1,871 research outputs found

    Chronic consumption of sweeteners increases carbonylated protein production in lymphocytes from mouse lymphoid organs

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    Artículo derivado de un proyecto de investigación para evaluar el efecto del consumo de edulcorantes sobre el sistema inmunitarioBackground: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and diabetes mellitus has increased in Mexico, therefore, sucralose and stevia are being used as alternative non-caloric sweeteners to reduce energy intake. Moreover, poorly balanced diets can lead to the formation of carbonyl groups, a marker used to determine oxidative damage to proteins. Increased presence of carbonylated proteins in CD1 mice chronically consuming sweeteners, may point them as causing oxidative damage. Aims: To determine whether the continued use of natural and artificial sweeteners increases the presence of carbonylated proteins in lymphocytes of lymphoid tissues in CD1 male mice. Methods: The present study was conducted with 72 CD1 newly weaned (21-day old) male mice, fed with standard lab diet and water ad libitum; mice were hosted in cages in groups of 4 under controlled temperature conditions (19-21°C), and light/dark cycles of 12/12 h. Weight and food intake was quantified weekly. Three groups of mice were randomly conformed: a) Baseline (21-day old, newly weaned, n=8); b) 6-week of treatment (63-day old, n=32); c) 12-week of treatment (105-day old, n=32). Groups b and c were divided into 4 subgroups each (n=8): i) Control (CL) without sweeteners; ii) Sucrose (SUC); iii) Sucralose (SUCL), and iv) Stevia (ST). Body weight, food, and water consumption were measured, and BMI was calculated from those values. Lymphocytes from Peyer's patches, peripheral blood and spleen were isolated, and from these cells carbonylated protein concentration was quantified. Blood glucose was also assessed. Results: Mice in SUCL and ST groups had lower weight gain and BMI compared to those that consumed SUC. The SUCL group consumed more food and the ST group decreased food intake, as compared with SUC and control groups. ST group drank more sweetened water, compared to the other groups. The percentage of blood lymphocytes and the carbonylated proteins concentrations were higher in the SUCL group. Conclusions: The chronic consumption of sucralose, caused an increase in food intake. In addition, the percentage of lymphocytes circulating in blood was elevated, as well as the concentration of carbonylated proteins in these cells

    "Innovatio educativa tertio millennio": 12 years evoluting from learning from learning to teaching in courses on educational innovation and collaboration with the UNESCO chair of mining and industrial heritage

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    Twelve years ago a group of teachers began to work in educational innovation. In 2002 we received an award for educational innovation, undergoing several stages. Recently, we have decided to focus on being teachers of educational innovation. We create a web scheduled in Joomla offering various services, among which we emphasize teaching courses of educational innovation. The “Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion” in “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” has recently incorporated two of these courses, which has been highly praised. These courses will be reissued in new calls, and we are going to offer them to more Universities. We are in contact with several institutions, radio programs, the UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage, and we are working with them in the creation of heritage courses using methods that we have developed

    Educational innovation applied in the UNESCO chair of mining and industrial heritage

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    The “Innovatio Educativa Tertio Millennio” group has been 10 years developing educational innovation techniques, actually has reached the level of teaching on the technical teachers has developed, and share them with other groups, that can implement them in their teaching activities. UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage has been years working on heritage, and on the one hand teaching in conservation and maintenance of heritage, and on the other doing raise awareness of the meaning of heritage, the social value and as must be managed effectively. Recently these two groups work together, thus is spreading in a much more effective manner the concepts of heritage, its meaning, its value, and how to manage it and provide effective protection. On one hand being a work of dissemination based on internet and on radio broadcasting, and on the other one of teaching based on educational innovation, and courses, conferences, and face-to-face seminars or distance platforms

    miRNA profiling during antigen-dependent T cell activation: A role for miR-132-3p

