17 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic finite-size effects to the hadronic vacuum polarization

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    In order to reduce the current hadronic uncertainties in the theory prediction for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, lattice calculations need to reach sub-percent accuracy on the hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution. This requires the inclusion of O(α)\mathcal{O}(\alpha) electromagnetic corrections. The inclusion of electromagnetic interactions in lattice simulations is known to generate potentially large finite-size effects suppressed only by powers of the inverse spatial extent. In this paper we derive an analytic expression for the QEDL\mathrm{QED}_{\mathrm{L}} finite-volume corrections to the two-pion contribution to the hadronic vacuum polarization at next-to-leading order in the electromagnetic coupling in scalar QED. The leading term is found to be of order 1/L31/L^{3} where LL is the spatial extent. A 1/L21/L^{2} term is absent since the current is neutral and a photon far away thus sees no charge and we show that this result is universal. Our analytical results agree with results from the numerical evaluation of loop integrals as well as simulations of lattice scalar U(1)U(1) gauge theory with stochastically generated photon fields. In the latter case the agreement is up to exponentially suppressed finite-volume effects. For completeness we also calculate the hadronic vacuum polarization in infinite volume using a basis of 2-loop master integrals.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figure

    Isospin-breaking corrections to light leptonic decays in lattice QCD+QED at the physical point

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    We report on the physical-point RBC/UKQCD calculation of the leading isospin-breaking corrections to light-meson leptonic decays. This is highly relevant for future precision tests in the flavour physics sector, in particular the first-row unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix containing the elements VusV_{us} and VudV_{ud}. The simulations were performed using Domain-Wall fermions for 2+12+1 flavours, and with isospin-breaking effects included perturbatively in the path integral through order α\alpha and (mu−md)/ΛQCD(m_u - m_d)/\Lambda _{\mathrm{QCD}}. We use QEDL_{\mathrm{L}} for the inclusion of electromagnetism, and discuss here the non-locality of this prescription which has significant impact on the infinite-volume extrapolation.Comment: Proceedings for The 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 8th-13th August, 2022, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit\"at Bonn, Bonn, German

    Workshop summary:Kaons@CERN 2023

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    Kaon physics is at a turning point – while the rare-kaon experiments NA62 and KOTO are in full swing, the end of their lifetime is approaching and the future experimental landscape needs to be defined. With HIKE, KOTO-II and LHCb-Phase-II on the table and under scrutiny, it is a very good moment in time to take stock and contemplate about the opportunities these experiments and theoretical developments provide for particle physics in the coming decade and beyond. This paper provides a compact summary of talks and discussions from the Kaons@CERN 2023 workshop, held in September 2023 at CERN

    Workshop summary -- Kaons@CERN 2023

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    Kaon physics is at a turning point -- while the rare-kaon experiments NA62 and KOTO are in full swing, the end of their lifetime is approaching and the future experimental landscape needs to be defined. With HIKE, KOTO-II and LHCb-Phase-II on the table and under scrutiny, it is a very good moment in time to take stock and contemplate about the opportunities these experiments and theoretical developments provide for particle physics in the coming decade and beyond. This paper provides a compact summary of talks and discussions from the Kaons@CERN 2023 workshop.Comment: 54 pages, Summary of Kaons@CERN 23 workshop, references and clarifications adde

