890 research outputs found

    A Flight Study of the Conversion Maneuver of a Tilt-Duct VTOL Aircraft

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    Flight records are presented from an early flight test of a wing-tip mounted tilting-ducted-fan, vertical-take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft configuration. Time histories of the aircraft motions, control positions, and duct pitching-moment variation are presented to illustrate the characteristics of the aircraft in hovering, in conversion from hovering to forward flight, and in conversion from forward flight to hovering. The results indicate that during essentially continuous slow level- flight conversions, this aircraft experiences excessive longitudinal trim changes. Studies have shown that the large trim changes are caused primarily by the variation of aerodynamic moments acting on the duct units. Action of the duct-induced downwash on the horizontal stabilizer during the conversion also contributes to the longitudinal trim variations. Time histories of hovering and slow vertical descent in the final stages of landing in calm air show angular motions of the aircraft as great as +/- 10 deg. about all axes. Stick and pedal displacements required to control the aircraft during the landing maneuver were on the order of 50 to 60 percent of the total travel available

    Winter Review Essays

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    Search for X-Ray Emission Associated with the Shapley Supercluster with Suzaku

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    Suzaku performed observations of 3 regions in and around the Shapley supercluster: a region located between A3558 and A3556, at ~0.9 times the virial radii of both clusters, and two other regions at 1{\deg}and 4{\deg}away from the first pointing. The 4{\deg}-offset observation was used to evaluate the Galactic foreground emission. We did not detect significant redshifted Oxygen emission lines (O VII and O VIII) in the spectra of all three pointings, after subtracting the contribution of foreground and background emission. An upper limit for the redshifted O VIII Ka line intensity of the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) is 1.5 \times 10^-7 photons s^-1 cm^-2 arcmin^-2, which corresponds to an overdensity of ~380 (Z/0.1 Z_solar)^{-1/2} (L/3 Mpc)^{-1/2}, assuming T=3\times10^6 K. We found excess continuum emission in the 1{\deg}-offset and on-filament regions, represented by thermal models with kT ~1 keV and ~2 keV, respectively. The redshifts of both 0 and that of the supercluster (0.048) are consistent with the observed spectra. The ~1 keV emission can be also fitted with Ne-rich Galactic (zero redshift) thin thermal emission. Radial intensity profile of 2 keV component suggests contribution from A3558 and A3556, but with significant steepening of the intensity slope in the outer region of A3558. Finally, we summarized the previous Suzaku search for the WHIM and discussed the feasibility of constraining the WHIM. An overdensity of < 400 can be detectable using O VII and O VIII emission lines in a range of 1.4\times10^6 K < T < 5\times10^6 K or a continuum emission in a relatively high temperature range T > 5\times10^6 K with the Suzaku XIS. The non detection with Suzaku suggests that typical line-of-sight average overdensity is < 400

    Metabolic Changes Following a 1-Year Diet and Exercise Intervention in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    Objective—To characterize the relationships among longterm improvements in peripheral insulin sensitivity (glucose disposal rate [GDR]), fasting glucose, and free fatty acids (FFAs) and concomitant changes in weight and adipose tissue mass and distribution induced by lifestyle intervention in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. Research Design And Methods—We measured GDR, fasting glucose, and FFAs during a euglycemic clamp and adipose tissue mass and distribution, organ fat, and adipocyte size by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, CT scan, and adipose tissue biopsy in 26 men and 32 women in the Look-AHEAD trial before and after 1 year of diet and exercise aimed at weight loss. Results—Weight and fasting glucose decreased significantly (P _ 0.0001) and significantly more in men than in women (_12 vs. _8% and _16 vs. _7%, respectively; P _ 0.05), while FFAs during hyperinsulinemia decreased and GDR increased significantly (P _ 0.00001) and similarly in both sexes (_53 vs. _41% and 63 vs. 43%; P _ NS). Men achieved a more favorable fat distribution by losing more from upper compared with lower and from deeper compared with superficial adipose tissue depots (P _ 0.01). Decreases in weight and adipose tissue mass predicted improvements in GDR but not in fasting glucose or fasting FFAs; however, decreases in FFAs during hyperinsulinemia significantly determined GDR improvements. Hepatic fat was the only regional fat measure whose change contributed independently to changes in metabolic variables. Conclusions—Patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing a 1-year lifestyle intervention had significant improvements in GDR, fasting glucose, FFAs and adipose tissue distribution. However, changes in overall weight (adipose tissue mass) and hepatic fat were the most important determinants of metabolic improvements.Jeanine B. Albu, Leonie K. Heilbronn, David E. Kelley, Steven R. Smith, Koichiro Azuma, Evan S. Berk, F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, Eric Ravussin, and the Look AHEAD Adipose Research Grou

    Microbial and metabolic succession on common building materials under high humidity conditions.

