41 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Manajemen Data Alat Berat Pada PT. Sumitomo Regional Daerah Riau

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    PT. Sumitomo is a company operating in the rental of heavy equipment for construction industry. Some devices which are rented are excavator, tractors, bulldozer, shovel dozer, motor grader, vibration roller, mesh grid roller, dump truck, and a ripper. In his activities, PT. Sumitomo also serves the complaint for damages, repairs, and procurement of heavy equipments. Ideally, the tenancy agreement drawn up in the employment contract should have complete records on employment contracts such as company profiles of tenants, the type of heavy equipment rented, maintenance time, the location of heavy equipment, and other records as a tract record of tenancy transactions. Right now, the common problems which is encountered is the file of record contract of employment and other support only the hard copy and disorganized, this condition make inefficient for data finding and data processing if the data will be used as the reports reference materials of contract. Moreover, there is no record of complaints of vendor partners, reports of the newest condition of the heavy equipment, the cause of damage, repair locations, technicians, and the spare parts replaced until now. Based on those, the company needs a computerized system for data management which is related in the activities of company. The system built as web-based system to facilitate the related parties to obtain the data and information needed at that moment

    Aplikasi Pengukuran Kinerja Layanan Simpan Pinjam pada Koperasi dengan Metode Ahp

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    Pertumbuhan koperasi sebagai penunjang ekonomi masyarakat berkembang dengan pesat, demikian juga halnya di kota Pekanbaru. Koperasi simpan pinjammenjadi lembaga penyedia modal USAha kecil dan menengah. Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Kota Pekanbaru sebagai penanggung jawab pembinaan dan pengembangan koperasi, memiliki kendala dalam penilaian kinerja koperasi simpan pinjam khususnya kecamatan Tampan. Hal ini dikarenakan setiap koperasi tersebut belum memiliki aplikasi layanan simpan pinjam dan penilaian kinerja layanannya secara baik. Tujuan penelitian yakni membangun model dan implementasi aplikasi layanan simpan pinjam pada koperasi. Kinerja layanan diukur berdasarkan lima (5) faktor, yaitu : permodalan, kualitas, manajemen, efisiensi dan likuiditas. Tahapan pengujian dan evaluasi sistem dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Metoda Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk menilai kinerja layanan.Hasil penelitian berupa penilaian kinerja dengan kriteria: Sangat Sehat, Sehat, Cukup Sehat, Kurang Sehat dan Sangat Tidak Sehat. Hasil aplikasi dapat dijadikan pertimbangan untuk evaluasi dan pengembangan koperasi selanjutnya

    Optimasi Emulgel Zinc Oxide Nanopartikel dengan Carbopol 940 Sebagai Gelling Agent dan Propilen Glikol Sebagai Humektan dan Uji Aktivitas Tabir Surya Secara In Vitro

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    Long exposure of UV radiation on the skin can increase the risk of skin diseases such as skin cancer dan photoallergic. So a product that can protect the skin from UV radiation is needed, ie sunscreen. Zinc oxide is one of the materials used in suncreen product formulation. The purpose of this study was to determine optimum formula and sunscreen activity of emulgel zinc oxide nanoparticles with Carbopol 940 as gelling agent and propylene glycol as humectant. Zinc oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel method and characterized by Particle Size Analyser (PSA). Zinc oxide nanoparticles were formulated in emulgel. Four emulgel formulas were prepared with combination of 0,5% low level or 2% high level Carbopol 940 and 5% low level or 15% high level propylene glycol according to factorial design method. Evaluation of the emulgel included physical appearances, pH, viscosity, adhesive ability, spreadability, and sunscreen acticity indicated by SPF using spectrophotometer UV. The results showed that the average particle size of zinc oxide nanoparticles were 160 nm ± 15,49 and the aggregates were 565,23 nm ± 311,10. The optimum emulgel formula contained 0,76% Carbopol 940 and 5,00% propylene glycol. Based on the verification test of the optimum formula, the physical appearances of the emulgel were yelowish-white, homogeneous, and no phase seperation occured, pH 6, viscosity 400 dPas, adhesive ability 4,607 sec, speadability 3,817 cm. Emulgel with addition 0,2% zinc oxide nanoparticles has sunscreen activity with SPF 5,875


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    This study was conducted to observe the effect of the Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach and learning motivation on the skills of writing Pantunof fifth graders in elementary school. This research was an experimental research with the subject of fifth grade students and carried out in Elementary School Cluster I Pariaman City. The research instruments were a learning motivation questionnaire and performance test. Data analysis was carried out using a two-way ANAVA and  t-test. Learning outcomes obtained by using the CTL approach to students was  higher than conventional methods, both low motivation and high motivation. CTL approach makes students more interested and enthusiastic in learning to write Pantun. As well as creating new experiences for students, it makes students active and learning more fun compared to conventional methods which make some students become passiv

