2,213 research outputs found

    Etoile errante de J.M.G. Le Clézio: une écriture spéculaire sur fond de guerre

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    En el marco de acontecimientos históricos de la segunda guerra mundial y el genocidio judío, Le Clézio construye una novela, Étoile errante, cuya estructura narrativa concebida como un espejo se conjuga con una temática, igualmente especular, que pone frente a frente y hace evolucionar a personajes y situaciones en un ambiente de huída interminable. Estructura narrativa y temática puestas de relieve a partir de un verdadero ejercicio de arquitectura verbal por parte de Le Clézio, que hace de Étoile errante una novela de múltiples facetas, que propicia varios niveles de lectura y reflexión. Nuestro análisis se presenta, pues, como una lectura más, centrada en el estudio de una escritura que construye todo un entramado de imágenes evocadoras, de redes isotópicas para describir la realidad de la guerra y del éxodo, la búsqueda de la paz individual y colectiva. La crueldad de la guerra se ve suavizada mediante la utilización de un lenguaje sensorial cargado de matices poéticos, que hace eco a la palabra humana y la sobrepasa, estableciendo de este modo una dualidad comunicativa, especular, que se manifiesta igualmente en otros niveles de la escritura de Le Clézio tales como la estructura o el marco espacio-temporal.Le Clézio’s novel Étoile errante is set within the framework of historical events surrounding World War II and the Holocaust. The narrative structure of the novel is conceived of as a mirror, and its subject matter, likewise specular, places its characters and situations face to face, causing them to evolve within an atmosphere of endless flight. Le Clézio highlights both the structure and the subject matter by a masterly exercise in verbal architecture, thus making Ëtoile errante a multi-faceted novel, which can be read and interpreted on several different levels. The analysis offered in this paper offers one possible reading, centred on the study of a text which forms a mesh of evocative images, an isotopic network, in order to describe the reality of the War and the Exodus, the search for both individual and collective peace. The cruelty of war is tempered through the use of sensory language charged with poetic nuances, which both echoes and exceeds the human word, thus establishing a specular, communicative duality, which is also evident on other levels of Le Clézio’s writing such as the narrative structure or the spatio-temporal framewor

    Design and validation of a questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with mathematics study materials

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    This paper shows the design and validation of a questionnaire aimed at college students to assess their satisfaction level with mathematics study materials. Starting from the theoretical framework presented, we proposed three dimensions: overall quality of mathematics study materials, didactic adequacy and motivation capacity. To that effect, we hereby explain the analysis and validation procedure of the psychometric properties of the assessment instrument. The study sample comprised 1,666 university students. Sample was chosen using a random sampling technique. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) performed on two consecutive samples of freshmen studying Computer Science Engineering confirmed that the Questionnaire to assess student satisfaction with mathematics study materials measures satisfaction conditions in five scales: Didactic Adequacy, Relevance, Engagement, Interaction and Technological Quality. The results revealed the existence of significant psychometric features of the constructed questionnaire

    Technology as gamification means in mathematics learning

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    [EN] Discrete Mathematics is a highly complex university subject. His classes are taught in a traditional way, so in many cases they do not motivate students. This study develops dynamics of gamification to promote a better learning of Discrete Mathematics, in the same way, it seeks to influence the engagement of students in this university subject. 178 students participate in this quasi-experiment (90 in the control group and 88 in the experimental group). The pretest and posttest data of the academic performance and engagement of the experimental group and the control group display that, in terms of progress, the experimental group showed significant progress compared with the control group. The study is concluded by raising the possibility of applying other games and game dynamics that promote a greater variety of gamified activities. In this sense, it is proposed to investigate the effects of the use of games in mobile application format on both engagement and academic performance in Discrete Mathematics.García-Hernández, A.; González-Ramírez, T. (2021). Technology as gamification means in mathematics learning. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 581-587. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13165OCS58158

    Factor Structure of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in a Sample from Mexico

