53 research outputs found

    Private Stanley, I Presume?\u27: An Intrepid British Adventurer Soldiered For Both Sides

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    Many volunteers from the British Isles, whatever their motives, took sides in the American Civil War. One of these was Henry Morton Stanley, who became famous largely as a result of his later adventures in Africa, and the books he wrote about the Dark Continent. He chronicled his wartime experiences...

    Effect of culture conditions on androgen sensitivity of the human prostatic cancer cell line LNCaP

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    Several effects of androgens on LNCaP-FGC prostate tumor cells showed a biphasic pattern. Stimulation of growth and inhibition of secretion of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) was observed at low androgen concentrations (below 1 nM of the synthetic androgen R1881), and inhibition of growth and stimulation of PAP secretion was observed at higher concentrations. In contrast, prostate specific antigen (PSA) secretion did not show this biphasic response pattern. Comparable effects were found for two sublines of the LNCaP-FGC cells: an early (passage 20, androgen-dependent) and relatively late (passage 70, androgen-sensitive) passage of the cells. Culturing of both sublines in the presence of a high concentration of androgens (10 nM R1881) resulted initially in a decrease in growth rate, but the cells started to proliferate within 3 weeks. These cells became less sensitive to androgens, lost their biphasic response pattern, and showed reduced androgen receptor levels. Three weeks after removal of the excess of androgens, the passage 70 cells regained a biphasic growth response to androgens. Culture in medium without steroids but with EGF resulted in a decrease of both androgen sensitivity and androgen receptor level. In conclusion, rapid changes of the androgen sensitivity and receptor level of the LNCaP cells occurred under the influence of culture conditions. These changes were partly reversible and, therefore, were most likely due to adaptation of the cells

    Generation of angiostatin-like fragments from plasminogen by prostate-specific antigen

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    Angiostatin, a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis, tumour growth and metastasis, is a biologically active fragment of plasminogen, containing the kringle domains 1–4. It is generated from plasminogen by limited proteolysis. We show that prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a serine proteinase secreted by human prostate and human prostate cancer cells, is able to convert Lys-plasminogen to biologically active angiostatin-like fragments, containing kringles 1–4, by limited proteolysis of peptide bond Glu439–Ala440 in vitro. In an in vitro morphogenesis assay, the purified angiostatin-like fragments inhibited proliferation and tubular formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells with the same efficacy as angiostatin. This finding might help to understand growth characteristics of prostate cancer, which usually has low microvessel density and slow proliferation. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Emergence of new Salmonella Enteritidis phage types in Europe? Surveillance of infections in returning travellers

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    BACKGROUND: Among human Salmonella Enteritidis infections, phage type 4 has been the dominant phage type in most countries in Western Europe during the last years. This is reflected in Salmonella infections among Swedish travellers returning from abroad. However, there are differences in phage type distribution between the countries, and this has also changed over time. METHODS: We used data from the Swedish infectious disease register and the national reference laboratory to describe phage type distribution of Salmonella Enteritidis infections in Swedish travellers from 1997 to 2002, and have compared this with national studies conducted in the countries visited. RESULTS: Infections among Swedish travellers correlate well with national studies conducted in the countries visited. In 2001 a change in phage type distribution in S. Enteritidis infections among Swedish travellers returning from some countries in southern Europe was observed, and a previously rare phage type (PT 14b) became one of the most commonly diagnosed that year, continuing into 2002 and 2003. CONCLUSIONS: Surveillance of infections among returning travellers can be helpful in detecting emerging infections and outbreaks in tourist destinations. The information needs to be communicated rapidly to all affected countries in order to expedite the implementation of appropriate investigations and preventive measures

