61 research outputs found

    The effects of double folding cluster model potential on some astrophysical reactions

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    The Double Folding Cluster Model Potential is constructed using the α - cluster structure of nuclei. It can be derived by folding an α − α interaction with density distributions of α - clusters inside the projectile and target nuclei. This potential has been successfully tested on elastic scattering data of some selected nuclei. In this work, we are interested to investigate the implications of this potential on astrophysical aspects

    Prediction of moment of inertia of rotating nuclei

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    In this study, the mathematical expression formulated by Bohr for the moment of inertia of even-even nuclei based on the hydrodynamical model is modified. The modification pertains to the kinetic energy of the surface oscillations, including the second and third terms of the R-expansion as well as the first term, which had already been modified by Bohr. Therefore, this work can be considered a continuation and support of Bohr's hydrodynamic model. The procedure yields a Bohr formula to be multiplied by a factor that depends on the deformation parameter. Bohr's (modified) formula is examined by applying it on axially symmetric even-even nuclei with atomic masses ranging between 150 and 190 as well as on some triaxial symmetry nuclei. In this paper, the modification of Bohr's formula is discussed, including information about the stability of this modification and the second and third terms of the R-expansion in Bohr's formula. The results of the calculation are compared with the experimental data and Bohr's results recorded earlier. The results obtained are in good agreement with experimental data, with a ratio of approximately 0.7, and are better than those of the unmodified ones

    Adriaan Moorrees : vorming, opleiding en gemeentelike bediening, 1855-1907

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    Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 1984.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: No abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsommingMaster

    Teknologi komunikasi dan proses pembentukan masyarakat bermaklumat: satu analisis semula peranan media elektronik di Malaysia / Mokhtar Muhammad , Abdullah @ Kassim Mohamad , Darusalam Abu Bakar , Jamaludin Abdul Rashid , Haliza Hasan

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    Tujuan kajian ini dibuat ialah untuk melihat sama ada terdapat pertalian di antara teknologi komunikasi dari proses pembentukan masyarakat bermaklumat. Kajian ini meliputi semua penduduk Malaysia yang terdedah kepada salah satu daripada media informasi elektronik (radio; televisyen, briteks dan internet). Mereka juga terdiri dari berbagai kaum dan bangsa. Penganalisaan kajian mengenai impak media ini adalah berdasarkan kepada maklumat yang didapati dari kumpulan responden tersebut. Perbincangan tentang hasil kajian dibuat dengan terperinci meliputi aspek-aspek seperti (i) Penggunaan Media Elektronik, (ii) Keberkesanan Siaran Pendidikan di Radio dan Televisyen, (iii) Peranan Teknologi Komunikasi Dalam Pembentukan Masyarakat Bermaklumat dan (iv) Faktor Demografi Responden Secara keseluruhan kajian mendapati bahawa majoriti responden memiliki radio'dan/atau televisyen dan lebih kerap mengikuti rancangan di televisyen berbanding radio. Kajian ini juga menunjukkan bahawa majoriti responden tidak menggunakan internet, lebih-lebih lagi briteks. Dari segi peranan media dalam membentuk masyarakat bermaklumat pula, kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti responden berpendapat bahawa televisyen memainkan peranan terpenting berbanding dengan media lain. Responden juga telah menyatakan tentang keupayaan maklumat yang diterima melalui media-media dalam mempengaruhi mereka dalam menerima sesuatu perubahan

    Evolution and fate of very massive stars

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    There is observational evidence that supports the existence of very massive stars (VMS) in the local universe. First, VMS (Mini ≲ 320 M⊙) have been observed in the Large Magellanic Clouds (LMC). Secondly, there are observed supernovae (SNe) that bear the characteristics of pair creation supernovae (PCSNe, also referred to as pair instability SN) which have VMS as progenitors. The most promising candidate to date is SN 2007bi. In order to investigate the evolution and fate of nearby VMS, we calculated a new grid of models for such objects, for solar, LMC and Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC) metallicities, which covers the initial mass range from 120 to 500 M⊙. Both rotating and non-rotating models were calculated using the GENEVA stellar evolution code and evolved until at least the end of helium burning and for most models until oxygen burning. Since VMS have very large convective cores during the main-sequence phase, their evolution is not so much affected by rotational mixing, but more by mass loss through stellar winds. Their evolution is never far from a homogeneous evolution even without rotational mixing. All the VMS, at all the metallicities studied here, end their life as WC(WO)-type Wolf-Rayet stars. Because of very important mass losses through stellar winds, these stars may have luminosities during the advanced phases of their evolution similar to stars with initial masses between 60 and 120 M⊙. A distinctive feature which may be used to disentangle Wolf-Rayet stars originating from VMS from those originating from lower initial masses would be the enhanced abundances of Ne and Mg at the surface of WC stars. This feature is however not always apparent depending on the history of mass loss. At solar metallicity, none of our models is expected to explode as a PCSN. At the metallicity of the LMC, only stars more massive than 300 M⊙ are expected to explode as PCSNe. At the SMC metallicity, the mass range for the PCSN progenitors is much larger and comprises stars with initial masses between about 100 and 290 M⊙. All VMS in the metallicity range studied here produce either a Type Ib SN or a Type Ic SN but not a Type II SN. We estimate that the progenitor of SN 2007bi, assuming a SMC metallicity, had an initial mass between 160 and 175 M⊙. None of models presented in this grid produces gamma-ray bursts or magnetars. They lose too much angular momentum by mass loss or avoid the formation of a black hole by producing a completely disruptive PCSN

