129 research outputs found

    Leseförderung im Elternhaus

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    Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die häuslichen Lernumgebungen fünfzehnjähriger Schülerinnen und Schüler in Deutschland. Insbesondere werden dabei diejenigen Merkmale des Elternhauses dargestellt, von denen theoretisch fundiert angenommen werden kann, dass sie für die Entwicklung und Förderung der Lesekompetenz von Bedeutung sind. Diese Merkmale lassen sich in strukturelle Merkmale und Prozessmerkmale differenzieren. Zu den strukturellen Merkmalen gehören der sozioökonomische Status, der elterliche Bildungshintergrund sowie der Migrationsstatus, deren Bedeutung in diesem Band bereits differenziert dargestellt worden ist. Das vorliegende Kapitel betrachtet die Prozessmerkmale im Elternhaus, zu denen die lesebezogenen Ressourcen, die lesebezogene Förderung der Kinder, die Einstellung der Eltern zum Lesen sowie die Bedeutung des Lesens im familiären Alltag gezählt werden können. Darüber hinaus wird dargestellt, wie sich die Beziehung zwischen dem Elternhaus und der Schule gestaltet. Nachfolgend wird zunächst auf vorhandene Befunde zur Bedeutung der häuslichen Lernumgebungen für die Lesekompetenz eingegangen. Danach werden jene Indikatoren beschrieben, die im Rahmen von PISA 2009 zur Charakterisierung des Elternhauses erhoben wurden. Der Ergebnisteil stellt deskriptiv die Befunde zu den häuslichen Lernumgebungen dar und entwirft für einige der Merkmale ein Modell des Zusammenhangs zwischen den Merkmalen des Elternhauses und der Lesekompetenz sowie der Lesefreude. Abschließend werden die Befunde bilanzierend zusammengefasst. (DIPF/Orig.

    Das Pañcatantra : seine Geschichte und seine Verbreitung

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    The slings and arrows of communication on nanotechnology

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    According to numerous surveys the perceived risk of nanotechnology is low and most people feel that the benefits outweigh the risks. This article provides greater insight into risk perception and concludes that the positive attitude to nanotechnology is based not on knowledge but on hope and fascination. The perceived risk is low because of a lack of vivid and frightening images of possible hazards. If news flashes were to link nanotechnology to concrete hazards or actual harm to people, attitudes might suddenly change. Risk communication faces the problem of dealing with a public at large that has little or no knowledge about the technology. As it takes time and extensive additional research to develop appropriate communication strategies and disseminate them to the relevant institutions, this exercise should be started immediately

    Visceral adipose tissue but not subcutaneous adipose tissue is associated with urine and serum metabolites

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    Obesity is a complex multifactorial phenotype that influences several metabolic pathways. Yet, few studies have examined the relations of different body fat compartments to urinary and serum metabolites. Anthropometric phenotypes (visceral adipose tissue (VAT), subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), the ratio between VAT and SAT (VSR), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC)) and urinary and serum metabolite concentrations measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were measured in a population-based sample of 228 healthy adults. Multivariable linear and logistic regression models, corrected for multiple testing using the false discovery rate, were used to associate anthropometric phenotypes with metabolites. We adjusted for potential confounding variables: age, sex, smoking, physical activity, menopausal status, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), urinary glucose, and fasting status. In a fully adjusted logistic regression model dichotomized for the absence or presence of quantifiable metabolite amounts, VAT, BMI and WC were inversely related to urinary choline (ß = -0.18, p = 2.73*10−3), glycolic acid (ß = -0.20, 0.02), and guanidinoacetic acid (ß = -0.12, p = 0.04), and positively related to ethanolamine (ß = 0.18, p = 0.02) and dimethylamine (ß = 0.32, p = 0.02). BMI and WC were additionally inversely related to urinary glutamine and lactic acid. Moreover, WC was inversely associated with the detection of serine. VAT, but none of the other anthropometric parameters, was related to serum essential amino acids, such as valine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine among men. Compared to other adiposity measures, VAT demonstrated the strongest and most significant relations to urinary and serum metabolites. The distinct relations of VAT, SAT, VSR, BMI, and WC to metabolites emphasize the importance of accurately differentiating between body fat compartments when evaluating the potential role of metabolic regulation in the development of obesity-related diseases, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

    Identification of candidate metabolite biomarkers for metabolic syndrome and its five components in population-based human cohorts

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    Background Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is characterized by risk factors such as abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), hypertension, and hyperglycemia, which contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Here, we aim to identify candidate metabolite biomarkers of MetS and its associated risk factors to better understand the complex interplay of underlying signaling pathways. Methods We quantified serum samples of the KORA F4 study participants (N = 2815) and analyzed 121 metabolites. Multiple regression models adjusted for clinical and lifestyle covariates were used to identify metabolites that were Bonferroni significantly associated with MetS. These findings were replicated in the SHIP-TREND-0 study (N = 988) and further analyzed for the association of replicated metabolites with the five components of MetS. Database-driven networks of the identified metabolites and their interacting enzymes were also constructed. Results We identified and replicated 56 MetS-specific metabolites: 13 were positively associated (e.g., Val, Leu/Ile, Phe, and Tyr), and 43 were negatively associated (e.g., Gly, Ser, and 40 lipids). Moreover, the majority (89%) and minority (23%) of MetS-specific metabolites were associated with low HDL-C and hypertension, respectively. One lipid, lysoPC a C18:2, was negatively associated with MetS and all of its five components, indicating that individuals with MetS and each of the risk factors had lower concentrations of lysoPC a C18:2 compared to corresponding controls. Our metabolic networks elucidated these observations by revealing impaired catabolism of branched-chain and aromatic amino acids, as well as accelerated Gly catabolism. Conclusion Our identified candidate metabolite biomarkers are associated with the pathophysiology of MetS and its risk factors. They could facilitate the development of therapeutic strategies to prevent type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For instance, elevated levels of lysoPC a C18:2 may protect MetS and its five risk components. More in-depth studies are necessary to determine the mechanism of key metabolites in the MetS pathophysiology