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the cultural adaptation of the European Spanish version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarak, & Mermelstein, 1983), for its use in Mexican samples. Using a random sample of students, internal consistency was analyzed and the factor structure of the Spanish version of the PSS was compared with the factor structure found in the English version. Internal consistency was adequate (= .83) and confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the factor structure. Factor 1 explained 42.8% of the variance and Factor 2 accounted for 53.2%. The goodness-of fit measures also revealed an adequate fit. The cultural adaptation of the PSS was also evaluated with satisfactory results.El estudio tiene como propósito valorar la adaptación cultural realizada a la versión española de la Escala de Estrés Percibido (Cohen, Kamarak y Mermelstein, 1983), para ser utilizada en muestras de México. Se analizó la consistencia interna y la estructura factorial de la versión en español del PSS y se comparó con la estructura factorial encontrada para la versión en inglés, utilizando una muestra aleatoria de estudiantes. Los resultados indican una adecuada consistencia interna (= .83) y se confirma la estructura factorial al utilizarse análisis factorial confirmatorio; con el Factor 1 explicando un 42.8% de la varianza y el Factor 2, un 53.2%, así como estadísticos de ajuste aceptables en el AFC. Asimismo, se evaluó, con resultados satisfactorios, la adaptación cultural realizada para el PSS


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    This study was carried out in order to assess whether the levelsof perceived stress and health differed depending on typesof human-pet dog relationships, and to evaluate the correlationbetween perceived stress and health and the frequencywith which activities are carried out with the dogs. Self-reportquestionnaires were filled out by 247 volunteers owning atleast one dog. The results show lower levels of perceived stressand higher levels of mental health in those individuals whoconsider the dog a member of the family. Furthermore, significantcorrelations were found between dog-training activitiesand stress and mental health, between playing with the dogand vitality and mental health, and between walking the dogand vitality. The conclusion was that those individuals whoconsider their dogs as members of the family and carry outmore activities with them have better physical and mentalhealth, as well as lower levels of perceived stress

    Variação diurna do cortisol e sua relação com o estresse: otimismo e estratégias de enfrentamento em mulheres com câncer de mama

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    O ritmo diurno do cortisol vem sendo visto alterado nos pacientes com câncer. Fatores como o avanço da doença e os níveis de estresse estão sendo considerados para explicar essa condição; contudo, os resultados não são claros. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e determinar se existem diferenças nos níveis de cortisol em mulheres com câncer de mama de diferentes estágios, bem como analisar estratégias de enfrentamento. Foram coletadas amostras de cortisol salival durante dois dias e aplicados questionários psicológicos de estresse percebido, otimismo disposicional e estratégias de enfrentamento a 17 mulheres com câncer de mama em estágio I, II e III. Os resultados mostram que as pacientes com esse câncer nos três estágios apresentam um ritmo diurno de cortisol normal e não se diferenciam significativamente na variável de otimismo. A respeito das variáveis psicológicas, só diferem na variável de otimismo. As estratégias de enfrentamento -espírito de luta e evitação cognitiva- são as variáveis que têm mais influência nos níveis de cortisol e explicam 55% da variação. Discutem-se as implicações desses resultados.El ritmo diurno del cortisol se ha visto alterado en los pacientes con cáncer. Factores como el avance de la enfermedad y los niveles de estrés se han considerado para explicar esta condición; sin embargo, los resultados no son claros. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar y determinar si existen diferencias en los niveles de cortisol en mujeres con cáncer de mama en diferentes estadios, y analizar la relación entre los niveles de cortisol y el estrés, el optimismo y las estrategias de afrontamiento. Se recolectaron muestras de cortisol salival durante dos días, y se aplicaron cuestionarios psicológicos de estrés percibido (PSS), optimismo disposicional (LOT-R) y estrategias de afrontamiento (MAC) a 17 mujeres con cáncer de mama en estadio I, II y III. Los resultados muestran que las pacientes con cáncer de mama en los tres estadios presentan un ritmo diurno de cortisol normal y no difieren significativamente en los niveles de cortisol. Respecto a las variables psicológicas, solo difieren en la variable de optimismo. Las estrategias de afrontamiento espíritu de lucha y evitación cognitiva son las variables que tienen más influencia en los niveles de cortisol, y explican un 55% de la varianza. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados.Diurnal cortisol rhythm has been altered in patients with cancer. Factors such as disease progression and stress levels are regarded as possible causes to explain this condition, however results are not clear. The aim of this study was to assess and determine whether there are differences in cortisol levels in women with breast cancer in different stages and analyze the relationship between cortisol levels and stress, optimism and coping strategies. Salivary cortisol samples were collected for two days and psychological questionnaires of perceived stress (PSS), dispositional optimism (LOT-R) and coping strategies (MAC) were administered to 17 breast cancer women in stage I, II and III of the disease. The results show that patients with breast cancer in the three stages have a normal diurnal cortisol rhythm and do not differ significantly in cortisol levels. Regarding the psychological variables, they differ only in optimism. Coping strategies such as fighting spirit and cognitive avoidance are the variables that have more influence on cortisol levels, explaining 55% of variance. The implications of these results are discussed

