593 research outputs found
The vote of custom. Political cultures and urban crisis in Madrid at the beginning of 20th century
During the last decades political historians have renewed their methodologycal approaches to the past in order to provide wider explanations of the political identity of the historical subjects. In this intellectual frame, the concept of political culture has raised as one of the most used tools by both spanish and international scholars. However, the important advances political culture has brought up in the study of ideas and representations have not had their counterpart in the realm of practices or actions from below and regardless of parties and institutions. In this article we try to incorporate those forgotten elements adopting an anthropological, practical and contextual approach to the concept of political culture. The majority of the article lies on a microhistorical exercise in which we make use of our definition of political culture with the aim of measuring the weight of custom and community in the political attitudes of Madrid citizenship in a particular period: the conjuncture of social change, urban transformation and cultural crisis that defined the last years of the Spanish Restoration.</p
Cuando los suburbios dejaron de ser periferia : la lucha por el control de la calle en el Madrid de los años 1930
Durante el período de entreguerras los suburbios de las grandes ciudades occidentales se convirtieron en el espacio por excelencia de la política de masas. Este artículo propone un análisis a ras de suelo de la lucha política en los barrios madrileños de Cuatro Caminos y Tetuán. En un primer momento se realiza una aproximación a la vida social de sendos suburbios y se subraya su situación de abandono por las distintas administraciones liberales. A continuación, se estudian dos de los principales conflictos que tuvieron lugar en sus calles en los años treinta. Por un lado, se analizan los enfrentamientos derivados de la propaganda fascista en un medio que las organizaciones revolucionarias consideraban propio. Por otro, se abordan los actos de boicot que los anarquistas, fuertes en los suburbios, llevaron a cabo contra los socialistas. En el texto se sostiene que ambos conflictos se entienden mejor a la luz de la cultura política forjada en los suburbios durante décadas.Durant el període d'entreguerres els suburbis de les grans ciutats occidentals es van convertir en l'espai per excel·lència de la política de masses. Aquest article proposa una anàlisi arran de terra de la lluita política als barris madrilenys de Quatre Camins i Tetuán. En un primer moment es realitza una aproximació a la vida social de sengles suburbis i se subratlla la seva situació d'abandó per les diferents administracions liberals. A continuació, s'estudien dos dels principals conflictes que van tenir lloc als seus carrers en els anys trenta. D'una banda, s'analitzen els enfrontaments derivats de la propaganda feixista en un mitjà que les organitzacions revolucionàries consideraven propi. Per un altre, s'aborden els actes de boicot que els anarquistes, forts en els suburbis, van dur a terme contra els socialistes. En el text se sosté que tots dos conflictes s'entenen millor a la llum de la cultura política forjada als suburbis durant dècades.During the interwar period working class suburbs of large Western cities were the main scenary of mass politics. This article analyses political struggle in two neighbourhoods in the peripheria of Madrid: Cuatro Caminos and Tetuán. At first, the paper examines the social life of both suburban quarters and emphasizes their precarious situation of abandonment and misrule. Then the article adresses two kind of conflicts that took place in the streets of those suburbs in the 1930's. On the one hand, the paper studies the clashes caused by the fascist activity in a political arena traditionally dominated by left wing organisations. On the other hand, the article examines the practices of boycott that anarchist neighbors carried out against socialist leaders. The paper suggests that the key for a depth understanding of both conflicts relies on the particular political culture built in the suburbs in previous decades
Global monitoring of soil multifunctionality in drylands using satellite imagery and field data
Models derived from satellite image data are needed to monitor the status of terrestrial ecosystems across large spatial scales. However, a remote sensing-based approach to quantify soil multifunctionality at the global scale is missing despite significant research efforts on this topic. A major constraint for doing so is the availability of suitable global-scale field data to calibrate remote sensing indicators (RSI) and, to a lesser extent, the sensitivity of spectral data of available satellite sensors to soil background and atmospheric conditions. Here, we aimed to develop a soil multifunctionality model to monitor global drylands coupling ground data on 14 soil functions of 222 dryland areas from six continents to 18 RSI derived from a time series (2006–2013) Landsat dataset. Among