227 research outputs found

    Tensiones y contradicciones en la intervención gubernamental para la promoción de la lactancia materna

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    Con el propósito de esclarecer el abandono de la lactancia materna en zonas rurales de México, se aborda el modelo biomédico vigente y las políticas y acciones para la promoción de la lactancia materna que se derivan de su enfoque teórico, y se discuten las estrategias operativas del programa gubernamental de beneficio social Oportunidades. Para ello se retoman los testimonios de 39 madres jóvenes lactantes, 11 mujeres madres abuelas y 12 miembros del personal sanitario de la población náhuatl de Cuentepec, Morelos, México, recabados en un trabajo de investigación previo, realizado entre 2008 y 2009. Se constató que el modelo biomédico, que permea todas las acciones de promoción de lactancia materna, cosifica a las personas, limita la comunicación, devalúa los saberes tradicionales de las mujeres e impone un discurso que paulatinamente desalienta dicha práctica. Se propone adoptar un cambio epistémico del pensamiento biomédico que transite del paradigma de la simplicidad al de la complejidad, para lograr un acercamiento mayor a la comprensión de los procesos bio-psico-socio-culturales propios del ser humano.With the purpose of shedding light on the decrease in the practice of breastfeeding in rural areas of Mexico, this article looks at the current biomedical model and the policies and actions to promote breastfeeding derived from the model’s theoretical approach. The article also discusses operational strategies of the governmental social welfare program Oportunidades. For this purpose, the study utilizes the testimonies of 39 young breastfeeding mothers, 11 mothers and grandmothers and 12 members of the health staff in the Nahuatl population of Cuentepec, Morelos, Mexico, which were collected during a previous study in 2008 and 2009. It was found that the biomedical model, which permeates all actions to promote breastfeeding, reifies people, limits communication, devaluates women’s traditional knowledge and imposes a discourse that gradually discourages the practice of breastfeeding. The article’s proposal is to adopt an epistemic change in biomedical thought that shifts from a paradigm of simplicity to one of complexity, with the purpose of achieving a greater understanding of the biopsycho- socio-cultural processes of human beings

    Tensiones y contradicciones en la intervención gubernamental para la promoción de la lactancia materna

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    With the purpose of shedding light on the decrease in the practice of breastfeeding in rural areas of Mexico, this article looks at the current biomedical model and the policies and actions to promote breastfeeding derived from the model’s theoretical approach. The article also discusses operational strategies of the governmental social welfare program Oportunidades. For this purpose, the study utilizes the testimonies of 39 young breastfeeding mothers, 11 mothers and grandmothers and 12 members of the health staff in the Nahuatl population of Cuentepec, Morelos, Mexico, which were collected during a previous study in 2008 and 2009. It was found that the biomedical model, which permeates all actions to promote breastfeeding, reifies people, limits communication, devaluates women’s traditional knowledge and imposes a discourse that gradually discourages the practice of breastfeeding. The article’s proposal is to adopt an epistemic change in biomedical thought that shifts from a paradigm of simplicity to one of complexity, with the purpose of achieving a greater understanding of the bio-psycho-socio-cultural processes of human beings.Con el propósito de esclarecer el abandono de la lactancia materna en zonas rurales de México, se aborda el modelo biomédico vigente y las políticas y acciones para la promoción de la lactancia materna que se derivan de su enfoque teórico, y se discuten las estrategias operativas del programa gubernamental de beneficio social Oportunidades. Para ello se retoman los testimonios de 39 madres jóvenes lactantes, 11 mujeres madres abuelas y 12 miembros del personal sanitario de la población náhuatl de Cuentepec, Morelos, México, recabados en un trabajo de investigación previo, realizado entre 2008 y 2009. Se constató que el modelo biomédico, que permea todas las acciones de promoción de lactancia materna, cosifica a las personas, limita la comunicación, devalúa los saberes tradicionales de las mujeres e impone un discurso que paulatinamente desalienta dicha práctica. Se propone adoptar un cambio epistémico del pensamiento biomédico que transite del paradigma de la simplicidad al de la complejidad, para lograr un acercamiento mayor a la comprensión de los procesos bio-psico-socio-culturales propios del ser humano

