273 research outputs found

    La hospitalidad : una subjetividad fundada en la idea de lo infinito

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    La hospitalidad de manera radical permite ver el rostro del Otro que clama justicia, rompe el adormecimiento que instaura la totalidad y conserva la asimetría de las partes. Al parecer, olvidamos que somos accesibles a lo distinto de nosotros mismos. En la acogida la sed de poder se quebranta dando paso a la vulnerabilidad. Tal vez, la gran tarea frente al mundo no es la de construir sino la de socorrer, reparar y reconciliar. Lo cierto es que el descubrimiento de sí se esclarece en el encuentro con el Otro, en el crearse a sí mismo en la acogida, hasta el punto de conceder prioridad al Otro que llega a nuestra morada a incomodar.Hospitality in a radical way allows us to see the face of the Other that claims justice, breaks the numbness that establishes the totality and preserves the asymmetry of the parts. Apparently, we forget that we are accessible to what is different from ourselves. Hospitality breaks the thirst for power and establishes vulnerability. Perhaps, the great task before the world is not to build but to help, repair and reconcile. The truth is that the discovery of oneself is clarified in the encounter with the Other, in creating oneself in the reception, to the point of giving priority to the Other who comes to our abode to bother.Licenciado (a) en FilosofíaPregrad

    Elementos pedagogicos para pensar el compromiso social y político de la educación media del Colegio Seminario San Juan Apóstol de Facatativá (Cundinamarca)

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    128 páginas incluye diagramasSe realizó un análisis de las prácticas discursivas que están permeando la educación media en sus actores, posibilitando el establecimiento de su compromiso social y político. Fue una reflexión que estableció la relación entre educación media y sociedad a partir de formas discursivas presentes en algunos documentos institucionales del Colegio Seminario San Juan Apóstol en Facatativá, además con estudiantes, docentes y directivos docentes. Fue una investigación de carácter cualitativo descriptivo que forjó su información a través de grupos de discusión y entrevistas no directivas. Finalmente, el trabajo permitió profundizar en factores asociados al acto educativo y aportó algunos elementos teóricos y metodológicos que posibilitaron una reflexión pedagógica frente a los desafíos del mundo de hoy

    Un grito de la iglesia latinoamericana llamado comunidad

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    Licenciado (a) en TeologíaPregrad

    Synthesis of TiB2 -Ni3 B nanocomposite coating by DC magnetron sputtering for corrosion-erosion protection

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    The research and development of functional coatings of new metal-ceramic materials using a new route of processing that combines Mechanical Alloying and PVD Sputtering offer great possibilities for protecting components exposed to aggressive environments where the wear and corrosion at high temperature are the leading root cause of failures.Significant contribution on corrosion-erosion resistance of Ni3B-TiB2 nanocomposite coating of 1 μm of thickness, deposited by DC magnetron Sputtering on stainless steel 304 substrates was studied. Nickel phase (γ Ni) plus Ni3B-TiB2 phases were synthesized previously by Mechanical Alloying (MA). Solid cathode (76.2 mm of diameter and 3 mm of thickness) used to grow thin films was manufactured with the alloyed powders, applying a uniaxial load of 70 MPa at room temperature and sintered at 900 °C for two hours. Microstructure and mechanical properties of the coatings were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanoindentation, and wear test with a ball-on-disc tribometer. Compact coating of Ni3B-TiB2with a microstructure of prismatic crystals after annealing treatment, showing a uniform coating with good adherence and low friction coefficient of 0.5, correlated with a low roughness of Ra ≈ 0.0439 ± 0.0069 μm. The average hardness of 537.4 HV(5265.0 MPa) and wear coefficient at room temperature of 2.552E-10 m2 N−1 correspond with medium-hard phases with an elastic-plastic behavior suitable for fatigue applications. Geothermal fluid modified was synthesized in the lab with NaCl/Na2SO4 to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the films in a standard three electrodes cell, characterizing a corrosion rate of 0.0008 and 0.001 mm* year−1 at 25 and 80 °C respectively during 86.4 ks(24 h) of exposition; showing a resistive coating without corrosion products and with good response to the geothermal environmen

    Co-deposited Ni-Cr-B Nanocomposite Coatings for Protection Against Corrosion-Erosion

