47 research outputs found

    Formation and emplacement of the Josephine ophiolite and the Nevadan orogeny in the Klamath Mountains, California-Oregon: U/Pb zircon and ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar geochronology

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    Cordilleran ophiolites typically occur as basement for accreted terranes. In the Klamath Mountains, ophiolitic terranes were progressively accreted by underthrusting beneath North America. The Josephine ophiolite is the youngest of the Klamath ophiolites and forms the basement for a thick Late Jurassic flysch sequence (Galice Formation). This ophiolite-flysch terrane forms an east dipping thrust sheet sandwiched between older rocks of the Klamath Mountains above and a coeval plutonic-volcanic arc complex below. The outcrop pattern of the roof (Orleans) thrust indicates a minimum displacement of 40 km, and geophysical studies suggest >110 km of displacement. The basal (Madstone Cabin) thrust is associated with an amphibolitic sole and has a minimum displacement of 12 km. A rapid sequence of events, from ophiolite generation to thrust emplacement, has been determined using ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar and Pb/U geochronology. Ophiolite generation occurred at 162–164 Ma, a thin hemipelagic sequence was deposited from 162 to 157 Ma, and flysch deposition took place between 157 and 150 Ma. Tight age constraints on thrusting and low-grade metamorphism associated with ophiolite emplacement (Nevadan orogeny) are provided by abundant calc-alkaline dikes and plutons ranging in age from 151 to 139 Ma. Deformation and metamorphism related to the Nevadan orogeny appears to have extended from ∼155 to 135 Ma. Most of the crustal shortening took place by thrusting, constrained to have occurred from ∼155 to 150 Ma on both the roof and basal thrusts. Minimum rates of displacement are 2.4 and 3.6 mm/year for the basal and roof thrusts, respectively, but correlations with coeval thrusts yield rates of 8.4 and 22 mm/year (within the range of plate velocities). The high displacement rates and synchronous movement along the basal and roof thrusts suggest that the ophiolite may have behaved as a microplate situated between western North America and an active arc from ∼155 to 150 Ma. A steep thermal gradient was present in the Josephine-Galice thrust sheet from ∼155 to 150 Ma, with amphibolite facies conditions developed along the basal thrust. After accretion of the ophiolite by underthrusting, the ophiolite and overlying flysch underwent low-grade dynamothermal regional metamorphism from 150 to 135 Ma. The upper age limit is tightly constrained by a 135 Ma K-feldspar cooling age, syntectonic plutons as young as 139 Ma, and a Lower Cretaceous angular unconformity. Very rapid exhumation is indicated by the late Valanginian to Hauterivian age (∼130 Ma) of the unconformably overlying strata, suggesting unroofing by extensional tectonics

    Upper cenozoic chronostratigraphy of the southwestern Amazon Basin

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    The lack of numerical age dates for upper Cenozoic strata of the Amazon Basin has prevented resolution of its geologic history and accurate dating of important paleofaunas. Here we present results of magnetostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar dating of two volcanic ash deposits from the Madre de Dios Formation of eastern Peru. The two ash ages, 9.01 ± 0.28 Ma and 3.12 ± 0.02 Ma, provide the first numerical age data necessary for accurate interpretation of late Tertiary sedimentation in Amazonia and establish approximate time constraints for the last major cycle of Cenozoic deposition within the southwestern Amazon Basin. The older ash age also provides a minimum age for numerous Amazonian paleofaunas, which allows a more definitive correlation of these paleofaunas with those in other regions of South America

    Structural development, thermal evolution, and tectonic significance of a Cordilleran basement thrust terrane, Maria fold and thrust belt, west-central Arizona

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 1989.Lindgren second copy is bound in one vol.Chapter 3 co-authored by Matthew T. Heizler; chapter 4 co-authored by J. Douglas Walker. 4 folded leaves inserted in pocket of v. 1.Includes bibliographical references.by James Howard Knapp.Ph.D

    Multi-aliquot method for determining (U+Th)/He ages of hydrothermal hematite: Returning to Elba

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    We have used a multi-aliquot method to obtain precise (U+Th)/He ages of hydrothermal hematite and to assess the extent to which He loss from fine-grained hematite caused by diffusion and recoil. Hematite (n=6) from the Rio Marina mine, Elba (Italy) yields (U+Th)/He ages that range from 5.36 ± 0.33 to 5.64 ± 0.11 Ma, giving a weighted mean age of 5.53 ± 0.14 Ma and an isochron age of 5.25 ± 0.20 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar data from cogenetic adularia yield flat age spectra with analytically indistinguishable plateau ages (5.575 ± 0.008 and 5.583 ± 0.013 Ma). An additional adularia has a more complex spectrum and yields an interpreted age of 5.64 ± 0.03 Ma. The hematite (U+Th)/He ages overlap the 40Ar/39Ar ages, albeit they are less precise (2-6% vs. 0.2-0.5%). This indicates that the loss of in situ radiogenic 4He from complex fine-grained hematite, either by diffusion and recoil, is insignificant. The study shows that multi-aliquot method has the potential to reliably deliver precise and accurate ages for iron oxide mineralisation that has not suffered significant post-crystallisation thermal perturbation

