32 research outputs found

    Optimasi Sabun Cair Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber Officinale Rosc. Var. Rubrum) Variasi Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco) Dan Kalium Hidroksida (Koh) Menggunakan Simplex Lattice Design

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    Antibacterial liquid soap help prevent the infection of pathogenic bacteria, such as S. aureusand E. coli that can cause skin infection and diarrhea. Red ginger is one of natural plants that hasthe potential as an antibacterial agent in soaps and also known to have antibacterial activity. Soap isformed from the reaction between a fattty acid and base so its quality is affected by the perfection ofthat reaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum composition of VCO andKOH using Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) and its physicochemical properties. The extraction wasdone by soxletation method using ethanol 96%. Antibacterial test showed that the optimumconcentration of the extract was 50 mg/mL. Soap with variation of the VCO and KOH had specificgravity 0,955-1,045; viscosity 0,3-2,1; pH 9,366-10,566; and free alkali 7,48x10%.The composition of the VCO and KOH that predicted by SLD is 26,386 g VCO and 6,414 g KOH.This optimum formula had specific gravity 1.03148; viscosity 0.723; pH 10,066; and 0.0086% freealkali. Independent two-sample test between the physicochemical properties resulted from the testand results predicted by SLD showed no significant difference (p>0,05). The antibacterial activityof optimum formula didn't differ significantly with the control (p>0,05)


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    Pelaihari Smart Park is a park that designed to accommodate tourism and learning activities at the same time, smart parks have been widely applied in big cities in Indonesia, therefore many people decide to travel to smart parks, besides being fun, smart parks also provide useful knowledge , Pelaihari is a city that has many tourist attractions ranging from mountains to beaches, but the tourist attractions that are owned are just fun places, there are no tourist attractions that can develop people's interest in learning, so a smart park is designed in the city of Pelaihari, with a recreational and creative approach. Educative people will be presented with a variety of fun tourist objects that can provide experience and knowledge simultaneously, with this method it is hoped that people's interest in learning can increase and change perspectives if learning is not boring.Taman Pintar Pelaihari merupakan sebuat taman yang dirancang untuk mewadahi aktivitas wisata dan belajar secara bersamaan, taman pintar sudah banyak diterapkan pada kota-kota besar di Indonesia, karenanya banyak masyarakat yang memutuskan untuk berwisata ke taman pintar, selain menyenangkan taman pintar juga memberikan pengetahuan yang bermanfaat, Pelaihari adalah kota yang memiliki banyak tempat wisata mulai dari pegunungan sampai pantai, namun tempat wisata yang dimiliki hanya sekedar tempat bersenang-senang tidak ada tempat wisata yang bisa mengembangkan minat masyarakat dalam belajar maka di rancanglah taman pintar di kota Pelaihari, dengan pendekatan Rekreatif dan Edukatif masyarakat akan disuguhkan berbagai macam objek-objek wisata menyenangkan yang dapat memberikan pengalaman serta pengetahuan secara bersamaan, dengan metode tersebut diharapkan minat masyarakat dalam belajar dapat lebih meningkat dan mengubah perspektif kalau belajar itu bukanlah hal yang membosankan


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    Parenting is an illustration of the attitudes and behavior of parents and children in interacting, communicating during holding parenting activities. In the activity of providing this care, parents will give attention, regulations, discipline, gifts and punishments, as well as responses to the wishes of their children. Parents' attitudes, behaviors, and habits are always seen, assessed, and imitated by their children who then will consciously or unconsciously be impregnated then become a habit for their children.Parents or mothers and fathers play an important role and greatly influence the education of their children. since a child was born, it was his mother who was always beside him. Therefore he imitates his mother's temperament and usually, a child is more in love with his mother, if the mother does her job well. This study aims to determine the relationship of parenting students with leadership in MTsN Depok, knowing the relationship of religious guidance of students with leadership in MTsN Depok, and to find out how much the relationship between parenting and religious guidance with the child's leadership in MTsNĀ  Depok. The type of research used in this study is quantitative research. The researcher used triangulation or combined data collection techniques, namely different data collection techniques to obtain data from the same source. Analysis of the data used is validity and product moment test. After calculating with Pearson correlation obtained rxy gain of 0.47. At the index 0.40 - 0.70, which means there is a moderate or sufficient correlation between variables X and Y. It turns out the results of "product r" moment, the calculated F value is 0.475 with F table 0.195. Once calculated, the amount of Fcount Ftable or 0.475 0.195, then the null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and means the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. And it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between parenting (X1) and religious guidance (X2) with the leadership of children (Y) in MTsNĀ  Depok

