4,231 research outputs found

    Measuring behavioural outcomes when promoting household water treatment and storage

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    This document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of three indicators to measure behavioural outcomes associated with household water treatment and storage: volume of sales, volume of liters of water treated, and percent of households practicing effective water management. It suggests that the last indicator may be the most adequate for capturing technologies available for household water treatment. The measures proposed to capture the indicator are more effective than self-reports, as they are based on spot-checks or simple water quality tests when water is treated with a chlorine solution. Yet, collecting data on psycho-social determinants of practices will be useful to program managers. Modifications to the questions to capture treatment practices using solar disinfection are also suggested. The document ends with additional input provided by participants from an e-conference organized to discuss the paper

    Color image segmentation using multispectral random field texture model & color content features

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    This paper describes a color texture-based image segmentation system. The color texture information is obtained via modeling with the Multispectral Simultaneous Auto Regressive (MSAR) random field model. The general color content characterized by ratios of sample color means is also used. The image is segmented into regions of uniform color texture using an unsupervised histogram clustering approach that utilizes the combination of MSAR and color features. The performance of the system is tested on two databases containing synthetic mosaics of natural textures and natural scenes, respectivelyFacultad de Informátic

    Color image segmentation using multispectral random field texture model & color content features

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    This paper describes a color texture-based image segmentation system. The color texture information is obtained via modeling with the Multispectral Simultaneous Auto Regressive (MSAR) random field model. The general color content characterized by ratios of sample color means is also used. The image is segmented into regions of uniform color texture using an unsupervised histogram clustering approach that utilizes the combination of MSAR and color features. The performance of the system is tested on two databases containing synthetic mosaics of natural textures and natural scenes, respectivelyFacultad de Informátic

    A indexação do conhecimento científico: a necessidade do conhecimento a serviço do desenvolvimento comunitário e da proteção da natureza

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    The pandemic, the economic crisis, and climate change impose new development models of scientific production, as we suggest in this perspective study. The authors propose “new ways of evaluating academic performance,” which means stopping exclusively rewarding researchers who publish in indexed journals and valuing work with communities and applied interdisciplinary research, aimed at understanding socioenvironmental problems and proposing possible solutions that improve academic performance, improve quality of life of the population, and protect nature.A pandemia, a crise econômica e as mudanças climáticas impõem novos modelos de desenvolvimento da produção científica. Propomos “novas formas de avaliar o desempenho acadêmico”, o que significa deixar de premiar exclusivamente pesquisadores que publicam em periódicos indexados, mas valorizar o trabalho com comunidades e a pesquisa interdisciplinar aplicada, visando compreender problemas socioambientais e sugerir possíveis soluções que melhorem o desempenho acadêmico, a qualidade de vida da população e a proteção da natureza

    Gestión de la innovación tecnológica como factor de promoción del emprendimiento en universidades privadas venezolanas

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    The purpose was to analyze the management of technological innovation as a factor for promoting entrepreneurship in Venezuelan private universities. Positivist research and experimental transectional not descriptive, field based on population census managers and university students last academic year for research projects. He used Likert questionnaire whose reliability Cronbach's alpha yielded results of 0.97 and 0.95 in in college students managers. It is concluded that should rise indicators of technological activity management and models of technology transfer to the university environment, by motivating students and inclusion in calls for innovation projects.El propósito fue analizar la gestión de innovación tecnológica como factor de promoción del emprendimiento en universidades privadas venezolanas. La investigación positivista de tipo descriptiva, de campo, no experimental y transeccional se basó en censo poblacional de gerentes universitarios y estudiantes del último periodo académico con proyectos investigativos. Utilizó cuestionario likert, cuya confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach arrojó resultados de 0.97 en gerentes universitarios y 0.95 en estudiantes. Se concluye que deben elevarse los indicadores de gestión de actividad tecnológica y modelos de transferencia tecnológica al entorno universitario, mediante la motivación a estudiantes e inclusión en convocatorias de proyectos de innovación

    Estrategias de gestión administrativa para el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario en el Hospital las Mercedes, Chiclayo