    Rare genetic variants affecting urine metabolite levels link population variation to inborn errors of metabolism

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    Metabolite levels in urine may provide insights into genetic mechanisms shaping their related pathways. We therefore investigate the cumulative contribution of rare, exonic genetic variants on urine levels of 1487 metabolites and 53,714 metabolite ratios among 4864 GCKD study participants. Here we report the detection of 128 significant associations involving 30 unique genes, 16 of which are known to underlie inborn errors of metabolism. The 30 genes are strongly enriched for shared expression in liver and kidney (odds ratio = 65, p-FDR = 3e-7), with hepatocytes and proximal tubule cells as driving cell types. Use of UK Biobank whole-exome sequencing data links genes to diseases connected to the identified metabolites. In silico constraint-based modeling of gene knockouts in a virtual whole-body, organ-resolved metabolic human correctly predicts the observed direction of metabolite changes, highlighting the potential of linking population genetics to modeling. Our study implicates candidate variants and genes for inborn errors of metabolis

    Circulating metabolites modulated by diet are associated with depression

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    Metabolome reflects the interplay of genome and exposome at molecular level and thus can provide deep insights into the pathogenesis of a complex disease like major depression. To identify metabolites associated with depression we performed a metabolome-wide association analysis in 13,596 participants from five European population-based cohorts characterized for depression, and circulating metabolites using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem accurate mass spectrometry (UHPLC/MS/MS) based Metabolon platform. We tested 806 metabolites covering a wide range of biochemical processes including those involved in lipid, amino-acid, energy, carbohydrate, xenobiotic and vitamin metabolism for their association with depression. In a conservative model adjusting for life style factors and cardiovascular and antidepressant medication use we identified 8 metabolites, including 6 novel, significantly associated with depression. In individuals with depression, increased levels of retinol (vitamin A), 1-palmitoyl-2-palmitoleoyl-GPC (16:0/16:1) (lecithin) and mannitol/sorbitol and lower levels of hippurate, 4-hydroxycoumarin, 2-aminooctanoate (alpha-aminocaprylic acid), 10-undecenoate (11:1n1) (undecylenic acid), 1-linoleoyl-GPA (18:2) (lysophosphatidic acid; LPA 18:2) are observed. These metabolites are either directly food derived or are products of host and gut microbial metabolism of food-derived products. Our Mendelian randomization analysis suggests that low hippurate levels may be in the causal pathway leading towards depression. Our findings highlight putative actionable targets for depression prevention that are easily modifiable through diet interventions.</p

    Integrated Analyses of Microbiome and Longitudinal Metabolome Data Reveal Microbial-Host Interactions on Sulfur Metabolism in Parkinson's Disease.

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) exhibits systemic effects on the human metabolism, with emerging roles for the gut microbiome. Here, we integrate longitudinal metabolome data from 30 drug-naive, de novo PD patients and 30 matched controls with constraint-based modeling of gut microbial communities derived from an independent, drug-naive PD cohort, and prospective data from the general population. Our key results are (1) longitudinal trajectory of metabolites associated with the interconversion of methionine and cysteine via cystathionine differed between PD patients and controls; (2) dopaminergic medication showed strong lipidomic signatures; (3) taurine-conjugated bile acids correlated with the severity of motor symptoms, while low levels of sulfated taurolithocholate were associated with PD incidence in the general population; and (4) computational modeling predicted changes in sulfur metabolism, driven by A. muciniphila and B. wadsworthia, which is consistent with the changed metabolome. The multi-omics integration reveals PD-specific patterns in microbial-host sulfur co-metabolism that may contribute to PD severity

    Night Shift Work Affects Urine Metabolite Profiles of Nurses with Early Chronotype

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    Night shift work can have a serious impact on health. Here, we assess whether and how night shift work influences the metabolite profiles, specifically with respect to different chronotype classes. We have recruited 100 women including 68 nurses working both, day shift and night shifts for up to 5 consecutive days and collected 3640 spontaneous urine samples. About 424 waking-up urine samples were measured using a targeted metabolomics approach. To account for urine dilution, we applied three methods to normalize the metabolite values: creatinine-, osmolality- and regression-based normalization. Based on linear mixed effect models, we found 31 metabolites significantly (false discovery rate <0.05) affected in nurses working in night shifts. One metabolite, acylcarnitine C10:2, was consistently identified with all three normalization methods. We further observed 11 and 4 metabolites significantly associated with night shift in early and late chronotype classes, respectively. Increased levels of medium- and long chain acylcarnitines indicate a strong impairment of the fatty acid oxidation. Our results show that night shift work influences acylcarnitines and BCAAs, particularly in nurses in the early chronotype class. Women with intermediate and late chronotypes appear to be less affected by night shift work