60 research outputs found

    Smart Metering : (K)ein Thema fĂĽr Schweizer Energieversorgungsunternehmen?

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    StudieDie Studie „Smart Metering: (k)ein Thema für EVU" untersuchte den derzeitigen Stand der Entwicklung hin zu einem intelligenten Stromnetz (Smart Grid) in der Schweiz

    Matija Gogala celebrates his 77th birthday

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    Matija Gogala celebrates his 77th birthday on December 11th 2014. He is among the pioneer researchers of modern insect physiology and bioacoustics not only in Europe, but also worldwide. The authors and the „Arbeitskreis Zikaden“ congratulate him warmly and wish him many good and busy years to come, and most of all, many more exiting days in the field that keep him busy

    KMU-Strategiebarometer 2011

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    StudieIm Jahr 2009 nahmen 238 Unternehmen an der ersten Durchführung des KMU-Strategiebarometers teil und ermöglichten so einen aufschlussreichen Einblick in die Strategiearbeit in Schweizer KMUs. Die Ergebnisse der Studie wurden im Oktober 2009 am Wirtschaftsforum in Winterthur präsentiert und sind auf grosses Interesse gestossen

    The effect of the Messinian salinity crisis on the early diversification of the Tettigettalna cicadas

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    The current distribution patterns of many Mediterranean species are often a consequence of large and impactful past geoclimatic events, such as the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) and the Quaternary glacial cycles. Cicadas are flying insects with poor dispersal ability, which have experienced intense local differentiation in the Mediterranean, where the genus Tettigettalna has surfaced as a biogeographic model. The genus includes 10 species with species-specific calling songs but identical morphology. All Tettigettalna species are restricted to Southern Iberia, with the exception of T. estrellae (northwest Iberia), the widespread T. argentata (mainly Iberia, France and Italy), and T. afroamissa (Morocco). With an expanded genetic dataset involving nuclear (EF1α) and mitochondrial (5′ and 3′ COI and ATP) loci, we reconstructed the phylogeny of the genus and estimated divergence dates for Tettigettalna species under a Bayesian framework. Phylogeny with the new mitochondrial dataset was in agreement with previous studies, whereas the nuclear EF1α supported T. josei and T. afroamissa as monophyletic clades but lacked resolution to resolve the remaining taxa. Some sister taxa share mitochondrial haplotypes, hinting for incomplete lineage sorting. Estimates of divergence time settled T. josei as the earliest diverging lineage, likely as a pre- or early-MSC event. As for the origin of T. afroamissa in Morocco, though time estimates could not entirely rule out post-MSC dispersal, the most likely scenario points to isolation of African Tettigettalna after the reopening of the strait of Gibraltar. The Pleistocene glaciations that followed likely impacted on the diversification of the remaining species of the genus in southern Iberia refugia.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    A giant among dwarfs: a new species of galago (Primates: Galagidae) from Angola

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    Objectives: Based on vocalization recordings of an unknown galago species, our main objectives were to compare morphology and call structure with known closely-related taxa and describe a new species of galago. Materials and Methods: We conducted field surveys in three forest habitats along the escarpment region in western Angola (Kumbira Forest, Bimbe Area and Northern Scarp Forest), and examined galago specimens from museums worldwide. We digitized and analyzed calls using Avisoft SASLab Pro software. We also compared museum specimens from Angola with other Galago and Galagoides specimens, and conducted comparative analyses (ANOVA and between group principle component analysis) based on a set of twelve linear measurements of skulls and teeth. Results: We describe the new species to which we give the name Angolan dwarf galago, Galagoides kumbirensis sp. nov. The new species has a loud and characteristic crescendo call, used by other Galagoides spp. (sensu stricto) in West Africa to attract companions and repel rivals. However, this call shows species-typical differences from its closest relatives. Galagoides kumbirensis sp. nov. is also distinguished by differences in the skull morphology, pelage color and facial markings, as well as a larger body size, similar to that of Galago moholi, which is not known to be sympatric. Conclusion: This discovery points to the importance of Angolan forests as refuges for endemic biodiversity. These forests are under severe threat from over-exploitation, and there is an urgent need to establish conservation measures and designate protected areas

    Erlebnispädagogische Ansätze im Kontext Lehrplan 21. Ein literaturtheoretisch-empirischer Vergleich

