1,265 research outputs found

    What are the chances? Clinician scientist` career pathways in Germany

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    The article processing charge was funded by the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Background Germany faces a lack of clinician scientists. This problem is widely acknowledged, not just in Germany, as clinician scientists are crucial for medical translation and innovation: trained in medical practice and research they are capable of translating scientific problems into clinical application and vice versa, clinical problems into research. The implementation of nationwide clinician scientist programs (CSPs) in Germany is supposed to solve the lack of trained clinician scientists and, as consequence, to improve the translational relationship between biomedical research and clinical practice. Against the backdrop of an increasing number of CSPs, our study provides early insights into their effectiveness with a focus on what it means to become a clinician scientist and to establish a subsequent career path as a clinician scientist in Germany. Methods During a research project that was conducted from 2020 to 2023 and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we studied thirteen CSPs. We developed a qualitative questionnaire and interviewed 36 clinician scientists in training, their program supervisors, as well as policy stakeholders. The goal of the interviews was to identify the key obstacles in establishing a career path for clinician scientists in Germany. Results We found three types of challenges for establishing and ensuring long term career paths for clinician scientists: First, local working conditions need to allow for clinician scientists to create and perform tasks that combine research, teaching, patient care and translation synergistically. Protection from the urgency of patient care and from metrics-based performance measures both in the clinic and in research seem key here. Second, a stable career path requires new target positions besides clinic management and senior residency. Third, there is a need for cultural change within university medicine that recognizes and rewards new translation-focused practices. Conclusion We find that CSPs improve working conditions for the duration of the program and provide protected time for doing research. After the programs, however, the career paths remain unstable, mainly due to a lack of target positions for clinician scientists. CSPs support the initial development of the clinician scientist’ role, but not in a sustainable way, because the separation of research and patient care is stabilized on an institutional and systemic level. The tasks clinician scientists perform in research remain separate from patient care and teaching, thus, limiting their translational potential. In order to remain a clinician scientist within this differentiated system of university medicine, clinician scientists have to do a significant amount of extra work.Peer Reviewe

    Variation von Fermentationsparametern in der Schweineernährung

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    Das Vermögen von Mastschweinen, faserreiche Futtermittel zu verdauen, kann stark variieren. Es existieren nur wenige Daten zu Unterschieden in den Verdaulichkeitsraten bei Schweinen ökologischer und konventioneller Betriebe und ob sich die Verdaulichkeitsraten im Zeitverlauf ändern. Bisher basiert die Methode zur Messung der Vardaulichkeitsraten faserreicher Futtermittel auf Inokula, welche von konventionell gefütterten Schweinen gewonnen werden. Deshalb wurde eine Studie mit Inokula von ökologischen und konventionellen Kontrolltieren zur Messung der Verdaulichkeitsraten diverser Substrate über 6 Wochen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen hohe Variationen in den kalkulierten Kinetiken. Daher sind die Kinetiken wahrscheinlich geeigneter zur Charakterisierung der Verdaulichkeit als die Endpunktmessung der Gasproduktion

    Ensuring Access to Safe and Nutritious Food for All Through Transformation of Food Systems : A paper on Action Track 1

