301 research outputs found


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    Objectives of the study is to analyze causal relationships among five variables. The first three, development of industry influenced to the development of economy (economic growth), to concentration of industry, and to welfare. Second, concentration of industry pushed the economic growth. The third three, the international trade influenced to concentration of industry, to economic growth, and to welfare. Finally, the impact of economic growth to welfare. This analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) and found that five of eight relationships were significant and the rest were insignificant. First, development of industry negatively influenced concentration of industry. Second, international trade pushed concentration of industry. Third, concentration of industry also pushed economic growth. Fourth, international trade positively influenced economic growth. Finally, the economic growth positively influenced welfare. The development of industry was insignificant influence to the economic growth, and positively influenced to welfare. It is negativite relation was caused by dispersion of the location of industry, so resulted low economies of scale. International trade was negatively influenced welfare. Policy implication obtained from the whole analyses, especially for the East Java Provincial Government. In order to improve performance of the economy, it is suggested employing the Integrated Territory-provincial Planning based on comparative advantage among regions

    Preparation and Characterization NiMo/Zeolite Catalyst using Microwave Polyol Process Method for Synthesizing Renewable Diesel from Jathropa Oil

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    Biofuels have great potential to fulfill the energy needs of Indonesia. The process used is hydrodeoxygenation reaction (HDO) whose products are known as renewable diesel. This study focuses on preparation NiMo/Zeolite catalyst for synthesizing renewable diesel from jatropha oil. Preparation of NiMo/Zeolite catalyst is done by using microwave polyol process method. Microwave polyol method is a modification from incipient wetness method to overcome energy consumption and preparation time problem. Microwave polyol method is done by using a fast and uniform electric radiation from microwave as heating medium to dry catalyst. The catalyst result by using microwave polyol method gives the surface area of ​​5.45m2/g and has average crystal size of 62.98nm. NiMo/Zeolit catalyst used to synthesize renewable diesel at 375oC, pressure 12 bar, catalyst loading 1% mass of Jathropa Oil and stirer speed 800 rpm. Based on the characterization results of GC-MS, the catalyst NiMo/Zeolit has conversion of jatropha oil 88,61% with renewable diesel product selectivity and yield are 35.26 and 21.5% respectively. According to result of FTIR and product physical properties, renewable diesel products have similar functional group and have better specifications than commercial diesel with density values​​: 0.833 gr/cm3, viscosity: 3.02 cst, cetane index: 61.0


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    Analysis on Quality of Service at Design and Engineering Department by Using Servqual, IPA, and QFD Methods

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    PT. Semen Indonesia develops the cement business in Indonesia by striving to be at the forefront in the world of the cement manufacturing business, as well as trying to be a calculated player in the cement derivative business. To achieve this goal, the Department of Design & Engineering, as a supporting function, always strives to provide the best service for customers, namely other work units within PT. Semen Indonesia group. There are 20 service attributes used as indicators in the questionnaire, covering five dimensions of service quality, namely tangible, empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and assurance. The measurement of the level of customer satisfaction of the Design & Engineering Department is carried out by Service Quality (Servqual), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods. The results show that based on Servqual analysis, in general, customers are still not satisfied with the resulting performance. Based on the results of the IPA analysis, five service attributes are the top priority for improvement, namely: coordination with customers, completion of Engineering work according to the agreed time, solutions to customer problems, able to meet customer needs, and product engineering by customer desires. Based on the results of the QFD analysis, there are six strategic steps in the work program carried out to improve service quality in the Design & Engineering Department

    Industrial development in East Java: a special case?

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    This paper examines the development of manufacturing in East Java in comparison with other major industrial provinces in Indonesia, with a focus on employment, output and investment in the pre-and-post crisis periods. East Java’s ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ industries and the geographical distribution of manufacturing in the province are described. The paper attempts to account for manufacturing patterns in East Java in terms of infrastructure constraints, the investment climate, access to finance and the relationship between central, provincial and local governments, following the advent of regional autonomy. The paper finds that East Java manufacturing has been less export oriented and responsive to global demand, thus failing to match the performance of the other major manufacturing centres in Indonesia