    The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

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    194 pages, 103 figures, bib files for the citation references are available from: https://muon-gm2-theory.illinois.eduWe review the present status of the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is performed in a perturbative expansion in the fine-structure constant α\alpha and is broken down into pure QED, electroweak, and hadronic contributions. The pure QED contribution is by far the largest and has been evaluated up to and including O(α5)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^5) with negligible numerical uncertainty. The electroweak contribution is suppressed by (mÎŒ/MW)2(m_\mu/M_W)^2 and only shows up at the level of the seventh significant digit. It has been evaluated up to two loops and is known to better than one percent. Hadronic contributions are the most difficult to calculate and are responsible for almost all of the theoretical uncertainty. The leading hadronic contribution appears at O(α2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^2) and is due to hadronic vacuum polarization, whereas at O(α3)\mathcal{O}(\alpha^3) the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution appears. Given the low characteristic scale of this observable, these contributions have to be calculated with nonperturbative methods, in particular, dispersion relations and the lattice approach to QCD. The largest part of this review is dedicated to a detailed account of recent efforts to improve the calculation of these two contributions with either a data-driven, dispersive approach, or a first-principle, lattice-QCD approach. The final result reads aÎŒSM=116 591 810(43)×10−11a_\mu^\text{SM}=116\,591\,810(43)\times 10^{-11} and is smaller than the Brookhaven measurement by 3.7σ\sigma. The experimental uncertainty will soon be reduced by up to a factor four by the new experiment currently running at Fermilab, and also by the future J-PARC experiment. This and the prospects to further reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the near future-which are also discussed here-make this quantity one of the most promising places to look for evidence of new physics

    The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model

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    We review the present status of the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is performed in a perturbative expansion in the fine-structure constant α and is broken down into pure QED, electroweak, and hadronic contributions. The pure QED contribution is by far the largest and has been evaluated up to and including O(α5) with negligible numerical uncertainty. The electroweak contribution is suppressed by (mΌ∕MW)2 and only shows up at the level of the seventh significant digit. It has been evaluated up to two loops and is known to better than one percent. Hadronic contributions are the most difficult to calculate and are responsible for almost all of the theoretical uncertainty. The leading hadronic contribution appears at O(α2) and is due to hadronic vacuum polarization, whereas at O(α3) the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution appears. Given the low characteristic scale of this observable, these contributions have to be calculated with nonperturbative methods, in particular, dispersion relations and the lattice approach to QCD. The largest part of this review is dedicated to a detailed account of recent efforts to improve the calculation of these two contributions with either a data-driven, dispersive approach, or a first-principle, lattice-QCD approach. The final result reads aÎŒSM=116591810(43)×10−11 and is smaller than the Brookhaven measurement by 3.7σ. The experimental uncertainty will soon be reduced by up to a factor four by the new experiment currently running at Fermilab, and also by the future J-PARC experiment. This and the prospects to further reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the near future – which are also discussed here – make this quantity one of the most promising places to look for evidence of new physics

    Workshop summary: Kaons@CERN 2023

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    Kaon physics is at a turning point – while the rare-kaon experiments NA62 and KOTO are in full swing, the end of their lifetime is approaching and the future experimental landscape needs to be defined. With HIKE, KOTO-II and LHCb-Phase-II on the table and under scrutiny, it is a very good moment in time to take stock and contemplate about the opportunities these experiments and theoretical developments provide for particle physics in the coming decade and beyond. This paper provides a compact summary of talks and discussions from the Kaons@CERN 2023 workshop, held in September 2023 at CERN

    Report on the ECFA Early-Career Researchers Debate on the 2020 European Strategy Update for Particle Physics

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    A group of Early-Career Researchers (ECRs) has been given a mandate from the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) to debate the topics of the current European Strategy Update (ESU) for Particle Physics and to summarise the outcome in a brief document [1]. A full-day debate with 180 delegates was held at CERN, followed by a survey collecting quantitative input. During the debate, the ECRs discussed future colliders in terms of the physics prospects, their implications for accelerator and detector technology as well as computing and software. The discussion was organised into several topic areas. From these areas two common themes were particularly highlighted by the ECRs: sociological and human aspects; and issues of the environmental impact and sustainability of our research

    Workshop summary -- Kaons@CERN 2023

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    International audienceKaon physics is at a turning point -- while the rare-kaon experiments NA62 and KOTO are in full swing, the end of their lifetime is approaching and the future experimental landscape needs to be defined. With HIKE, KOTO-II and LHCb-Phase-II on the table and under scrutiny, it is a very good moment in time to take stock and contemplate about the opportunities these experiments and theoretical developments provide for particle physics in the coming decade and beyond. This paper provides a compact summary of talks and discussions from the Kaons@CERN 2023 workshop