Insaniyat: Journal of Islam and Humanities
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    81 research outputs found

    The Strategies of Sufi Discourse in Fostering Communal Immunity: The Sufi as a Nomadic Subject

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    This paper examines the strategies that Sufis adopted during covid-19 crisis which are journey and seclusion: two strategies that characterize Sufi’s behaviour. Using qualitative research, this paper argues that though the policies enacted in the time of covid-19 has led humanity into herd immunity in which bodies have been subjected to a set of improvised political decisions, Sufi bodies are immune bodies by nature, as they are characterized by an inner immunity that makes of them either in a state of journey or in a state of seclusion. Drawing from Rosi Braidotti (2011) ’s poststructuralist notion of nomadic subjectivity, this paper also states that the Sufi can be seen as a ‘nomadic subject’ able to experience not only physical journey shaping the move from one territory to another but also a kind of non-physical journey pertaining to spiritual ascension shaping the path to God.  As a result, Sufi discourse is a site for fostering communal immunity where individuals are provided with strategies to transcend not only the pandemic as a temporary disaster but also the problems of life as well as the challenges menacing humankind

    Meditating Masculine Anxiety and (Post) Colonial Space in Lubis's Harimau! Harimau! and Patterson's Man-Eaters of Tsavo

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    This research is aimed at probing and comparing the masculine anxiety in colonial spaces of Lubis’s Harimau! Harimau! and Patterson’s The Man-eaters of Tsavo investigate similarities and differences between the subject position, the psychological impacts, and the psychic discourse of colonized and colonizer’s masculinities and male anxiety in terms of the colonial narrative. This comparison is essential for the subject position, and the psyche in the colonial narrative is claimed to be universal, which is not entirely true. Connell’s theory of masculinity is applied to investigate how the values of masculinity shape colonial experiences. This research employs a narratological method - employing the concept of focalization to scrutinize how the subject who see exercise the power of seeing and eventually constructing the subject position and the psyche of colonized and colonizer - psychoanalytic as well as postcolonial reading to reveal the psychological impact - of the character’s anxiety. The results are: 1) In both stories, the colonial settings are portrayed similarly even though the writers of the two stories came from different continents (West and East). 2) In a hostile colonial setting, the colonizer and the colonized are constructed similarly in dealing with anxiety. However, when colonized are in the subject position, they are constructed as anal-erotic characters or anti-heroes. Simultaneously they are described as devout Moslems. Meanwhile, the European counterpart, although not described as a devout Christian, was the story’s hero. As an Indonesian novel, this marks the point that it falls into Western colonial narratives’ patterns

    War on Terror’s Impact on the Middle East Civilians in Coldplay’s Orphans Song Lyrics

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    This article examines the war on terror’s impact in the Middle East civilians on the lyrical content of Coldplay's song "Orphans." The song lyrics feature a fictional narrative about a girl and her father who died due to bomb attacks on their hometown. Utilizing Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis approach, which involves social cognition, social context analysis, and textual analysis, it is deduced that the bombings depicted in the lyrics refer to the bombings in Damascus. This immediately relates to the Global War on Terror and how prejudice against Muslims and the Middle East, even its civilians, overlooks the negative impact that these people suffer. However, social cognition and context analysis help in discovering that Coldplay, a popular Western act composed of white men, did not remain silent about the suffering Muslims and Middle Easterners faced when most Westerners did. Instead, they voiced their perspective on the issue through fictional lyrics that favor Muslims and the Middle East in the ensuing conflict as part of their hope for people to unite regardless of their background and identity

    Muhammadiyah's Tajdīd and Sufism between Purification and Modernization

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    This article aims to reveal the purification or modernization performed by Muhammadiyah in Sufism, especially concerning the practical mysticism in sufi order and philosophical mysticism on the concepts of ittihād, hulūl, and wahdat al wujūd. The research data is gathered from the official document Muhammadiyah records, such as fatwas of Muhammadiyah's Majlis Tarjih and Tajdid, Hamka's thoughts and AR Fakhruddin’s performance as former leaders of Muhammadiyah. This study uses content analysis to determine the position of Muhammadiyah's views on the early Sufi. The result showed that tajdīd performed by Muhammadiyah is called purification and it harmonious with modern life. It differs with the meaning and practices of early Sufism.  Muhammadiyah's position towards tarīqa is positive as long as the understanding and practice of Islam are derived from the guidance of the Qur'an and valid Sunnah. As for the concepts of ittihād, hulūl and wahdat al-wujūd, Muhammadiyah rejects them because there is an element of equating God with humans or pantheism, which has no basis in the Qur'an and Sunnah. This rejection is in line with what has been done by early Sufism scholars such as al-Sarrāj, al-Juwairī, al-Syahrastānī, and al-Kalabāżī

    The Correlation of Library Personnel Motivation Work Attitude and Work Motivation to Job Performance in Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study was to reconnoiter the effects of library personnel work attitude and motivation as correlates of job performance in a survey of public libraries in Kwara state, Nigeria. This study employed a descriptive survey method of correlational type. This study applied an enumeration survey technique or total census to all library personnel in a nominated public library in Kwara State of Nigeria. This study employs three objectives to guide the study. Findings showed that library personnel had a good attitude about their jobs, and library personnel work motivation showed that employees in the library are provided with good working materials, and their workplace's management provides library personnel with opportunities for training and development. Also, the study on the job performance of library personnel found that library personnel set reasonable priorities for task completion, and personnel is always on time for deadlines and completion of tasks. Conclusively, years of experience at a job correlate significantly with job performance, whereas work attitudes and motivation do not correlate significantly. Based on the results, this study suggests a good relationship between library management and personnel to ensure a positive working attitude. Also, the library personnel should be able to establish a good working relationship to reduce the possibility of turnover