    Social Service Policy in Handling Beggars in Lhokseumawe City

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    Lhokseumawe City, in implementing PP No. 31 of 1980 on Tackling Homeless and Beggars and Qanun Aceh No. 11 of 2013 on Social Welfare authorizes Social Services in taking policies in handling beggars and homeless people. A total of 32 people in 2019 and 25 people in 2018 have been caught in raids by Social Services. This research used qualitative research method with descriptive type analysis. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained by the researchers were analyzed with several steps, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and finally, the withdrawal of conclusions. The results showed that the social service policy in handling beggars in Lhokseumawe city has not been maximized; there are three stages in handling beggars, namely preventive, regressive and rehabilitative stages. Preventive Stage of Social Services provides assistance through programs that have been created to reduce the poor to beggars, the second stage of Refresive social services in collaboration with cross-sectoral such as Satpol Pamong Praja (PP) and Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) conduct raids on beggars and at the Rehabilitative stage social services have not been able to do so, only giving direction and guidance not to beg anymore. But all measures have not been able to reduce the number of beggars. Barriers in the handling of beggars are divided into two, namely internal and external. Internal, it is the absence of a legal umbrella for social services in sanctioning beggars, while externally; it is from the beggars themselves who do not want to listen to the direction and guidance of social services not to beg anymore

    Internal Factors Affecting the NPL of State-Owned Commercial Banks

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    Banking in Indonesia generally relies on loan interest income as the primary income in financing its operations. Not all credit extended is risk-free; some have sizable risks and can threaten the bank’s health. So to measure a bank's ability to overcome failure to take credit from debtors, the NPL ratio can be used. This study aims to analyse the influence of internal factors, namely: CAR, LDR, NIM, and OEOI, on NPLs of State-Owned Commercial Banks during 2015-2022. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with panel data using the financial statements of Bank BRI, Bank BNI, Bank Mandiri, and Bank BTN during 2015 - 2022. The results of this study indicate that CAR and BOPO have a significant positive effect on NPL, while LDR and NIM have a significant negative effect on NPL

    Pentingnya Aspek-Aspek Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk; (1) mendeskripsikan etos kepemimpinan transformasional; (2) mendeskripsikan pendekatan kepeminpinan transformasional dan (3) mengetahui target kepemimpinan transformasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif karena lebih memberikan tekanan pada pemahaman yang berhubungan dekat dengan nilai-nilai tertentu, mendeskripsikan, menafsirkan dan memberikan arti terhadap masalah yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) dalam etos kepemimpinan transformasional, kepala sekolah berhasil membangun hubungan sosial yang kuat, baik di masyarkat maupun di dalam organisasi dengan mengikuti aturan dan etika yang ada, kepala sekolah bekerja dengan penuh tanggung jawab yang ditunjukkan dengan moralitas,  motivasi dan etos kerja yang tinggi, (2)  dalam pendekatan kepemimpinan transformasional menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah mampu menggabungkan kekuasaan, keahlian dan keteladanan dalam menjalankan kepemimpinan sekolah sehingga berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien; (3) dan target kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah dengan kekuasaan kepemimpinannya mampu mempengaruhi, mengarahkan, menggerakkan dan memberdayakan bawahan menuju perubahan pada budaya organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan melalui visi yang telah ditetapkan. Jadi etos, pendekatan dan target kepemimpinan transformasional mampu mengubah perilaku bawahan untuk memiliki motivasi dan moralitas yang lebih tinggi dalam menjalankan tugas

    Pola Vibrasi Dari Transmisi V-Belt Dibawah Pengaruh Parallel Misalignment

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    Sistem transmisi v-belt banyak digunakan di industri karena mudah penanganannya dan murah harganya, tetapi di samping itu dibanding sistem transmisi daya yang lain v-belt juga lebih sering menunjukkan gejala fluktuasi transmisi. Di antara sekian metode condition monitoring, vibrasi sering dipraktekkan di industri, karena vibrasi adalah indikator yang sangat baik dari kondisi mesin, dan merupakan indikator dini terjadinya kerusakan/ketaknormalan sebelum terlanjur tumbuh menjadi lebih serius dan menyebabkan downtime yang tidak direncanakan. Pada studi ini dilakukan kajian eksperimental guna mempelajari karakteristik vibrasi pada sistem transmisi v-belt dengan adanya parallel misalignment antar pulley. Studi dilakukan pada sebuah test bed sistem transmisi v-belt dengan belt tunggal. Pengambilan data dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan Integrating Vibration Meter BK-2513. Dari hasil yang didapat, ditemukan bahwa kecepatan rms vibrasi bertambah seiring bertambahnya besar misalignment. Tendensi grafik cenderung konsisten untuk tiap variasi kecepatan putaran input. Selain itu, gradient (slope) dari kecepatan rms vibrasi semakin bertambah seiring dengan bertambahnya misalignment dan kecepatan input pada pulley
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