169 research outputs found

    Terres excavées : benchmark européen et élaboration d'une méthodologie française de gestion

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    National audienceLes différents acteurs français de l'aménagement du territoire et du renouvellement urbain, qu'ils soient institutionnels ou privés, sont confrontés à la difficulté de gestion des terres excavées. Il est ainsi nécessaire de définir des règles et des méthodes visant à encadrer la réutilisation durable des terres dans des conditions garantissant la protection de la santé humaine et de l'environnement. Pour préciser ces règles et fournir aux différents acteurs un cadre commun et directement applicable, le Ministère du développement durable a missionné le BRGM et l'INERIS pour construire un guide méthodologique pour la valorisation des terres excavées en techniques routières et sur des projets d'aménagement. La réalisation de ce guide méthodologique s'appuie sur différents groupes de travail constitués d'un large panel d'acteurs du domaine (associations professionnelles, association de protection de l'environnement, aménageurs, avocats...). Les travaux associés à l'élaboration du guide porte sur la définition de valeurs seuils issues de la prise en compte du risque d'exposition des personnes et de la préservation de la qualité des eaux souterraines. L'élaboration du guide intègre un bench-marking avec les travaux similaires dans les autres pays européens et notamment aux Pays-Bas (ce bench-marking est présenté dans le résumé : " retour d'expérience de la gestion des terres excavées dans les pays de l'Union européenne et notamment aux Pays-Bas et en Angleterre "). L'intervention portera sur : - La présentation du guide en l'état - La présentation des premiers résultats

    COMRISK : Un guide et une boîte à outils pour l'implication des populations dans l'évaluation et la gestion d'un site ou sol pollué

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    National audienceLes populations sont de plus en plus considérées comme parties intégrantes de l'évaluation et de la gestion des risques liés aux sites pollués. Mais leur implication est également reconnue comme un exercice difficile, mal maîtrisé, voire périlleux. De nombreux cas de relations agitées, conflictuelles, entre gestionnaires et riverains, sont rapportés. Mais des exemples de réussites apparaissent également. L'INERIS et l'IRSN, en collaboration avec la Cire Ile de France, ont développé pour l'ADEME un guide et une boîte à outils pour l'implication des populations dans l'évaluation et la gestion d'un site ou sol pollué. Le guide et la boîte à outils s'adressent à tous les acteurs des sites et sols pollués : maîtres d'ouvrage avec leurs bureaux d'études et conseils, administrations, et tout autant populations (associations, particuliers, élus,...). En effet, ils sont construits dans l'optique que les différents intervenants, par delà les différences de points de vue, travaillent ensemble à la recherche de la meilleure solution. Il est dès lors naturel qu'ils puissent disposer des mêmes outils méthodologiques, accessibles à tous (www.comrisk.fr). Le guide est organisé en fiches de préconisations opérationnelles, autonomes et illustrées d'exemples et de contre-exemples sur cas réels. Il propose au préalable une discussion synthétique des fondements des préconisations

    A guide and a toolbox for public involvement in the assessment and the management of contaminated sites

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    International audiencePublic participation is increasingly considered as a plain part of the assessment and the management of a contaminated site. It is also perceived as a difficult and sometimes risky challenge. In Europe, to our knowledge, beside académie virtual experiments on "test groups", feedback and recommendations on the subject are scarce and dispersed. Following own expériences on real cases, INERiS and IRSN, in collaboration with the Cire Ile de France, hâve developed for ADEME a guide and a toolbox for organising public involvement in the assessment and the management of contaminated sites. The guide and the toolbox are intended for ail actors dealing with a contaminated site: public authorities, site owners, consultants, and représentatives of the public (organisations, elected représentatives, ...). They are available to ail on a dedicated website (www.comrisk.com). This article présents and discusses the outlines and the rationale of the guide and its related tools

    Marie Buscatto, Femmes du jazz. Musicalités, féminités, marginalités

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    Réédition d’un ouvrage paru en 2007, Femmes du jazz s’appuie sur une enquête ethnographique menée par la sociologue Marie Buscatto entre 1998 et 2005. À partir de la matière de deux cents entretiens réalisés auprès de musicien-nes professionnels et amateurs, et de l’observation in situ du milieu du jazz français, Marie Buscatto nous livre un panorama détaillé et critique de la situation des musiciennes de jazz en France. Posant de manière accessible, pour le lecteur non initié, les enjeux de ..

    Efficient production and secretion of bovine β-lactoglobulin by Lactobacillus casei

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    BACKGROUND: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are attractive tools to deliver therapeutic molecules at the mucosal level. The model LAB Lactococcus lactis has been intensively used to produce and deliver such heterologous proteins. However, compared to recombinant lactococci, lactobacilli offer some advantages such as better survival in the digestive tract and immunomodulatory properties. Here, we compared different strategies to optimize the production of bovine β-lactoglobulin (BLG), a major cow's milk allergen, in the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei BL23. RESULTS: Using a nisin-inducible plasmid system, we first showed that L. casei BL23 strain could efficiently secrete a reporter protein, the staphylococcal nuclease (Nuc), with the lactococcal signal peptide SP(Usp45 )fused to its N-terminus. The fusion of SP(Usp45 )failed to drive BLG secretion but led to a 10-fold increase of intracellular BLG production. Secretion was significantly improved when the synthetic propeptide LEISSTCDA (hereafter called LEISS) was added to the N-terminus of the mature moiety of BLG. Secretion rate of LEISS-BLG was 6-fold higher than that of BLG alone while intracellular production reached then about 1 mg/L of culture. The highest yield of secretion was obtained by using Nuc as carrier protein. Insertion of Nuc between LEISS and BLG resulted in a 20-fold increase in BLG secretion, up to 27 μg/L of culture. Furthermore, the lactococcal nisRK regulatory genes were integrated into the BL23 chromosome. The nisRK insertion allowed a decrease of BLG synthesis in uninduced cultures while BLG production increased by 50% after nisin induction. Moreover, modification of the induction protocol led to increase the proportion of soluble BLG to around 74% of the total BLG production. CONCLUSION: BLG production and secretion in L. casei were significantly improved by fusions to a propeptide enhancer and a carrier protein. The resulting recombinant strains will be further tested for their ability to modulate the immune response against BLG via mucosal delivery in a cow's milk allergy model in mice

