1,029 research outputs found

    Modifikasi Jembatan Kanor–Rengel dengan Menggunakan Cable-Stayed Asymmetrical Single Plane System

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    Jembatan sebagai penghubung antara dua lokasi harus direncanakan dengan memperhatikan aspek-aspek meliputi kekuatan, stabilitas struktur, ekonomis, estetika, hingga dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap lingkungan. Jembatan Kanor–Rengel sebagai penghubung Kecamatan Kanor, Kabupaten Bojonegoro dan Kecamatan Rengel, Kabupaten Tuban yang memiliki panjang total hingga 310 meter dan lebar 9 meter dibangun dengan tipe konstruksi berupa slab on piles, gelagar, dan rangka baja serta struktur penopang berupa dua abutmen dan empat pilar. Penggunaan rangka baja tidaklah efisien untuk bentang tersebut karena dapat menyebabkan bertambahnya berat struktur jembatan dan penggunaan pilar pada jembatan. Penggunaan dua pilar juga akan mengurangi effective linear waterway sungai yang menyebabkan terjadinya gerusan lokal. Selain itu, rangka baja juga tidak memiliki nilai estetika. Melihat kondisi tersebut, muncul ide untuk memodifikasi jembatan menjadi jembatan cable-stayed asymmetrical single plane system. Perencanaan modifikasi ini dilakukan secara bertahap mulai dari studi literatur dan pengumpulan data, preliminary design, desain struktur sekunder, pemodelan dan analisis struktur, desain struktur utama, kontrol stabilitas aerodinamis, analisis staging, desain angkur dan perletakan, hingga penyusunan gambar kerja. Hasil dari perencanaan ini meliputi dimensi kabel, dek jembatan, pylon dan angkur. Beberapa peraturan yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam melakukan perencanaan modifikasi ini meliputi Surat Edaran Menteri 08-SE-M-2015, SNI 1725-2016, SNI 2833-2016, dan AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Spesification 9th Edition 2020. Berdasarkan hasil perencanaan, digunakan gelagar baja dengan lantai orthotropic berupa single trapezoidal box girder setinggi 2,5 m dan selebar 19,5 m; 14 buah kabel dengan diameter terbesar adalah 178,41 mm; pylon setinggi 56 m dengan penampang berongga dan tak-berongga berukuran 3 m × 6 m yang memiliki kemiringan 70° terhadap horizontal; angkur yang terdiri dari unit 6-73, 6-109, 6-151, dan 6-187; pot bearing berupa guided bearing dan free bearing; serta expansion joint pada jembatan. Seluruh elemen telah memenuhi kontrol terhadap persyaratan baik terhadap beban statik dan dinamik yang terjadi, maupun terhadap stabilitas aerodinamis


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    This study is intended to describe the symbolization relation of the four central characters in the association of the Malang Mask Puppet ‘Wayang Topeng Malang’ (WTM) in Malang Regency, East Java. The functional- structural approach was used in the study. The data were collected through participatory observation and interview, and were analyzed using hermeneutic method. The function, structure, and characteristic of the characters in WTM were analyzed. The result of the study shows that there was significance in regard to the rational transformation among the central characters: Panji Asmarabangun, Dewi Ragel Kuning, Klana Sewandana, Gunungsari. The symbolic relation is related to the old religion, Hinduism, and the structure of the village administrators. Apart from that, the relation to colors, points of the compass, and market days (pancawara) was also foun

    Transformation of Teacher’s Body As Students’ Learning Medium at Non-Traditional Choreography Lesson in Malang, East Java

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    Research is focused on topic concerning non-traditional (contemporary) choreography learning medium. Actually, this topic is still problematic because in one hand, teacher is positioned as facilitator but in the other hand, teacher is used as learning medium. Many assumptions have been provided to solve this problem. Assumptions are invisible and therefore, giving less controversy. This research attempts to review education phenomenology by deriving information from some experiencing dance art teachers. This approach explores problems behind contemporary choreography, which is in this research functioned as body-oriented learning process. Method of research is using qualitative descriptive that applies symbolic interactional theory. Main data are explored by observing actions of teachers during teaching-learning activity while the remaining is obtained through interview. Data analysis technique is interpretative semiotic. Result of research is explained in several sentences. Human body is basically not neutral because it is already affected by culture and local values that shape human’s personal characteristic and their method in expressing ideas. However, in teaching dance, body is needed as learning medium and therefore, quality of the body becomes important reference because dance activity is actually the expression of subjectivity. Contemporary choreography requires students not only to understand the body as a potential but also to be sensitive to the actual meaning of reality. Teacher’s body helps students to be aware with how to adapt with the current days, to improve self-expression quality, and to determine which part of the body that is already skilled. Learning contemporary choreography has allowed students to recognize which body part has potentials of being sensitive, interactive, and responsive to social reality