    User centered design to incorporate predictive models for type 2 Diabetes screening and management into professional decision support tools: preliminary results

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    Type 2 Diabetes screening and risk stratification tools could benefit from the incorporation of predictive systems based on computer modelling. The adoption of User Centered Design techniques is fundamental in order to integrate these systems in an effective and successful way. The work presented in this paper describe the methodologies used in the context of a multidisciplinary research project and provides an overview of the preliminary results. Keywords? User Centered Design, Predictive Modelling and Data Mining, Diabetes Screening and Risk Stratification, Decision Support Tools

    Caracterización química y morfológica del material particulado suspendido del área metropolitana de Monterrey y sus posibles fuentes de emisión.

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    Propósito y método de estudio: En esta investigación se presenta la caracterización química y morfológica del material particulado (MP) colectado en cuatro zonas del Área Metropolitana de Monterrey durante dos épocas estacionales (verano e invierno). Las muestras fueron caracterizadas mediante las técnicas de espectroscopia de fotoelectrones de rayos X, difracción de rayos X, microscopía electrónica de barrido acoplado a un detector de energía dispersiva y espectroscopia de emisión atómica con plasma acoplado inductivamente. Con la finalidad de inferir las posibles fuentes de emisión de metales se combinaron herramientas estadísticas tales como la correlación de Pearson y análisis de componentes principales con los estudios microscópicos realizados. Contribuciones y conclusiones. Las concentraciones del MP fueron más altas en invierno que en verano. Los niveles de las partículas finas rebasaron los límites de la norma oficial mexicana en las dos temporadas de estudio, lo cual representa un riesgo a la salud de la población expuesta. Este incremento significativo se atribuyó a los cambios en algunos parámetros meteorológicos, la contribución del material biogénico y al incremento de la quema de combustibles fósiles. En las dos épocas estacionales en el MP se detectaron las mismas fases cristalinas (CaCO3, SiO2, CaSO4, entre otras) en las cuatro zonas de estudio. Durante el verano, en la zona de alto tráfico vehicular se encontró el mayor porcentaje de CaSO4, sin embargo, éstos disminuyeron significativamente para el invierno debido a la menor conversión de SO2 a SO2- 4. A nivel superficial los elementos más abundantes en el MP fueron C, O, Si, Ca, S y N. En ambas temporadas, la especiación de la señal del C1s, y N1s reveló que los hidrocarburos aromáticos y los grupos amida/pirrólicos fueron los principales contribuyentes a la señal de esos elementos, respectivamente. Los resultados por ICP-AES demostraron que los metales trazas más abundantes en el MP fueron el Fe, Cu y Zn. La mayor concentración de Pb se registró en las zonas industriales. El Zn y Cu predominaron en la zona de alto tráfico vehicular y fueron asociados tanto a las emisiones vehiculares como al desgaste de frenos y neumáticos

    Inmovilización de una metaloporfirina de Níquel en un electrodo de carbón vítreo para ser utilizado como sensor de compuestos clorados

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    Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias Químicas con Especialidad en Química Analítica) U.A.N.L.UANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Differences between clicker and voice when used as event markers in shaping novel behaviors in dog training

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    Abstract The principles of operant conditioning are often applied in canine training. Their correct application requires a good timing, well-defined criteria and a proper rate of reinforcement. Few studies have compared the types of markers of canine training events; the most used are the clicker and the voice. Objective: to compare the number of reinforcers required to shape seven new behaviors in two canine subjects, contrasting the use of the clicker and the voice as markers of events. Results: there is evidence of equivalence in the number of reinforcers needed to achieve the behavior to shape with the use of the clicker and the use of the voice. Conclusions: at least in this study, the timing and the shaping are not affected by the type of marker of events used. Resumen Los principios del condicionamiento operante son frecuentemente aplicados en entrenamiento canino. Para su correcta aplicación se requiere un buen timing, criterios bien definidos y una correcta tasa de reforzamiento. Pocos estudios han comparado los tipos de marcadores de eventos en entrenamiento canino, los más usados son el clicker y la voz. Objetivo: comparar el número de reforzadores requeridos al moldear siete conductas nuevas en dos sujetos caninos, comparando el uso del clicker y de la voz como marcadores de eventos. Resultados: indicaron equivalencia en el número de reforzadores necesarios para alcanzar la conducta a moldear con uso del clicker y el uso de la voz. Conclusiones: al menos en este estudio, el timing y el moldeamiento no se ven afectados por el tipo de marcador de eventos usado