    Soil contamination following an industrial accident : towards efficient investigations and assessment

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    International audienceWhen an industrial accident occurs, e.g. the explosion or the fire of a chemical facility, soil investigations and subsequent risk mitigation generally need to be decided and performed rapidly. This requires specific organisation and tools: Procedures for an immediate and coordinated intervention of relevant actors: industrials, administrations for industrial facilities, emergency and health, local authorities, environmental consultants and laboratories, NGOs. Models and input data on emission, atmospheric transfer and deposition on soil, for an accidental source; investigation plans and adequate soil quality references, guidelines... But the European Seveso legislation, and its application in France and probably in Europe, is focused on the prevention of immediate impacts on health and constructions; and the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) legislation deals with the chronic impacts of operating facilities. Thus, post-accidental impacts of industrial accidents are hardly dealt with, the specific organisation and tools are lacking, and when accidents occur, the industrials and administrations concerned are largely unprepared for managing their delayed impacts, first of them on soils

    Research roadmap for nanosafety - Part III: Closer to the market (CTTM)

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    Nano-products and nano-enabled applications need a clear and easy-to-follow human and environmental safety framework for the development along the innovation chain from initial idea to market and beyond that facilitates navigation through the complex regulatory and approval processes under which different product categories fall. The missing framework results in a lack of (i) solid data regarding roadblocks to market penetration of nano-enabled products as well as the absence of (ii) transparency in terms of which products (e.g. containing nanomaterials (NMs); nano-enabled products) are on the market (e.g. registries) and voluntary schemes and labelling requirements for cosmetics and food, which processes are used for manufacturing nano-enabled products, and (iii) meager inclusiveness in the dialogue (between all stakeholders) most likely exist as a result of the missing framework. The Closer-to-the-Market-Roadmap (abbrev. CTTM) aims at speeding up the progress towards market implementation of nanotechnologies by outlining the steps needed to develop such a framework. In its current form it is addressed towards policy makers, but the ultimate framework will be designed for use by SME and enterprise organisations

    nanoSTAIR: a new strategic proposal to impulse standardization in nanotechnology research

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    Nanotechnology is considered one of the key technologies of the 21st century within Europe and a Key-Enabling Technology (KET) by Horizon 2020. Standardization has been identified in H2020 as one of the innovation-support measures by bridging the gap between research and the market, and helping the fast and easy transfer of research results to the European and international market. The development of new and improved standards requires high quality technical information, creating a fundamental interdependency between the standardization and research communities. In the frame of project nanoSTAIR (GA 319092), the present paper describes the European scenario on research and standardization in nanotechnology and presents a proposal of a European strategy (nanoSTAIR) to impulse direct "pipelines" between research and standardization. In addition, strategic actions focused on integration of standardization in the R&D projects, from the early stages of the design of a future business (Project Proposal), are also described.European Commission, through the Seventh Framework Programme (GA 319092)

    Different Catalytic Mechanisms in Mammalian Selenocysteine- and Cysteine-Containing Methionine-R-Sulfoxide Reductases

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    Selenocysteine (Sec) is found in active sites of several oxidoreductases in which this residue is essential for catalytic activity. However, many selenoproteins have fully functional orthologs, wherein cysteine (Cys) occupies the position of Sec. The reason why some enzymes evolve into selenoproteins if the Cys versions may be sufficient is not understood. Among three mammalian methionine-R-sulfoxide reductases (MsrBs), MsrB1 is a Sec-containing protein, whereas MsrB2 and MsrB3 contain Cys in the active site, making these enzymes an excellent system for addressing the question of why Sec is used in biological systems. In this study, we found that residues, which are uniquely conserved in Cys-containing MsrBs and which are critical for enzyme activity in MsrB2 and MsrB3, were not required for MsrB1, but increased the activity of its Cys mutant. Conversely, selenoprotein MsrB1 had a unique resolving Cys reversibly engaged in the selenenylsulfide bond. However, this Cys was not necessary for activities of either MsrB2, MsrB3, or the Cys mutant of MsrB1. We prepared Sec-containing forms of MsrB2 and MsrB3 and found that they were more than 100-fold more active than the natural Cys forms. However, these selenoproteins could not be reduced by the physiological electron donor, thioredoxin. Yet, insertion of the resolving Cys, which was conserved in MsrB1, into the selenoprotein form of MsrB3 restored the thioredoxin-dependent activity of this enzyme. These data revealed differences in catalytic mechanisms between selenoprotein MsrB1 and non-selenoproteins MsrB2 and MsrB3, and identified catalytic advantages and disadvantages of Sec- and Cys-containing proteins. The data also suggested that Sec- and Cys-containing oxidoreductases require distinct sets of active-site features that maximize their catalytic efficiencies and provide strategies for protein design with improved catalytic properties