    The Law Enforcement against the Personnel of Corruption Crime

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze and explain: 1) Implementation of law enforcement against perpetrators of corruption in the jurisdiction of the Pemalang District Prosecutor's Office, 2) Efforts made by the Prosecutor in preventing the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption in the jurisdiction of the Pemalang District Attorney that hinders law enforcement against perpetrators of corruption in the jurisdiction of the Pemalang District Prosecutor's Office and the solution. The approach method used in this study is a sociological juridical approach. The sociological juridical approach method is used to study/analyze secondary data in the form of legal materials, especially primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The results showed that the implementation of law enforcement against perpetrators of corruption in the jurisdiction of the Pemalang District Prosecutor's Office noted that carry out several processes or stages in accordance with the laws and regulations and the Prosecutor's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), namely examination, investigation, investigation and prosecution. As for prosecution, in addition to criminal efforts, efforts were also made to force the return of money from corruption to be returned to the state treasury. As for the efforts made by the Prosecutor in preventing the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption in the jurisdiction of the Pemalang District Prosecutor's Office, namely through comprehensive policies and comprehensive administrative reform in the form of privatization, deregulation, and decentralization. Factors that hinder law enforcement against perpetrators Criminal acts of corruption in the jurisdiction of the Pemalang District Attorney are the complexity of corruption cases, time constraints, the intensity of examinations by the limited functional supervisory apparatus, the spread of corruption cases through public policies, and the level of public legal awareness is still relatively low

    Uji Potensi Senyawa 2-Klorobenzoiltiourea terhadap Phenobarnital Na Sebagai Sedatif Hipnotik Pada Mencit Putih Jantan

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    Tidur merupakan bagian dari ritme biologis tubuh. Kebutuhan tidur bervariasi pada masing-masing individu, tetapi pada umumnya kebutuhan tidur ini menurun seiring dengan bertambahnya usia. Gangguan sulit tidur biasanya timbul sebagai gejala suatu gangguan lain yang mendasarinya, seperti kecemasan dan depresi. Pada penelitian ini digunakan senyawa 2-klorobenzoiltiourea yaitu senyawa pengembangan obat golongan barbiturat sebagai sedatif-hipnotik. Penelitian yang dilakukan mengenai ā€œUji Potensiasi Senyawa 2-Klorobenzoiltiourea Terhadap Phenobarbital Na Sebagai Sedatif-Hipnotik Pada Mencit Putih Jantan (Mus musculus)ā€ bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek sedatif-hipnotik senyawa 2-klorobenzoiltiourea. Penelitian ini menggunakan hewan coba mencit yang dibagi menjadi 7 kelompk, terdiri dari kelompok kontrol diberi CMC Na 0,5% sebanyak 0,5 ml/20 g BB, kelompok pembanding diberi Phenobarbital Na 125 mg/kg BB, dan lima kelompok uji diberi suspensi senyawa 2-klorobenzoiltiourea dengan dosis 15 mg/kg BB, 30 mg/kg BB, 45 mg/kg BB, 60 mg/kg BB, dan 75 mg/kg BB secara oral. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 10 ekor. Setelah 60 menit, kelompok kontrol maupun kelompok uji diberikan Phenobarbital Na 125 mg/kg BB secara oral 0,5 ml/20 g BB mencit. Metode yang digunakan untuk uji ini yaitu metode Barbiturate Sleeping Time. Sebagai parameter uji adalah lama perpanjangan waktu tidur mencit yang diamati mulai waktu binatang tidur (righting reflex negative) sampai binatang bangun (righting reflex positive). Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa perpanjangan waktu tidur mencit adalah 39.726 (uji I), 82.228 (uji II), 170.355 (uji III), 280.702 (uji IV), dan 313.652 menit (uji V). Hasil statistik (ANOVA satu arah, Ī±=0,05) meyatakan bahwa adanya perbedaan makna antara kelompok pembanding dengan kelompok uji sehingga menunjukkan bahwa senyawa 2-Klorobenzoiltiourea mempunyai efek potensiasi terhadap Phenobarbital Na dengan memperpanjang waktu tidur mencit

