702 research outputs found

    Actitudes de los adolescentes de la escuela preparatoria federal por cooperación Ricardo Flores Magón hacia la comida

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    Durante la adolescencia existen muchos cambios, tanto fisiológicos, como emocionales y el papel de la alimentación es siempre el mismo: dotar al organismo de la energía suficiente y aportar los nutrientes necesarios para que funcione correctamente. Es en esta etapa donde la alimentación para el adolescente es un problema en relación a la comida lo mismo que al cuerpo, ya que son fuente de placer y conflicto provocando una discrepancia entre el deseo de que los chicos quieran cuerpos musculosos como las chicas cuerpos delgados, tal que por ambos tengan actitudes de preferencia hacia la comida que no logren alcanzar su objetivo. Además son susceptibles de seguir dietas de moda, tendencias a adelgazar, omitir comidas y pueden perjudicar su salud. El desayuno es una comida que muchos adolescentes no llevan a cabo. En esta etapa el objetivo es forjar hábitos saludables para contribuir a su salud en la vida adulta, que determine una buena calidad de vida. Por tal motivo la presente investigación trata de dar a conocer las actitudes de los adolescentes de acuerdo a los valores tradicionales o nuevos, al igual como el significado emocional, la importancia que dan al peso y apariencia, a las preferencias y aversiones, todo esto en relación a la comida y la importancia con respecto a su entorno social. Para ello se consideró un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal, en el cual se tomó el total de alumnos del turno matutino y vespertino de la preparatoria Ricardo Flores Magón del Estado de México por medio de una muestra aleatoria sistemática, estratificada siendo 706 alumnos de los cuales se incluyeron a aquellos que se encontraron en el rango de edad al momento de aplicar el instrumento y se excluyeron alumnos que fueran mayores de 18 años y alumnos que por voluntad propia no quisieran participar para analizar las actitudes de los adolescentes hacia la comida se aplicó un cuestionario. Donde como resultados de los valores tradicionales o nuevos de los adolescentes hacia la comida, justifican un acuerdo mayoritario de casi un 100% que es importante tomar un buen desayuno para comenzar el día

    Study of socioformative leadership through the conceptual mapping

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    El concepto de liderazgo fue desarrollado principalmente en el ámbito organizacional para estimular a los trabajadores en el logro de las metas establecidas, lo cual a través del tiempo provocó que este término se utilizara en otros ámbitos como el deportivo, gerencial y político. Recientemente en el campo educativo se busca desarrollar el liderazgo de manera pedagógica, distribuida y transformacional en los equipos directivos y docentes de las instituciones para mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje. Con base en la evolución del concepto de liderazgo en los procesos educativos, se realizó un análisis documental con el objetivo de proponer mejoras en la construcción del concepto, teoría y metodología. Se empleó la cartografía conceptual como estrategia para la organización de la información recabada, siguiendo los ocho ejes de análisis de esta metodología, tomado como base fuentes primarias y secundarias recuperadas de google académico y bibliografía complementaria sobre la temática. Los resultados ilustran la importancia de gestionar el talento humano en las instituciones educativas mediante procesos de colaboración, metacognición y fortalecimiento del proyecto ético de vida de quienes participan en la formación de las nuevas generaciones, esto llevará a un liderazgo que trascienda la ejecución de tareas (funciones y roles), y se garantice el desarrollo de personas éticas y autorrealizadasThe concept of leadership was developed mainly in the organizational level to encourage workers in achieving the goals set, which over time caused that this term will be used in other areas such as sports, managerial and political. Recently in the field of education aims to develop leadership in a teaching way, distributed and transformational in the management teams and of the educational institutions to improve learning outcomes. Based on the evolution of the concept of leadership in educational processes, a documentary analysis was conducted with the objective to propose improvements in the construction of the concept, theory and methodology. Employment is the conceptual mapping as a strategy for the organization of the information collected, in accordance with the eight pillars of analysis of this methodology, taken as a base primary and secondary sources retrieved from Google scholar and supplemental bibliography on the topic. The results illustrate the importance of managing the human talent in the educational institutions through collaborative processes, metacognition and strengthening of the ethical project of life of those involved in the formation of the new generations, this will lead to a leadership that transcends the execution of tasks (functions and roles), and ensure the development of self-fulfilling and ethical peopl

