58 research outputs found

    Lower Turolian mammals of Puente Minero (Teruel, Spain)

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    El yacimiento de Puente Minero (Teruel) ha suministrado una abundante y diversificada fauna de micro y macromamíferos que se ha datado como perteneciente al Turoliense inferior. Se han determinado catorce taxones de micromamíferos, destacando la abundancia de múridos (representados por las especies Occitanomys sondaari, Parapodemus cf.lugdunensis y Valerymys vireti) y de cricétidos (Hyspanomys freudenthali y Kowalskia fahlbuschi). También son muy numerosos los restos del lagomorfo Prolagus crusafonti. Otros taxones determinados, presentes en menor cantidad, son los roedores Eozapus intermedius, Eliomys truci, Heteroxerus cf. grivensis y Chalicomys sp., así como tres especies de insectívoros, y un quiróptero, Rhinolophus delphinensis. Los macromamíferos también se caracterizan por su diversidad de especies (quince taxones determinados) pero, salvo en los casos de Hipparion y Tragoportax, el material perteneciente a cada uno de ellos no es muy numeroso. La mayor parte de los restos corresponde a Hipparion, representado por dos especies, el común Hipparion primigenium y otra especie de talla pequeña, Hipparion gromovae, sólo conocida hasta el momento en el Turoliense superior. También abunda la especie Tragoportax gaudryi, bóvido común durante todo el Turoliense. Otras formas determinadas son cinco especies de carnívoros, cinco de artiodáctilos, una de perisodáctilo y una de proboscídeo. En este trabajo se describen los micromamíferos, los carnívoros y los artiodáctilos. La asociación de micromamíferos se parece a la de los yacimientos de Alfambra, Tortajada A, Valdecebro 4, Los Aguanaces y Vivero de Pinos, todos ellos situados en las proximidades de Puente Minero y cuya edad corresponde al Turoliense inferior (MN 11). El conjunto de macromamíferos, por su parte, se correlaciona con los de Piera (Vallés-Penedés) y Crevillente 2 (Alicante), ambos atribuidos también al Turoliense inferior. El interés de este trabajo radica en la documentación paleontológica de una edad poco conocida todavía y en la que son raros los hallazgos conjuntos de micro y macromamíferos.The Puente Minero (Teruel) locality has provided an abundant and diversified micro and macromammal fauna dated as lower Turolian. Fourteen micromammal taxa have been identified, with abundant murids (represented by the species Occitanomys sondaari, Parapodemus cf. lugdunensis, and Valerymys vireti) and cricetids (Hispanomys freudenthali and Kowalskia fahlbuschi). There are also numerous remains of the lagomorph Prolagus crusafonti. Other taxa determined, present in smaller numbers, are the rodents Eozapus intermedius, Eliomys truci, Heteroxerus cf. grivensis and Chalicomys sp., as well as three species of insectivores and the bat Rhinolophus delphinensis. The macromammal fauna is also noteworthy for the diversity (15 taxa) but, except for Hipparion and Tragoportax, the other species are poorly represented. The large part of these remains correspond to Hipparion, represented by two species, the common Hipparion primigenium and the small-sized Hipparion gromovae, only known to have existed, until now, during the late Turolian. The species Tragoportax gaudryi, a common bovid during the Turolian is also well represented. Other macromammals present are five species of carnivores, five artiodactyls, one perissodactyl, and one proboscidean. The micromammals, the carnivores, and the artiodactyls are described in this paper. The association of the micromammals is similar to those of the Alfambra, Tortajada A, Valdecebro 4, Los Aguanaces and Vivero de Pinos localities, all of wich are situated near Puente Minero and are of early Turolian (MN 11) age. As for the macromammal group, they are similar to Piera (Vallés-Penedés) and Crevillente 2 (Alicante), both of wich are also attributed to lower Turolian. The interest of this work is in the paleontological documentation of a period still widely unknown and in which it is rare to find micro and macromammals together.Peer reviewe

    Síntesis de propinilaminas indólicas como inhibidores de monoaminooxidasa

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, 1974.Universidad Complutense de MadridTRUEProQuestpu

