89 research outputs found

    Six Sigma methodology in automobile industry.

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    In a mature industry like the Truck industry, competition is getting harder and harder. A few strong manufactures are doing there very best to cut cost in order to gain market shares from the others within the market. To be able to generate cost Savings Company must be flexible & prepare to adapt & implement new ideas. This thesis was carried out at the International Truck & Engine Corporation Garland Assembly Plant, Texas, which employs 1000 employees. The Plant Assembles Heavy duty & Severe service Trucks. The purpose of this Research is to Investigate, Study, & analyzes the existing process of steering wheel Alignment in order to give recommendations on what actions are needed for efficiently implementing six-sigma in the organization to Improve Process. The Analysis aims to reduce/eliminate customer complaints, PTD (Prior to delivery-Dealers) warranty & 0 to 90 days warranty (Customer) costs caused by Steering Wheel Alignment claims. Six-Sigma methodologies will be utilized to identify and correct the most complex problems. This product quality innovation methodology will provide a structured, disciplined, rigorous approach to process improvement consisting of five phases (DMAIC) D&barbelow; efine, M&barbelow;easure, A&barbelow;nalyze, I&barbelow;mprove, C&barbelow;ontrol where each phase is linked logically to the previous & next phase.Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2006 .H372. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0436. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Service quality Of Prime Bank Limited

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    This internship report is submitted in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, 2016.Cataloged from PDF version of Internship report.Includes bibliographical references (page 40).This report based on the internship program, partial requirement for the Bachelor of Business Administration in BRAC University Bangladesh and aims toward providing an overview on Service Quality Department of Prime Bank Ltd. The core objective is giving a clear picture of Service Quality Department. While preparing this report it has been tried to reveal the insights of the Service Quality Department of the bank a few recommendations and suggestions were also prescribed based on the observation and findings. This report is based on practical working experience at The Prime Bank Limited as a part of internship program. The Prime Bank Limited, the first generation bank in Bangladesh came into being in 1995 .Established with the objective of bringing about a qualitative change in sphere of banking and financial management, the bank today serves its customers usefully and collecting funds from the surplus units of the economy in the form of deposit and mobilize deposit to the deficit units of the economy in the form of credit. The second part is decorated with the overview of Prime Bank and their products and services. The aim of this paper (Part-3) is to analyze the Service Quality Department of Prime Bank Ltd to make it more competitive in the banking industry with a view to how to counter the ensuing challenges in the industry as a consequence of changing global business nature and technological development. For this purpose, business philosophy, mission, objectives, activities and current strategies of Service Quality Department of Prime Bank Limited are analyzed at this stage. It also includes the Service Quality Standards, code of conduct and way of work. Finally, identifying the shortcomings of strategies Prime Bank is currently applying an attempt has been made to recommend the strategic options for Prime Bank to become more competitive in the banking industry.Muhammad Hasib HasanB. Business Administratio

    Desain Sistem Pengaturan Posisi Sudut Aero Pendulum Menggunakan Hybrid PD-Fuzzy Controller

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    Abstrak Permasalahan pada UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) tipe single rotor adalah pada stabilitas terbangnya seperti bergetar, tidak terkendali, dan bahkan bisa jatuh saat terbang di udara. Aero pendulum merupakan implementasi nyata pada pengendalian sikap terbang UAV. Aero pendulum adalah pendulum dengan baling-baling di salah satu ujungnya, di mana baling-baling tersebut digerakkan oleh motor arus searah (DC) yang menghasilkan gaya dorong untuk menyesuaikan posisi pendulum sesuai dengan besar tegangan yang diberikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang hybrid PD-Fuzzy controller untuk mengontrol sistem aero pendulum dengan menggunakan software Matlab. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, hybrid PD-Fuzzy controller dapat bekerja dengan baik dan dapat menyeimbangkan posisinya pada saat terjadi gangguan sehingga dapat kembali menuju setpoint dengan cepat. Pengujian dilakukan dengan setpoint 40°, 60°, dan 90°, respon terbaik diperoleh pada setpoint 60° dengan karakteristik respon sistem: rise time (Tr) = 0.09 s, settling time (Ts) = 0.15 s, peak time (Tp) = 0.32 s, overshoot maximum (Mp) = 0.003%, dan error steady state (Ess) = 0.004%. Kata Kunci: Aero pendulum, Hybrid PD-Fuzzy, Matlab, UAV

