881 research outputs found

    Procedures for estimating the effects of design and operational characteristics of jet aircraft on ground noise

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    Estimation procedures for effect of design and flight characteristics of jets on ground nois

    Teaching vocabulary to adolescents with language disorder: perspectives from teachers and speech and language therapists

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    Children with language disorder frequently experience difficulties with vocabulary acquisition, and these difficulties often persist into adolescence. The literature indicates that clinical studies tend to investigate phonological-semantic approaches, whereas educational studies focus on the derivation of meaning within a literacy context. Little is known about whether the practices of Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) and teachers reflect these findings from the literature. The current paper reports on a survey which gathered information from SLTs and Mainstream Secondary School Teachers (MSSTs), about their current practice concerning vocabulary support for adolescents, aged 11 – 16, who have language disorder. An online questionnaire was distributed through teaching and speech and language therapy professional networks. The aim of the study was to establish which specific strategies were used in practice by SLTs and MSSTs to teach vocabulary to adolescents with language disorder, and which strategies were the most effective. Responses were obtained from 127 SLTs and 47 MSSTs in the UK. SLTs were more likely than MSSTs to teach phonological awareness and semantic feature analysis as strategies for developing vocabulary skills. Both professions used literacy-related strategies as well as strategies for independent word learning such as the derivation of meaning from morphology and context. Increased joint working and training opportunities would further develop the knowledge and skills of both MSSTs and SLTs, enabling theoretically-grounded and relevant vocabulary support for this group of adolescents

    Gate control of Mott metal-insulator transition in a 2D metal-organic framework

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    Strong electron-electron Coulomb interactions in materials can lead to a vast range of exotic many-body quantum phenomena, including Mott metal-insulator transitions, magnetic order, quantum spin liquids, and unconventional superconductivity. These many-body phases are strongly dependent on band occupation and can hence be controlled via the chemical potential. Flat electronic bands in two-dimensional (2D) and layered materials such as the kagome lattice, enhance strong electronic correlations. Although theoretically predicted, correlated-electron phases in monolayer 2D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) - which benefit from efficient synthesis protocols and tunable properties - with a kagome structure have not yet been realised experimentally. Here, we synthesise a 2D kagome MOF comprised of 9,10-dicyanoanthracene molecules and copper atoms on an atomically thin insulator, monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) on Cu(111). Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy reveal an electronic energy gap of ~200 meV in this MOF, consistent with dynamical mean-field theory predictions of a Mott insulating phase. By tuning the electron population of kagome bands, via either template-induced (via local work function variations of the hBN/Cu(111) substrate) or tip-induced (via the STM probe) gating, we are able to induce Mott metal-insulator transitions in the MOF. These findings pave the way for devices and technologies based on 2D MOFs and on electrostatic control of many-body quantum phases therein.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    DeepBrain: Functional Representation of Neural In-Situ Hybridization Images for Gene Ontology Classification Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders

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    This paper presents a novel deep learning-based method for learning a functional representation of mammalian neural images. The method uses a deep convolutional denoising autoencoder (CDAE) for generating an invariant, compact representation of in situ hybridization (ISH) images. While most existing methods for bio-imaging analysis were not developed to handle images with highly complex anatomical structures, the results presented in this paper show that functional representation extracted by CDAE can help learn features of functional gene ontology categories for their classification in a highly accurate manner. Using this CDAE representation, our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art classification rate, by improving the average AUC from 0.92 to 0.98, i.e., achieving 75% reduction in error. The method operates on input images that were downsampled significantly with respect to the original ones to make it computationally feasible

    Environmental drivers of aquatic macrophyte communities in southern tropical African rivers:Zambia as a case study

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    The first-ever extensive macrophyte survey of Zambian rivers and associated floodplain waterbodies, conducted during 2006–2012, collected 271 samples from 228 sites, mainly located in five freshwater ecoregions of the world primarily represented in Zambia. The results supported the hypothesis that variation in macrophyte community structure (measured as species composition and diversity) in southern tropical African river systems, using Zambia as a case study area, is driven primarily by geographical variation in water physico-chemical conditions. In total, 335 macrophyte taxa were recorded, and a chronological cumulative species records curve for the dataset showed no sign of asymptoting: clearly many additional macrophyte species remain to be found in Zambian rivers. Emergent macrophytes were predominant (236 taxa), together with 26 floating and 73 submerged taxa. Several species were rare in a regional or international context, including two IUCN Red Data List species: Aponogeton rehmanii and Nymphaea divaricata. Ordination and classification analysis of the data found little evidence for temporal change in vegetation, at repeatedly-sampled sites, but strong evidence for the existence of seven groups of samples from geographically-varied study sites. These supported differing sets of vegetation (with eight species assemblages present in the sample-groups) and showed substantial inter-group differences in both macrophyte alpha-diversity, and geographically-varying physico-chemical parameters. The evidence suggested that the main environmental drivers of macrophyte community composition and diversity were altitude, stream order, shade, pH, alkalinity, NO3-N, and underwater light availability, while PO4-P showed slightly lower, but still significant variation between sample-groups

