4,180 research outputs found

    Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done

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    Nobody should have a monopoly of the truth in this universe. The censorship and suppression of challenging ideas against the tide of mainstream research, the blacklisting of scientists, for instance, is neither the best way to do and filter science, nor to promote progress in the human knowledge. The removal of good and novel ideas from the scientific stage is very detrimental to the pursuit of the truth. There are instances in which a mere unqualified belief can occasionally be converted into a generally accepted scientific theory through the screening action of refereed literature and meetings planned by the scientific organizing committees and through the distribution of funds controlled by "club opinions". It leads to unitary paradigms and unitary thinking not necessarily associated to the unique truth. This is the topic of this book: to critically analyze the problems of the official (and sometimes illicit) mechanisms under which current science (physics and astronomy in particular) is being administered and filtered today, along with the onerous consequences these mechanisms have on all of us.\ud \ud The authors, all of them professional researchers, reveal a pessimistic view of the miseries of the actual system, while a glimmer of hope remains in the "leitmotiv" claim towards the freedom in doing research and attaining an acceptable level of ethics in science

    Calidad de vida y función sexual en mujeres con disfunción del piso-pélvico del sur de Chile

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    Antecedentes/Objetivos: La disfunción del piso pélvico (DPP) es muy prevalente, afectando a un tercio de las mujeres adultas. Estas patologías no suponen un riesgo vital, pero sus síntomas pueden interferir con las actividades de la vida diaria incluyendo aspectos físicos, sociales y sexuales. En el sur de Chile, en el Hospital de alta complejidad (Regional-Concepción), se ha implementado la Unidad de Piso Pélvico (UPP). No hay evidencia sobre el efecto que supone en la calidad de vida y la función sexual de las mujeres que la padecen Describir la calidad de vida y función sexual de mujeres controladas en la Unidad de Piso Pélvico de un Hospital de alta complejidad en Chile. Métodos: Estudio transversal. Población: usuarias con DPP de la UPP del H. Regional-Concepción. Muestra 173. Variables: Caract. sociodemográficas, antecedentes obstétricos, tipo de DPP, Variables de Calidad de Vida (percepción del estado de salud, limitación emocional, limitación de actividades cotidianas, alteraciones de actividades sociales) (Short Form-12 Health Survey) y función sexual (PISQ-12). Análisis: medidas de dispersión, frecuencia absoluta- relativa. Resultados: Edad media 57 años, 88% con ingreso menor a 357€. 91% con IMC-sobrepeso y obesidad, 64% ≥ 3 hijos. Tipos DPP: 53% incontinencia de orina (IO), 35% prolapso vaginal (Pp), 12% IO+Pp. Calidad de vida (n = 173): Mala percepción de salud: 95%. Limitación emocional: 37%. Limitación de actividades cotidianas: 67%. Alteraciones de actividades sociales: 57% Función sexual (n = 95): Disfunción alta: 8,4%, moderada: 41,1%, baja 50,5%. El 15% nunca tuvo deseo-sexual los últimos 6 meses. El 14% admite no haber alcanzado el orgasmo en los últimos 6 meses, el mismo porcentaje admite no sentir excitación en el mismo período. El 19% admite no estar satisfechas con las actividades sexuales actuales, el 15% siente dolor durante las relaciones sexuales, el 40% admite sufrir de pérdidas de orina durante la actividad sexual, y el mismo número admite restringir su vida sexual debido al miedo de pérdida de orina durante el acto sexual. El 27% admite tener reacciones emocionales negativas durante las relaciones sexuales. El 10% y el 13% admite que sus parejas sufrían de disfunción eréctil y eyaculación, respectivamente. Por último, el 42% de las mujeres admite que sus orgasmos en los últimos 6 meses son más intensos. Conclusiones: Las mujeres con DPP presentan una alteración negativa de su calidad de vida y de su función sexual, aunque existe cierta incongruencia al valorar positivamente la calidad de los orgasmos cuando los demás aspectos de la vida sexual son negativos