    Rompiendo tópicos. Las mujeres en la Formación Profesional

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    From an up-to-date point of view, the present article deals with the historical change of technological assessment to explain the role that prejudice and vested interests play in the exclusion of women from vocational training. It analyses the historical facts that have occurred from the first craft workshops to the present day.  The 21st century proves as an educational fact that vocational training still bears a mark of segregation and hierarchical structure. Consequently, a debate is still necessary for the improvement of both general education systems and the ones that are specific for vocational training.Partiendo de una perspectiva actual, se plantea la transformación histórica de las tecnologías para explicar el papel que juegan los prejuicios e intereses en la exclusión de la mujer en la FP. Analiza la realidad histórica desde los talleres artesanales hasta la actualidad. Ya en el siglo XXI la realidad educativa nos muestra que la Formación Profesional sigue marcada por la segregación y jerarquización. El debate debe seguir planteándose como una necesidad de los sistemas educativos y de formación

    Consensus on the Clinical Approach to Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Spain: A Delphi Survey

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    Background. The purpose of this study was to gather information on the current assessment and management of patients with moderate-to-severe AD in routine daily practice. Methods. A cross-sectional two-round Delphi survey with the participation of dermatologists and allergologists throughout Spain was conducted. They completed a 46-item questionnaire, and consensus was defined when responses of >= 80% of participants coincided in the categories of a 5-point Likert scale for that item. Results. A total of 105 specialists (aged 40-59 years) completed the two rounds. Participants agreed regarding the consideration of AD as a multifaceted disease and the differences in clinical presentation of AD according to the patient's age. It is recommendable to perform a skin biopsy to exclude early stage T-cell cutaneous lymphoma, psoriasis, or dermatitis herpetiformis, among others (99.1%). Also, consensus was reached regarding the use of the SCORAD index to quantify the severity of the disease (86.7%), the use of wet wraps to increase the effect of topical corticosteroids (90.4%), the usefulness of proactive treatment during follow-up (85.6%) and tacrolimus ointment (91.2%) to reduce new flares, and the fact that crisaborole is not the treatment of choice for severe AD (92.4%). AD was not considered a contraindication for immunotherapy in patients with allergic respiratory diseases (92.4%). In patients with severe AD, the use of immune response modifier drugs (97.6%) or phototherapy (92.8%) does not sufficiently cover their treatment needs. Consensus was also obtained regarding the role of the new biologic drugs (93.6%) targeting cytokines involved in the Th2 inflammatory pathway (92.0%) and the potential role of dupilumab as first-line treatment (90.4%) in moderate-to-severe AD patients. Conclusion. This study contributes a reference framework to the care of AD patients. There is no diagnostic test or biomarkers to direct treatment or to assess the severity of the disease, and many therapeutic challenges remain

    Game-based learning supported by audience response tools: game proposals and preliminary assessment

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    [EN] The so-called game-based learning strategies are based on introducing games in the classrooms to improve aspects such as student performance, concentration and effort. Currently, they provide a very useful resource to increase the motivation of university students, generating a better atmosphere among peers and between student and teacher, which in turn is generally translated into better academic results. However, the design of games that successfully achieve the desired teaching-learning objectives is not a trivial task. This work focuses on the design of games that allow the assessment of ICT-related university subjects. Specifically, three different games are proposed, all based on student participation in teams. After undertaking a preliminary evaluation of the different games, and observing the results obtained in different subjects taught by different teachers, the advantages and disadvantages of each game are discussed. This preliminary study will thus serve as an starting point for a more exhaustive study on the designed games, by including an statistical analysis considering the time variable (results in different academic courses).http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Cobos, M.; Arevalillo-Herráez, M.; De Ves, E.; Roger, S.; García-Pineda, M.; Grimaldo, F.; Fuertes, A.... (2018). Game-based learning supported by audience response tools: game proposals and preliminary assessment. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 605-612. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8044OCS60561

    Vídeos interactivos para mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la generación YouTube