    The R136 star cluster hosts several stars whose individual masses greatly exceed the accepted 150 Msun stellar mass limit

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    Spectroscopic analyses of H-rich WN5-6 stars within the young star clusters NGC 3603 and R136 are presented, using archival HST & VLT spectroscopy, & high spatial resolution near-IR photometry. We derive high T* for the WN stars in NGC 3603 (T*~42+/-2 kK) & R136 (T*~53+/-3 kK) plus clumping-corrected dM/dt ~ 2-5x10^-5 Msun/yr which closely agree with theoretical predictions. These stars make a disproportionate contribution to the global budget of their host clusters. R136a1 alone supplies ~7% of N(LyC) of the entire 30 Dor region. Comparisons with stellar models calculated for the main-sequence evolution of 85-500 Msun suggest ages of ~1.5 Myr & M_init in the range 105 - 170 Msun for 3 systems in NGC 3603, plus 165-320 Msun for 4 stars in R136. Our high stellar masses are supported by dynamical mass determinations for the components of NGC 3603 A1. We consider the predicted L_X of the R136 stars if they were close, colliding wind binaries. R136c is consistent with a colliding wind binary system. However, short period, colliding wind systems are excluded for R136a WN stars if mass ratios are of order unity. Widely separated systems would have been expected to harden owing to early dynamical encounters with other massive stars in such a dense environment. From simulated star clusters, whose constituents are randomly sampled from the Kroupa IMF, both clusters are consistent with a tentative upper mass limit of ~300 Msun. The Arches cluster is either too old, exhibits a deficiency of very massive stars, or more likely stellar masses have been underestimated - M_init for the most luminous stars in the Arches cluster approach 200 Msun according to contemporary stellar & photometric results. The potential for stars greatly exceeding 150 Msun within metal-poor galaxies suggests that such pair-instability SNe could occur within the local universe, as has been claimed for SN 2007bi (abridged).Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for MNRAS. Version with higher resolution figures is available from http://pacrowther.staff.shef.ac.uk/R136.pdf See also http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1030/ from Wed 21 from noon (CEST

    The quantum Hall effect : spin-charge locking

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    In two-dimensional electron gas when a large magnetic field is applied in one direction and an electric field perpendicular to it, there is a current in a direction perpendicular to both. This current is called the Hall effect. It remained without quantization until 1980 when it was found that the quantization leads to correct measurement of h/e2. Therefore the quantized Hall effect was further studied at high magnetic fields where fractional quantization was found. The fractional charge can arise from the “incompressibility� in the flux quantization. Laughlin wrote a wave function, the excitations of which are fractionally charged quasiparticles. This wave function comes in competition with charge density waves but for a few fractions it does give the ground state. If “incompressibility� is not considered and it is allowed to be compressible, the fractional charge can arise from the angular momentum which appears in the Bohr magneton in the form of g values. Usually the positive spin is considered but we consider both the positive as well as the negative values so that there is a spin-charge coupling. The values thus calculated for the fractional charge agree with the experimental data on the quantum Hall effect. We have followed this subject for a long time and hence have reviewed the subject. There are several interesting concepts which we learn from this subject. The concept of the Hall effect is quite clear particularly when combined with the flux quantization. We learn about the Landau levels and hence the boson character of electrons in two dimensions. We learn that charge becomes a vector quantity and there is spincharge coupling

    Determination of moment of inertia for162-168Hf and164-176Yb deformed nuclei

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    In this paper, a method of defining the even-even deformed nuclei inertial parameters is suggested. Calculations for isotopes 162-168Hf and 164-176Yb are listed. The parameters of inertia of rotational nuclei are also defined. Dependence of the parameters of inertia on the nucleons number is shown