    Strategi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dalam membentuk karakter religius di MTs Assa’adah I Bungah Gresik

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    ABSTRAK Strategi merupakan sebuah komponen yang sangat berpengaruh dalam dunia pendidikan, salah satunya pada proses perencanaan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam. Strategi pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam ini merupakan berbagai tehnik pendekatan metode, tehnik prosedur dan model pembelajaran, agar bagaimana ajaran agama Islam yang ada pada tiap materi mampu, mempelajari, memahami, menghayati, mempraktekkan, serta bisa mengamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehigga bisa membentuk karakter religius dan membawa masyarakat menjadi religius. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan strategi pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk karakter religius di MTs Assa’adah I Bunga Gresik, mendeskripsikan implementasi strategi pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk karakter religius siswa di MTs Assa’adah I Bungah Gresik, dan mendeskripsikan dampak strategi pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk karakter religius siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis field research. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, kondensi data, display data dan verivikasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjukkan bahwa: 1) perencanaan strategi pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk karakter religius siswa di MTs Assa’adah I Bungah Gresik dilaksanakan melalui: a) perencanaan pembelajaran b) langkah-langkah perencanaan pembelajaran 3) evaluasi perencanaan pembelajaran. 2) implementasi strategi pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk karakter religius siswa di MTs Assa’adah I Bungah Gresik melalui tiga strategi: a) strategi pemahaman b) strategi pembiasaan c) strategi keteladanan, kemudian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode yakni metode ceramah, demontrasi,diskusi, resitasi, dan drill, dan metode khusus pada pembelajaran PAI yaitu, pendidikan keteladanan, adat kebiasaan, nasehat, perhatian, memberikan hukuman. 3) dampak strategi pembelajaran PAI dalam membentuk karakter religius siswa di MTs Assa’adah I Bungah Gresik adalah berupa nilai ibadah, nilai ruhul jihad, nilai amanah dan ikhlas, nilai akhlak dan disiplin, dan nilai keteladanan. ABSTRACT Strategy is a very influential component in the world of education, one of which is the process of Islamic education learning planning. This Islamic education (PAI) learning strategy is a variety of methodological approaches, techniques, procedures and learning models. These are needed to make the Islamic teachings conveyed in each material can be studied, understood, practiced, and implemented in everyday life so that they can shape religious character and create religious people. This study aims at describing the planning of PAI learning strategies in shaping religious character at MTs Assa'adah I Bunga Gresik, describing the implementation of PAI learning strategies in shaping the religious character of students at MTs Assa'adah I Bungah Gresik, and describing the impact of PAI learning strategies in shaping students’ religious characters. This study employs a qualitative research using field research as the type of study. The data collection methods are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out through four stages, namely data collection, data condensation, data display and data verification. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the planning of PAI learning strategy in shaping the religious character of students at MTs Assa'adah I Bungah Gresik is carried out through: a) learning planning b) learning planning stages 3) learning planning evaluation. 2) PAI learning strategies used for shaping the religious character of students at MTs Assa'adah I Bungah Gresik are implemented using three strategies: a) understanding b) habituation and c) exemplary strategy. Afterward, several methods are also employed; those are lecture, demonstration, discussion, recitation, and drill, as well as special methods in PAI learning; those are exemplary education, customs, advice, attention, and punishment. 3) The impact of PAI learning strategy in shaping the religious character of students at MTs Assa'adah I Bungah Gresik is reflected in the values of worship, ruhul jihad, trust, sincerity, morals, discipline, and exemplary value. مستخلص البحث الاستراتيجية هي عنصر مؤثر جدا في عالم التعليم، وخاصة في عملية التخطيط لتعليم التربية الإسلامية. استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية هذه هي مجموعة متنوعة من تقنيات المدخل من الأساليب والإجراءات ونماذج التعليم، بحيث تكون التعاليم الدينية الإسلامية في كل مادة قادرة على التعلم والفهم والعمل والممارسة في الحياة اليومية حتى تتمكن من تكوين الشخصية الدينية وجعل المجتمع متدينا. يهدف هذا البحث إلى وصف تخطيط استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية في تكوين الشخصية الدينية في مدرسة السعادة المتوسطة الدينية ١ بونغاه غرسيك، ووصف تنفيذ استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية في تكوين الشخصية الدينية في مدرسة السعادة المتوسطة الدينية ١ بونغاه غرسيك، ووصف تأثير استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية في تكوين الشخصية الدينية للطلاب. استخدم هذا البحث منهج البحث النوعي بنوع الدراسة الميدانية. وتم جمع البيانات من خلال الملاحظة على المشاركين والمقابلة المتعمقة والوثائق. شمل تنفيذ طريقة تحليل البيانات أربع مراحل، وهي جمع البيانات، وتحديدها، وعرضها والتحقق منها. أظهرت نتائج هذا البحث ما يلي: ١) تخطيط استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية في تكوين الشخصية الدينية في مدرسة السعادة المتوسطة الدينية ١ بونغاه غرسيك تم من خلال: أ) تخطيط التعليم، ب) خطوات تخطيط التعليم، ج) تقييم تخطيط التعليم. ٢) تنفيذ استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية في تكوين الشخصية الدينية في مدرسة السعادة المتوسطة الدينية ١ بونغاه غرسيك من خلال ثلاث استراتيجيات: أ) استراتيجية الفهم، ب) استراتيجية التعود، ج) استراتيجية القدوة، ثم تنفيذها باستخدام عدة طرق، وهي المحاضرة، والعرض التوضيحي، والمناقشة، و إعطاء الواجبات، والتدريبات، والأساليب الخاصة على تعليم التربية الإسلامية، وهي التعليم المثالي، والعادات، والنصائح، والاهتمام، وإعطاء العقاب. ٣) تأثير استراتيجية تعليم التربية الإسلامية في تكوين الشخصية الدينية في مدرسة السعادة المتوسطة الدينية ١ بونغاه غرسيك هو في شكل قيم العبادة، وقيم روح الجهاد، وقيم الأمانة والصداقة، وقيم الأخلاق والانضباط، وقيم القدوة