    Obtención de fibras y gránulos de carbono para la inmovilización de enzimas

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    Se prepararon fibras y gránulos de carbono a partir de brea de carbón. Previa filtración, estabilización a 330°C y atmósfera de nitrógeno. Las fibras se obtuvieron por extrusión y los gránulos por inyección sobre agua. La inmovilización de lactasa por adsorción mostró que los gránulos de carbono fueron el soporte más adecuado, teniendo como criterios la menor caída de presión y la mayor capacidad de inmovilización. Los gránulos de carbono fueron caracterizados obteniéndose una densidad de partícula de 2,407 g/cm3 , una porosidad de 81,69% y un tamaño de partícula de 3 mm.Fibers and pellets of carbon were prepared from coal tar. The tar was filtrated and stabilizated in a nitrogen atmosphere at 330°C. The fibers were prepared by extrusión and pellets by injection on water. Lactase was immobilized by adsortion process. Pellets were better support than fibers, because produced lower pressure drop and upper enzyme retention. Pellets showed the folowing characteristics: density 2,407 g/cm3, porosity 81,69% and diameter 3 mm

    Design of a management control program for the surgical area of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Clinic

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    Los cambios generados desde la Constitución Política de 1991, las leyes, resoluciones y decretos que se han dictado, no han sido ajenos a los servicios de salud; al contrario, la compleja organización hospitalaria no solo desde la perspectiva de sus propios objetivos, sino por los elementos que lo conforman: trabajo interdisciplinario, oportunidad, alta tecnología, diversidad de insumos y procesos y alto nivel de exigencia por parte de los usuarios, han hecho que las instituciones inicien un cambio donde el cliente externo, el talento humano, los procesos internos, el manejo de recursos y el aprendizaje sean el punto alrededor del cual se centre la gestión. El análisis sistemático considerado como una de las formas más completas de evaluación de una institución o servicio, fue el que se aplicó en el área quirúrgica de la Clínica Metropolitana de Bucaramanga. A partir de ahí, se identificaron los problemas en cada una de las fases: entradas, procesos y salidas. Posterior a este análisis se estudió la situación actual del área, producto de la cual se plantea a la institución el uso de indicadores como las herramientas que van a permitir visualizar el comportamiento de los atributos que se espera que cumplan los diferentes elementos del sistema, para evaluar y hacer seguimiento de cada uno de los procesos.INTRODUCCION 9 JUSTIFICACION 10 1. OBJETIVOS 11 1.1 GENERALES 11 1.2 ESPECIFICOS 11 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 12 2.1 SOPORTE LEGAL 12 2.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 14 2.2.1 El control de gestión y las organizaciones de salud 14 Generalidades 14 Fundamentos de control de gestión 16 La evaluación como componente del control de gestión 16 Los indicadores como instrumentos para el control de la gestión .17 2.3 MARCO INSTITUCIONAL 18 2.3.1 Reseña histórica 18 2.3.2 Filosofía institucional 19 Misión 19 Visión 19 Valores 19 2.3.3 Descripción del área quirúrgica de la Clínica Metropolitana de Bucaramanga 20 Planta física 20 Dependencia administrativa 21 Coordinación del personal 21 2.3.4 Situación actual del área de cirugía de la Clínica Metropolitana de 22 Bucaramanga 3. METODOLOGIA 24 4. ANALISIS DEL AREA QUIRURGICA DE LA CLINICA METROPOLITANA DE BUCARAMANGA 25 4.1 ANALISIS SISTEMATICO 25 4.2 ANALISIS DE LA SITUACION ACTUAL 26 4.3 IDENTIFICACION DE PROBLEMAS 28 4.3.1 Problemas administrativos relacionados con el paciente 28 4.3.2 Problemas médicos 28 4.3.3 Problemas de talento humano 29 4.3.4 Problemas de suministros 30 4.3.5 Problemas de información 30 5. MODELO DE CONTROL DE GESTION PARA EL AREA QUIRURGICA 31 DE LA CLINICA METROPOLITANA DE BUCARAMANGA 5.1 TABLERO INTEGRADO DE GESTION PARA EL AREA QUIRURGICA 31 DE LA CLINICA METROPOLITANA DE BUCARAMANGA 6. CONCLUSIONES 42 7. RECOMENDACIONES 43 7.1 STANDARIZACION DE PROCESOS 43 7.1.2 Administrativos 43 7.1.3 Asistenciales 44 7.2 INFORMES DE CONTROL INTERNO 44 7.3 ORGANIZACION DEL AREA 45 7.4 CULTURA DE AUTOCONTROL 45 7.5 GESTION DE TALENTO HUMANO 45 7.6 AUDITORIA DEL SERVICIO Y DE LA CALIDAD 46EspecializaciónThe changes generated since the Political Constitution of 1991, the laws, resolutions and decrees that have been issued, have not been alien to health services; On the contrary, the complex hospital organization, not only from the perspective of its own objectives, but also because of the elements that make it up: interdisciplinary work, opportunity, high technology, diversity of supplies and processes, and a high level of demand on the part of users, have made that the institutions initiate a change where the external client, human talent, internal processes, resource management and learning are the point around which management is centered. The systematic analysis considered as one of the most complete forms of evaluation of an institution or service, was the one that was applied in the surgical area of ​​the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Clinic. From there, we identified problems in each of the phases: inputs, processes and outputs. After this analysis, the current situation of the area was studied, as a result of which the use of indicators is proposed to the institution as tools that will allow visualizing the behavior of the attributes that the different elements of the system are expected to fulfill, in order to Evaluate and monitor each of the processes