    Traditional Arts in the Virtual Production Arena

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    This article reviews traditional arts in the ‘virtual production arena’. Artists of art activities in a virtual production arena must maintain their life energy and belief in the importance of their art works. This situation has forced conservers of traditional arts to be sensitive and set limits on the intervention of other artists. Empathy and participation in traditional arts are seen as a fear of losing ownership and loyalty, and are also perceived as anxiety over the threat of impairment. This article reviews the evolution, function, transformation and structuring that synergize local and global spaces of virtual production. Globalization is a process that reduces the existence of people in local spaces. To cope with this process, traditional arts have emerged, leaving the local buffer zone and entering the realm of generation Z, which has struggled to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional arts have undergone mutation in virtual space and live again with new soul, new vision and new shape, synergizing with current trends. Most agencies that conserve traditional arts fail to understand this transformation. Traditional arts have become a capital source that supports the identity of individuals, institutions, organizations and bureaucracies. Clash among art conservers over virtual space represents a path toward structuring. Several activities constitute this structuring, including: constructing new networks, new relations, new identities, and new participation in a global production arena; developing art as a commodity; alleviating the free market impact by presenting art as a social spirituality to help individuals who suffer from loneliness and alienation; and activating individuals who already live alone who are crowded by less important information. A downstream part of traditional art in its struggle for claiming virtual space is its economic implication for art conservers. Keywords: traditional arts, virtual space, art conserver

    Molekul antar Bintang dan Struktur Galaksi

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    Ringkasan. Tulisan ini merupakan tinjauan ulang penemuan molekul di dalam ruang antarbintang, kemungkinan pembentukannya dan kaitannya dengan struktur Galaktika.Abstract. A review on the discovery of interstellar molecules and the theory of the molecule formation in space are given. The relationship between dense dust cloud and the structure of galaxy is briefly outlined.

    The Influence, Ability, Motivation Of Perform Of Employees Office In Order To Perak Port Surabaya

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    Evolution of Stars toward the Main Sequence

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    Abstract. A review on the knowledge of the stellar evolution toward the main sequence is presented. This is the period during which the stars evolve from the beginning of their formation to the phase of stabilization on the main sequence where nuclear reactions begin to provide the entire energy supply. Ringkasan. Dalam tulisan ini diberikan suatu ulasan mengenai evolusi bintang menuju ke deret utama. Yang dimaksud dengan periode evolusi disini ialah periode sejak bintang-bintang tersebut dibentuk, dari materi antar bintang, hingga mencapai saat ketika energi bintang-bintang tersebut dibentuk dengan reaksi nuklir


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman guru terhadap metode inkuiri, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, hasil belajar siswa serta kendala yang dihadapi pada pembelajaran melalui rancangan inkuiri mata pelajaran Matematika kelas IX SMP Negeri 3 Ngadirojo Pacitan. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, Guru Matematika serta siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 3 Ngadirojo. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan penggunaan dokumen. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode triangulasi dimaksudkan agar data yang diperoleh selalu diperiksa kebenarannya melalui pencarian informasi lebih jauh dari sumber-sumber lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pemahaman tentang konsep metode inkuiri pada sebagian besar guru matematika di SMP Negeri 3 Ngadirojo. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan metode inkuiri pada mata pelajaran Matematika juga sangatlah beragam. Bahwa guru matematika mengalami hambatan penerapan metode inkuiri ketika pembelajaran sedang berlangsung. Di sisi lain penerapan metode inkuiri pada KD Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung telah meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 3 Ngadirojo Pacitan. terjadi peningkatan rata-rata nilai ulangan harian jika dibandingkan dengan nilai ulangan harian KD sebelumnya, yakni dari 76 menjadi 78. Kata Kunci : metode inkuiri, pemahaman guru, pembelajara