    Utilization of Honey Apis dorsata as Antiosteoporosis on Requirements of Bone Calcium Ash Density on Ovariohysterectomized White Rat (Ratus norvegicus)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of honey bee Apis dorsata as anti-osteoporosis in calcium ash density (CAD) of bone in osteoporotic-induced rats. The target of this study was to know bone calcium levels after being given honey bees Apis dorsata. In this study, 35 female white rats (Ratus norvegicus) mature was used with weight 200gr. Divided into 5 groups, 2 control groups and 3 treatment groups. The negative control group (SH) was not induced by osteoporosis and was given the only aquadest of 1.5 ml/day. Whereas the positive control group was induced by osteoporosis (OH)  and was given only aquadest 1.5 ml/day. T1, T2 and T3 treatment groups were given bee honey with various doses including 1g / kg ad 1.5 ml aquadest, 2g / kg BB ad 1.5 ml aquadest and 3g / kg BB ad 1.5 ml aquadest. Then after 12 weeks, white rats were sacrificed for lumbar vertebrae. Furthermore, the sixth lumbar spine os vertebrae will be examined for calcium bone ash content. The data were obtained was analyzed using statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the results of the calcium ash content data Keywords: Honey; Osteoporosis; CA

    Design, Synthesis, Characterizations, and Processing of a Novel c-Donor-nc-Bridge-cf-Acceptor Type Block Copolymer for Optoelecronic Applications

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    A novel c-D-nc-B-cf-A (or DBfA) type of block copolymer has been designed, synthesized, characterized, and preliminarily studied for optoectronic applications, where c-D is a conjugated donor type polyphenylenevinylene (PPV) block, nc-B is a non-conjugated bridge unit, and cf-A is a conjugated and fluorinated acceptor type PPV block. The frontier HOMO/LUMO orbital levels of D and fA conjugated blocks are -5.22/-3.06 and -6.10/-3.43 as determined from electrochemical and optical measurements. Photoluminescence emissions of D and fA are quenched in DBfA indicating a potential photo induced charge separation pathway between the donor and the acceptor blocks. Solid state thin film studies revealed more uniform and nano-scale phase separated morphologies in DBfA as compared to D/fA blend. A two orders of magnitude enhancement of photoelectric energy conversion efficiency was observed in a best solar cell fabricated from the DBfA block copolymer as compared to a best cell fabricated from the corresponding D/fA blend. Such significant photoelectric conversion enhancement could be attributed to the improvements of phase separated and bicontinously ordered nanostructure (BONS) morphology in DBfA as compared to D/fA

    Gambaran Retensi Perawat Pelaksana Di Rumah Sakit

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    Nurse retention is a process that refers to the ability of an organization to maintain nurses within a maximum period of time. This hospital has a high nurse retention rate with a turnover rate of 7% in the past year. This study aims to determine the description of nurse retention. This research was a quantitative descriptive study with a survey approach. The research sample consisted of 110 executing nurses of a hospital in Semarang. The research instrument used a questionnaire with 18 questions. The results show that nurse retention on the autonomy and freedom dimensions are considered good by 92.7% nurses, the dimensions of work compatibility factors is considered good by 84.5% nurses, the dimensions of work support and recognition are considered good by 76.4% nurses, compensation dimensions and career growth are considered good by 75.5% nurses, and organizational culture dimensions are considered good by 51.8% nurses. It is suggested that the hospital to be more open to receive suggestions for improving services in order to increase nurse retention

    Gambaran Perilaku Cuci Tangan Teknisi di AHASS Kota Semarang

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    Hand washing is an important basic technique in disease prevention efforts. If the behavior of handwashing technicians motor vehicle repair work is not good, it will affect the health of technicians both in the short and long term. This study aims to identify the behavior of technicians at AHASS in Semarang City in hand washing. This type of research is quantitative with descriptive study. The data were collected using questionnaire sheet. The sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling with a total sample of 141 respondents. The results of this study indicate the knowledge of handwashing technicians is quite adequate with 88 respondents (62.4%), but there are still many respondents who who lack knowledge about the procedures of hand washing steps according to the World Health Organization (WHO), especially in the first step, the second step, the fourth step , The fifth step, and the sixth step. For the attitude of technicians to wash hands quite enough with 76 respondents (53.9%), but there are still a number of technicians who think if hands that looks clean, it means there is no germ in hand. In the practice of hand washing, most are sufficient with 75 respondents (53.2%), but there are still many respondents who have not applied 6 steps of handwashing routinely according to WHO. This indicates that the handwashing behavior of AHASS technicians in Semarang City is categorized enough although there are still a number of respondents who behave less well so that there is an effort to increase knowledge, especially about handwashing procedures according to WHO and hand washing practices in daily life