the RSI evaluated, the chlorophyll absorption ratio index was the best predictor of soil multifunctionality in single-variable-based models (r = 0.66, P < 0.01, NMRSE = 0.17). However, a multi-variable RSI model combining the chlorophyll absorption ratio index, the global environment monitoring index and the canopy-air temperature difference improved the accuracy of quantifying soil multifunctionality (r = 0.73, P < 0.01, NMRSE = 0.15). Furthermore, the correlation between RSI and soil variables shows a wide range of accuracy with upper and lower values obtained for AMI (r = 0.889, NMRSE = 0.05) and BGL (r = 0.685, NMRSE = 0.18) respectively. Our results provide new insights on assessing soil multifunctionality using RSI that may help to monitor temporal changes in the functioning of global drylands effectively.Field data were obtained with the support of the European Research Council (ERC) grant agreement 242658 (BIOCOM). Hernández-Clemente R was supported by the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC2020-029187-I) and the State Plan for Scientific and Subprogram for Knowledge Generation (PID2021-124058OA-I00) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2020-029187-I). Maestre FT acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (EUR2022-134048)
Identification of a new candidate locus for ebstein anomaly in 1p36.2
Ebstein anomaly (EA) is a rare congenital heart defect (CHD) with a poorly characterized genetic etiology. However, some EA patients carry deletions in 1p36, all of which have been reported to carry distal deletions and share loss of the PRDM16 gene, which is currently considered the most likely candidate for EA development in this region. Here, we report a patient with an 11.96-Mb proximal 1p36 deletion, without loss of PRDM16, who presented with EA and a proximal deletion phenotype. This finding suggests that PRDM16 loss is not required for the development of EA in 1p36 deletions and that the loss of an additional proximal locus in 1p36 is also likely associated with EA. Our data suggest that a distal locus containing the SKI gene and a proximal locus containing the CHD-associated genes RERE and UBE4B are the most probable etiological factors for EA in patients with 1p36 deletion syndrome. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel. All rights reserved
Potential risks of dietary exposure to chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin from their use in fruit/vegetable crops and beef cattle productions
The active ingredients (a.i.) used as pesticides vary across regions. Diet represents the main source of chronic exposure to these chemicals. The aim of this study was to look at the pesticides applied in fruit, vegetable, and beef cattle productions in Mendoza (Argentina), to identify those that were simultaneously used by the three production systems. Local individuals (n = 160), involved in these productions, were interviewed. Glyphosate was the a.i. most often used by fruit-vegetable producers, and ivermectin by beef cattle producers. Chlorpyrifos (CPF) and cypermethrin (CYP) were the only a.i. used by the three production systems. The survey revealed that CPF, CYP, alpha CYP, and CPF+CYP were used by 22, 16, 4, and 20% of the fruit and vegetable producers, respectively. Regarding beef cattle, CYP was used by 90% of producers, CYP + CPF formulation by 8%, and alpha CYP by 2%. The second approach of this study was to search the occurrence of CYP and CPF residues in food commodities analyzed under the National Plan for Residue Control (2012–2015). CYP residues found above the LOD were reported in 4.0% and CPF in 13.4% of the vegetable samples tested, as well as in 1.2 and 28.8%, respectively, of the fruit samples tested. Regarding beef cattle, CYP residues were reported in 2.3% and organophosphates (as a general pesticide class) in 13.5% of samples tested. In conclusion, consumers may be exposed simultaneously to CPF and CYP, from fruits, vegetables, and beef intake. Accordingly, the policy for pesticide residues in food and human risk assessment should account for the combined exposure to CPF and CYP. Moreover, appropriate toxicological studies of this mixture (including genotoxicity) are warrante
Genotypic tropism testing in proviral DNA to guide maraviroc initiation in aviremic subjects: 48‐week analysis of the PROTEST study
Introduction: In a previous interim 24‐week virological safety analysis of the PROTEST study [1], initiation of Maraviroc (MVC) plus 2 nucleoside reverse‐transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV‐1 DNA was associated with low rates of virological failure. Here we present the final 48‐week analysis of the study.
PROTEST was a phase 4, prospective, single‐arm clinical trial (ID: NCT01378910) carried on in 24 HIV care centres in Spain. Maraviroc‐naïve HIV‐1‐positive adults with HIV‐1 RNA (VL) 10% in a singleton), initiated MVC with 2 NRTIs and were followed for 48 weeks. Virological failure was defined as two consecutive VL>50 c/mL. Recent adherence was calculated as: (# pills taken/# pills prescribed during the previous week)*100.