    Eksistensi produk fesyen merek lokal bagi umkm distro di Kota Palangka Raya

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    Banyaknya produk fesyen merek luar negeri yang digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena produk luar negeri dinilai lebih bergengsi dan berkualitas tinggi. Akan tetapi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kini masyarakat Indonesia khususnya pada kalangan milenial mulai berpindah haluan ke produk lokal. Seiring dengan itu banyaknya distro yang menjual produk fesyen merek lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti terkait dengan eksistensi produk fesyen merek lokal bagi UMKM Distro di kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dari kota Palangka Raya dan pelaku UMKM Distro di kota Palangka Raya dan objek penelitian ini adalah UMKM Distro di kota Palangka Raya, yaitu WYD Store dan Voker Distro. Untuk mendapatkan data, teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan teknik purposive sampling. triangulasi yang dipakai penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; (1) Branding dari fesyen merek lokal di kota Palangka Raya bisa dilihat dari 2 aspek yaitu brand awareness dan brand image. Secara brand awareness mendapat pandangan yang baik dari mahasiswa yang ada di kota Palangka Raya ditandai dengan banyaknya produk fesyen merek lokal yang diketahui, adapun secara brand image ditandai dengan penilaian positif terhadap atribut produk seperti desain produk dan kualitas produk. (2) Produk fesyen merek lokal memiliki eksistensi yang baik, hal itu dibuktikan dengan produk lokal terus mengalami perkembangan mengikuti tren sehingga mempunyai daya tarik dari kualitas dan desain, serta kesadaran masyarakat untuk mendukung UMKM dalam negeri agar terus berkembang dengan cara membeli produk lokal yang orisinal. Kemudian didukung dengan hasil survei menunjukkan, 87,2% masyarakat menyatakan lebih suka membeli merek dalam negeri, serta 12,8% lebih suka produk bermerek dari luar negeri. (3) Keuntungan dari produk fesyen merek lokal khususnya pada kalangan anak muda, berdampak bagi penjualan produk fesyen merek lokal yang dijual oleh UMKM Distro yang ada di kota Palangka Raya, seperti WYD Store yang beralamat di jalan Sisingamangaraja, yaitu ditandai dengan peningkatan pada volume penjualan hingga jumlah merek lokal yang terus bertambah. Serta, Voker Distro yang beralamat di jalan Seth Adji, yaitu peningkatan pada volume penjualan bahkan sebelum produk lokal menjadi tren saat ini, peningkatan itu ditandai perkembangan dari bangunan distro yang dulu kecil sekarang sudah pindah ke distro yang lebih besar. ABSTRACT The number of foreign brand fashion products that are favored by the Indonesian people because foreign products are considered more prestigious and of high quality. However, in recent years, Indonesian people, especially millennials, have begun to switch to local products. Along with that, there are many Distro sell local brand fashion products. This study aims to examine the existence of local brand fashion products for UMKM Distro in Palangka Raya city. The research used is a case study research with a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are students from Palangka Raya city and the perpetrators of UMKM Distro in Palangka Raya city and the object of this research is the UMKM Distro in Palangka Raya city, namely WYD Store and Voker Distro. To obtain data, the data collection technique in this study used observation, interview, and documentation techniques with purposive sampling technique. The triangulation used by the author in this research is source triangulation and technique triangulation. The data analysis technique uses data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data conclusions. The results showed that; (1) Branding of local brand fashion in Palangka Raya city can be seen from 2 aspects, namely brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness gets a good view from students in Palangka Raya city marked by the number of known local brand fashion products, while brand image is marked by positive assessments of product attributes such as product design and product quality. (2) Local brand fashion products have a good existence, this is evidenced by the fact that local products continue to develop following trends so that they have the appeal of quality and design, and awareness to support domestic UMKM continues to grow by buying original local products. Then supported by survey results showing, 87.2% of the public stated that they prefer to buy domestic brands, and 12.8% prefer foreign branded products. (3) The advantages of local brand fashion products, especially among young people, have an impact on the sales of local brand fashion products sold by UMKM Distro in Palangka Raya city, such as the WYD Store which is located at Sisingamangaraja street, which is marked by an increase in sales volume until the number of local brands continues to grow. Also, Voker Distro which is located at Seth Adji street, namely an increase in sales volume even before local products become a current trend, this increase is marked by the development of the Distro building that used to be small now has moved to a larger Distro