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    Action Track 1 of the Food Systems Summit offers an opportunity to bring together the crucial elements of food safety, nutrition, poverty and inequalities in the framework of food systems in the context of climate and environmental change to ensure that all people have access to a safe and nutritious diet. Achieving Action Track 1 goal is essential to the achievement of the goals of the other Action Tracks. With less than a decade left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD), most countries are not on target to achieve the World Health Organisation’s nutrition targets and SGD 2 targets. The COVID pandemic has exacerbated malnutrition and highlighted the need for food safety. The pandemic has also exposed the deep inequalities in society and food systems. Yet, future food systems can address many of these failings and ensure safe and nutritious food for all. However, structural change is necessary to address the socio-economic drivers behind malnutrition, inequalities and the climate and environmental impacts of food. Adopting a whole-system approach in policy, research and monitoring and evaluation is crucial to manage trade-off and externalities from farm-level to national scales and across multiple sectors and agencies. Supply chain failures will need to be overcome and technology solutions adopted and adapted to specific contexts. A transformation of food systems requires coordinating changes in supply and demand in differentiated ways across world regions: bridging yield gaps and improving livestock feed conversion, largely through agro-ecological practices, deploying at scale soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation, reducing food losses and wastes, as well as over-nourishment and shifting the diets of wealthy populations. Global food systems sustainability also requires halting the expansion of agriculture into fragile ecosystems, while restoring degraded forests, fisheries, rangelands, peatlands and wetlands. Shifting to more sustainable consumption and production patterns within planetary boundaries will require efforts to influence food demand and diets, diversify food systems, careful land-use planning and management. Integrative policies need to ensure that food prices reflect real costs (including major externalities caused by climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss, and public health impacts of malnutrition), reduce food waste and, at the same time, ensure safe and healthy food affordability, decent incomes and wages for farmers and food system workers. Harnessing science and technology solutions and sharing actionable knowledge with all players in the food system offers many opportunities. Greater coordination of food system stakeholders is crucial for greater inclusion, greater transparency and more accountability. Sharing lessons and experiences will foster adaptive learning and responsive actions. Careful consideration of the trade-offs, externalities and costs of not acting is needed to ensure that the changes we make benefit to all and especially the most vulnerable in society

    Combination of Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy-The Next Magic Step in the Management of Lung Cancer?

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    none4sinoneHendriks L.E.L.; Menis J.; De Ruysscher D.K.M.; Reck M.Hendriks, L. E. L.; Menis, J.; De Ruysscher, D. K. M.; Reck, M

    Pig performance increases with the addition of dl-methionine and l-lysine to ensiled cassava leaf protein diets

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    Two studies were conducted to determine the impact of supplementation of diets containing ensiled cassava leaves as the main protein source with synthetic amino acids, dl-methionine alone or with L-lysine. In study 1, a total of 40 pigs in five units, all cross-breds between Large White and Mong Cai, with an average initial body weight of 20.5 kg were randomly assigned to four treatments consisting of a basal diet containing 45% of dry matter (DM) from ensiled cassava leaves (ECL) and ensiled cassava root supplemented with 0%, 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.15% dl-methionine (as DM). Results showed a significantly improved performance and protein gain by extra methionine. This reduced the feed cost by 2.6%, 7.2% and 7.5%, respectively. In study 2, there were three units and in each unit eight cross-bred (Large White × Mong Cai) pigs with an initial body weight of 20.1 kg were randomly assigned to the four treatments. The four diets were as follows: a basal diet containing 15% ECL (as DM) supplemented with different amounts of amino acids l-lysine and dl-methionine to the control diet. The results showed that diets with 15% of DM as ECL with supplementation of 0.2% lysine +0.1% dl-methionine and 0.1% lysine +0.05% dl-methionine at the 20–50 kg and above 50 kg, respectively, resulted in the best performance, protein gain and lowest costs for cross-bred (Large White × Mong Cai) pigs. Ensiled cassava leaves can be used as a protein supplement for feeding pigs provided the diets contain additional amounts of synthetic lysine and methionine

    “Національна меншина”: підходи до визначення

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    Основна мета статті полягає в роз’ясненні поняття національної меншини як суспільного явища. Здійснюється аналіз категорій ”національна меншина”, ”національна група”, ”етнічна меншина”. Автор зауважує, що у вітчизняній і світовій політичній літературі не існує універсальної, сталої концепції національних меншин.The main goal of article is to explain national minority phenomenon with a help of etnopolitological conception. National minority, nation, ethnic, ethnic group and ethnic minority conceptions analyze. The author of article says that «Domestic and world political literature don’t have universal concept»

    Keine Exzellenz ohne Mittelklasse!