    Two-Stage Modulation Study for DAB Converter

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    The dual active bridge (DAB) is a dc/dc converter frequently employed in multiple applications due to its advantages of isolation, power flexibility, and input and output voltage defined by design. Different multi-phase modulations have been reported to increase DAB efficiency and reduce components stress but, certainly, the control and implementation complexity increases with every displacement angle added because of the multiple variable measurements. This paper presents two-stage modulations based on the single phase-shift (SPS), which allows maintaining simplicity while improving the efficiency of the DAB converter depending on the design conditions. The paper also gives a direction for selecting the proper modulation to achieve the best efficiency for each situation. The different two-stage modulations are described, analyzed, and experimentally tested

    Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Spiny Lobster, Panulirus interruptus, on the Pacific Coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico

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    Many aspects of the early life history of the red lobster Panulirus interruptus are little known, including the relationship between habitat structure, food resource availability, and nutrition of juveniles. We investigated the spatial and temporal differences in food intake, diet composition, and nutritional condition of juveniles at two sites along the Pacific coast of the Baja California Peninsula (Mexico) with contrasting oceanographic and biological conditions. One site (Arvin) is located inside a protected bay, Bahia Tortugas, where the waters are cooler and temperate seagrasses and macroalgae are the dominant benthic flora. The second site (Queen) in Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino was located along a more open coastline where seawater temperatures were higher and the benthic flora more indicative of warmer seas. At both sites, we randomly sampled epifauna within vegetated habitats to estimate the seasonal availability of food resources for juvenile lobsters from autumn 2001 until summer 2002. Concurrently, we used traps to sample P. interruptus juveniles for stomach content analysis. At both sites, Amphipoda, Gastropoda, and Polychaeta dominated the epifauna assemblages, as determined by an Index of Importance. Juvenile P. interruptus primarily consumed crustaceans (mostly amphipods and isopods) and vegetal material (surf-grass Phyllospadix spp. and calcareous algae), but their food spectrum was wide. Manly\u27s Index of Resource Selection indicated that lobsters preferred some prey (e.g., Brachyurans) over others despite their low Index of Importance. Despite marked differences in the types of food and their availability between sites, there were no significant differences in the nutritional condition (e.g., relative weight of the digestive gland) of lobsters at the two sites. However, the nutritional condition of lobsters was effected during some seasons. In particular, their condition deteriorated during the spring (April 2002) at Arvin, as did the proportion of individuals with empty stomachs. This study shows the feeding adaptation capacity of the juvenile California spiny lobster P. interruptus to different environmental conditions prevalent in Centre Baja California Peninsula

    Polarization Properties of the Solitons Generated in the Process of Pulse Breakup in Twisted Fiber Pumped by ns Pulses

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    Common optical fibers are randomly birefringent, and solitons formatting and traveling in them are randomly polarized. However, it is desirable to have solitons with a well-defined polarization. With pump relatively long pulses, the nonlinear effects of modulation instability (MI) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) are dominant at the initial stage of the process of supercontinuum (SC) generation; modulation instability results in pulse breakup and formation of short pulses that evolve finally to a bunch of solitons and dispersive waves. We do the research of the polarization of solitons formed by the pulse breakup process by the effect of modulation instability with pump pulses of nanoseconds in standard fiber (SMF-28) with circular birefringence introduced by fiber twist, and the twisted fiber mitigates the random linear birefringence. In this work, we found that polarization ellipticity of solitons is distributed randomly; nevertheless, the average polarization ellipticity is closer to the circular than the polarization ellipticity of the input pulse. In the experimental setup. 200 m of SMF-28 fiber twisted by 6 turns/m was used. We used 1 ns pulse to pump the fiber. The results showed that at circular polarization of the input pulse solitons at the fiber output have polarizations close to the circular, while in the fiber without twist, the soliton polarization was random