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    Veränderte Anforderungen der Lebenswelt wirken sich auf das Bildungsverständnis und damit früher oder später auf curriculare Planungen aus. Der Lehrplan 21 wiederspiegelt dies in der Kompetenzorientierung, die einerseits die Lernergebnisse zu steuern beabsichtigt und andererseits den Lernprozess stärker fokussiert. Damit erhöht sich der Stellenwert der überfachlichen Kompetenzen. Die Erlebnispädagogik bietet als ganzheitliche Methode handlungsorientierte Lernumgebungen an und hat das grundlegende Ziel, Persönlichkeiten zu stärken. Doch in welchem Masse entsprechen erlebnispädagogische Ansätze dem im Lehrplan 21 eingewobenen Bildungsverständnis? Anhand dreier aktueller Bildungsparameter, die sich auf die Erkenntnisse von Paul Engi (2012) beziehen, zieht diese Arbeit einen literaturtheoretisch-empirischen Vergleich mit qualitativen Daten aus Interviews mit Experten des Fachbereiches Erlebnispädagogik. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass erlebnispädagogische Ansätze dem im Lehrplan 21 eingewobenen „gemässigten Konstruktivmus“ ziemlich entsprechen, der „Selbstwirksamkeit“ und auch den „Schlüsselkompetenzen“ hingegen ausserordentlich. Der Grundstein ist somit gelegt, dass mit der Kompetenzorientierung auch vermehrt erlebnispädagogische Ansätze in die Schulpraxis Eingang finden

    Spectacular song pattern from the Sicilian Mountains : the new cicada species Cicadetta anapaistica sp. n. (Hemiptera: Cicadidae)

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    Acoustic investigations of Cicadetta montana s. l. have revealed the presence of morphologically cryptic species in thelast few years. This work describes the new cicada Cicadetta anapaistica sp. n. which was detected in the Madonie andNebrodi Mountains (Italy, Sicily). The characteristic and sophisticated song is composed of three phrases, modulated onfour typical power levels and three frequency ranges. The song pattern is compared with those of the closely related Cicadettacerdaniensis and Cicadetta cantilatrix. Quantitative and even qualitative intraspecific differences of the songstructure among individuals exist which appear to allow individual-specific recognition in many cases. As in other speciesof the complex, reliable morphological differences between the new species and others in the complex have not beenfound. The species is currently only known to be endemic to forest and ecotone habitats in a small mountain range. Becauseof this limited distribution the species is likely to be vulnerable to habitat and climate changes

    Hidden diversity in the spotlight : integrative taxonomy of European cicada groups (Cicadidae) with emphasis on acoustics

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    Cicadas (Cicadidae) are among the most popular insect groups owing to their calling songs. However, they are scientifically relatively poorly known, even in Europe; and the cicada diversity is underestimated crucially, as it was based only on a morphological approach. The songs often evolve more rapidly than the morphology. They are an important component of specific-mate recognition systems and, therefore, excellent markers of the early stages of reproductive isolation among populations. Recently, acoustic characters have been used extensively to reveal hidden taxonomic diversity. In this thesis the Cicadetta montana species complex served as a model group, where morphological traits are missing or weak but high carrier frequency song patterns (10 kHz to 20 kHz) provide a remarkable, recently discovered and taxonomically relevant richness. We aimed to elaborate a modern and complete systematics for the Italian and Swiss taxa of the Cicadetta montana species complex. The elaboration was based on extensive field work (e.g. 27 weeks in Italy) and the analysis of numerous data sets dealing with acoustics, morphology, genetics (basically COI and COII) and ecology. Moreover, the first national synthesis of the entire Cicadidae (sensu Moulds), beyond the model group, is presented for Switzerland. As a result of these studies six species as well as two subspecies for Italy and four species for Switzerland are reported newly within the Cicadetta montana species complex. Two species and two subspecies are new to science. We profited from the remarkable complexity of the songs and introduced relative power differences as a character to the taxonomy of cicadas. The importance of perch temperature measurements for temporal characters, when delimiting species, was also demonstrated. However, the song patterns did not suffice to explain the diversity within the C. montana species complex. This group is intricate and has an unusual evolution, especially in the – herewith identified – song groups brevipennis and cerdaniensis. Hybridisation among taxa of these two song groups is obviously present to different degrees. The cerdaniensis and the brevipennis song groups are characterised by two clearly different basic song patterns and three well supported, but interdigitated mtDNA clades. The acoustic song patterns are similar in some taxa with relevantly different haplotypes, but clearly different in some taxa with closely related or identical haplotypes. The closest relative of each of the four cerdaniensis group species is a brevipennis group taxon. A colouration character supports the molecular differences and opposes the acoustic groups. Only by making use of an integrative approach and searching for “separately evolving metapopulation lineages”, were we able to find surprising results: Mitochondrial molecular clades are most probably diagnostic for glacial refugia in the Pleistocene (central and southern Apenninian, Iberian, Balkan) and as a result of inter-group introgression not for species. Cicadas in Italy and Switzerland, as well as in many other European countries, occur predominantly in ecotone and woodland habitats. Closely related Cicadetta montana complex species prefer different vertical niches in the vegetation structure (treetops, bushes, herb layer); some are slightly more mesophilic than others. Eight of the ten Swiss cicada species are part of the Red List, which will soon be issued for the first time. In Italy, grassland species (owing to agriculture) and mountainous species (owing to changing species’ interactions induced by global warming) have the highest risk to become extinct
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