5,815 research outputs found

    National innovation and knowledge performance: The role of higher education teaching and training

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    This paper acknowledges the role of the higher education system (HES) in the production of knowledge and human capital. However, most of the literature attributes this production to the second (research activities) and third (exploitation of teaching and research activities) mission. This paper proposes to investigate the under explored role of the first mission (teaching) of HES in the production of national innovation

    Low Energy Pion-Hyperon Interaction

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    We study the low energy pion-hyperon interaction considering effective non-linear chiral invariant Lagrangians including pions, rho mesons, hyperons and corresponding resonances. Then we calculate the S- and P-wave phase-shifts, total cross sections, angular distributions and polarizations for the momentum in the center-of-mass frame up to k=400 MeV. With these results we discuss the CP violation in the csi-> pi-lambda and omega-> pi-csi weak decays.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Climate change mitigation beyond agriculture: A review of food system opportunities and implications

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    A large body of research has explored opportunities to mitigate climate change in agricultural systems; however, less research has explored opportunities across the food system. Here we expand the existing research with a review of potential mitigation opportunities across the entire food system, including in pre-production, production, processing, transport, consumption and loss and waste. We detail and synthesize recent research on the topic, and explore the applicability of different climate mitigation strategies in varying country contexts with different economic and agricultural systems. Further, we highlight some potential adaptation co-benefits of food system mitigation strategies and explore the potential implications of such strategies on food systems as a whole. We suggest that a food systems research approach is greatly needed to capture such potential synergies, and highlight key areas of additional research including a greater focus on low- and middle-income countries in particular. We conclude by discussing the policy and finance opportunities needed to advance mitigation strategies in food systems

    First Order Phase Transition in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We model the disassembly of an excited nuclear system formed as a result of a heavy ion collision. We find that, as the beam energy in central collisions in varied, the dissociating system crosses a liquid-gas coexistence curve, resulting in a first-order phase transition. Accessible experimental signatures are identified: a peak in specific heat, a power-law yield for composites, and a maximum in the second moment of the yield distribution

    Establishing a Large-Scale Field Experiment to Assess the Effects of Artificial Light at Night on Species and Food Webs

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    Artificial light at night (ALAN) is one of the most obvious hallmarks of human presence in an ecosystem. The rapidly increasing use of artificial light has fundamentally transformed nightscapes throughout most of the globe, although little is known about how ALAN impacts the biodiversity and food webs of illuminated ecosystems. We developed a large-scale experimental infrastructure to study the effects of ALAN on a light-naĂŻve, natural riparian (i.e., terrestrial-aquatic) ecosystem. Twelve street lights (20 m apart) arranged in three rows parallel to an agricultural drainage ditch were installed on each of two sites located in a grassland ecosystem in northern Germany. A range of biotic, abiotic, and photometric data are collected regularly to study the short- and long-term effects of ALAN on behavior, species interactions, physiology, and species composition of communities. Here we describe the infrastructure setup and data collection methods, and characterize the study area including photometric measurements. None of the measured parameters differed significantly between sites in the period before illumination. Results of one short-term experiment, carried out with one site illuminated and the other acting as a control, demonstrate the attraction of ALAN by the immense and immediate increase of insect catches at the lit street lights. The experimental setup provides a unique platform for carrying out interdisciplinary research on sustainable lighting

    Heavy Quark Potentials in Quenched QCD at High Temperature

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    Heavy quark potentials are investigated at high temperatures. The temperature range covered by the analysis extends from TT values just below the deconfinement temperature up to about 4Tc4 T_c in the deconfined phase. We simulated the pure gauge sector of QCD on lattices with temporal extents of 4, 6 and 8 with spatial volumes of 32332^3. On the smallest lattice a tree level improved action was employed while in the other two cases the standard Wilson action was used. Below TcT_c we find a temperature dependent logarithmic term contributing to the confinement potential and observe a string tension which decreases with rising temperature but retains a finite value at the deconfinement transition. Above TcT_c the potential is Debye-screened, however simple perturbative predictions do not apply.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum-classical correspondence on compact phase space

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    We propose to study the L2L^2-norm distance between classical and quantum phase space distributions, where for the latter we choose the Wigner function, as a global phase space indicator of quantum-classical correspondence. For example, this quantity should provide a key to understand the correspondence between quantum and classical Loschmidt echoes. We concentrate on fully chaotic systems with compact (finite) classical phase space. By means of numerical simulations and heuristic arguments we find that the quantum-classical fidelity stays at one up to Ehrenfest-type time scale, which is proportional to the logarithm of effective Planck constant, and decays exponentially with a maximal classical Lyapunov exponent, after that time.Comment: 26 pages. 9 figures (31 .epz files), submitted to Nonlinearit