    Maíz de alto contenido proteínico (Zea mays l.) en hogares rurales marginados del estado de Puebla

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    El déficit en ingesta diaria de proteínas y calorías registrado en la población infantil mexicana, se muestra de modo extremo en áreas rurales. El déficit se agudiza por la problemática económica y sanitaria actual, lo que se constituye en un problema alimentario de naturaleza nacional. En este trabajo se estudió el nivel de aceptabilidad del maíz de alta calidad proteínica (ACP) con el cálculo de un índice de aceptabilidad, con información de 78 productores, del sur del estado de Puebla, que participan en un programa de la SDR, caracterizados por IDH bajo y alto índice de desnutrición. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 51 preguntas a una muestra por muestreo aleatorio simple, con grado de confiabilidad de 95%. Se encontró que la semilla del maíz ACP se distribuye con sus atributos proteínicos, pero con una deficiente transferencia de tecnología; con índice de aceptabilidad del 60%, que muestra buena aceptación para ser sembrado por los productores. Lo siembran uno, dos o tres años, valorando sus circunstancias para repetirlo en ciclos siguientes, ignorando sus propiedades proteínicas. El consumo, del maíz ACP se incorpora al forraje para animales de traspatio y esporádicamente en la dieta de la familia

    Marine Organisms from the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) as a Potential Natural Source of Antibacterial Compounds

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    [Abstract] A total of 51 sponges (Porifera) and 13 ascidians (Chordata) were collected on the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) and extracted with organic solvents. The resulting extracts were screened for antibacterial activity against four multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial pathogens: the Gram-negative Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the organic extracts of each marine organism were determined using a broth microdilution assay. Extracts of eight of the species, in particular the Agelas citrina and Haliclona (Rhizoniera) curacaoensis, displayed activity against some of the pathogens tested. Some of the extracts showed similar MIC values to known antibiotics such as penicillins and aminoglycosides. This study is the first to carry out antimicrobial screening of extracts of marine sponges and ascidians collected from the Yucatan Peninsula. Bioassay-guided fractionation of the active extracts from the sponges Amphimedon compressa and A. citrina displayed, as a preliminary result, that an inseparable mixture of halitoxins and amphitoxins and (-)-agelasine B, respectively, are the major compounds responsible for their corresponding antibacterial activities. This is the first report of the antimicrobial activity of halitoxins and amphitoxins against major multidrug-resistant human pathogens. The promising antibacterial activities detected in this study indicate the coast of Yucatan Peninsula as a potential source of a great variety of marine organisms worthy of further research.This work was supported by Grants RTI2018-093634-B-C22 (AEI/FEDER, EU) from the State Agency for Research (AEI) of Spain, co-funded by the FEDER Programme from the European Union, by projects PI15/00860 and PI18/00501 to GB and PI14/00059 and PI17/01482 to AB (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and BLUEBIOLAB (0474_BLUEBIOLAB_1_E), Programme INTERREG V A of Spain-Portugal (POCTEP). The study was also funded by projects IN607A 2016/22 (GAIN- Agencia Gallega de Innovación - Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria) and GRC2018/039 and Agrupación Estratégica CICA-INIBIC ED431E 2018/03 (Consellería de Educación, Universidades e Formación Profesional) from the Xunta de Galicia (autonomous government of the region). Support was also provided by Planes Nacionales de I+D+i 2013-2016 and ISCIII, Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD16/0016/006) co-financed by European Development Regional Fund "A way to achieve Europe" and the operative program Intelligent Growth 2014-2020. J.C.V.U. was financially supported by the pFIS Programme (FI18/00315), M.M.G. was financially supported by a Clara Roy grant (SEIMC) and C.L.M. by IN606A-2019/029. D.P.P. received a fellowship from the program National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) of Mexico and the Secretariat of Research, Innovation and Higher Education (SIIES) of Yucatan (Mexico)Xunta de Galicia; 0474_BLUEBIOLAB_1_EXunta de Galicia; IN607A 2016/22Xunta de Galicia; GRC2018/039Xunta de Galicia; ED431E 2018/03Xunta de Galicia; IN606A-2019/02