Tropism results were available from 141/175 (80.6%) subjects screened: 87/141 (60%) were R5 and 74/87 (85%) were finally included in the study. Their median age was 48 years, 16% were women, 31% were MSM, 36% had CDC category C at study entry, 62% were HCV+ and 10% were HBV+. Median CD4+ counts were 616 cells/mm3 at screening, and median nadir CD4+ counts were 143 cells/mm3. Previous ART included PIs in 46 (62%) subjects, NNRTIs in 27 (36%) and integrase inhibitors (INIs) in 1 (2%). The main reasons for treatment change were dyslipidemia (42%), gastrointestinal symptoms (22%), and liver toxicity (15%). MVC was given alongside TDF/FTC in 40 (54%) subjects, ABC/3TC in 30 (40%), AZT/3TC in 2 (3%) and ABC/TDF in 2 (3%). Sixty‐two (84%) subjects maintained VL<50 c/mL through week 48, whereas 12 (16%) discontinued treatment: two (3%) withdrew informed consent, one (1%) had a R5→X4 shift in HIV tropism between the screening and baseline visits, one (1%) was lost to follow‐up, one (1%) developed an ART‐related adverse event (rash), two (3%) died due to non‐study‐related causes (1 myocardial infarction at week 0 and 1 lung cancer at week 36), and five (7%) developed protocol‐defined virological failure, although two of them regained VL<50 c/mL with the same MVC regimen (Table 1).
Initiation of MVC plus 2 NRTIs in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV‐1 DNA is associated with low rates of virological failure up to one year
Genotypic tropism testing in proviral DNA to guide maraviroc initiation in aviremic subjects: 48-week analysis of the PROTEST study
Introduction: In a previous interim 24-week virological safety analysis of the PROTEST study (1), initiation of Maraviroc (MVC) plus 2 nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV-1 DNA was associated with low rates of virological failure. Here we present the final 48-week analysis of the study.
Methods: PROTEST was a phase 4, prospective, single-arm clinical trial (ID: NCT01378910) carried on in 24 HIV care centres in Spain. Maraviroc-naïve HIV-1-positive adults with HIV-1 RNA (VL) 10% in a singleton), initiated MVC with 2 NRTIs and were followed for 48 weeks. Virological failure was defined as two consecutive VL>50 c/mL. Recent adherence was calculated as: (# pills taken/# pills prescribed during the previous week)*100.
Results: Tropism results were available from 141/175 (80.6%) subjects screened: 87/141 (60%) were R5 and 74/87 (85%) were finally included in the study. Their median age was 48 years, 16% were women, 31% were MSM, 36% had CDC category C at study entry, 62% were HCV+ and 10% were HBV+. Median CD4+ counts were 616 cells/mm(3) at screening, and median nadir CD4+ counts were 143 cells/mm(3). Previous ART included PIs in 46 (62%) subjects, NNRTIs in 27 (36%) and integrase inhibitors (INIs) in 1 (2%). The main reasons for treatment change were dyslipidemia (42%), gastrointestinal symptoms (22%), and liver toxicity (15%). MVC was given alongside TDF/FTC in 40 (54%) subjects, ABC/3TC in 30 (40%), AZT/3TC in 2 (3%) and ABC/TDF in 2 (3%). Sixty-two (84%) subjects maintained VL<50 c/mL through week 48, whereas 12 (16%) discontinued treatment: two (3%) withdrew informed consent, one (1%) had a R5→X4 shift in HIV tropism between the screening and baseline visits, one (1%) was lost to follow-up, one (1%) developed an ART-related adverse event (rash), two (3%) died due to non-study-related causes (1 myocardial infarction at week 0 and 1 lung cancer at week 36), and five (7%) developed protocol-defined virological failure, although two of them regained VL<50 c/mL with the same MVC regimen (Table 1).
Conclusions: Initiation of MVC plus 2 NRTIs in aviremic subjects based on genotypic tropism testing of proviral HIV-1 DNA is associated with low rates of virological failure up to one year
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