16 research outputs found
Implikatur Pacaturan Sajrone Transaksi Dol Tinuku Ing Pasar Tradhisional Songgolangit Kabupaten Ponorogo
ABSTRAKTujuwan panliten implikatur pacaturan yaiku ngandharake bentuk lingual (BL), satuan pragmatis (SP), macem-macem implikasi pragmatis (ip) lan hubungan BL, SP, ip, lan alur ip implikatur pacaturan (IP) sajrone transaksi dol tinuku ing pasar tradhisional Songgolangit Kabupaten Ponorogo. Panliten iki migunakake methode kualitatif kanthi jinis panliten deskriptif kanthi situasi ujar (SU) kang nglandhesi wacana pacaturan. Dhata kang dikumpulna arupa wacana tuturan kang ngamot IP sajrone transaksi dol tinuku lan informasi kang kajupuk saka dhata kapisan. Dhata kasebut dijupuk saka informan bakul lan panuku ing pasar tradhisional Songgolangit Kabupaten Ponorogo minangka sumber dhata. Panliten iki migunakake analisis pragmatik. Pangecekan dhata ditindakake kanthi ajeg lan triangulasi. Analisis dhata ngasilake bentuk lingual (BL) IP sajrone transaksi dol tinuku ing pasar tradhisional Songgolangit Kabupaten Ponorogo arupa ukara pawarta, ukara pitakon, lan ukara pakon. Satuan pragmatis (SP) IP sajrone transaksi dol tinuku ing pasar Songgolangit Kabupaten Ponorogo arupa martaake, takon, lan ngakon/mrintah. Implikasi pragmatis pacaturan sajrone transaksi dol tinuku ana enem jinis. Alur ip sajrone panliten iki arupa alur sebab akibat. Hubungan BL, SP, lan ip sajrone IP nduweni gegayutan kang rumaket. BL guna kanggo nyuguhake SP. SP guna kanggo nyumiradake implikasi pragmatis. Tembung Wigati : Implikatur pacaturan, transaksi dol tinuku, Bentuk Lingual, Satuan Pragmatis, Implikasi Pragmatis
Implementasi Permendagri No. 76/2012 Dalam Penentuan Batas Daerah Dengan Metode Kartometrik (Studi Kasus : Daerah Oloran Kecamatan Sedati Kabupaten Sidoarjo Dan Kecamatan Gunung Anyar Kota Surabaya)
Batas kewenangan daerah memiliki arti penting bagi
kabupaten/kota dan pemerintah propinsi. Batas daerah memiliki hubungan
yang saling terkait dengan penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah pasca
reformasi Indonesia. Batas daerah yang tidak jelas posisinya dapat
memicu konflik di wilayah perbatasan dan menghambat penyelenggaraan
fungsi pemerintahan daerah. Hal ini akan berdampak pada proses
pembagian wilayah pengelolaan dan pelayanan sehingga jika terjadi
permasalahan batas antar daerah akan berpotensi menurunkan tingkat
pelayanan pemerintah kepada masyarakat.
Pada Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 76 tahun 2012
dijelaskan bahwa pembagian wilayah kewenangan propinsi sejauh 12 mil
dan sepertiganya adalah wilayah kabupaten/kota. Penelitian ini ditujukan
untuk menentukan batas pengelolaan daerah perbatasan Kota Surabaya
dan Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang terdapat pertambahan luas
daratan.Pertambahan luas daratan ini menjadi sebuah permasalahan jika
ditinjau dari unsur historis wilayah penelitian dimana terjadi perbedaan
luas daerah pada peta administrasi daerah tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini
adalah peta batas daerah pengelolaan dengan menggunakan prinsip
equidistance dan median line sehingga didapatkan garis batas yang adil.
Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga alternatif diantaranya, Alternatif batas
wilayah berdasarkan Peta Batas Wilayah Tahun 2012, Alternatif batas
wilayah berdasarkan Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia, Alternatif batas wilayah
berdasarkan Peta Batas Wilayah Tahun 1975.
The authority of area’s border have a important subtance in many city and provincial government. Area’s border have parennial relation with the goverment, which held a autonomy after reformation era. The messy border in that position can affect a conflict in the some region and obstacle function of city government. This problem can swirl the process of dividing an authority of city, which have potentially decrease a public service.