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    In Wissenschaft und Hochschule spielen Quantifizierungen, Vergleichs- und Kategorisierungsprozesse im Rahmen der Leistungsbewertung eine zentrale Rolle: Als Beispiele dafür können Hochschulrankings, Publikationszahlen und Journal-Impact Faktoren herangezogen werden. Im Zuge des Wettbewerbs um finanzielle Ressourcen, welcher diskursiv häufig mit dem Begriff des New Public Managements in Verbindung steht, geraten derartige Evaluationsmechanismen als Elemente numerokratischen Regierens, im Sinne von daten- und zahlenbasierten Entscheidungsmechanismen, ins Visier wissenschaftspolitischer Auseinandersetzungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund gehen wir der Frage nach, inwiefern sich in wissenschaftlichen Bewertungsverfahren im Rahmen von Publikationstätigkeit, Drittmittelakquise und Personalrekrutierung eine Dynamik entspinnt, in der qualitative Bewertungsprozesse durch quantitative überlagert und ersetzt werden. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, am Beispiel der Lebenswissenschaften, Effekte, Chancen und Grenzen der Quantifizierung auszuloten. Die These einer Quantifizierungsdynamik basiert auf der Analyse von Interviews mit an Schweizer Hochschulen arbeitenden Forscher/-innen, die im Rahmen einer qualitativen Fallstudie zur Forschungsförderung und -evaluation in den Lebenswissenschaften durchgeführt wurden. Auf dieser Basis konstatieren wir eine Quantifizierungsdynamik in Bewertungsprozessen innerhalb der Lebenswissenschaften, die ungeachtet ihrer Limitationen anhält und die Fragen nach deren Funktionalität aufwirft. Wir diskutieren, inwiefern Praktiken der Soziokalkulation als Teil der Quantifizierungsdynamik oder als Reaktion auf die Grenzen der Quantifizierung zu begreifen sind. Abschließend greifen wir auf das begriffliche Repertoire einer Soziologie der Kritik und diskutieren die Rechtfertigungsmuster, welche die Basis der Kritik der Akteure bilden. Im Ergebnis lässt sich an der Kritik der Befragten Forscher/-innen eine gesellschaftspolitische Ebene der Problematisierung von Quantifizierung aufzeigen. &nbsp

    Політична система гортистської Угорщини: історико-правовий аспект

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    Розглядається історико правовий аспект функціонування політичної системи гортистської Угорщини. Проаналізувавши її основні базові характеристики автор робить висновок про її авторитарне, а не тоталітарне спрямування та відсутність в ній сутнісних ознак військової диктатури. Ключові слова: політична система, авторитаризм, тоталітаризм, військова диктатура.Статья посвящена историко правовым аспектам функционирования политической системы хортистской Венгрии. Проанализировав ее основные базовые характеристики, автор делает вывод про ее авторитарную, а не тоталитарную направленность и отсутствие в ней сущностных признаков военной диктатуры. Ключевые слова: политическая система, авторитаризм, тоталитаризм, военная диктатура.The article is devoted to the historical legal aspect of chartist power realization in the period from 1939 up to 1944 in Transcarpathia (as a part of Hungarian state). Analyzing some normative and archive documents, the author makes a conclusion about its authoritarian but not totalitarian direction and the main features of military dictatorship absence. Key words: political system, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, military dictatorship

    The mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin B instructs non-mucosal dendritic cells to promote IgA production via retinoic acid and TGF-β

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    It is currently unknown how mucosal adjuvants cause induction of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), and how T cell-dependent (TD) or -independent (TI) pathways might be involved. Mucosal dendritic cells (DCs) are the primary antigen presenting cells driving TI IgA synthesis, by producing a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), B cell activating factor (BAFF), Retinoic Acid (RA), TGF-beta or nitric oxide (NO). We hypothesized that the mucosal adjuvant Cholera Toxin subunit B (CTB) could imprint non-mucosal DCs to induce IgA synthesis, and studied the mechanism of its induction. In vitro, CTB-treated bone marrow derived DCs primed for IgA production by B cells without the help of T cells, yet required co-signaling by different Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands acting via the MyD88 pathway. CTB-DC induced IgA production was blocked in vitro or in vivo when RA receptor antagonist, TGF-beta signaling inhibitor or neutralizing anti-TGF-beta was added, demonstrating the involvement of RA and TGF-beta in promoting IgA responses. There was no major involvement for BAFF, APRIL or NO. This study highlights that synergism between CTB and MyD88-dependent TLR signals selectively imprints a TI IgA-inducing capacity in non-mucosal DCs, explaining how CTB acts as an IgA promoting adjuvant