprising about 132,569 ha in Tanggamus and 19,450 ha in Central Aceh. Tanggamus and Central Aceh have become favorable areas for Robusta coffee and Arabica coffee, respectively. One significant opportunity identified for coffee development in Central Aceh is that 86% of existing coffee farms already adhere to EUDR. Furthermore, 94% of existing coffee farms in Tanggamus meet EUDR standards, opening doors for more farmers to access the European market


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    Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management)
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