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are tightly regulated during T lymphocyte activation to enable the establishment of precise immune responses. Here, we analyzed the changes of the miRNA profiles of T cells in response to activation by cognate interaction with dendritic cells. We also studied mRNA targets common to miRNAs regulated in T cell activation. pik3r1 gene, which encodes the regulatory subunits of PI3K p50, p55 and p85, was identified as target of miRNAs upregulated after T cell activation. Using 3'UTR luciferase reporter-based and biochemical assays, we showed the inhibitory relationship between miR-132-3p upregulation and expression of the pik3r1 gene. Our results indicate that specific miRNAs whose expression is modulated during T cell activation might regulate PI3K signaling in T cells.We thank Miguel Vicente-Manzanares for help with English editing and Almudena R. Ramiro for helpful discussions. We appreciate help from Gloria Martinez del Hoyo on DCs experiments set up. We also thank the CNIC Genomics, Bioinformatics and Cellomics Units for technical support. This work was supported by grants SAF2014-55579R from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain, ERC-2011-AdG 294340-GENTRIS, CIBER CARDIOVASCULAR (FEDER and Instituto de Salud Carlos III), PIE-13-00041 and INDISNET S2011-BMD-2332 (F.S.M.). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC, Spain) is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain and the Pro-CNIC Foundation.S

    Manufacturar prototipo desmembrador de fibras, optimizando tiempos y movimientos manuales, mejorando el aspecto ergonómico del producto y el usuario

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    There is no machine tool that is dedicated to dismembering, those that are currently in charge only of direct shredding and in the manual process in the same way the shredding is produced directly, being a process that takes a long time, for This arises the need to create a prototype that complies with the dismemberment to obtain a cleaner fiber and optimize manual time, as well as that the prototype is easy to use and suitable for the health of the operator. Using manufacturing strategies such as product architecture, precision machining methods and use of design software (CAD), supported by computer aided engineering (CAE). That is why the present work has established the manufacture of a prototype that meets the requirement of dismembering plants such as the banana pseudostem, henequen leaves, coconut palm, and others. In this way, a cleaner material must be obtained, acquiring natural fiber to replace synthetic fibers, obtaining various improved products. The results obtained in a preliminary analysis with a study of times and movements that are generated during manual dismemberment and dismemberment with the mechanical prototype, all this to show the improvements in movements and time, differentiating both processes, deducing if it was what was expected. at the beginning of the project.No existe alguna máquina herramienta que se dedique a realizar el desmembrado, las que actualmente se encuentran se encargan solo de efectuar el desfibrado directo y en el proceso manual de la misma manera se produce el desfibrado directamente, siendo un proceso que lleva mucho tiempo, por ello surge la necesidad de crear un prototipo que cumpla con el desmembrado para obtener una fibra más limpia y optimizar el tiempo manual, así como también se busca que el prototipo sea de fácil utilidad y adecuado para la salud del operador. Utilizando estrategias de manufactura como por ejemplo la arquitectura del producto, métodos de precisión del maquinado y usos de software de diseño (CAD), apoyado con la ingenieria asistida por computadora (CAE). Es por ello por lo que el presente trabajo se ha establecido la manufactura de un prototipo que cumpla con el requisito de desmembrar plantas en particular como el pseudotallo del plátano, hojas del henequén, Palma de coco, y otras. De tal forma debe conseguir una materia más limpia, adquiriendo fibra natural para el reemplazo de fibras sintéticas, obteniendo diversos productos mejorados. Los resultados obtenidos en un análisis preliminar con estudio de tiempos y movimientos que se generan durante el desmembrado manual y el desmembrado con el prototipo mecánico todo esto para mostrar las mejoras que hay en los movimientos y el tiempo diferenciando ambos procesos, deduciendo si fue lo esperado al principio del proyecto

    Effect of Nitrogen on Agronomic Yield, Spad Units and Nitrate Content in Roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffal.) in Dry Weather