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    Despite considerable efforts to characterize the microbial ecology of the built environment, the metabolic mechanisms underpinning microbial colonization and successional dynamics remain unclear, particularly at high moisture conditions. Here, we applied bacterial/viral particle counting, qPCR, amplicon sequencing of the genes encoding 16S and ITS rRNA, and metabolomics to longitudinally characterize the ecological dynamics of four common building materials maintained at high humidity. We varied the natural inoculum provided to each material and wet half of the samples to simulate a potable water leak. Wetted materials had higher growth rates and lower alpha diversity compared to non-wetted materials, and wetting described the majority of the variance in bacterial, fungal, and metabolite structure. Inoculation location was weakly associated with bacterial and fungal beta diversity. Material type influenced bacterial and viral particle abundance and bacterial and metabolic (but not fungal) diversity. Metabolites indicative of microbial activity were identified, and they too differed by material

    Propagation of squeezed radiation through amplifying or absorbing random media

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    We analyse how nonclassical features of squeezed radiation (in particular the sub-Poissonian noise) are degraded when it is transmitted through an amplifying or absorbing medium with randomly located scattering centra. Both the cases of direct photodetection and of homodyne detection are considered. Explicit results are obtained for the dependence of the Fano factor (the ratio of the noise power and the mean current) on the degree of squeezing of the incident state, on the length and the mean free path of the medium, the temperature, and on the absorption or amplification rate.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Prospective assessment of patient-reported outcomes and estradiol and drug concentrations in patients experiencing toxicity from adjuvant aromatase inhibitors

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    PURPOSE: Aromatase inhibitors (AI), which decrease circulating estradiol concentrations in post-menopausal women, are associated with toxicities that limit adherence. Approximately one-third of patients will tolerate a different AI after not tolerating the first. We report the effect of crossover from exemestane to letrozole or vice versa on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and whether the success of crossover is due to lack of estrogen suppression. METHODS: Post-menopausal women enrolled on a prospective trial initiating AI therapy for early-stage breast cancer were randomized to exemestane or letrozole. Those that discontinued for intolerance were offered protocol-directed crossover to the other AI after a washout period. Changes in PROs, including pain [Visual Analog Scale (VAS)] and functional status [Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)], were compared after 3 months on the first versus the second AI. Estradiol and drug concentrations were measured. RESULTS: Eighty-three patients participated in the crossover protocol, of whom 91.3% reported improvement in symptoms prior to starting the second AI. Functional status worsened less after 3 months with the second AI (HAQ mean change AI #1: 0.2 [SD 0.41] vs. AI #2: -0.05 [SD 0.36]; p = 0.001); change in pain scores was similar between the first and second AI (VAS mean change AI #1: 0.8 [SD 2.7] vs. AI #2: -0.2 [SD 2.8]; p = 0.19). No statistical differences in estradiol or drug concentrations were found between those that continued or discontinued AI after crossover. CONCLUSIONS: Although all AIs act via the same mechanism, a subset of patients intolerant to one AI report improved PROs with a different one. The mechanism of this tolerance remains unknown, but does not appear to be due to non-adherence to, or insufficient estrogen suppression by, the second AI

    Argon behaviour in an inverted Barrovian sequence, Sikkim Himalaya: the consequences of temperature and timescale on <sup>40</sup>Ar/<sup>39</sup>Ar mica geochronology

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    40Ar/39Ar dating of metamorphic rocks sometimes yields complicated datasets which are difficult to interpret in terms of timescales of the metamorphic cycle. Single-grain fusion and step-heating data were obtained for rocks sampled through a major thrust-sense shear zone (the Main Central Thrust) and the associated inverted metamorphic zone in the Sikkim region of the eastern Himalaya. This transect provides a natural laboratory to explore factors influencing apparent 40Ar/39Ar ages in similar lithologies at a variety of metamorphic pressure and temperature (P–T) conditions. The 40Ar/39Ar dataset records progressively younger apparent age populations and a decrease in within-sample dispersion with increasing temperature through the sequence. The white mica populations span ~ 2–9 Ma within each sample in the structurally lower levels (garnet grade) but only ~ 0–3 Ma at structurally higher levels (kyanite-sillimanite grade). Mean white mica single-grain fusion population ages vary from 16.2 ± 3.9 Ma (2σ) to 13.2 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ) from lowest to highest levels. White mica step-heating data from the same samples yields plateau ages from 14.27 ± 0.13 Ma to 12.96 ± 0.05 Ma. Biotite yield older apparent age populations with mean single-grain fusion dates varying from 74.7 ± 11.8 Ma (2σ) at the lowest structural levels to 18.6 ± 4.7 Ma (2σ) at the highest structural levels; the step-heating plateaux are commonly disturbed. Temperatures > 600 °C at pressures of 0.4–0.8 GPa sustained over > 5 Ma, appear to be required for white mica and biotite ages to be consistent with diffusive, open-system cooling. At lower temperatures, and/or over shorter metamorphic timescales, more 40Ar is retained than results from simple diffusion models suggest. Diffusion modelling of Ar in white mica from the highest structural levels suggests that the high-temperature rocks cooled at a rate of ~ 50–80 °C Ma− 1, consistent with rapid thrusting, extrusion and exhumation along the Main Central Thrust during the mid-Miocene