189 research outputs found

    Chalcophile Element Constraints on the Sulfur Content of the Martian Mantle

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    The sulfur content of the Martian mantle is critical to understanding volcanic volatiles supplied to the surface of Mars and possibly climate. In the absence of Martian mantle rocks, sulfur content of the mantle has been inferred from S contents of Martian meteorites or from sedimentary sulfate abundances. Estimates of the sulfur content of the Martian mantle vary from 390-2,000 ppm, all of which are higher than that of the terrestrial mantle (~250 ppm;). Residual sulfide in the Martian mantle controls the distribution of chalcophile elements during partial melting. In this study, we report new analyses of Martian meteorites, and use the incompatible behavior of As, Tl and Pb to infer the sulfide mode of the Martian mantle using a different set of assumptions than those of prior studies

    Tin Abundances Require that Chassignites Originated from Multiple Magmatic Bodies Distinct from Nakhlites

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    Meteorites from Mars lack field context but chemical and chronologic studies have revealed remarkable links between nakhlites and chassignites. A widely held consensus is that nakhlites and chassignites originated from a large, single differentiated flow or shallow intrusive [1-5]. An Ar-Ar study assumed multiple flows based on resolvable age differences between meteorites [6], but did not address the possibility of differential cooling in a large, shallowly emplaced intrusion [1]. REE abundances in pyroxenes from nakhlites and Chassigny led [7] to argue for derivation of these rocks from distinct magmas. Volatile abundances (F, Cl, OH) in chlorapatites indicated that the entire suite of nakhlites and chassignites experienced hydrothermal interaction with a single fluid supporting a single body origin [4]. The discovery of a new chassignite, NWA 8694, extended the Mg# range from 80-54, providing a closer link to nakhlites but revealed the petrological difficulty of fractionating a single body of liquid to yield a series of olivine cumulates with such a large Mg# range [8]. When mafic magmas are emplaced into the crust, crustal assimilation can impart distinct elemental signatures if the country rock has experienced sedimentary or hydrothermal processing [9]. In this work, we used Sn abundances of nakhlites and chassignites to show that these rocks were crystallized from distinct magma batches, providing vital contextual clues to their origin

    Cooling of Dense Gas by H2O Line Emission and an Assessment of its Effects in Chondrule-Forming Shocks

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    We consider gas at densities appropriate to protoplanetary disks and calculate its ability to cool due to line radiation emitted by H2O molecules within the gas. Our work follows that of Neufeld & Kaufman (1993; ApJ, 418, 263), expanding on their work in several key aspects, including use of a much expanded line database, an improved escape probability formulism, and the inclusion of dust grains, which can absorb line photons. Although the escape probabilities formally depend on a complicated combination of optical depth in the lines and in the dust grains, we show that the cooling rate including dust is well approximated by the dust-free cooling rate multiplied by a simple function of the dust optical depth. We apply the resultant cooling rate of a dust-gas mixture to the case of a solar nebula shock pertinent to the formation of chondrules, millimeter-sized melt droplets found in meteorites. Our aim is to assess whether line cooling can be neglected in chondrule-forming shocks or if it must be included. We find that for typical parameters, H2O line cooling shuts off a few minutes past the shock front; line photons that might otherwise escape the shocked region and cool the gas will be absorbed by dust grains. During the first minute or so past the shock, however, line photons will cool the gas at rates ~ 10,000 K/hr, dropping the temperature of the gas (and most likely the chondrules within the gas) by several hundred K. Inclusion of H2O line cooling therefore must be included in models of chondrule formation by nebular shocks.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Germanium Dichotomy in Martian Meteorites

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    Germanium is a moderately volatile and siderophile element that follows silicon in its compatibility during partial melting of planetary mantles. Despite its obvious usefulness in planetary geochemistry germanium is not analyzed routinely, with there being only three prior studies reporting germanium abundances in Martian meteorites. The broad range (1-3 ppm) observed in Martian igneous rocks is in stark contrast to the narrow range of germanium observed in terrestrial basalts (1.5 plus or minus 0.1 ppm). The germanium data from these studies indicates that nakhlites contain 2-3 ppm germanium, while shergottites contain approximately 1 ppm germanium, a dichotomy with important implications for core formation models. There have been no reliable germanium abundances on chassignites. The ancient meteoritic breccia, NWA 7533 (and paired meteorites) contains numerous clasts, some pristine and some impact melt rocks, that are being studied individually. Because germanium is depleted in the Martian crust relative to chondritic impactors, it has proven useful as an indicator of meteoritic contamination of impact melt clasts in NWA 7533. The germanium/silicon ratio can be applied to minerals that might not partition nickel and iridium, like feldspars. We report germanium in minerals from the 3 known chassignites, 2 nakhlites and 5 shergottites by LAICP- MS using a method optimized for precise germanium analysis