    Asiakastarpeet huomioon ottava muutospalvelu

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    Asiakkaiden muutostarpeet ovat kasvaneet nopeasti viime aikoina. YksilöllisyyttÀ arvostetaan yhÀ enemmÀn ja samanlainen perusratkaisu ei enÀÀ riitÀ kaikille. Rakennusyritykset eivÀt kuitenkaan ole aivan pysyneet vauhdissa mukana, vaan muutostyöprosessi on jÀÀnyt kehityksestÀ jÀlkeen. TÀssÀ työssÀ muutospalvelulla tarkoitetaan toimintoa, jossa asiakkaat voivat itse vaikuttaa uuden kotinsa ominaisuuksiin. Muutostyöt kohdistuvat eniten pintamateriaaleihin, kuten laatoitukseen, keittiöön ja lattiamateriaaleihin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin asiakkaita, jotka olivat ostaneet asunnon NCC Rakennus Oy:ltÀ lÀhivuosina. Tutkimuksen mukaan haastateltavat ovat suhteellisen tyytyvÀisiÀ muutospalvelun nykytilaan. Asiakaspalvelu toimii ja asiakkaat saavat mitÀ haluavat, mutta prosessissa on kehittÀmistÀ. Erityisesti on huomattava, ettÀ hintoja pidetÀÀn liian korkeina. Osasyy tÀhÀn on se, ettÀ hintojen muodostumiskÀytÀntöÀ ei oikein ymmÀrretÀ. Asiakkaiden tietÀmys rakennus- ja LVISA-teknisistÀ asioista on kaiken kaikkiaan varsin heikko. NÀihin asioihin onkin jatkossa kiinnitettÀvÀ erityistÀ huomiota. Muutospalvelu toimii tÀllÀ hetkellÀ melko epÀsystemaattisesti. Toimintamalli riippuu jonkin verran asiakaspalveluinsinööristÀ ja alueesta. YhtenÀistÀ linjaa on vaikea havaita. Muutosten rÀÀtÀlöintiaste on turhan korkea ja työmÀÀrÀ muutosta kohti tarpeettoman suuri. LisÀksi asiakkaat eivÀt tiedÀ riittÀvÀn paljon muutostyömahdollisuuksista. Prosessiajattelulla ja henkilöstön kouluttamisella sekÀ sitouttamisella tehokkuutta saataisiin lisÀÀ ja toiminta suoraviivaisemmaksi. TÀssÀ diplomityössÀ kuvataan ehdotus muutospalvelun uudeksi prosessiksi ja toimintamalliksi. Uuden toimintamallin mukaan erityistÀ huomiota on kiinnitettÀvÀ selkeÀÀn työnjakoon, työmaavierailuihin ja aikataulun hallintaan. Tutkimuksen mukaan muutostöiden työnjako on nykykÀytÀnnössÀ sekava, työmaavierailuja ja kÀytönopastusta jÀrjestetÀÀn satunnaisesti ja aikataulut ovat liian löysiÀ. LisÀksi paketointia on kehitettÀvÀ, jotta rÀÀtÀlöityjen muutosten mÀÀrÀ saataisiin pienemmÀksi. Prosessin uudelleenohjauksella saataisiin asiakastyytyvÀisyys nousuun ja henkilöstön kuormitus alhaisemmaksi. Muutospalvelun kÀyttöön olisi lanseerattava uusia työkaluja, jotka ohjaisivat toimintaa yhtenÀisemmÀksi ja suoraviivaisemmaksi. Myös tietotekniikan ja erityisesti tuotemallinnuksen mahdollisuuksia on jatkossa tutkittava. Rakennusalalla olisi paljon opittavaa muilta teollisuudenaloilta, joilla muutospalvelua on kehitetty pidempÀÀn ja sen toiminta on selkeÀsti parempaa

    The Association of MEG3 lncRNA with Nuclear Speckles in Living Cells

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    Nuclear speckles are nuclear bodies containing RNA-binding proteins as well as RNAs including long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Maternally expressed gene 3 (MEG3) is a nuclear retained lncRNA found to associate with nuclear speckles. To understand the association dynamics of MEG3 lncRNA with nuclear speckles in living cells, we generated a fluorescently tagged MEG3 transcript that could be detected in real time. Under regular conditions, transient association of MEG3 with nuclear speckles was observed, including a nucleoplasmic fraction. Transcription or splicing inactivation conditions, known to affect nuclear speckle structure, showed prominent and increased association of MEG3 lncRNA with the nuclear speckles, specifically forming a ring-like structure around the nuclear speckles. This contrasted with metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma (MALAT1) lncRNA that is normally highly associated with nuclear speckles, which was released and dispersed in the nucleoplasm. Under normal conditions, MEG3 dynamically associated with the periphery of the nuclear speckles, but under transcription or splicing inhibition, MEG3 could also enter the center of the nuclear speckle. Altogether, using live-cell imaging approaches, we find that MEG3 lncRNA is a transient resident of nuclear speckles and that its association with this nuclear body is modulated by the levels of transcription and splicing activities in the cell

