39 research outputs found

    Õpilaste tajutud kehalise kasvatuse Ă”petaja autonoomsust toetava ja kontrolliva kĂ€itumise tajumise mĂ”ju Ă”pilaste psĂŒhholoogilistele vajadustele ja tervisealasele elukvaliteedile

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneUuringud on nĂ€idanud Ă”pilaste tervisealases elukvaliteedis langustendentsi. Õpilaste tervisealane elukvaliteet on oluline kuna see hĂ”lmab selliseid tervisega seotud aspekte nagu kehaline, sotsiaalne, emotsionaalne ja akadeemiline suutlikkus. Koolikeskkond, sealhulgas Ă”petaja kĂ€itumine, vĂ”ib omada Ă”pilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile olulist mĂ”ju. Tuginedes enesemÀÀratlemise teooriale, vĂ”ib Ă”petaja kĂ€itumist ĂŒldises plaanis jagada Ă”pilasi kontrollivaks ja neile autonoomsuse toetust pakkuvaks, mis mĂ”lemad vĂ”ivad mĂ”jutada Ă”pilaste tervisealast elukvaliteeti. KĂ€esolev doktoritöö koosnes neljast uuringust. Esimeses uuringus töötati vĂ€lja Ă”pilaste tajutud kehalise kasvatuse Ă”petaja kognitiivset, protseduurilist ja organisatsioonilist autonoomsuse toetust hindav kĂŒsimustik. Teise uuringu tulemustest selgus, et kehalise kasvatuse Ă”petaja autonoomsuse toetuse tajumine omab Ă”pilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile positiivset mĂ”ju ainult lĂ€bi psĂŒhholoogiliste vajaduste rahuldamise. Lisaks nĂ€itasid tulemused, et kehalise kasvatuse Ă”petaja kontrolliva kĂ€itumise tajumisel on negatiivne mĂ”ju Ă”pilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile ainult lĂ€bi Ă”pilaste vajaduste frustratsiooni. Kolmanda uuringu tulemustest selgus, et tajutud kehalise kasvatuse Ă”petaja kontrolliva kĂ€itumise ja Ă”pilaste tervisealase elukvaliteedi vaheline kaudne negatiivne seos, vahendatuna lĂ€bi psĂŒhholoogiliste vajaduste frustratsiooni, ei erine oluliselt Ă”pilastel, kes tajuvad Ă”petajapoolset autonoomsuse toetust kas madalalt, keskmiselt vĂ”i kĂ”rgelt. Selle tulemuse pĂ”hjal vĂ”ib öelda, et Ă”petajapoolse autonoomsuse toetuse tajumine ei vĂ€henda kontrolliva kĂ€itumise negatiivset mĂ”ju Ă”pilaste tervisealasele elukvaliteedile. Esimese kolme uuringu tulemused olid aluseks veebipĂ”hise sekkumisprogrammi koostamisel. Neljanda uuringu tulemustest selgus, et veebipĂ”hine sekkumisprogramm oli efektiivne suurendamaks Ă”pilaste tajutud Ă”petajapoolset kognitiivset, protseduurilist ja organisatsioonilist autonoomsuse toetust, samuti Ă”pilaste autonoomsuse, kompetentsuse ja seotuse vajaduse tajumist. Samuti oli sekkumine efektiivne vĂ€hendamaks Ă”pilaste tajutud Ă”petajapoolset hirmutamist ja autonoomsuse vajaduse frustratsiooni. KĂ€esoleva uuringu tulemused nĂ€itasid, et kehalise kasvatuse Ă”petajatel on oluline pakkuda Ă”pilastele kognitiivset, protseduurilist ja organisatsioonilist autonoomsuse toetust ja samuti on tĂ€htis vĂ€hendada Ă”pilaste suhtes kontrollivat kĂ€itumist.  Previous research has demonstrated a sharp decline in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among school students. Students’ HRQoL is important as it encompasses a wide set of health concerns such as physical, social, emotional, and academic functioning. The school environment, including teachers’ behaviour, is likely to be an important correlate of students’ HRQoL. Based on self-determination theory, students’ can perceive their teacher exhibiting autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviours, and both behaviours are related to students’ HRQoL. The current thesis consists of four studies. The first study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to assess the students’ perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour by the multi-dimensional scale. The results of the second study indicated that students’ perception of PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour is related to students’ HRQoL only via psychological need satisfaction. Also, students’ perception of PE teachers’ controlling behaviour was found to be related to students’ HRQoL only through psychological need frustration. The results of the third study demonstrated that the effect of students’ perception of PE teachers’ controlling behaviour on students’ HRQoL, mediated by need frustration, was not statistically different between students who perceived their PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour low, average or high. Specifically, higher levels of autonomy support did not attenuate the indirect effect of perceived controlling behaviour on HRQoL through need frustration. Based on the results of these three studies, a Web-Based Autonomy-Supportive Intervention Program (WB-ASIP) was developed. The results of the fourth study indicated that WB-ASIP was effective to enhance students’ perceptions of their PE teachers’ cognitive, procedural and organisational autonomy-supportive behaviour, and students’ need satisfaction for autonomy, competence and relatedness. Also, WB-ASIP was effective to decrease students’ perception of PE teachers’ intimidation and need frustration for autonomy. The current study encourages PE teachers to provide their students cognitive, procedural and organisational autonomy support as well as to avoid controlling behaviour towards their students.https://www.ester.ee/record=b524064


