10 research outputs found

    L'apport du drone dans l'étude géomorphologique de secteurs isolés : le cas des terrasses fluviatiles du Sufrat Dishshah

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    National audienceLes Ă©tudes gĂ©omorphologiques menĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion d’Adam, au Sultanat d’Oman, sont rĂ©alisĂ©es sur un terrain exploratoire oĂč les donnĂ©es bibliographiques sont rares. Les recherches effectuĂ©es se concentrent principalement sur l’étude des terrasses fluviatiles, vestiges d’anciennes plaines alluviales aujourd’hui fossilisĂ©es. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de reconstituer un signal hydro-climatique Ă  l’échelle du Quaternaire rĂ©cent, pĂ©riode durant laquelle le climat a fluctuĂ© entre pĂ©riodes humides et pĂ©riodes arides dans ces rĂ©gions du globe. A terme, il s’agit de restituer une chronologie palĂ©oclimatique prĂ©cise et de mieux comprendre les conditions environnementales dans lesquelles Ă©voluaient les hommes des pĂ©riodes historiques et protohistoriques, Ă  l’origine de nombreux vestiges archĂ©ologiques dĂ©couverts dans la rĂ©gion. La production de donnĂ©es locales inĂ©dites dans ce secteur, qu’elles soient tant archĂ©ologiques, que gĂ©omorphologiques ou topographiques, est l’axe de recherche sur lequel se concentre la Mission ArchĂ©ologique Française d’Adam depuis 200

    First campaign of survey and excavations at Shiyā, (Sƫr, Sultanate of Oman)

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    International audienceWe present the results of the first fieldwork season at ShiyāΜ, near SĆ«r, Sultanate of Oman, carried out in January 2016. Drone aerialsurvey, field walking, and excavations were undertaken to obtain a first overview of the archaeological potential of the area, alreadyknown from previous research as an important protohistoric necropolis. Over 400 cairns were identified and integrated into a 3-Dmodel of the landscape providing an accurate map. Three Hafit-type tombs, with different locations within the landscape (low andhigh terraces), were excavated to test the degree of preservation of the structures, grave-goods, and osteological remains.The results of this first season are very encouraging, and underline the high potential of the area. Further investigation may enablea reconsidering of a series of questions related to coastal occupations in the region. The many graves and their diversified locationsmight offer insights concerning the typo-chronology of the monuments, the correlation between tomb density and number ofindividuals per tomb (MNI), and the degree of congruence between the monumentality of the structures and the value of associatedgrave-goods. Furthermore, the numerous Early Bronze Age tombs suggest a long-term occupation and hint at the presence of animportant settlement in the area, which would allow a more in-depth consideration of the relation between graveyards and settledareas