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    El propósito de la presente investigación es proponer estrategias de gestión administrativa para la mejora del procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la ley del Servicio Civil en el hospital las Mercedes de Chiclayo, 2021, sustentándose en la teoría del desarrollo estratégico o planeación estratégica para la variable propositiva y; la variable diagnosticada se basó en la teoría de la potestad sancionadora del Estado. El tipo de investigación fue básico descriptivo y con diseño no experimental, transeccional propositivo; la muestra fue por conveniencia, constituida por 54 servidores y/o funcionarios públicos en el cargo de jefaturas; la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue un cuestionario tipo Likert con 24 ítems; el cual fue validado por un juicio de expertos, procediéndose a realizar la encuesta piloto para evaluar el grado de confiabilidad, obteniendo como resultado el valor de 0.891 considerándose aceptable. Como resultado del nivel de percepción del procedimiento disciplinario en el nosocomio se obtuvo que existe una deficiencia del procedimiento del 74.1% (nivel bajo y medio), por lo cual se diseñó la propuesta “EPINSAN”, la cual fue validada por juicio de expertos obteniendo una valoración muy alta de los criterios analizados

    Potential motivators behind household toilet adoption: results from a study in Amhara, Ethiopia

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    A study conducted in Amhara, Ethiopia among open defecators and toilet owners using female informants with children under 5 years of age to understand psychosocial factors that influence toilet uptake revealed that feeling modern, respected by members of community and visitors, and allowing women privacy any time of the day distinguishes facility owners from open defecators. In addition, toilet owners perceive that sanitation facilities contribute to keeping the compound clean and facilitate defecation for the elderly. Yet, feeling of shame for contaminating the environment, convenience, security and disease prevention were found to be the four common motivating factors for building toilets. Major reasons hindering latrines uptake were: land tenancy constraints or lack of space, or lack of skills in house to build facilities meaning the need to rely on outside help to construct latrines. Both contextual factors and psychosocial factors interact to influence latrine ownership. Sanitation promotion needs to keep these factors into account to help meet MDGs

    Combining sanitation and hand washing promotion: an example from Amhara, Ethiopia

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    Given the importance of the MDGs, sanitation coverage is a focus of many programs. Hand washing is often not integrated into sanitation promotion even though hand washing with soap at certain junctures helps reduce morbidity and mortality associated with diarrheal disease and is easy to incorporate into sanitation programming. With support of the World Bank-AF’s Water and Sanitation Program and USAID’s Hygiene Improvement Project, the Amhara Regional Health and Education Bureaus in Ethiopia implemented a program promoting sanitation uptake together with the installation of a hand washing device at latrines, fully supplied with water and a cleansing agent, in accordance with the national hygiene and sanitation strategy. This document reviews the results. Although statistically significant drops in sanitation uptake were observed, hand washing device installation kept pace with existing (substandard) trends but did not surpass them. Hand washing promotion may need to rely on social mobilization approaches as much as sanitation does


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    En el entrenamiento táctico encontramos una gran variedad de definiciones sobre el concepto, y uno de tantos que quisiéramos mencionar es el del Dr (Riviera, 1995)quien define la táctica como “la selección y aplicación creativa y oportuna de medios, modos y formas para la lucha más eficiente con el contrincante en las condiciones para la competencia”; para este escrito aprovecharemos el conocimiento teórico que tenemos sobre el tema para realizar unas reflexiones metodológicas de cómo en un único sistema de entrenamiento podemos integrar capacidades físicas determinantes y condicionales,fundamentos técnicos básicos y específicos en función de un trabajo táctico en equipo con mira a mejorar la toma de decisiones. Para el desarrollo del presente artículo se tuvieron en cuenta métodos empíricos y científicos, los cuales se fundamentan en la organización académica del mismo. El aporte de este escrito se fundamenta en el sistema de carga que se aplica a los juegos que se utilizan para realizar el entrenamiento táctico del futbol

    Selección de alternativas de mitigación del riesgo por procesos de remoción en masa

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    El presente trabajo se desarrolló con el fin de dar respuesta a las dificultades que se presentan en la selección de las alternativas de mitigación del riesgo por procesos de remoción en masa, a partir del análisis económico de los proyectos. Para esto se propuso una metodología que permite establecer la relación beneficio/costo de cada alternativa diseñada, a partir de consideración de los costos del proyecto a valor presente neto, siendo estos los valores requeridos para la implementación, mantenimiento, conservación, monitoreo geotécnico y valor residual, y donde el beneficio se tomó como las pérdidas esperadas que dejan de presentarse. Estas se estimaron mediante la evaluación cuantitativa del riesgo por procesos de remoción en masa.The present work was developed in order to respond to the difficulties that arise in the selection of risk mitigation alternatives for mass removal processes, from the economic analysis of projects. for this reason was proposed a methodology that allows to establish the cost benefit relationship of each alternative designed, after considering all the costs of the project with a net present value, which are the values required for the implementation, maintenance, conservation, monitoring, geotechnical and value residual, and where the benefit was taken as the expected losses that stop of appear. These were estimated by quantitative risk assessment for mass removal processes.Magíster en Ingeniería CivilMaestrí