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    In line with the tenets of self-determination theory, the current study tested associations of perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviour from PE teacher with adolescents’ leisure-time physical activity (LT PA) participation, and the role of need satisfaction and need frustration, autonomous motivation and controlled motivation in PE, and perceived effort towards LT PA as mediators of these associations. Adolescents (N=381) aged between 12 and 15 years completed self-reported measures of respective constructs. Results of the structural equation modelling demonstrated that perceived autonomy-supportive behaviour from PE teachers was related to adolescents’ LT PA participation only via experiences of need satisfaction and autonomous motivation in PE, and perceived effort towards LT PA. Perceived controlling behaviour from PE teachers was found to be related to adolescents’ LT PA participation only via experiences of need frustration and controlled motivation in PE, and perceived effort towards LT PA. The current study provided evidence that perceived autonomy-supportive behaviour and perceived controlling behaviour from PE teachers contributes to adolescents’ LT PA participation through unique pathways. Findings highlight the facilitative role of autonomy-supportive behaviour from teachers in a PE context on adolescents’ LT PA participation. In addition, the beneficial role of controlled motivation in PE, although instigated by students’ perceptions of controlling behaviour from teachers and experiences of need frustration in PE, on adolescents’ LT PA participation was supported.Key words: autonomy-supportive behaviour, controlling behaviour, psychological needs, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, leisure-time physical activity</p

    Teadveloleku mĂ”ju spordi kontekstis hindava kĂŒsimustiku eesti keelde adapteerimine

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    Implitsiitsed ja eksplitsiitsed hoiakud venelaste suhtes