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    Según los últimos estudios acerca de los hábitos entre los jóvenes y adolescentes de hoy en día, más del 85% de ellos consume elementos multimedia (en su mayoría vídeos) como recurso para informarse, formarse y aprender. A través de este trabajo, se pretende mostrar los diseños y desarrollos de objetos multimedia interactivos realizados para reforzar conceptos en diversas asignaturas y cómo dichos objetos aportan una mejora en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los estudios universitarios. Los objetos multimedia que se han desarrollado son vídeos y presentaciones de corta duración que irán avanzando y planteando preguntas acerca del vídeo visualizado. Finalmente, para valorar el resultado de las actividades y objetos planteados, se ha realizado una encuesta que muestra tanto el grado de satisfacción del alumnado, como algunos elementos que se podrían mejorar.According to the latest studies concerned to habits of today’s young people, more than 85% of them use multimedia elements (mostly videos) to get information as well as for training and learning. This work aims to show, on the one hand, the designs and developments of interactive multimedia objects performed in order to reinforce concepts in several subjects and, on the other hand, how these objects provide an improvement in the teaching-learning process in higher education. The developed multimedia objects are videos and/or short slideshows in which questions about the displayed information are included. Finally, in order to evaluate the proposed activities and objects, we carried out a survey which shows the satisfaction degree of the students, as well as some elements which could be improved.Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a la ayuda otorgada por la UV (Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa) en el contexto del proyecto SFPIEPID19-10097716

    Evaluación online sostenible mediante vídeos interactivos. Una experiencia en el ámbito universitario

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    A lo largo de los últimos años, especialmente en 2020 y 2021, donde el COVID-19 nos ha obligado a pasar a una metodología docente semipresencial o en línea, hemos podido comprobar cómo los recursos multimedia han jugado un factor clave para transmitir conocimiento y ayudar en la formación. Si a estos recursos multimedia se añade además un componente de interactividad, podemos mejorar la atención al alumnado, favorecer el aprendizaje activo, fomentar los mecanismos de regulación del aprendizaje autónomo y trabajar la metacognición del estudiante. Este trabajo presenta una experiencia en la que se aborda la participación activa de los estudiantes universitarios en el propio proceso de evaluación, como medio para desarrollar su capacidad de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Para ello, se ha diseñado y desarrollado una estrategia de evaluación en línea orientada al aprendizaje. Dicha estrategia se fundamenta en el uso de objetos multimedia interactivos y asegura su sostenibilidad a lo largo del tiempo a través de la reutilización de los materiales.Over the last few years, especially in 2020 and 2021, where COVID-19 has forced us to move to a blended or online teaching methodology, we have been able to see how multimedia resources have played a key factor in transmitting knowledge and assisting in training processes. If we add to these multimedia resources the characteristic of interactivity, we can improve the students’ attention, favor active learning, promote the mechanisms of regulation of autonomous learning and work on the students’ metacognition. This work presents an experience where the active participation of university students in the evaluation process itself is addressed, as a means to develop their capacity for lifelong learning. For this purpose, an online assessment strategy based on learning has been designed and developed. It is based on the use of interactive multimedia objects and ensures sustainability over time through the reuse of materials.Este proyecto (SFPIE-PID20-1352382) ha sido financiado por el SFPIE de la Universitat de València

    Biodegradation and heart retention of polymeric microparticles in a rat model of myocardial ischemia

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    Poly-lactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) microparticles emerged as one of the most promising strategies to achieve site-specific drug delivery. Although these microparticles have been demonstrated to be effective in several wound healing models, their potential in cardiac regeneration has not yet been fully assessed. The present work sought to explore PLGA microparticles as cardiac drug delivery systems. PLGA microparticles were prepared by Total Recirculation One-Machine System (TROMS) after the formation of a multiple emulsion. Microparticles of different size were prepared and characterized to select the most suitable size for intramyocardial administration. Next, the potential of PLGA microparticles for administration in the heart was assessed in a MI rat model. Particle biodegradation over time and myocardial tissue reaction were studied by routine staining and confocal microscopy. Results showed that microparticles with a diameter of 5 μm were the most compatible with intramyocardial administration in terms of injectability through a 29-gauge needle and tissue response. Particles were present in the heart tissue for up to three months post-implantation and no particle migration towards other solid organs was observed, demonstrating good myocardial retention. CD68 immunolabeling revealed 31%, 47% and below 4% microparticle uptake by macrophages one week, one month and three months after injection, respectively (P<0.001). Taken together, these findings support the feasibility of the developed PLGA microparticles as vehicles for delivering growth factors in the infarcted myocardium