    Enzyme-Catalyzed Polymerization of Kraft Lignin from Eucalyptus globulus: Comparison of Bacterial and Fungal Laccases Efficacy

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    Kraft lignin, a side-stream from the pulp and paper industry, can be modified by laccases for the synthesis of high added-value products. This work aims to study different laccase sources, including a bacterial laccase from Streptomyces ipomoeae (SiLA) and a fungal laccase from Myceliophthora thermophila (MtL), for kraft lignin polymerization. To study the influence of some variables in these processes, a central composite design (CCD) with two continuous variables (enzyme concentration and reaction time) and three levels for each variable was used. The prediction of the behavior of the output variables (phenolic content and molecular weight of lignins) were modelled by means of response surface methodology (RSM). Moreover, characterization of lignins was performed by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and different nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy techniques. In addition, antioxidant activity was also analyzed. Results showed that lignin polymerization (referring to polymerization as lower phenolic content and higher molecular weight) occurred by the action of both laccases. The enzyme concentration was the most influential variable in the lignin polymerization reaction within the range studied for SiLA laccase, while the most influential variable for MtL laccase was the reaction time. FTIR and NMR characterization analysis corroborated lignin polymerization results obtained from the RSM.This research was funded by Comunidad de Madrid via Project SUSTEC-CM S2018/EMT-4348; MICINN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” via Project RTI2018-096080-B-C22; and MICINN via Project TED2021-132122B-C21

    Characteristics of pregnant workers and maternity protection procedures: multicenter study

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    [ES] Objetivos: Describir y comparar las características de las trabajadoras que solicitaron la valoración de riesgo durante el embarazo a los Servicios de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales participantes. Identificar la asociación entre el tiempo de respuesta y la solicitud de valoración de riesgo durante el embarazo. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo/analítico y multicéntrico de trabajadoras que notificaron su gestación entre enero 2017 y diciembre 2018. La información fue obtenida de la historia clínico-laboral y ficha de riesgo. Resultados: Se estudiaron 959 trabajadoras. Al comparar las variables: edad, índice de masa corporal, hábito tabáquico, centro de trabajo y profesión, se obtuvieron diferencias significativas, igual que en el tiempo medio de respuesta. Conclusiones: La edad media de las trabajadoras embarazadas fue elevada. La mayoría fueron enfermeras de centros de atención hospitalaria y especializada. Se debería mejorar el tiempo de respuesta de la valoración de riesgo durante el embarazo. [EN] Objectives: Describe and compare the characteristics of the workers who requested the risk assessment during pregnancy to the participating Occupational Risk Prevention Services. Identify the association between the response time and the request for risk assessment during the pregnancy. Material and Methods: Descriptive/analytical and multicenter study of female workers who reported their pregnancy between January 2017 and December 2018. The information was obtained from the clinicaloccupational history and risk sheet. Results: 959 workers were studied. When comparing the variables: age, body mass index, smoking, workplace and profession, significant differences were obtained, as well as in the mean response time. Conclusions: The average age of the pregnant workers was high. Most were nurses from hospital and specialized care centers. The response time of the risk assessment during pregnancy should be improved.S

    Role of CXCL13 and CCL20 in the recruitment of B cells to inflammatory foci in chronic arthritis