In Ministry of Home Affairs regulation No.76/2012 explained the authority of provincial area where reached in 12 miles and the authority of city area where reached in 4 miles from coastline. This study aimed to determine the authority of the border area of Surabaya and Sidoarjo where contained sediment land area. The sediment area, where transformed every period, can be classified to be a big problem in the hitorical map or chart that described a border. In this study, the problem can be solved by carthometric method - eqiudistance and medianline, that known as fair consensus in border negotiation. In conclusion, the study can determine three alternative border, which is based on 1975s administrative map of Surabaya and Sidoarjo, Geospatial Information Agency map, and the newly administrative map of Surabaya-Sidoarjo
Arsitektur Biomimikri pada Gedung Kesenian di Kabupaten Bone
_ Art is an inherent part of humanity; where there are people, art exists. An Arts Building is a venue that showcases various art forms and serves as a source of information, knowledge, education, and recreation in Bone Regency. As development increases, so does pollution. Therefore, it is essential to design buildings that can mitigate or minimize this pollution while functioning effectively, such as by creating environmentally friendly buildings. This research was conducted descriptively through a literature review, collecting information and data from books and the internet relevant to the research topic. The results show that designing an Arts Building with a biomimicry architectural approach using natural strategies is a suitable solution. One application of the biomimicry concept is the use of self-cleaning materials. The addition of TiO2 (Titanium Dioxide) to building materials aims to decompose harmful elements in the surrounding environment through a photocatalysis process similar to that in plants.Kesenian merupakan bagian integral dari manusia sejak lahir, di mana ada manusia, pasti ada seni. Gedung Kesenian adalah tempat pertunjukan yang menyajikan berbagai jenis seni dan berfungsi sebagai sumber informasi, pengetahuan, pendidikan, serta tempat rekreasi di Kabupaten Bone. Dengan meningkatnya pembangunan, polusi juga meningkat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan desain bangunan yang dapat mengatasi atau meminimalisir polusi sekaligus berfungsi dengan baik, salah satunya dengan merancang bangunan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif melalui tinjauan studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan informasi dan data dari buku serta internet yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perancangan Gedung Kesenian dengan pendekatan arsitektur biomimikri, yang menggunakan strategi dari alam, adalah solusi yang tepat. Salah satu penerapan konsep arsitektur biomimikri adalah penggunaan material self-cleaning. Penambahan TiO2 (Titanium Dioksida) pada material bangunan diharapkan dapat mengurai unsur berbahaya di lingkungan sekitar melalui proses fotokatalis seperti yang terjadi pada tumbuhan
Pengaruh Profitabilitas Dan Leverage Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009-2011
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Return On Invesment (ROI), Return On Equity (ROE), dan Debt to Total asset (DTA). Secara parsial dan simultan terhadap return saham pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2009-2011. Populasi peelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan perusahaan manufaktur yang erdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2009-2011 sebanyak 14 perusahaan. Tekik pengambilan sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ii adalah metode purposive sampling yaitu teknik penarikan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu yang didasarkan pada kepentingan penelitian. Data diperoleh dari laporan keuangan yang diterbitka Indonesia Capital Market Directory (ICMD) dan IDX Yearly Statistics dan dikumpulkan dengan metode dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel Rturn On Invesment (ROI) dan Return On Equity (ROE) berpengaruh sognifikan terhadap return saham. Sedangkan variabel Debt toTotal Assets ratio(DTA) berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap return saham. Tetapi secara simultan variabel ROI,ROE, dan DTA berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham
Kapabilitas Humas Perguruan Tinggi Di Jakarta Dalam Tata Kelola Komunikasi MBKM Saat Pandemi COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, public relations in Higher Education (PT) is facing new changes. The public relations capability is to maintain relations with the media, internal and external communications other stakeholders. This is related to the PT's public relations capabilities in information management during COVID-19, which can provide clear and good information and maintain the reputation and image of the organization. This research aims to understand the Public Relations Capabilities in (PT) for information management during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research to used by Macnamara (2018) regarding Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs)/ Competencies, Competency, and Competence. This research uses qualitative methods and data collection using Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with 13 public relations employees from universities in Jakarta. PT's public relations capability in managing information to the internal and external via social media channels effectively regarding MBKM. Public relations officer can carry out a competency test which is useful for becoming a reliable and competent public relations officer and understanding the basics of the PR code of ethics. Public relations in (PT) capabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic by having public relations competencies that have a role in professional performance ethics. Evaluation and monitoring have successfully navigated academic activities during the pandemic and ready to face the new normal. The role of public relations in (PT) is related to the Good Reputation of the organization and its stakeholders. Public relations in (PT) to attract the attention of the audience (lecturers and students) by creating interesting content about MBKM uploaded via social media and collaborating with other campus partners. Public relations in (PT) has implemented strich health protocols and established pandemic response task forces