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    Their negative perceptions by students about the nursing profession with the reason that the nursing profession is a profession that is difficult, dangerous profession, and the profession who do not receive enough appreciation, and lower student achievement motivation in achieving clinical practice education. Perception of nursing students to the nursing profession can influence student achievement motivation in the educational process of nursing clinical practice. This perception gives impulses to the individual so that it appears the motivation that will drive the behavior of a person to act. This study aimed to explore the relationship between perceptions of the nursing profession and achievement motivation in education in the clinical practice of nursing students VI semester Diponegoro University. This research method is quantitative research through research design korelasional with Cross Sectional approach. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires and the data processed with descriptive techniques are presented in a frequency distribution table. Respondents in this study were 128 nursing students. The results showed students' perceptions of the nursing profession who have a positive perception of 57.03%, 42.97% and a negative perception of high achievement motivation in clinical practice education 53.9%, low motivation 46.1% with a value of X2 = 57.656 p-value 0.001 <0.05. Advice for students is the students can understand that the nursing profession is a profession that is good, noble profession, a profession that has a good future and an independent profession and the profession has an important role in the world of health, so that students can be motivated to excel for achieving education nursing clinical practice

    MENGUJI PENERAPAN ILMU TAJWID DALAM METODE IQRO: (Studi pada Pembacaan Al Quran di TPQ Al Ikhlas Klepu Sumber Manjing Wetan)

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    Reciting Al Quran is one of an essential medium for munajah to Allah SWT. For people to recite Al Quran correctly, they need to learn and practice it from expert teachers or ustadz or ustadzah. In learning to recite Al Quran correctly, the role of experts is practically significant. By its mean, this research is conducted with the purposes to study how ilmu tajwid in Iqro method commonly applied to the students. This research especially takes the students of TPQ Al Ikhlas in Klepu as the field research subject. Using qualitative descriptive, the data is classified into primary and secondary data. The results of this research shows that: the learning process of Ilmu ilmu tajwid in TPQ Al Ikhlas is helpful for students. Most of students, 67 of 72 pupils, are graduated from final evaluation. Secondly, the learning methods in the TPQ are distinguished by two categories, junior and senior grade. Junior grade&nbsp;teacher&nbsp;is intended to convey ilmu tajwid learning from basic, while the senior grade learn the mixing methods such as Iqro, Qiroati, and Tarsana. Senior grade also uses Syifaul Jinan, Qiroatul Huffadz,&nbsp;and Jazariyah as the learning resources.Membaca Al Qur’an merupakan salah satu media penting untuk bermunajah kepada Allah SWT. Barang siapa hendak membaca Al Qur’an dengan benar, maka ia harus belajar dan berlatih pada ustadz dan atau ustadzah. Dalam belajar membaca Al Qur’an dengan benar, peran guru ahli sangat penting. Sebab itulah, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana ilmu tajwid dalam metode Iqro umumnya diterapkan kepada pelajar. Penelitian ini secara khusus menjadikan siswa TPQ Al Ikhlas Klepu sebagai subjek penelitian. Dengan&nbsp;menggunakan&nbsp;deskriptif kualitatif,&nbsp;data-data tersebut&nbsp;akan dikelompokkan menjadi&nbsp;data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran&nbsp;ilmu tajwid di&nbsp;TPQ&nbsp;Al Ikhlas sangat membantu pembelajaran siswa. Hampir&nbsp;semua siswa, 67&nbsp;dari 72&nbsp;siswa&nbsp;lulus evaluasi&nbsp;akhir. Kedua, metode pembelajaran di&nbsp;TPQ&nbsp;dibedakan&nbsp;ke&nbsp;dalam&nbsp;dua &nbsp;kategori, kelas junior dan senior. Pengajar kelas junior umumnya menyampaikan pemahaman ilmu tajwid dasar, sedangkan di kelas senior&nbsp;siswa mempelajari metode campuran Iqro, Qiroati,&nbsp;dan Tarsana.&nbsp;Pengajar kelas senior&nbsp;juga&nbsp;menggunakan Syifaul Jinan, Qiroatul Huffadz, dan Jazariyah sebagai sumber belajar.&nbsp