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    This study was conducted in polyethylene bags of 4 kg capacity with plants of Jamaica from seeds collected from an accession on the coast of Oaxaca, which were planted under the ecological conditions of Teotitlán de Flores Magón, and evaluated under completely randomized design, where treatments were four levels of nitrogen: 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1 and four repetitions (4x4) = 16 experimental units. The variables evaluated were: both agronomic yields: chalice and seed, harvest index, SPAD units and nitrate content in leaf. The results indicate that higher yields ofseed and chalice, biomass, nitrate content in leaf and SPAD units were achieved with the application of 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen with 50.39, 196.80, 620.4 g plant-1, 85.00 mg kg-1 and 29.10 units, respectively. The content of nitrates and its relationship with SPAD units, adjusted to an increasing linear model for the four levels of nitrogen studied. From this study it can be concluded that the application of 100 kg N ha-1, positively affect the culture of Jamaica under dry weather conditions way

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Departamento Risaralda, Valle y Caldas.

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    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Departamento Risaralda, Valle y Caldas.Cada relato expuesto, es una radiografía de los diferentes tipos de violencia que se viven en Colombia por más de medio siglo, partiendo del análisis de las subjetividades inmersas en los contextos de violencia, representados en diferentes zonas del país y enmarcados en cada uno de los cinco relatos expuesto. Cada uno, nos muestran las consecuencias a nivel social, económico, político, cultural y personal, reflejado en los protagonistas que describen en sus historias, a través de su propia narrativa, cómo han sido las consecuencias reflejadas en el abuso, el desplazamiento, el secuestro, la violación a los derechos humanos, la inseguridad, la pobreza, el narcotráfico, el desempleo y el desarraigo de su comunidad. Como eje del análisis grupal, se seleccionó el relato N. 2 “Camilo”, enmarcado en la violencia que se ha ensañado contra los jóvenes del país, reflejada en sucesos que van desencadenando hechos de violencia, donde se ve reflejada la injusticia y la desigualdad como denominador de las circunstancias que se expone en su narrativa. Se puede resaltar: la discriminación racial, su condición de desplazado, su desarraigo de identidad, así como su posición resiliente la cual permite hacer procesos de aceptación y de superación de cada una de las adversidades que ha vivido, enfrentando nuevos retos que lo han fortalecido en su proceso formativo y su capacidad de empoderamiento para crecer como individuo y generar nuevas oportunidades de vida. Es importante analizar los factores psicosociales que lo han afectado como sobreviviente de la violencia y lo han marcado, como también poder superar las dificultades y a partir de un proyecto de vida como este, puede contribuir desde su experiencia a su comunidad. A partir del estudio relacionado con la incursión dada en la cuenca del Cacarica, se presentan varias propuestas de intervención psicosocial para contribuir a mejorar las condiciones y la transformación de los hechos violentos que se presentaron contra la población civil y de esta forma promover la reconstrucción de la memoria histórica y hacer parte del proceso de reparación del tejido social de la comunidad.Each exposed story is an x-ray of the different types of violence that have been lived in Colombia for more than half century, based on the analysis of subjectivities immersed in the contexts of violence, represented in different regions of the country and framed in each of the five stories exposed. Each one shows us the consequences at the social, economic, political, cultural and personal level, reflected in the protagonists they describe in their stories, through their own narrative, how the consequences have been reflected in abuse, displacement, kidnapping, violence against human rights, insecurity, poverty, drug trafficking, unemployment and uprooting from their community. As the focus of the group analysis, we select the story N. 2 “Camilo”, framed in the violence that has been taught against the youth of the country, reflected in events that are triggering acts of violence, where injustice and inequality are reflected as denominator of the circumstances that exposes us in his narrative. We can highlight: racial discrimination, his condition as a homeless person, his uprooting identity, as well as his resilient position which allows the acceptance and overcoming of each one of the adversities he has lived through, facing new challenges that have strengthened him in its formative process and its empowerment capacity to grow as an individual and generate new life opportunities. It is important to analyze the psychosocial factors that have affected him as a survivor of violence and have marked him, as well as being able to overcome difficulties and from a life project like this, he can contribute from his experience to his community. From the study related to the incursion in the Cacarica basin, several proposals for psychosocial intervention are presented to help improve the conditions and transformation of the violent events that were filed against the civilian population and thus promote the reconstruction of the historical memory of the community and take part of the social repairing process of the community