    “Titán” y “Regio”, variedades de pasto Buffel (Pennisetum ciliare) (L.) Link para zonas áridas y semiáridas

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    Buffel grass (Pennisetum ciliare) is a perennial, native grass to South Africa, from good forage value that adapts well to a wide range of soils and climatic conditions. Titan and Regio buffel grass varieties come from collections made in the Central and Northern of Mexico. They were evaluate in arid and semi-arid areas in rainfed and irrigation from 1986 until the record in 2008. The definitive records granted by the National system of inspection and certification of seeds (SNICS), are CEN-001-060608 for Titan and CEN-002-060608 for Regio buffel grass, being these the first varieties registered for this species in Mexico. The average of these varieties yield varies between 2,120 and 2,582 kg MS ha-1 yr-1 under rainfed conditions and 5,180 to 9,160 kg MS ha-1 yr-1 under irrigation conditions. These varieties of grass are tolerant to drought, easy settlement and rapid growth; they are also appealing for livestock, grazing-resistant and tolerant to salinity. Currently, is the specie most used in the rehabilitation and conservation of soil in grassland of arid and semi-arid zones in Mexico.El pasto buffel (Pennisetum ciliare) es una gramínea perenne, originaria de Sud África, de buen valor forrajero que se adapta bien a una amplia gama de suelos y condiciones climáticas. Las variedades de pasto buffel Titán y buffel Regio provienen de colectas realizadas en el centro y norte de México. Fueron evaluadas en zonas áridas y semiáridas, en temporal y riego desde 1986 hasta la obtención del registro en el año 2008. Los registros definitivos otorgados por parte del Sistema Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas SNICS, son: CEN-001-060608 para buffel Titán y CEN-002-060608 para buffel Regio, siendo éstas, las primeras variedades registradas para esta especie en México. El rendimiento medio de estas variedades oscila entre 2,120 y 2,582 kg MS ha-1 año-1 en condiciones de temporal y entre 5,180 y 9,160 kg MS ha-1 año-1 en condiciones de riego. Estas variedades de pasto son tolerantes a la sequía, de fácil establecimiento y de rápido crecimiento, además, son apetecibles para el ganado, resistentes al pastoreo y tolerantes a salinidad. Actualmente, es la especie más utilizada en la rehabilitación y conservación de suelo en pastizales de zonas áridas y semiáridas en México

    Forage and vegetal characterization of three native mexican grasses in Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo

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    Objective: To carry out an agronomical assessment and a quantitative description of the yield components of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides), and alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides) under rainfed conditions in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: A completely randomized block design was used in 31-month-old pastures to determine forage production, morphological composition, seed yield, and weight of 1,000 caryopses. The plants were characterized in 7-month-old pastures, recording (per plant) the number of total and floral stems, as well as the basal twigs in alkali sacaton and switchgrass. Meanwhile, in the case of eastern gamagrass, the dome number and androecium sections were recorded. Results: The highest forage dry matter production was observed in switchgrass: 9,322 kg ha-1 (P < 0.05). Eastern gamagrass had a higher leaf ratio (1:3). The highest number of seeds was recorded in alkali sacaton: 211 kg ha-1, with 43% physical purity. After 7 months of sowing, a total of 250, 355, and 280 stems and 193, 150, and 87 floral stems were recorded in switchgrass, alkali sacaton, and eastern gamagrass, respectively. Study Limitations/Implications: Eastern gamagrass produces a low number of seeds; therefore, it must be propagated by plant material. In rainfed soils, grasses help to recover pasture areas, since rainfed agriculture poses a risk in many places as a result of poor rainfall distribution or early frosts. Findings/Conclusions: The three grasses studied are productive due to the amount of forage accumulated. Alkali sacaton produces more seeds