    DLCQ Strings, Twist Fields and One-Loop Correlators on a Permutation Orbifold

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    We investigate some aspects of the relationship between matrix string theory and light-cone string field theory by analysing the correspondence between the two-loop thermal partition function of DLCQ strings in flat space and the integrated two-point correlator of twist fields in a symmetric product orbifold conformal field theory at one-loop order. This is carried out by deriving combinatorial expressions for generic twist field correlation functions in permutation orbifolds using the covering surface method, by deriving the one-loop modification of the twist field interaction vertex, and by relating the two-loop finite temperature DLCQ string theory to the theory of Prym varieties for genus two covers of an elliptic curve. The case of bosonic Z(2) orbifolds is worked out explicitly and precise agreement between both amplitudes is found. We use these techniques to derive explicit expressions for Z(2) orbifold spin twist field correlation functions in the Type II and heterotic string theories.Comment: 48 pages, 1 figure; v2: typos correcte

    Two-Loop String Theory on Null Compactifications

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    We compute the two-loop contributions to the free energy in the null compactification of perturbative string theory at finite temperature. The cases of bosonic, Type II and heterotic strings are all treated. The calculation exploits an explicit reductive parametrization of the moduli space of infinite-momentum frame string worldsheets in terms of branched cover instantons. Various arithmetic and physical properties of the instanton sums are described. Applications to symmetric product orbifold conformal field theories and to the matrix string theory conjecture are also briefly discussed.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figur

    Geology of the Maketu Area, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand. Sheet V14 1:50 000

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    The area covered in this report on the geology of Sheet V14 Maketu 1 :50 000 includes Motiti Island and a small triangular section of the Bay of Plenty coastal lowlands from the Kaituna River mouth to Pukehina Beach within the Maketu Basin, eastern North Island. Motiti Island is situated 12 km offshore from the Bay of Plenty coast and is an eroded remnant of a Pliocene (4.3-3.4 Ma) andesitic composite cone. It is a flat-lying island surrounded by cliffs up to 30 m high, and the highest point is 57 m above sea level. The island is constructed on a base of andesitic rocks that have been divided into two new formations, the Motiti Formation consisting of thick massive or platy jointed lava flows and volcanic breccias, and the Orongatea Formation comprising thin lava flows, volcanic breccias, lapilli tuffs, tuffs, and dikes that are considered to be proximal strombolian and phreatomagmatic deposits. The andesitic formations are unconformably overlain by a 20-m thick sequence of middle to late Quaternary volcanogenic sediments (fluviatile sands, silts, and gravels), which in turn are covered by a 6-m thick blanket of late Quaternary tephras including Rotoiti Tephra Formation at the base. Originally the island would have been manifested as an andesitic composite cone and tuff ring complex, but it is now characterised by the strong angular unconformity that truncates the older andesitic rocks, which have been planed flat, presumably by marine erosion. The andesites and basaltic andesites of Motiti Island have ages and geochemical compositions similar to those of the Waihi district and southern Coromandel Volcanic Zone. The Maketu peninsula (Town Point) forms a 67-m high headland on the Bay of Plenty coast. and is considered to be a horst, bounded by NE (035°)-striking normal faults and downfaulted blocks on both sides. The oldest rocks in the Maketu area are exposed in cliffs around the peninsula and consist of fluvial sands, silts, and gravels, aeolian sediments, and a 25-m thick lahar or lake-breakout flood deposit (Newdicks Formation, new) with a stratigraphic age of c. 0.25 Ma. The source of the lahar/flood deposit is unknown, but it contains clasts up to 7 m across of a densely welded ignimbrite that form a litter of boulders around the Maketu peninsula. The fluvial sediments are similar in rock type and stratigraphic position to those on Motiti Island, and both sequences have been included here in the Matua Subgroup. Intercalated with the sediments of the Matua Subgroup are thin Mid-Pleistocene pumiceous tephra fallout beds of the Huntress Creek and Kukumoa subgroups, and a c. 5-m thick non-welded ignimbrite identified as Mamaku lgnimbrite (c. 0.22 Ma). The uppermost part of the Matua Subgroup is marked by a well-developed, dark paleosol formed in clayey loess, and is Last Interglacial in age (c. 125 ka). The Maketu peninsula is capped by a 15-m thick sequence of late Quaternary pumiceous and unweathered to weakly weathered tephra beds that include Rotoiti Tephra Formation, four tephras of the Mangaone Subgroup, and numerous younger tephras derived from the volcanic centres of Okataina (ten tephras), Taupo (six tephras), and Tuhua (Mayor Island) (one or more tephras), and minor loess deposits. The youngest of these tephras include the white, pumiceous rhyolitic Kaharoa Tephra erupted from Mt Tarawera in c. 1314 AD, Rotomahana Mud from the 1886 AD eruption of Mt Tarawera, and thin dustings of andesitic ash from the 1995-1996 AD eruptions of Mt Ruapehu. In the Kaituna and Pongakawa lowlands and around the Maketu and Wai hi estuaries there is a late Pleistocene to Holocene sequence of fluvial terraces, alluvial plains, dune sands, minor loess, estuarine sands and muds, peats, and intercalated tephra layers