    Rewriting '9/11 or US invation of Iraq' Traumatic Memories in Shaila Abdullah's Saffron Dreams

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    This paper examines how the US-Pakistani Muslimahs or Muslim women live in the US after US Invasion of Iraq (2003) in Shaila Abdullah’s Saffron Dreams (2009). In the novel, Abdullah depicts her characters as victims of the 9/11 attacks to challenge US dominance in 9/11 narratives, which tend to show how the US becomes the victim, instead of the perpetrator of the US invasion of Iraq. By engaging with postcolonialism and 9/11 studies, this paper questions US anti-Muslim racism, which tends to associate Muslims with terrorism by exploring the ideas of trauma of being attacked by US extremists. This paper found that Abdullah’s Saffron Dreams depicts US Pakistani Muslimah struggling to seek social justice and US belonging. In doing so, this novel resists anti-Muslim racism by depicting its protagonists as facing several trauma, which is ironically continued by her next generation, who is suffering from multiple born defect representing their endless traumatic experiences living in the US after US invasion of Iraq. By exploring US-Pakistani-Muslimah stories, this novel suggests how the Pakistani Muslim diaspora not only struggles to live in the US after the US invasion of Iraq but also faces multiple trauma, especially being attacked by US extremists. This multiple trauma work to question US-trauma centric in dominant narratives. Thus, it is important to investigate traumatic stories from marginal experiences to undermine dominant narratives, which tend to exclude marginal memories after US invasion of Iraq from US belonging

    The Analysis of Data Literacy and Data Quality: Study at Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University

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    Publicly funded research must be accessible to the public in digital format, with or without minimal restrictions. Research also must be reviewed for the accuracy and correctness of the data sources and references used, the accuracy of the concept, and the objectivity of the contents of the paper. This is very closely related to the quality of the research data. Realizing this, the data collected and used in the process—before, during, and after the research—will make researchers and institutions aware of the importance of data literacy. The term data literacy is used in academia to provide a brief description of the ability of individuals to understand basic research concepts, including the quality of research data they possess. Therefore, this study aims to describe the effect of data literacy on research data. This research uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach with 58 respondents from the faculty members of Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia. The questionnaire was filled out in both digital and printed form. Respondents have a positive tendency toward data literacy. In addition, this is also indicated by the significance of the items, with the most significant items being respondents’ ability to assess the credibility of the data they have. Then, for data quality variables, respondents also have a positive trend, as evidenced by the significance of all items. This trend will have a positive impact on the quality of data from research conducted by respondents. This research is expected to contribute to scientific developments regarding data literacy and the quality of research data, which in this case focuses on research activities conducted by lecturers at universities

    Two Imaginations of Indonesia: A Study on the Islamic and Nationalism Ideologies in Pandji Islam Magazine, 1940

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    This research delves into the ideologies of Islam and nationalism as envisioned bythe founding fathers through Pandji Islam magazine published in 1940. A historicalmethodology consisting of four stages, heuristic, source criticism, interpretation, andhistoriography, was applied. It also utilized hermeneutics and political approaches.Through these two approaches, this study was not merely narrative but ratherdescriptive-analytical in nature. The findings in this article reveal that Pandji Islamplayed a significant role as a representation of the Islamic press. Through PandjiIslam, Islamic and nationalist figures were able to express their ideas on Islamicmodernism, ideologies, and the concept of an ideal state. Furthermore, the studyresults demonstrate that Pandji Islam magazine also served to raise politicalawareness among the Muslim community and the Indonesian people in general. Itaimed to build collective strength to break free from prolonged colonialism and seekappropriate political formulations for the future of the Indonesian nation

    Literature and Social Issues: Study of Islam, Secularism, and Humanism in Achdiat’s Atheis Indonesian Novel

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    Although religion faces many challenges, such as clashing with modernity and becoming the object of criticism,  religion has a thousand lives. One Indonesian novel created by Achdiat Karta Mihardja entitled Atheis (1990) pictured this religious phenomenon. Therefore, this article discusses Islam, secularism, and humanism in the Novel. This is qualitative research with the literary approach that combines the comparative literature theory of American schools and sociology focused on the sociology of modernity and religion. This research finds the novel as a criticism and reconstruction of Islam that is compatible with secularism and humanism in general, though in certain parts they are different. Further, the author of this novel reveals a good and proper Islam based on the text, first, it is concerned not only with the afterlife but also the present and here-ness real life. Thus, he criticizes the Islamic pattern which believes in superstition. Second, the Islamic form according to humanism and moderat feminism as the core of Islam is a public benefit and blessing for the universe. This research concluded that the novel's criticism is in line with the criticism in the scientific sociological Islamic literature

    Language Shift and Endangerment of Sundanese Banten Dialect in South Tangerang

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    The objective of this research is to find out the language shift in one of Sundanese dialects known as Bantenese (SBD) and the reasons underlied, in the spoken area of South Tangerang, which could bring to endangered of extinction. The SBD is spoken by the native in South Tangerang in several areas along Cisadane river which is adjacent to Tangerang district. The observation was carried out on two things, namely the use of SBD words among the native speakers and the use of Sundanese among children. This is a qualitative-descriptive research using participant observation and informal interviews. Observations were made in six sub-districts, where the majority of the native people are Sundanese. The observation involved observation, interview, taking notes, and recording techniques. The results showed that there was language shift in SBD among the Sundanese ethnic population in South Tangerang. The main reason is the negative perspective of speakers of SBD. As the consequence, the language is not transmitted to next generation thus led to endangerement


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