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    KĂ€esoleva seminaritöö eesmĂ€rgiks oli uurida, et milline on eestlaste etniline hoiak lĂ€htuvalt eesti ja vene nimedest. Selle selgitamiseks sai kasutatud nii eksplitsiitset, kui ka implitsiitset testimist: Implitsiitsete Assotsiatsioonide Test (IAT), vĂ€itekĂŒsimustik ja pildiga tekstĂŒlesanne (nn. „tĂ€nava meetod“). Uurimustöö tĂ€psem fookus keskendus asjaolule, et implitsiitne testimine (konkreetsemalt IAT) vĂ”ib anda tĂ€iendavat informatsiooni inimese hoiaku kohta vĂ”rreldes tavapĂ€rase kĂŒsimustikmeetodiga. Automaatsed reageerimiskalduvused (mida IAT mÔÔdab) ja teadvustatud hoiakud (mida kĂŒsimustikud mÔÔdavad) ei pruugi alati kokku langeda. Ja kui me omame informatsiooni mĂ”lema kohta, vĂ”ime suuta Ă€ra seletada suurema osa inimeste kĂ€itumisest. Kuna antud teemat ei oldud varem sellisel meetodil Eestis veel uuritud, siis oligi vaatluse all see, et kuidas suhestuvad omavahel eksplitsiitne (vĂ€itekĂŒsimustik ja nn. „tĂ€nava meetot“) ja implitsiitne (IAT) testimine ning mida vĂ”ib öelda neid meetodeid omavahel vĂ”rreldes. Uurimustöö kĂ€igus ilmnes asjaolu, et eksplitsiitse ja implitsiitse testimise vahel puudus oluline seos. TĂ”enĂ€oliselt oli selle pĂ”hjuseks katseisikute vĂ€hesus, kelle andmed kasutuskĂ”lblikuks osutusid. Siinkohal vĂ”is sellist olukorda tingida IAT testi vĂ€hene atraktiivsus nii sisulisest, kui ka korralduslikust poolest. Nimelt tuli katseisikutel nĂ€ha vaeva alates testi kĂ€tte saamisest, kuni andmete saatmiseni ning testi sisuline pool oli kĂŒllaltki monotoonne ja pikk. Seega on kĂ€esoleva uurimustöö pĂ”hjal lĂ”plikku jĂ€reldust vara teha, kuid sellest hoolimata sai tĂ”statatud rida kĂŒsimusi ja sai esile toodud tĂ€helepanekuid, mida tuleks tulevikus antud kontekstis arvesse vĂ”tta.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2654720~S1*es

    Paternalism spordis: vanemate autonoomiast ja lapse Ă”igusest “avatud tulevikule

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    Kehaline kirjaoskus – uus hariduslik eesmĂ€rk

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    Viimase kahekĂŒmne aasta jooksul on mĂ€rgatavalt suurenenud kehalise kirjaoskuse alaste uuringutulemuste avaldamine. Kehalist kirjaoskust kirjeldatakse kui inimese motivatsiooni, enesekindlust, kehalist kompetentsust, teadmisi ja mĂ”istmist kehalise aktiivsuse vÀÀrtusest ja isiklikku vastutust selles. Kehaline kirjaoskus toob vĂ€lja iga inimese vĂ”imalused, individuaalsuse ja vĂ”imekuse kehalise kirjaoskuse omandamisel. Koolitasandi uuringud keskenduvad kehalise kirjaoskuse kujundamise Ă”petuslikule aspektile ja selle tulemusel ka muutuvale traditsioonilisele spordikeskse lĂ€henemisega kehalisele kasvatusele. Kehalise kirjaoskuse eesmĂ€rk on luua eeldused, et inimene oskaks tervislikult elada ning tervisliku eluviisiga kaasnevat potentsiaali rakendada. Siinse artikli eesmĂ€rk on anda ĂŒlevaade kehalise kirjaoskuse olemusest ja komponentidest rahvusvaheliste teadusuuringute kaudu. &nbsp;Summar

    The effect of peers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour on adolescents’ psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and objectively measured physical activity

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    Based on self-determination theory, adolescents’ leisure-time (LT) physical activity (PA) behaviour may depend on the extent by which they perceive an environment as autonomy-supportive. The present study aimed to investigate whether adolescents’ perception of autonomy-supportive behaviour from their peers is related to adolescents’ objectively measured LT moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) through perceived psychological needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation towards PA. School students (n=215) aged between 12 to 15 years old (age: 13.20±0.96 yrs) completed self-reported measures of perceived peers’ autonomy support, psychological needs satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation in the context of LT PA. In addition, study participants wore an accelerometer (Acti-Graph GT3X) to monitor their MVPA. Results of the structural equation modelling revealed that perceived autonomy support from peers had a significant and positive effect on perceptions of all three psychological need satisfaction in LT, which, in turn, had a significant and positive effect on adolescents’ intrinsic motivation. Adolescents’ LT PA was significantly predicted by their intrinsic motivation towards PA. Only one pathway through autonomy need satisfaction was revealed by which adolescents’ perception of their peers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour is related to intrinsic motivation and MVPA. The findings of the current study highlight the role of peers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour on adolescents objectively measured PA through motivational processes in the context of LT

    Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of a Scale to Measure Perceived External and Internal Faces of Controlling Teaching among Students in Physical Education

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    Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics and Committee for Clinical Research of Aragon (PI15/0283, 21 11 2015). Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study. Data Availability Statement: Data availability on request due to restrictions privacy or ethical.There are no validated instruments to date that have examined the students’ perceptions of externally and internally controlling teaching practices in physical education (PE). Grounded in self-determination theory, the objective of this research was to provide validity and reliability evidence of the Controlling Teaching Scale for Physical Education (CTS-PE) to assess the external and internal faces of controlling teaching in PE through two sequential studies. In Study 1 (n = 241 students), an exploratory factor analysis revealed an eight-item two-factor solution (four items per factor). In Study 2 (n = 968 students), a confirmatory factor analysis supported the eight-item two-factor correlated model (i.e., externally and internally controlling teaching) that was invariant across gender. Reliability coefficients indicated an acceptable level of reliability for the two factors of the CTS-PE. A structural equation modelling showed that externally and internally controlling teaching behaviours positively predicted need frustration, and negatively need satisfaction. The current study gathered evidence to consider the CTS-PE as a valid and reliable instrument to assess students’ perceptions of PE teachers’ externally and internally controlling teaching behaviours. The CTS-PE provides PE teachers with deeper insights into the negative psychological experiences associated with externally and internally controlling teaching behaviours in PE.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) EDU2013-42048-

    A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions

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    Teachers’ behavior is a key factor that influences students’ motivation. Many theoretical models have tried to explain this influence, with one of the most thoroughly researched being self-determination theory (SDT). We used a Delphi method to create a classification of teacher behaviors consistent with SDT. This is useful because SDT-based interventions have been widely used to improve educational outcomes. However, these interventions contain many components. Reliably classifying and labeling those components is essential for implementation, reproducibility, and evidence synthesis. We used an international expert panel (N = 34) to develop this classification system. We started by identifying behaviors from existing literature, then refined labels, descriptions, and examples using the Delphi panel’s input. Next, the panel of experts iteratively rated the relevance of each behavior to SDT, the psychological need that each behavior influenced, and its likely effect on motivation. To create a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of behaviors, experts nominated overlapping behaviors that were redundant, and suggested new ones missing from the classification. After three rounds, the expert panel agreed upon 57 teacher motivational behaviors (TMBs) that were consistent with SDT. For most behaviors (77%), experts reached consensus on both the most relevant psychological need and influence on motivation. Our classification system provides a comprehensive list of TMBs and consistent terminology in how those behaviors are labeled. Researchers and practitioners designing interventions could use these behaviors to design interventions, to reproduce interventions, to assess whether these behaviors moderate intervention effects, and could focus new research on areas where experts disagreed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved

    A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.

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    Teachers’ behavior is a key factor that influences students’ motivation. Many theoretical models have tried to explain this influence, with one of the most thoroughly researched being self-determination theory (SDT). We used a Delphi method to create a classification of teacher behaviors consistent with SDT. This is useful because SDT-based interventions have been widely used to improve educational outcomes. However, these interventions contain many components. Reliably classifying and labeling those components is essential for implementation, reproducibility, and evidence synthesis.We used an international expert panel (N = 34) to develop this classification system. We started by identifying behaviors from existing literature, then refined labels, descriptions, and examples using the Delphi panel’s input. Next, the panel of experts iteratively rated the relevance of each behavior to SDT, the psychological need that each behavior influenced, and its likely effect on motivation. To create a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of behaviors, experts nominated overlapping behaviors that were redundant, and suggested new ones missing from the classification. After three rounds, the expert panel agreed upon 57 teacher motivational behaviors (TMBs) that were consistent with SDT. For most behaviors (77%), experts reached consensus on both the most relevant psychological need and influence on motivation. Our classification system provides a comprehensive list of TMBs and consistent terminology in how those behaviors are labeled. Researchers and practitioners designing interventions could use these behaviors to design interventions, to reproduce interventions, to assess whether these behaviors moderate intervention effects, and could focus new research on areas where experts disagreed