108 research outputs found

    Approaches to Evaluation: in Pursuit of Appropriacy For EFL Pre-Service Teacher Training Programs in Indonesia

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    Evaluation has the potential to support the improvement of education as well as its specific programs, products, and materials. Also, evaluation can uncover the relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of an education program.  Another potential role of evaluation is that it can identify areas for improvement, which further can help develop a more efficient program in the future. The present study seeks to investigate the most appropriate approach to evaluation for the EFL pre-service teacher training programs in Indonesia. Numerous potential approaches were identified and discussed: Pseudoevaluations, Questions Methods-Oriented, Improvement Accountability, and Social Agenda/Advocacy. The present study argues that the Improvement/Accountability Approaches are the most suitable evaluation approach to apply to the pre-service EFL teacher training programs in Indonesia, due to its strength in the philosophical stance that fits with the Indonesian context. Also, the purpose of the evaluation and the various types of informants offer by the approach add to the appropriacy. The study may provide significant contributions to better design more effective teacher training programs, which will lead to producing more qualified graduate

    Evaluating English Teacher Education Programs in Indonesian Tertiary Education: A Proposed Model

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    Numerous research studies on language program evaluation in many countries, for instance, Turkey (Uysal, 2012), Taiwan (Chang, 2010), Bangladesh (Rahman, 2007), Saudi Arabia (Liton, 2013) have yielded valuable ideas and insights in improving the quality of language programs. Those research studies have also expanded the plethora of discussion and have tested many ‘untested’ thoughts in the area of language program evaluation. Nonetheless, similar studies have not been researched much far in the Indonesian education context. The present study aims to describe the importance of English teacher education program evaluation. Also, the study aims to explore a suitable evaluation model in evaluating English teacher education programs, particularly in the Indonesian tertiary education context. The findings of the study found Peacock's (2009) model as a potential evaluation model to apply in evaluating English teacher education programs. These are based on at least three following grounds: suitable to the needs and environment of English teacher education in Indonesia, reliable and informative evaluation, and thorough involvement of the inner circle stakeholders. The study concludes that if an evaluation is conducted properly, then it has the potential to improve the quality of English language teachers training programs

    Designing A Language Lesson: Pedagogical and Linguistic Perspectives

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    Designing a language lesson is a challenging task for teachers. In order to have a good language lesson, teachers cannot just rely on the textbook. They need at least to develop the lesson from the textbook or even to design their own lesson. Teachers also need to consider how they are going to apply the lesson planned in the classroom. Another consideration would be to integrate the specific language skill and/or element with the other skills. This is essential in order to achieve the utmost results of teaching and learning. This paper discusses a language lesson in the area of grammar - Used To  - designed by the author. The lesson is not only intended to expose learners with the structure and rules of grammar, but also allow learners to practice the grammar in use. Hence, the developed grammar lesson aimed to improve the communicative competence of the learners. Considering the wide aspect of teaching analysis, the present article focuses on the application of the lessons in the classroom, the aspects of language skills covered, as well as the linguistic foundation for the exercises. It is hoped that this article can provide insights to language educators in developing grammar lessons that cater to the considerations of pedagogical and linguistic perspectives

    Understanding Corruptors’ Imagination Concerning Money Through Their Metaphors

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    ABSTRACTThis study illustrates the imagination of corrupt politicians from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) about money through observing the metaphors they use to replace the word "money" when conducting cell phone conversations revealed in court. The discussion focuses on the metaphorical expressions of two PKS politicians, in the case of bribery by Commissioner of PT Cahaya Mas Perkasa, So Kok Seng, related to road reconstruction projects in Maluku and North Maluku in 2017. The Conceptual Metaphor theory is used to uncover the semantic fields of the metaphors they create. Thus, the corruptor's imagination can be revealed. It was found that through metaphors they think of money as a sacred object like the Holy Book.ABSTRAKStudi ini menganalisa imajinasi politisi korup dari Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) tentang uang dengan mengamati metafora yang mereka gunakan untuk mengganti kata "uang" ketika melakukan percakapan telepon seluler yang diungkapkan di pengadilan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada ekspresi metaforis dari dua politisi PKS, dalam kasus suap oleh Komisaris PT Cahaya Mas Perkasa, So Kok Seng, terkait dengan proyek rekonstruksi jalan di Maluku dan Maluku Utara pada tahun 2017. Teori Metafor Konseptual digunakan untuk mengungkap bidang semantik dari metafora yang mereka buat. Dengan demikian, imajinasi koruptor dapat terungkap. Melalui metafora mereka menganggap uang sebagai objek suci seperti Kitab Suci. How to Cite: Hadiyansyah, D., Hidayat, D.N. (2019). Understanding Corruptors’ Imagination Concerning Money Through Their Metaphors. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 6(2), 109-118. doi:10.15408/ijee.v6i2.15465