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    Background: B cells exert their pathogenic action in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) locally in the synovium. This study was undertaken to elucidate the chemokines responsible for the recruitment of B cells in the inflamed synovium, taking into account that the rich chemokine milieu present in the synovial tissue can fine-tune modulate discrete chemokine receptors. Methods: Expression levels of chemokine receptors from the CC and CXC family, as well as CD27, were assessed by flow cytometry in CD20+ mononuclear cells isolated from the peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluid (SF) of RA and psoriatic arthritis patients. Transwell experiments were used to study migration of B cells in response to a chemokine or in the presence of multiple chemokines. Results: B cells from the SF of arthritis patients showed a significant increase in the surface expression of CCR1, CCR2, CCR4, CCR5 and CXCR4 with respect to PB. Conversely, SF B cells expressed consistently lower amounts of CXCR5, CXCR7 and CCR6, independent of CD27 expression. Analysis of permeabilized B cells suggested internalization of CXCR5 and CCR6 in SF B cells. In Transwell experiments, CCL20 and CXCL13, ligands of CCR6 and CXCR5, respectively, caused a significantly higher migration of B cells from PB than of those from SF of RA patients. Together, these two chemokines synergistically increased B-cell migration from PB, but not from SF. Conclusions: These results suggest that CXCL13 and CCL20 might play major roles in RA pathogenesis by acting singly on their selective receptors and synergistically in the accumulation of B cells within the inflamed synovium

    Neurobrucellosis in Stranded Dolphins, Costa Rica

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    Ten striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, stranded along the Costa Rican Pacific coast, had meningoencephalitis and antibodies against Brucella spp. Brucella ceti was isolated from cerebrospinal fluid of 6 dolphins and 1 fetus. S. coeruleoalba constitutes a highly susceptible host and a potential reservoir for B. ceti transmission

    Pharmaceutical and Botanical Management of Pain Associated with Psychopathology: A Narrative Review

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    Generally, pain can be described as an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience associated with tissue damage. Chronic pain has become a public health problem because among 35 and 75% of the world population has shown the symptom. In particular, neuropathic pain has shown high comorbidity disorders such as anxiety and depression. Conventional therapies for treating pain include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and opioids, which usually cause some side effects such as gastritis, headache, liver and kidney toxicity, and drug dependence. Conventional pharmaceuticals also tend to be expensive, and they cannot be easily afforded in developing countries, which have led to the use of natural products as an alternative treatment. In this chapter, we reviewed the current research of natural products for pain treatment. We also describe preclinical studies that assess the effect of some natural products on pain therapy, phytochemistry research, toxicity, adverse effects, and biosecurity. We also describe how conventional pain is managed and the possible use of compounds obtained from vegetable species for pain treatment


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    Los alimentos funcionales son aquellos que producen un efecto benéfico a la salud. Entre ellos se encuentran el yogurt y las leches fermentadas a las que se les añaden probióticos (Stanton et al., 2005). Debido al importante sector que ocupan estos alimentos, a la tendencia actual de consumir alimentos funcionales y a las ganancias que producen, existe el interés de adicionar probióticos a otros alimentos, como helados, cereales, chocolate, bebidas lácteas no fermentadas, etc. Ya que la eficacia de los probióticos depende de que lleguen vivos y sean capaces de adherirse a la mucosa y enterocitos del colon, es importante que sean capaces de resistir ambientes adversos durante la elaboración y vida de anaquel del producto y durante su consumo, a través de su paso por el tracto gastrointestinal (Burgain et al., 2011). Por lo tanto, es importante considerar una serie de factores tecnológicos durante el proceso, para garantizar que los probióticos permanezcan viables en el alimento. Siendo los helados un producto de gran aceptación entre niños y adolescentes, en esta revisión nos enfocaremos a los aspectos a considerar para elaborar helados probióticos

    Investigar para educar en una conyuntura de crisis

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    Esta publicación pretende hacer visible el trabajo de los docentes investigadores de la Facultad de Educación (FED) de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, unidad académica que forma a formadores y que investiga para ofrecer respuestas a problemas educativos actuales. Es una recopilación de conocimientos evaluados por pares, quienes, de modo creativo y fundamentado, ofrecen al lector diversas respuestas que predisponen al diálogo, sin presentar sus posturas como verdades absolutas. La Facultad de Educación, como educadora de futuros profesores, acoge asignaturas y profesionales de múltiples áreas, desde la lingüística o la matemática hasta las ciencias naturales y sociales, pasando por muchas otras disciplinas, tales como: antropología, didáctica, pedagogía o ética; así, los docentes-investigadores de la FED realizan estudios muy diversos, lo cual se ve reflejado en los trabajos que se presentan