    A Two Gigayear History of Germanium Outgassing from Shergottites

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    Germanium (Ge) and Zn enrichment in martian sedimentary rocks has been reported from rocks at Gale Crater, showing concentrations of Ge from tens to hundreds ppm [1]. The Ge concentrations in martian meteorites are significantly lower (0.5-2.5 ppm) [2]. Our recent studies [3-4] have revealed that Ge is lost from shergottites due to volatility. Recent experimental studies confirm that Ge and Zn are both significantly volatile under magmatic conditions [5-7]. Further, Ge is moderately incompatible during magmatic differentiation [8] so Ge contents in olivines or pyroxenes increase during igneous fractionation in nakhlites and chassignites [4]. Shergottites for which Ge abundances had been determined included rocks with ages of 150-600 Ma, while the enrichments reported from Gale Crater rocks likely occurred over 3 Ga ago. The recent discovery of two unpaired ancient (2.4 Ga) depleted shergottites, NWA 7635 [9] and NWA 8159 [10], afforded the prospect of obtaining an extended history of martian volcanic outgassing. Both of the ancient shergottites are depleted in incompatible elements and share a similar GCR exposure age to younger depleted shergottites implying derivation from a single, long-lived (>2 Ga) volcanic center [9]

    Efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with secondary non-response to rituximab

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    OBJECTIVE: Secondary inefficacy with infusion reactions and anti-drug antibodies (secondary non-depletion nonresponse, 2NDNR) occurs in 14% of SLE patients receiving repeated rituximab courses. We evaluated baseline clinical characteristics, efficacy and safety of obinutuzumab, a next-generation humanized type-2 anti-CD20 antibody licensed for haematological malignancies in SLE patients with 2NDNR to rituximab. METHODS: We collated data from SLE patients receiving obinutuzumab for secondary non-response to rituximab in BILAG centres. Disease activity was assessed using BILAG-2004, SLEDAI-2K and serology before, and 6 months after, obinutuzumab 2× 1000 mg infusions alongside methylprednisolone 100 mg. RESULTS: All nine patients included in the study received obinutuzumab with concomitant oral immunosuppression. At 6 months post-obinutuzumab, there were significant reductions in median SLEDAI-2K from 12 to 6 (P = 0.014) and total BILAG-2004 score from 21 to 2 (P = 0.009). Complement C3 and dsDNA titres improved significantly (both P = 0.04). Numerical, but not statistically significant improvements were seen in C4 levels. Of 8/9 patients receiving concomitant oral prednisolone at baseline (all >10 mg/day), 5/8 had their dose reduced at 6 months. Four of nine patients were on 5 mg/day and were in Lupus Low Disease Activity State following obinutuzumab. After obinutuzumab, 6/9 patients with peripheral B cell data achieved complete depletion, including 4/4 assessed with highly sensitive assays. Of the nine patients, one obinutuzumab non-responder required CYC therapy. One unvaccinated patient died from COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: Obinutuzumab appears to be effective and steroid-sparing in renal and non-renal SLE patients with secondary non-response to rituximab. These patients have severe disease with few treatment options but given responsiveness to B cell depletion, switching to humanized type-2 anti-CD20 therapy is a logical approach

    A Critical Examination of the X-Wind Model for Chondrule and Calcium-rich, Aluminum-rich Inclusion Formation and Radionuclide Production

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    Meteoritic data, especially regarding chondrules and calcium-rich, aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), and isotopic evidence for short-lived radionuclides (SLRs) in the solar nebula, potentially can constrain how planetary systems form. Intepretation of these data demands an astrophysical model, and the "X-wind" model of Shu et al. (1996) and collaborators has been advanced to explain the origin of chondrules, CAIs and SLRs. It posits that chondrules and CAIs were thermally processed < 0.1 AU from the protostar, then flung by a magnetocentrifugal outflow to the 2-3 AU region to be incorporated into chondrites. Here we critically examine key assumptions and predictions of the X-wind model. We find a number of internal inconsistencies: theory and observation show no solid material exists at 0.1 AU; particles at 0.1 AU cannot escape being accreted into the star; particles at 0.1 AU will collide at speeds high enough to destroy them; thermal sputtering will prevent growth of particles; and launching of particles in magnetocentrifugal outflows is not modeled, and may not be possible. We also identify a number of incorrect predictions of the X-wind model: the oxygen fugacity where CAIs form is orders of magnitude too oxidizing; chondrule cooling rates are orders of magnitude lower than those experienced by barred olivine chondrules; chondrule-matrix complementarity is not predicted; and the SLRs are not produced in their observed proportions. We conclude that the X-wind model is not relevant to chondrule and CAI formation and SLR production. We discuss more plausible models for chondrule and CAI formation and SLR production.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Early crustal processes revealed by the ejection site of the oldest martian meteorite

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    The formation and differentiation of the crust of Mars in the first tens of millions of years after its accretion can only be deciphered from incredibly limited records. The martian breccia NWA 7034 and its paired stones is one of them. This meteorite contains the oldest martian igneous material ever dated: ~4.5 Ga old. However, its source and geological context have so far remained unknown. Here, we show that the meteorite was ejected 5–10 Ma ago from the north-east of the Terra Cimmeria—Sirenum province, in the southern hemisphere of Mars. More specifically, the breccia belongs to the ejecta deposits of the Khujirt crater formed 1.5 Ga ago, and it was ejected as a result of the formation of the Karratha crater 5–10 Ma ago. Our findings demonstrate that the Terra Cimmeria—Sirenum province is a relic of the differentiated primordial martian crust, formed shortly after the accretion of the planet, and that it constitutes a unique record of early crustal processes. This province is an ideal landing site for future missions aiming to unravel the first tens of millions of years of the history of Mars and, by extension, of all terrestrial planets, including the Earth