    Phylogenetic relationship of dengue virus type 3 isolated in Brazil and Paraguay and global evolutionary divergence dynamics

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    Background: Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral disease worldwide. Dengue virus comprises four antigenically related viruses named dengue virus type 1 to 4 (DENV1-4). DENV-3 was re-introduced into the Americas in 1994 causing outbreaks in Nicaragua and Panama. DENV-3 was introduced in Brazil in 2000 and then spread to most of the Brazilian States, reaching the neighboring country, Paraguay in 2002. In this study, we have analyzed the phylogenetic relationship of DENV-3 isolated in Brazil and Paraguay with viruses isolated worldwide. We have also analyzed the evolutionary divergence dynamics of DENV-3 viruses. Results: The entire open reading frame (ORF) of thirteen DENV-3 isolated in Brazil (n = 9) and Paraguay (n = 4) were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. DENV-3 grouped into three main genotypes (I, II and III). Several internal clades were found within each genotype that we called lineage and sub-lineage. Viruses included in this study belong to genotype III and grouped together with viruses isolated in the Americas within the lineage III. The Brazilian viruses were further segregated into two different sub-lineage, A and B, and the Paraguayan into the sub-lineage B. All three genotypes showed internal grouping. The nucleotide divergence was in average 6.7% for genotypes, 2.7% for lineages and 1.5% for sub-lineages. Phylogenetic trees constructed with any of the protein gene sequences showed the same segregation of the DENV-3 in three genotypes. Conclusion: Our results showed that two groups of DENV-3 genotypes III circulated in Brazil during 2002-2009, suggesting different events of introduction of the virus through different regions of the country. In Paraguay, only one group DENV-3 genotype III is circulating that is very closely related to the Brazilian viruses of sub-lineage B. Different degree of grouping can be observed for DENV-3 and each group showed a characteristic evolutionary divergence. Finally, we have observed that any protein gene sequence can be used to identify the virus genotype.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP PRONEX REDE DENGUE) [2010/50432-6]Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia (INCT) em Dengu

    Improved functionalization of oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can providemultiple benefits for biomedical applications in aqueous environments such asmagnetic separation or magnetic resonance imaging. To increase the colloidal stability and allow subsequent reactions, the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups onto the particles’ surface is essential. During this process, the original coating is exchanged by preferably covalently bonded ligands such as trialkoxysilanes. The duration of the silane exchange reaction, which commonly takes more than 24 h, is an important drawback for this approach. In this paper, we present a novel method, which introduces ultrasonication as an energy source to dramatically accelerate this process, resulting in high-quality waterdispersible nanoparticles around 10 nmin size. To prove the generic character, different functional groups were introduced on the surface including polyethylene glycol chains, carboxylic acid, amine, and thiol groups. Their colloidal stability in various aqueous buffer solutions as well as human plasma and serum was investigated to allow implementation in biomedical and sensing applications.status: publishe

    Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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    Background: Understanding the health consequences associated with exposure to risk factors is necessary to inform public health policy and practice. To systematically quantify the contributions of risk factor exposures to specific health outcomes, the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021 aims to provide comprehensive estimates of exposure levels, relative health risks, and attributable burden of disease for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, from 1990 to 2021. Methods: The GBD 2021 risk factor analysis used data from 54 561 total distinct sources to produce epidemiological estimates for 88 risk factors and their associated health outcomes for a total of 631 risk–outcome pairs. Pairs were included on the basis of data-driven determination of a risk–outcome association. Age-sex-location-year-specific estimates were generated at global, regional, and national levels. Our approach followed the comparative risk assessment framework predicated on a causal web of hierarchically organised, potentially combinative, modifiable risks. Relative risks (RRs) of a given outcome occurring as a function of risk factor exposure were estimated separately for each risk–outcome pair, and summary exposure values (SEVs), representing risk-weighted exposure prevalence, and theoretical minimum risk exposure levels (TMRELs) were estimated for each risk factor. These estimates were used to calculate the population attributable fraction (PAF; ie, the proportional change in health risk that would occur if exposure to a risk factor were reduced to the TMREL). The product of PAFs and disease burden associated with a given outcome, measured in disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), yielded measures of attributable burden (ie, the proportion of total disease burden attributable to a particular risk factor or combination of risk factors). Adjustments for mediation were applied to account for relationships involving risk factors that act indirectly on outcomes via intermediate risks. Attributable burden estimates were stratified by Socio-demographic Index (SDI) quintile and presented as counts, age-standardised rates, and rankings. To complement estimates of RR and attributable burden, newly developed burden of proof risk function (BPRF) methods were applied to yield supplementary, conservative interpretations of risk–outcome associations based on the consistency of underlying evidence, accounting for unexplained heterogeneity between input data from different studies. Estimates reported represent the mean value across 500 draws from the estimate's distribution, with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) calculated as the 2·5th and 97·5th percentile values across the draws. Findings: Among the specific risk factors analysed for this study, particulate matter air pollution was the leading contributor to the global disease burden in 2021, contributing 8·0% (95% UI 6·7–9·4) of total DALYs, followed by high systolic blood pressure (SBP; 7·8% [6·4–9·2]), smoking (5·7% [4·7–6·8]), low birthweight and short gestation (5·6% [4·8–6·3]), and high fasting plasma glucose (FPG; 5·4% [4·8–6·0]). For younger demographics (ie, those aged 0–4 years and 5–14 years), risks such as low birthweight and short gestation and unsafe water, sanitation, and handwashing (WaSH) were among the leading risk factors, while for older age groups, metabolic risks such as high SBP, high body-mass index (BMI), high FPG, and high LDL cholesterol had a greater impact. From 2000 to 2021, there was an observable shift in global health challenges, marked by a decline in the number of all-age DALYs broadly attributable to behavioural risks (decrease of 20·7% [13·9–27·7]) and environmental and occupational risks (decrease of 22·0% [15·5–28·8]), coupled with a 49·4% (42·3–56·9) increase in DALYs attributable to metabolic risks, all reflecting ageing populations and changing lifestyles on a global scale. Age-standardised global DALY rates attributable to high BMI and high FPG rose considerably (15·7% [9·9–21·7] for high BMI and 7·9% [3·3–12·9] for high FPG) over this period, with exposure to these risks increasing annually at rates of 1·8% (1·6–1·9) for high BMI and 1·3% (1·1–1·5) for high FPG. By contrast, the global risk-attributable burden and exposure to many other risk factors declined, notably for risks such as child growth failure and unsafe water source, with age-standardised attributable DALYs decreasing by 71·5% (64·4–78·8) for child growth failure and 66·3% (60·2–72·0) for unsafe water source. We separated risk factors into three groups according to trajectory over time: those with a decreasing attributable burden, due largely to declining risk exposure (eg, diet high in trans-fat and household air pollution) but also to proportionally smaller child and youth populations (eg, child and maternal malnutrition); those for which the burden increased moderately in spite of declining risk exposure, due largely to population ageing (eg, smoking); and those for which the burden increased considerably due to both increasing risk exposure and population ageing (eg, ambient particulate matter air pollution, high BMI, high FPG, and high SBP). Interpretation: Substantial progress has been made in reducing the global disease burden attributable to a range of risk factors, particularly those related to maternal and child health, WaSH, and household air pollution. Maintaining efforts to minimise the impact of these risk factors, especially in low SDI locations, is necessary to sustain progress. Successes in moderating the smoking-related burden by reducing risk exposure highlight the need to advance policies that reduce exposure to other leading risk factors such as ambient particulate matter air pollution and high SBP. Troubling increases in high FPG, high BMI, and other risk factors related to obesity and metabolic syndrome indicate an urgent need to identify and implement interventions