    WISEP J180026.60+013453.1: A Nearby Late L Dwarf Near the Galactic Plane

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    We report a nearby L7.5 dwarf discovered using the Preliminary Data Release of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS). WISEP J180026.60+013453.1 has a motion of 0.42 arcsec/yr and an estimated distance of 8.8 \pm 1.0 pc. With this distance, it currently ranks as the sixth closest known L dwarf, although a trigonometric parallax is needed to confirm this distance. It was previously overlooked because it lies near the Galactic Plane (b=12). As a relatively bright and nearby late L dwarf with normal near-infrared colors, W1800+0134 will serve as a benchmark for studies of cloud-related phenomena in cool substellar atmospheres.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure, accepted to the Astronomical Journal (AJ

    Psychological interventions in asthma

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    Asthma is a multifactorial chronic respiratory disease characterised by recurrent episodes of airway obstruction. The current management of asthma focuses principally on pharmacological treatments, which have a strong evidence base underlying their use. However, in clinical practice, poor symptom control remains a common problem for patients with asthma. Living with asthma has been linked with psychological co-morbidity including anxiety, depression, panic attacks and behavioural factors such as poor adherence and suboptimal self-management. Psychological disorders have a higher-than-expected prevalence in patients with difficult-to-control asthma. As psychological considerations play an important role in the management of people with asthma, it is not surprising that many psychological therapies have been applied in the management of asthma. There are case reports which support their use as an adjunct to pharmacological therapy in selected individuals, and in some clinical trials, benefit is demonstrated, but the evidence is not consistent. When findings are quantitatively synthesised in meta-analyses, no firm conclusions are able to be drawn and no guidelines recommend psychological interventions. These inconsistencies in findings may in part be due to poor study design, the combining of results of studies using different interventions and the diversity of ways patient benefit is assessed. Despite this weak evidence base, the rationale for psychological therapies is plausible, and this therapeutic modality is appealing to both patients and their clinicians as an adjunct to conventional pharmacological treatments. What are urgently required are rigorous evaluations of psychological therapies in asthma, on a par to the quality of pharmaceutical trials. From this evidence base, we can then determine which interventions are beneficial for our patients with asthma management and more specifically which psychological therapy is best suited for each patient

    Optimizing dialysis dose in the context of frailty: an exploratory study

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    Introduction Frailty is a multicausal syndrome characterized by a decrease in strength, resistance and physiological function, which makes the individual vulnerable and dependent, and increases his/her mortality. This syndrome is more prevalent among older individuals, and chronic kidney disease patients, particularly those on dialysis. Dialysis dose is currently standardized for hemodialysis (HD) patients regardless of their age and functional status. However, it has been postulated that the dialysis dose required in older patients, especially frail ones, should be lower, since it could increase their degree of frailty. Then, the purpose of this study was to evaluate if there would be a correlation between the dose of Kt/V and the degree of frailty in a population of adult patients on HD. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study with 82 patients on HD in Barranquilla (Colombia) and Lobos (Argentina) was conducted. Socio-demographic and laboratory data, as well as dialysis doses (Kt/V) were recorded and scales of fragility, physical activity, gait and grip strength were applied. Then these data were correlated by a Spearman’s correlation and a logistic regression. Results CFS, social isolation, physical activity, gait speed, and prehensile strength tests were outside the reference ranges in the studied group. No significant correlation was found between dialysis dose and all the above mentioned functional tests. However, a significant and inverse correlation between physical activity and CFS was documented (score − 1.41 (CI − 2.1 to − 0.7). Conclusion No significant correlation was documented between Kt/V value and different parameters of the frailty status, but this status correlated significantly and inversely with physical activity in this group. Frailty status in hemodialysis patients was significantly higher in older individuals, although young individuals were not exempt from it