    Hur man följer ett objekt med hjÀlp av ultraljud

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    Ultrasound has previously been used mainly forimaging applications such as Sonography or range finding.The objective of this thesis is to find out thesuitability of using ultrasound as means of tracking anobject. This was implemented through the tracking objectfitted with an ultrasonic emitter whereas the robot wasfitted with an utrasonic receiver. The result of the robot’sperformance shows some of the restrictions, such as theuser having to be within a certain range, and possibilities,such as allowing foreign obstacles in the path between userand robot, when implementing ultrasound for trackingpurposes. This thesis shows that applying ultrasoundtechnology in a tracking environment is a worthwhileendeavour and describes one possible setup that works.Ultraljud har tidigare anvĂ€nts frĂ€mst för avbildning,bland annat sonografi, eller för distansmĂ€tning. Syftet med denna avhandling Ă€r att undersöka lĂ€mpligheten med att anvĂ€nda ultraljud för att följa ettobjekt. Detta implementerades genom att en ultraljudssĂ€ndare sitter pĂ„ objektet som ska följas och att roboten utrustades med ultraljud mottagare. Resultatet av robotens prestation visar pĂ„ nĂ„gra begrĂ€nsningar och möjligheter av att anvĂ€nda ultraljud för att följa ett objekt. Dessa innefattar begrĂ€nsningen att anvĂ€ndaren mĂ„ste befinna sig inom ett visst omrĂ„de relativt roboten samt möjligheten att tillĂ„ta frĂ€mmande objekt mellan anvĂ€ndaren och roboten. Detta arbete visar att teknologinkan tillĂ€mpas i ett följande hĂ€nseende samt visar en möjligt konstruktion som fungerar

    3D Utskrift med en Industriell Robot och Cellulosabaserad trÄd

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    3D printing is today done with plastic or metals. Material properties of plastics are too poor in some cases for desired applications. 3D printing is also limited by the need to print in horizontal layers. This thesis project investigates how a continuous thread of cellulose based filament reinforced with a binding material can be used instead in the 3D printing process to increase the material properties and how it can be severed at the end of a print sequence. The use of cellulose based filament is proposed to promote a more environmentally friendly material as opposed to pure plastic-based materials. The thesis also investigates how to print in a non-horizontal fashion using a robotic arm and spatial printing. A printer head was developed to include the continuous thread in the printing process and to cut it when desired. The head was developed so that it could be attached to an ABB robotic arm so as to allow spatial printing. To fully utilize the robot for 3D printing purposes a software interface was developed and adapted. The full system was tested against test cases to find the optimal printing parameters. The results show that the developed hardware was able to cut the continuous thread at desired intervals and the developed software was able to generate the necessary instructions for the ABB robot and printer head to complete a 3D printing sequence. The final system was deemed partially successful but needs further development for practical applications.Plast och metall Àr vanliga material i 3D-skrivare, tyvÀrr har det visat sig att plasten som anvÀnds i vanliga 3d-skrivare inte Àr tillrÀckligt stark för vissa tillÀmpningar. Ett annat problem Àr att de flesta 3D-skrivare Àr begrÀnsade av att bara kunna bygga modeller i horisontella lager. Examensarbetet utforskar en metod för att förstÀrka plast med en cellulosa trÄd för att fÄ ett starkare material vid 3D utskrifter. Tanken med trÄden Àr att den ska möjliggöra utskrifter i ickehorisontella plan. Examensarbetet utforskar Àven hur man ska kapa trÄden. Ett skrivarhuvud utvecklades som anvÀnder plast och en cellulosa trÄd för att bygga modeller. För att anvÀnda skrivarhuvudet utvecklades mjukvara som kan styra robotarmen och skrivarhuvudet, inklusive den integrerade mekanismen för att kapa trÄden. Det fÀrdiga systemet prövades pÄ testfall för att hitta de bÀsta instÀllningarna. Resultatet visade att den utvecklade hÄrdvaran kunde kapa trÄden vid önskade tillfÀllen och att mjukvaran kunde generera instruktioner för att styra roboten och skrivarhuvudet i en utskrift. Det fÀrdiga systemet bedömdes delvis klara av uppgiften men behöver viss vidareutveckling före den kan anvÀndas i praktiska sammanhang