    Diseño e implementación de juegos en el aula utilizando herramientas de respuesta de audiencia

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    El aprendizaje basado en juegos se basa en introducir el juego en las aulas para mejorar aspectos como el rendimiento, la concentración y el esfuerzo del alumnado. En la actualidad, proporciona un recurso muy útil para incrementar la motivación del alumnado universitario, generando un mejor clima entre compañeros y entre alumno y profesor, el cual en muchas ocasiones se traduce en mejores resultados académicos. Sin embargo, diseñar juegos que consigan con éxito los objetivos de enseñanza-aprendizaje deseados no es una tarea trivial. Este trabajo propone tres juegos basados en la participación por equipos que pueden ser fácilmente implementados utilizando plataformas online existentes. En el diseño de los mismos, se ha tenido en cuenta la experiencia previa de los alumnos en el uso de herramientas de respuesta de audiencia, así como en su participación en juegos en el aula. Tras llevar a cabo los juegos en distintas asignaturas relacionadas con el campo de las TIC, se ha evaluado el impacto de esta actividad mediante encuestas de satisfacción cumplimentadas por el alumnado.The so-called game-based learning strategies are based on introducing games in the classrooms to improve aspects such as student performance, concentration and effort. Currently, they provide a very useful resource to increase the motivation of university students, generating a better atmosphere among peers and between student and teacher, which in turn is generally translated into better academic results. However, the design of games that successfully achieve the desired teaching-learning objectives is not a trivial task. This paper proposes three games based on team participation that can be easily implemented using existing online platforms. The design of these games has taken into account the previous experience of the students in the use of audience response tools, as well as their participation in games in the classroom. After carrying out the games in different ICT-related subjects, we evaluated the impact of this activity using questionnaires collecting students’ assessments.Este proyecto ha sido financiado por la UV (Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa) en el contexto del proyecto UV-SFPIE_GER18-848990

    Controlled delivery of fibroblast growth factor-1 and neuregulin-1 from biodegradable microparticles promotes cardiac repair in a rat myocardial infarction model through activation of endogenous regeneration

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    Acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF1) and neuregulin-1 (NRG1) are growth factors involved in cardiac development and regeneration. Microparticles (MPs) mediate cytokine sustained release, and can be utilized to overcome issues related to the limited therapeutic protein stability during systemic administration. We sought to examine whether the administration of microparticles (MPs) containing FGF1 and NRG1 could promote cardiac regeneration in a myocardial infarction (MI) rat model. We investigated the possible underlying mechanisms contributing to the beneficial effects of this therapy, especially those linked to endogenous regeneration. FGF1- and NRG1-loaded MPs were prepared using a multiple emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Seventy-three female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent permanent left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion, and MPs were intramyocardially injected in the peri-infarcted zone four days later. Cardiac function, heart tissue remodeling, revascularization, apoptosis, cardiomyocyte proliferation, and stem cell homing were evaluated one week and three months after treatment. MPs were shown to efficiently encapsulate FGF1 and NRG1, releasing the bioactive proteins in a sustained manner. Three months after treatment, a statistically significant improvement in cardiac function was detected in rats treated with growth factor-loaded MPs (FGF1, NRG1, or FGF1/NRG1). The therapy led to inhibition of cardiac remodeling with smaller infarct size, a lower fibrosis degree and induction of tissue revascularization. Cardiomyocyte proliferation and progenitor cell recruitment was detected. Our data support the therapeutic benefit of NRG1 and FGF1 when combined with protein delivery systems for cardiac regeneration. This approach could be scaled up for use in pre-clinical and clinical studies