    Improving Student Engagement in Veterinary Business Studies

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    In a densely packed veterinary curriculum, students may find it particularly challenging to engage in the less overtly clinical subjects, yet pressure from industry and an increasingly competitive employment market necessitate improved veterinary student education in business and management skills. We describe a curriculum intervention (formative reflective assignment) that optimizes workplace learning opportunities and aims to provide better student scaffolding for their in-context business learning. Students were asked to analyze a business practice they experienced during a period of extra-mural studies (external work placement). Following return to the college, they were then instructed to discuss their findings in their study group, and produce a group reflection on their learning. To better understand student engagement in this area, we analyzed individual and group components of the assignment. Thematic analysis revealed evidence of various depths of student engagement, and provided indications of the behaviors they used when engaging at different levels. Interactive and social practices (discussing business strategies with veterinary employees and student peers) appeared to facilitate student engagement, assist the perception of relevance of these skills, and encourage integration with other curriculum elements such as communication skills and clinical problem solving

    Cross-sectoral impacts of the 2018–2019 Central European drought and climate resilience in the German part of the Elbe River basin

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    The 2018–2019 Central European drought was probably the most extreme in Germany since the early sixteenth century. We assess the multiple consequences of the drought for natural systems, the economy and human health in the German part of the Elbe River basin, an area of 97,175 km2 including the cities of Berlin and Hamburg and contributing about 18% to the German GDP. We employ meteorological, hydrological and socio-economic data to build a comprehensive picture of the drought severity, its multiple effects and cross-sectoral consequences in the basin. Time series of different drought indices illustrate the severity of the 2018–2019 drought and how it progressed from meteorological water deficits via soil water depletion towards low groundwater levels and river runoff, and losses in vegetation productivity. The event resulted in severe production losses in agriculture (minus 20–40% for staple crops) and forestry (especially through forced logging of damaged wood: 25.1 million tons in 2018–2020 compared to only 3.4 million tons in 2015–2017), while other economic sectors remained largely unaffected. However, there is no guarantee that this socio-economic stability will be sustained in future drought events; this is discussed in the light of 2022, another dry year holding the potential for a compound crisis. Given the increased probability for more intense and long-lasting droughts in most parts of Europe, this example of actual cross-sectoral drought impacts will be relevant for drought awareness and preparation planning in other regions

    Metabolic Changes Following a 1-Year Diet and Exercise Intervention in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    Objective—To characterize the relationships among longterm improvements in peripheral insulin sensitivity (glucose disposal rate [GDR]), fasting glucose, and free fatty acids (FFAs) and concomitant changes in weight and adipose tissue mass and distribution induced by lifestyle intervention in obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. Research Design And Methods—We measured GDR, fasting glucose, and FFAs during a euglycemic clamp and adipose tissue mass and distribution, organ fat, and adipocyte size by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, CT scan, and adipose tissue biopsy in 26 men and 32 women in the Look-AHEAD trial before and after 1 year of diet and exercise aimed at weight loss. Results—Weight and fasting glucose decreased significantly (P _ 0.0001) and significantly more in men than in women (_12 vs. _8% and _16 vs. _7%, respectively; P _ 0.05), while FFAs during hyperinsulinemia decreased and GDR increased significantly (P _ 0.00001) and similarly in both sexes (_53 vs. _41% and 63 vs. 43%; P _ NS). Men achieved a more favorable fat distribution by losing more from upper compared with lower and from deeper compared with superficial adipose tissue depots (P _ 0.01). Decreases in weight and adipose tissue mass predicted improvements in GDR but not in fasting glucose or fasting FFAs; however, decreases in FFAs during hyperinsulinemia significantly determined GDR improvements. Hepatic fat was the only regional fat measure whose change contributed independently to changes in metabolic variables. Conclusions—Patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing a 1-year lifestyle intervention had significant improvements in GDR, fasting glucose, FFAs and adipose tissue distribution. However, changes in overall weight (adipose tissue mass) and hepatic fat were the most important determinants of metabolic improvements.Jeanine B. Albu, Leonie K. Heilbronn, David E. Kelley, Steven R. Smith, Koichiro Azuma, Evan S. Berk, F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, Eric Ravussin, and the Look AHEAD Adipose Research Grou