
Soil contamination following an industrial accident : towards efficient investigations and assessment


International audienceWhen an industrial accident occurs, e.g. the explosion or the fire of a chemical facility, soil investigations and subsequent risk mitigation generally need to be decided and performed rapidly. This requires specific organisation and tools: Procedures for an immediate and coordinated intervention of relevant actors: industrials, administrations for industrial facilities, emergency and health, local authorities, environmental consultants and laboratories, NGOs. Models and input data on emission, atmospheric transfer and deposition on soil, for an accidental source; investigation plans and adequate soil quality references, guidelines... But the European Seveso legislation, and its application in France and probably in Europe, is focused on the prevention of immediate impacts on health and constructions; and the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) legislation deals with the chronic impacts of operating facilities. Thus, post-accidental impacts of industrial accidents are hardly dealt with, the specific organisation and tools are lacking, and when accidents occur, the industrials and administrations concerned are largely unprepared for managing their delayed impacts, first of them on soils

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