    The Influence Of Pyrolysis Temperature And Time To The Yield And Quality of Rubber Fruit (Hevea brasiliensis) Shell Liquid Smoke

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    Rubber development in South Kalimantan is growing rapidly. In 2011, rubber plantations have reached anarea of 226.706 ha. Rubber plantation produces waste inĀ  the form of unprocessed fruit shells. One of the ways to increase the value of rubber fruit shells waste wasby pyrolysis processing. Pyrolysis produced products such as liquid smoke, tar, and charcoal. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of pyrolysis temperature and time to the yield and quality of rubber fruit shellliquid smoke and determine the best treatment of the pyrolysis liquid smoke processing. Pyrolysis process of rubber fruit shell was processed at 200Ā°C, 300Ā°C, 400Ā°C for 1 and 2 hours. Pyrolysis reactor that used was 10 kg capacity. The pyrolysis at 200 Ā°C for 2 hour was the optimum process condition to produce the best liquid smoke with 36.05Ā±0.90 % (w/w) of liquid smoke yield, 3.48 Ā±0.22 % (w/w) of tar yield, 15,35Ā±1,16 % (w/w) of weight lo ss, and 45.13Ā±0.38 % (w/w) of charcoal yield, and t he quality of the liquid smoke were pH of 2.495Ā±0.050, acid le vels 13.71Ā±0.51 %, total phenols 1.47Ā±0.03 %, and c olor levels 5R 3/10

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi E-Raport Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Waterfall (Studi Kasus : SMKN 1 Kabupaten Tangerang)

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    Pada saat ini pengolahan nilai raport di SMKN 1 Kab. Tangerang belum menggunakan aplikasi berbasis web berupa sistem raport online yang mampu memberikan informasi mengenai nilai kepada siswa dengan cepat melalui internet, dengan sistem berjalan yang ada di SMKN 1 Kab. Tangerang masih mempunyai kelemahan dalam mengolah nilai siswa. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode pengembangan Waterfall. Model Waterfall memiliki proses mengalir secara sistematis dari satu tahap ke tahap lainnya. Tahap tersebut adalah analisis, design, coding, testing, maintenance (perawatan). Untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi SMKN 1 Kab. Tangerang dibutuhkan pembenahan terhadap sistem yang sedang berjalan dan pengembangannya harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan saat ini yaitu sistem informasi yang khusus digunakan untuk pengolahan data guru, data siswa, data kelas, data mapel, data prestasi dan nilai raport siswa, sehingga proses pengolahan menjadi lebih lebih cepat dan akurat. Maka, dibutuhkan suatu Sistem Informasi E-Raport Berbasis Web Pada SMKN 1 Kab. Tangerang