    High flavonoid accompanied with high starch accumulation triggered by nutrient starvation in bioenergy crop duckweed (Landoltia punctata)

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    Background: As the fastest growing plant, duckweed can thrive on anthropogenic wastewater. The purple-backed duckweed, Landoltia punctata, is rich in starch and flavonoids. However, the molecular biological basis of high flavonoid and low lignin content remains largely unknown, as does the best method to combine nutrients removed from sewage and the utilization value improvement of duckweed biomass. Results: A combined omics study was performed to investigate the biosynthesis of flavonoid and the metabolic flux changes in L. punctata grown in different culture medium. Phenylalanine metabolism related transcripts were identified and carefully analyzed. Expression quantification results showed that most of the flavonoid biosynthetic transcripts were relatively highly expressed, while most lignin-related transcripts were poorly expressed or failed to be detected by iTRAQ based proteomic analyses. This explains why duckweed has a much lower lignin percentage and higher flavonoid content than most other plants. Growing in distilled water, expression of most flavonoid-related transcripts were increased, while most were decreased in uniconazole treated L. punctata (1/6 x Hoagland + 800 mg center dot L-1 uniconazole). When L. punctata was cultivated in full nutrient medium (1/6 x Hoagland), more than half of these transcripts were increased, however others were suppressed. Metabolome results showed that a total of 20 flavonoid compounds were separated by HPLC in L. punctata grown in uniconazole and full nutrient medium. The quantities of all 20 compounds were decreased by uniconazole, while 11 were increased and 6 decreased when grown in full nutrient medium. Nutrient starvation resulted in an obvious purple accumulation on the underside of each frond. Conclusions: The high flavonoid and low lignin content of L. punctata appears to be predominantly caused by the flavonoid-directed metabolic flux. Nutrient starvation is the best option to obtain high starch and flavonoid accumulation simultaneously in a short time for biofuels fermentation and natural products isolation

    Three red suns in the sky: A transiting, terrestrial planet in a triple M-dwarf system at 6.9 pc

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    We present the discovery from Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) data of LTT 1445Ab. At a distance of 6.9 pc, it is the second nearest transiting exoplanet system found to date, and the closest one known for which the primary is an M dwarf. The host stellar system consists of three mid-to-late M dwarfs in a hierarchical configuration, which are blended in one TESS pixel. We use MEarth data and results from the Science Processing Operations Center data validation report to determine that the planet transits the primary star in the system. The planet has a radius of 1.380.12+0.13{1.38}_{-0.12}^{+0.13} R{R}_{\oplus }, an orbital period of 5.358820.00031+0.00030{5.35882}_{-0.00031}^{+0.00030} days, and an equilibrium temperature of 43327+28{433}_{-27}^{+28} K. With radial velocities from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, we place a 3σ upper mass limit of 8.4 M{M}_{\oplus } on the planet. LTT 1445Ab provides one of the best opportunities to date for the spectroscopic study of the atmosphere of a terrestrial world. We also present a detailed characterization of the host stellar system. We use high-resolution spectroscopy and imaging to rule out the presence of any other close stellar or brown dwarf companions. Nineteen years of photometric monitoring of A and BC indicate a moderate amount of variability, in agreement with that observed in the TESS light-curve data. We derive a preliminary astrometric orbit for the BC pair that reveals an edge-on and eccentric configuration. The presence of a transiting planet in this system hints that the entire system may be co-planar, implying that the system may have formed from the early fragmentation of an individual protostellar core.Accepted manuscrip