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    This study describes discursive and social practices in Instagram captions used by celebrity endorsers in promoting cosmetic products. This study employed a qualitative descriptive design in order to describe a critical discourse analysis. As the participants in this study, three celebrity endorsers are randomly selected based on their verified Instagram account, and they used Instagram actively for business and product promotion purposes. The data were obtained from Instagram captions of three celebrity endorsers. Additionally, this study's analysis technique is a descriptive-analytic method through the process of collecting and compiling data analysis. The data is then analyzed using a critical discourse analysis method based on Norman Fairclough’s, such as discursive practice analysis and social practice analysis. The results reveal that discursive practices applied by celebrity endorsers are utilized to motivate consumers to buy and use the products. The strategies used by celebrity endorsers are real testimonials, clinical evidence, and inspiring words. Besides, the social practice of products promoted by celebrity endorsers can have the power over society because the language used in promoting cosmetic products can trigger people’s desire to become consumers of those products. Therefore, the existence of celebrity endorsers who are healthy, beautiful, attractive, and charming can feel an emotion in the ability to control people in the beauty perspective among them.   

    The analysis of flouting maxim in Good Morning America (GMA) talkshow

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    The present study is an analysis of the flouting maxim in Good Morning America (GMA) talk show in which Jackie Chan was invited as the guest star. The goals of this research are to find out the performed flouted maxim(s) by the hosts and the guest and to reveal the reason(s) behind the occurrence of the maxim(s). In this study, the researchers employed the qualitative method and data were collected from a video. The transcript text of the utterances between the hosts and Jackie Chan as a guest consisting of flouting maxim was the instrument of this research. Then, to find and analyze the flouting maxim showed in the video, the researchers used Grice’s theory, the Cooperative Principles consisting of four maxim types: quality, quantity, relation, and manner. The result showed that all four types of maxim flouting were committed by both Jackie Chan and the two hosts of the GMA talk show. The highest flouting maxims found were flouting the maxim of quantity and manner. Further, the study also revealed the rationales behind maxims flouting which were beneficial to build fun communication and to elaborate more explanations

    Lexical Cohesion in Kid Talks: The Instagram Videos of Mila Stauffer

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    This study aims to examine the use of lexical elements in kid talks. Mila Stauffer is a four-year-old celebrity who has four million followers on her Instagram account. Mila is known as a child who frequently shares her thoughts about particular topics, expressively, and comprehensively. The researchers are interested in Mila Stauffer because her Instagram videos have many viewers and comments. Numerous Instagram users also like her because she is different from the children that have the same age as her. In order to analyze Mila’s opinion about some topics through videos, lexical cohesion played an important role in the present study. To obtain an in-depth study of lexical cohesion, this study then analyzed ten Instagram videos with the available subtitle. The data of the study were collected through the Instagram account, Kcstauffer. The researchers applied a quantitative method in analyzing the lexical cohesion. Furthermore, the lexical cohesion analysis proposed by Halliday & Hasan has been used in the present study. The study revealed that, as analysed from Mila’s talk, there are differences between kids and adults in terms of the use of repetition. Further, repetition plays an important role in kids talk; one of which is to achieve cohesiveness in speaking. On the other hand, the least lexical cohesive devices used in a kid talk is superordinate

    A semiotic analysis of political cartoons on the first 100 days of Anies Baswedan government

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    Nowadays, information can be conveyed not only through words, but also through images. An image is also a form of one-way communication because, through an image, people can convey the meaning. This study aimed to describe Anies Baswedan’s political cartoons on his first 100 days as a governor. This study employed a qualitative research approach, and the content or document analysis as the research design. The researchers collected and analyzed the data dealing with the relationship between the utterances and Anies’ cartoons on his first 100 days as Jakarta’s governor. In analyzing the data, some steps were taken: first, categorizing the sign into icon, symbol, index using a typology of signs; second, interpreting the meaning of the political cartoons; last, drawing conclusions based on the result of the analysis. The study found that the signs in those political cartoons had powerful meanings to convey the aspiration of Indonesian people freely towards Anies’ government. Also, the fact that the cartoons were in the forms of images eased the readers in understanding the meanings behind them, and the political cartoons deal with the relationship between visual and verbal signs of cartoons because it will be helpful for the researchers to know about events depicted in those cartoons.The study also offers some potential use of cartoons for language teaching, even though the challenges of employing them are evident

    Dealing with forty students: peer-assessment as an alternative for English teachers in Indonesia

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    English teachers in Indonesia typically teach in large classroom size, with high possibility to teach more than two classes. When it comes to assessing students’ work, most of them tended to rely on teacher assessment, for it is considered as part of their duties as professional teachers. However, when dealing with students’ work, students may also need superficial and substantial correction and feedback rather than receiving marks only. Nevertheless, to provide those corrections and feedback, English teachers need a considerable amount of time to complete the assessment process; estimated calculation has been provided in this paper. Therefore, this conceptual paper aims to provide an alternative way to assess students’ work through peer assessment. Some benefits and challenges have been discussed to give insights for English teachers in Indonesia. This paper agrees that peer assessment can help teachers regarding time efficiency and help students regarding increased learning engagement. Moreover, English teachers need to pay tackle to some challenges such as shifting from a traditional perspective towards teacher authority and addressing issues of validity and reliability from students’ marking results. This paper suggests that though teachers can minimize their workload, their presence is pivotal in assisting students during the assessment process
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