    Prolonged history of silicic peralkaline volcanism in the eastern Pacific Ocean

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    Socorro Island, Mexico, is an alkaline and peralkaline volcanic island located in the eastern Pacific Ocean on a mid-ocean ridge spreading center that was abandoned at ∼3.5 Ma. Silicic peralkaline rocks comprise up to 80% of the surface of the island, rendering Socorro virtually unique in the Pacific Ocean. Precise, replicate 40Ar/39Ar ages of 21 peralkaline trachytes and rhyolites reveal a history of episodic volcanic activity from ∼540 to 370 ka that may have culminated with caldera formation; repose periods between these episodes may have had maximum duration of ∼30 kyr. After up to 200 kyr of quiescence, 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that postcaldera silicic peralkaline activity commenced by 180 ka, forming the Cerro Evermann Formation. Postcaldera mafic alkaline lavas of the Lomas Coloradas Formation erupted dominantly between 70 and 150 ka based upon relative age relations. The dominant lithology of precaldera and syncaldera silicic peralkaline deposits on Socorro is nonfragmental and nonvesicular and lacks lithic fragments and fiamme; despite this, numerous lines of evidence including welding zonation, presence of a proximal ignimbrite or co-ignimbrite deposit, association with a caldera, and compositional heterogeneity within eruptive units suggest that they are dominantly ash flow tuffs. A change in eruptive style, from predominantly explosive to predominantly effusive, followed caldera formation and suggests that a change in the efficacy of magma degassing may be linked to caldera formation. On the basis of the presence of a caldera, the magma chamber associated with Socorro Island is shallow and probably resides within the upper oceanic crust or the edifice. This together with a prolonged history of silicic magmatism indicates that intrusion of mafic magma maintained thermal viability of the magmatic plumbing system. The minimum calculated growth rate for the entire volcanic edifice (7 × 10−4 km3/yr) exceeds those of nonhotspot off-axis volcanoes in the Pacific by almost an order of magnitude. Eruption rates for subaerial phases on Socorro may be several orders of magnitude smaller than this growth rate and are comparable to subaerial eruption rates of isolated ocean islands related to mantle plumes

    Timing of detachment faulting in the Bullfrog Hills and Bare Mountain area, southwest Nevada: Inferences from 40Ar/39Ar, K-Ar, U-Pb and fission track thermochronology

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    Crustal extension in the Bullfrog Hills and Bare Mountain area of southwest Nevada is associated with movement along a regional detachment fault. Normal faulting in the upper plate and rapid cooling (denudation) of the lower plate were coeval with Miocene silicic volcanism and with west-northwest transport along the detachment fault. A west-northwest progression of tilting along upper plate normal faults is indicated by ages of the volcanic rocks in relation to angular unconformities. Near the breakaway, tilting in the upper plate occurred between 12.7 and 11.6 Ma, continued less strongly past 10.7 Ma, and was over by 8.2 Ma. Ten to 20 km west of the breakaway, tilting occurred between 10.7 and 10.33 Ma, continued less strongly after 10.33 Ma, and was over by 8.1 Ma. The cooling histories of the lower plate metamorphic rocks were determined by thermochronologic dating methods: K-Ar and Ar-40/(39)A on muscovite, biotite, and hornblende, Ar-40/(39)A on K-feldspar, U-Pb on apatite, zircon, and sphene, and fission track on apatite, zircon, and sphene. Lower plate rocks 10 km west of the breakaway cooled slowly from Early Cretaceous lower-amphibolite facies conditions through 350+/-50 degrees to 300+/-50 degrees C between 57 and 38 Ma, then cooled rapidly from 205+/-50 degrees to 120+/-5O degrees C between 12.6+/-1.6 and 11.1+/-1.9 Ma. Lower plate rocks 20 km west of the breakaway cooled slowly from Early Cretaceous upper-amphibolite facies conditions through 500+/-50 degrees C at 78-67 Ma, passed through 350+/-50 degrees to 300+/-50 degrees C between 16.3+/-0.4 and 10.5+/-0.3 Ma, then cooled rapidly from 285+/-50 degrees to 120+/-50 degrees C between 10.2 and 8.6 Ma. Upper plate tilting and rapid cooling (denudation) of the lower plate occurred simultaneously in the respective areas. The early slow-cooling part of the lower plate thermal histories was probably related to erosion at the Earth's surface, which stripped off about 9 km of material in 50 to 100 m.y. The results indicate an initial fault dip greater than or equal to 30 degrees and a 12 mm yr(-1) west-northwest migration of the locus of rapid tilting in the upper plate

    Small Theropod Teeth from the Late Cretaceous of the San Juan Basin, Northwestern New Mexico and Their Implications for Understanding Latest Cretaceous Dinosaur Evolution

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    Studying the evolution and biogeographic distribution of dinosaurs during the latest Cretaceous is critical for better understanding the end-Cretaceous extinction event that killed off all non-avian dinosaurs. Western North America contains among the best records of Late Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrates in the world, but is biased against small-bodied dinosaurs. Isolated teeth are the primary evidence for understanding the diversity and evolution of small-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, but few such specimens have been well documented from outside of the northern Rockies, making it difficult to assess Late Cretaceous dinosaur diversity and biogeographic patterns. We describe small theropod teeth from the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico. These specimens were collected from strata spanning Santonian - Maastrichtian. We grouped isolated theropod teeth into several morphotypes, which we assigned to higher-level theropod clades based on possession of phylogenetic synapomorphies. We then used principal components analysis and discriminant function analyses to gauge whether the San Juan Basin teeth overlap with, or are quantitatively distinct from, similar tooth morphotypes from other geographic areas. The San Juan Basin contains a diverse record of small theropods. Late Campanian assemblages differ from approximately coeval assemblages of the northern Rockies in being less diverse with only rare representatives of troodontids and a Dromaeosaurus-like taxon. We also provide evidence that erect and recurved morphs of a Richardoestesia-like taxon represent a single heterodont species. A late Maastrichtian assemblage is dominated by a distinct troodontid. The differences between northern and southern faunas based on isolated theropod teeth provide evidence for provinciality in the late Campanian and the late Maastrichtian of North America. However, there is no indication that major components of small-bodied theropod diversity were lost during the Maastrichtian in New Mexico. The same pattern seen in northern faunas, which may provide evidence for an abrupt dinosaur extinction