    Estrategias de movilidad basadas en la teoría de percolación para evitar la diseminación de enfermedades: COVID-19

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    La movilidad de las personas es uno de los principales factores que propician la propagación espacial de epidemias. Las medidas de control epidemiológico basadas en la restricción de movilidad son generalmente poco populares y las consecuencias económicas pueden llegar aser muy grandes. Debido a los altos costos de estas medidas, es de gran relevancia tener estrategias globales que optimicen las medidas minimizando los costos. En este trabajo, se calcula el umbral de percolación de la propagación de enfermedades en redes. De manera particular, se encuentra el número de caminos a restringir y localidades que tienen que ser aisladas para limitar la propagación global de COVID-19 en el Estado de Puebla, México. Simulaciones computacionales donde se implementan las medidas de restricción de movilidadentre los diferentes municipios, junto con las medidas de confinamiento, muestran que es posible reducir un 94 % de la población afectada comparado con el caso en el que no se implementa ninguna medida. Esta metodología puede ser aplicada a distintas zonas para ayudar a las autoridades de salud en la toma de decisiones. Human mobility is an important factor in the spatial propagation of infectious diseases. On the other hand, the control strategies based on mobility restrictions are generally unpopular and costly. These high social and economic costs make it very important to design global protocols where the cost is minimized and effects maximized. In this work, we calculate the percolation threshold of the spread in a network of a disease. In particular, we found the number of roads to close and regions to isolate in the Puebla State, Mexico, to avoid the global spread of COVID-19. Computational simulations taking into account the proposed strategy show a potential reduction of 94 % of infections. This methodology can be used in broader and different areas to help in the design of health policiesAgradecemos el apoyo económico por parte del Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Puebla. Bogar Díaz está financiado por el programa CONEX-Plus,con fondos de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, del Programa Horizonte 2020 dentro de las acciones de trabajo Marie-Sklodowska Curie COFUND (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2017- GA 801538)

    Effects of different plyometric training frequencies on physical performance in youth male volleyball players: a randomized trial

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of plyometric training (PT) at different frequencies on jump performance, running sprint speed, and service speed in youth male volleyball players. The participants were randomly assigned to one PT session per week (Experimental Group 1, EG1, n = 15), two PT sessions per week (Experimental Group 2, EG2, n = 14), and a control group (CG, n = 13). The total weekly jumping ranged between 98 and 196 jumps (equalized between, EG1 and, EG2). The assessments performed were squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), CMJ-arms, drop jump (DJ), 5-m sprint, 10-m sprint, and service speed. The intragroup comparisons showed that, EG1 significantly (p < 0.001) improved SJ (Δ = 12.74%; d = 1.30), CMJ (Δ = 11.94%; d = 1.71), CMJ-arms (Δ = 12.02%; d = 1.47), DJ (Δ = 10.93%; d = 1.30), 5-m sprint (Δ = −4.61%; d = 0.29), 10-m sprint (Δ = −3.95%; d = 0.40) and service speed (Δ = 8.17%; d = 1.53). Similarly, EG2 significantly (p˂ 0.001) improved SJ (Δ = 11.52%; d = 1.25), CMJ (Δ = 11.29%; d = 1.38), CMJ-arms (Δ = 11.42%; d = 1.26), DJ (Δ = 13.90%; d = 2.17), 5-m sprint (Δ = −3.85%; d = 0.25), 10-m sprint (Δ = −2.73%; d = 0.25) and service speed (Δ = 6.77%; d = 1.44). The CG significantly (p < 0.05) improved SJ (Δ = 2.68; d = 0.28), CMJ-arms (Δ = 2.30; d = 0.35), 5-m sprint (Δ = −1.27; d = 0.10) and service speed (Δ = 1.42; d = 0.30). Intergroup comparisons revealed significantly greater improvements in all variables (p < 0.001) in, EG1 and, EG2 concerning to CG. However, no significant differences were found between, EG1 and, EG2. A moderate weekly PT volume, distributed in one or two sessions per week, seems equally effective