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    Electrodeposition is a low-cost and low-temperature method for producing metal matrix composite coatings. The electrodeposition of Ni matrix/Ni-Cr-B particles is considered as the co-deposition of Ni-Cr-B particles in a Ni matrix, resulting in nanocomposite coatings that can offer good wear and corrosion resistance between other applications. For comparison, the electrodeposition of Ni films and their wear and corrosion evaluation were also carried out under the same conditions. Some coatings usually contain oxide or carbide particles in micrometer size and are electrodeposited in a nickel matrix; however, the use of the mechanical alloying process offers the possibility to reduce the particle size in the order of nanometers obtaining solid solutions, amorphous phases, or intermetallic compounds during the development of new alloys to be co-deposited, improving the engineering materials properties. This kind of nanocomposite can be used in industrial components with an irregular geometry exposed in aggressive environments such as the energy generation and oil industry

    Custom IMU-Based Wearable System for Robust 2.4 GHz Wireless Human Body Parts Orientation Tracking and 3D Movement Visualization on an Avatar

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    Recent studies confirm the applicability of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)-based systems for human motion analysis. Notwithstanding, high-end IMU-based commercial solutions are yet too expensive and complex to democratize their use among a wide range of potential users. Less featured entry-level commercial solutions are being introduced in the market, trying to fill this gap, but still present some limitations that need to be overcome. At the same time, there is a growing number of scientific papers using not commercial, but custom do-it-yourself IMU-based systems in medical and sports applications. Even though these solutions can help to popularize the use of this technology, they have more limited features and the description on how to design and build them from scratch is yet too scarce in the literature. The aim of this work is two-fold: (1) Proving the feasibility of building an affordable custom solution aimed at simultaneous multiple body parts orientation tracking; while providing a detailed bottom-up description of the required hardware, tools, and mathematical operations to estimate and represent 3D movement in real-time. (2) Showing how the introduction of a custom 2.4 GHz communication protocol including a channel hopping strategy can address some of the current communication limitations of entry-level commercial solutions. The proposed system can be used for wireless real-time human body parts orientation tracking with up to 10 custom sensors, at least at 50 Hz. In addition, it provides a more reliable motion data acquisition in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi crowded environments, where the use of entry-level commercial solutions might be unfeasible. This system can be used as a groundwork for developing affordable human motion analysis solutions that do not require an accurate kinematic analysis.This research has been partially funded by a research contract with IVECO Spain SL and by the Department of Employment and Industry of Castilla y León (Spain), under research project ErgoTwyn (INVESTUN/21/VA/0003)

    Agropiro en Patagones. Evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa en cuatro sitios

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    En Patagones, sudoeste (SO) de la provincia de Buenos Aires, bajo el dominio de un ambiente semiárido, el agropiro (Thinopyrum ponticum) es una especie que se produce como alternativa forrajera perenne. La región posee precipitaciones que en promedio llegan a los 430 mm anuales, lo que determina que el abanico de especies perennes viables sea muy reducido. La difusión de esta especie en Patagones permitió dar mayor estabilidad a la cadena forrajera, aportando forraje en cantidad y calidad considerables. Su performance dentro de cada sitio está condicionado por la cantidad y distribución de las precipitaciones. Dada la importancia de esta especie como recurso forrajero para ser introducida en los sistemas ganaderos de la región, se consideró de interés el estudio de parámetros cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre esta especie.EEA Hilario AscasubiFil: Gonzalez, Guillermo Martin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi. Agencia De Extensión Rural Carmen de Patagones; ArgentinaFil: Luna, Martín Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Sede Atlántica; ArgentinaFil: Hernández, Héctor Javier. Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro. Sede Atlántica; Argentin

    Efecto de los parámetros del proceso de bruñido por rodillo en el campo de esfuerzos residuales

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    Mediante la formulación de un modelo matemático resuelto con el método de elemento finito del proceso de bruñido por rodillo, se analizó el efecto de la fuerza, número de pases y avance del rodillo, sobre el campo de esfuerzos residuales, el máximo esfuerzo residual compresivo y su profundidad en discos de acero AISI 1045. La validación del modelo se llevó a cabo comparando los resultados experimentales del porcentaje de variación del diámetro de discos de acero (obtenidos de la literatura) con los obtenidos de la simulación. La principal diferencia entre estos resultados se debe a que en la simulación, el rodillo presenta un comportamiento mecánico rígido. Se observó que la fuerza es el principal parámetro que influye sobre los parámetros de salida. Debido a la importancia del acero API X52 en la industria petrolera, se analizó el efecto de la fuerza de bruñido sobre el campo de esfuerzos residuales