    Milking to 2030: economic and sustainability prospective of the Mexican dairy sector

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    Objective: This study aims to assess the productive and economic performance of the Mexican milk sector, particularly focusing on small and medium-scale dairy farms, and examining pessimistic, base, and optimistic scenarios. Design/methodology/approach: Employing a statistical univariate method with time series analysis (ARIMA), we analyzed productive efficiency and price behavior in Mexican dairy systems. Deterministic and stochastic estimations for production volume, milk price, and cattle inventory from 2021 to 2030 were established using confidence intervals to construct pessimistic (lower interval), base (mean), and optimistic (upper interval) scenarios. Results: The evaluated period witnessed an estimated 10.27% increase in production, equivalent to 576 million liters of milk, with an average annual growth rate of 1.0922%. Milk prices displayed an upward trend, with average prices of 0.66,0.66, 0.69, and 0.72underpessimistic,base,andoptimisticscenarios,respectively.In2030,a220.72 under pessimistic, base, and optimistic scenarios, respectively. In 2030, a 22% price increase compared to 2021 was observed. Considering a base price of 0.45 USD per liter in 2030, costs under pessimistic, base, and optimistic scenarios were 1,658.21,1,658.21, 1,756.43, and 1,855.31,resultinginprofitsof1,855.31, resulting in profits of 1,160.75, 1,229.50,and1,229.50, and 1,022.45 from milk sales. Cattle inventory exhibited an upward trend, paralleling milk volumes and prices. Limitations on study/implications: The study's use of a univariate method may incompletely capture market dynamics complexity, potentially underestimating the impact of external market forces and global economic conditions on milk prices. Findings/conclusions: To secure forecasted milk volumes in base and optimistic scenarios, maintaining and enhancing good management practices is crucial. Additionally, addressing the imperative to augment production efficiency and improve environmental sustainability and animal welfare is essential.Objective: This study aims to assess the productive and economic performance of the Mexican milk sector, particularly focusing on small and medium-scale dairy farms, and examining pessimistic, base, and optimistic scenarios. Design/methodology/approach: Employing a statistical univariate method with time series analysis (ARIMA), we analyzed productive efficiency and price behavior in Mexican dairy systems. Deterministic and stochastic estimations for production volume, milk price, and cattle inventory from 2021 to 2030 were established using confidence intervals to construct pessimistic (lower interval), base (mean), and optimistic (upper interval) scenarios. Results: The evaluated period witnessed an estimated 10.27% increase in production, equivalent to 576 million liters of milk, with an average annual growth rate of 1.0922%. Milk prices displayed an upward trend, with average prices of 0.66,0.66, 0.69, and 0.72underpessimistic,base,andoptimisticscenarios,respectively.In2030,a220.72 under pessimistic, base, and optimistic scenarios, respectively. In 2030, a 22% price increase compared to 2021 was observed. Considering a base price of 0.45 USD per liter in 2030, costs under pessimistic, base, and optimistic scenarios were 1,658.21,1,658.21, 1,756.43, and 1,855.31,resultinginprofitsof1,855.31, resulting in profits of 1,160.75, 1,229.50,and1,229.50, and 1,022.45 from milk sales. Cattle inventory exhibited an upward trend, paralleling milk volumes and prices. Limitations on study/implications: The study's use of a univariate method may incompletely capture market dynamics complexity, potentially underestimating the impact of external market forces and global economic conditions on milk prices. Findings/conclusions: To secure forecasted milk volumes in base and optimistic scenarios, maintaining and enhancing good management practices is crucial. Additionally, addressing the imperative to augment production efficiency and improve environmental sustainability and animal welfare is essential