Era globalisasi ditandai dengan semakin tingginya persaingan dunia kerja. Efikasi diri merupakan salah satu aspek afektif tentang invididu itu sendiri yang paling berpengaruh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tumbuhnya efikasi diri merupakan salah satu aspek yang berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan menghadapi tuntutan kehidupan. Oleh karena itu setiap siswa dituntut memiliki efikasi diri sebagai salah satu upaya dalam mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan.. Semakin modern zaman, semakin dibutuhkan tenaga kerja yang berkualitas dan profesional tidak hanya dari lulusan perguruan tinggi saja namun dari lulusan smk. Efikasi diri juga dapat memberikan pijakan yang kuat bagi individu untuk mengevaluasi dirinya agar mampu menghadapi tuntutan pekerjaan dan persaingan secara dinamis. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan efikasi diri untuk kesiapan kerja pada siswa kelas XII TLM 1 dengan bimbingan kelompok teknik sosiodrama. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 6 siswa kelas XII TLM 1. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Saat pre tes nilai rata-rata 65,47, di siklus I mengalami kenaikan nilai rata-rata sebesar 69,58 dan pada siklus ke II meningkat kembali sebesar 85,89. Secara keseluruhan peningkatan pencapaian nilai rata-rata setiap siklus yang dilakukan, yaitu kenaikan sebesar 6, 28% dari pre tes ke siklus I. dan kenaikan sebesar 23,44% dari siklus I ke siklus II. Selain hasil skor tes terjadi peningkatan dari hasil observasi
Building purchase interest through Instagram content: analysis of @Mrocoffee account
With the increasing use of social media, businesses will leverage platforms such as Instagram to showcase their products to attract potential customers. It is important for businesses to understand how to create content on these platforms to influence consumer behavior. Although social media is widely used for marketing purposes, the specific impact of content on purchasing interest and decision-making remains relatively underexplored, especially in the context of business Instagram accounts like @Mrocoffee. This study aims to explore the relationship between content posted on the Instagram account @Mrocoffee and purchasing interest and decision-making among its followers/customers. The research methodology used is a quantitative survey with subjects being followers/customers aged 17 who are customers and followers of Instagram @Mrocoffee. Sampling was conducted using purposive sampling from an unknown population size. A sample size of 68 was determined using the Lemeshow formula. The quantitative survey will measure variables related to Instagram content @Mrocoffee, purchasing interest, and decision-making. Data processing will use Smart PLS. The results indicate that visual appeal, storytelling, and interaction with followers through interactive content significantly influence purchasing interest and decision-making @Mrocoffee. Additionally, update frequency and message consistency also play a crucial role in maintaining customer interest and loyalty. Practical Recommendations: @Mrocoffee can leverage user-generated content and collaborate with influencers to enhance brand visibility and credibility. Academic Recommendations: Further research is needed to delve deeper into the aspects of content strategy on Instagram and its impact on consumer behavior across various industries
The Effect of Salinity and Temperature Shock on Kappaphycus alvarezii Seaweed Spores Release
One of the reproductive aspects of development step that is considered as the
solution of this issue is seaweed sporulation technique through which is induced through
salinity and temperature shock. This study aims to determine the effect of combination and
interaction of salinity and temperature shock on the release of K. alvarezii spores in order to
produce superior seeds. This research was conducted using Complete Randomized Design
Factorial which consists of nine combinations of treatments and three replications. The used
treatment in this study is the combination of different environmental factors such as salinity
shock and temperature shock. The data were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that salinity (31 ppt, 33 ppt, and
35 ppt) and temperature (30˚C, 32˚C, and 34˚C). shock affected the osmoregulation system
and the release of K. alvarezii spores. The salinity shock and temperature shock had interaction
with K. alvarezii spore release on the sixth and seventh day with the best treatment at 32°C
temperature and 31 ppt salinity and released 5413 cells/ml spores on the seventh day
The Effect of Using Interactive Multimedia to Upgrade Students' Listening Comprehension of 1st Semester Students of English Department at UNISMA
Abstract: The research was aimed to improve students listening comprehension using interactive multimedia in first semester students of English department at UNISMA. This research used Quasi-Experimental Design. The data were gathered from the tests (pre-test and post-test) with the participants. The participants of this research were two classes with the total students were 56 students from English Department at UNISMA and they were divided into experimental class and control class. The results of this research showed that there are no significant differences between students who were taught by using interactive multimedia with the students who were taught by using a traditional method. It showed from the result of the pre-test and post-test in the experiment class and control class. The significant value on the test shows that there is no significant difference. Finally, the researcher expected that the result will help future researcher who want to conduct this similar study to use more attractive videos, audios, and texts in teaching listening using interactive multimedia. Key Words: interactive multimedia, listening comprehensio