415 research outputs found

    Co-creation: At ĂĄbne op og fĂĄ mere igen

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    Fra Ålborg til Horsens gennem Århus over Odense og København, har vi på tværs af otte biblioteker på de videregående uddannelser arbejdet med at skabe, kreere og producere e-læring i samarbejde med studerende og tilknyttede forskere

    Gender Disparities in Top Earnings:Measurement and Facts for Denmark 1980-2013

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    Extending the work of Atkinson et al. (J. Econ. Inequal. 16, 225-256, 2018), we decompose top-earnings gender disparities into a glass-ceiling coefficient and a top-earnings gender gap. The decomposition uses that both male and female top earnings are Pareto distributed. If interpreting top-earnings gender disparities as caused by a female-specific earnings tax, the top-earnings gender gap and glass-ceiling coefficient measure the tax level and tax progressivity, respectively. Using Danish data on earnings, we show that the top-earnings gender gap and the glass-ceiling coefficient evolve differently across time, the life cycle, and educational groups. In particular, while the top-earnings gender gap has been decreasing in Denmark over the period 1980-2013, the glass-ceiling coefficient has been remarkably stable

    Source-Specific Air Pollution Including Ultrafine Particles and Risk of Myocardial Infarction:A Nationwide Cohort Study from Denmark

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    BACKGROUND: Air pollution is negatively associated with cardiovascular health. Impediments to efficient regulation include lack of knowledge about which sources of air pollution contributes most to health burden and few studies on effects of the potentially more potent ultrafine particles (UFP). OBJECTIVE: The authors aimed to investigate myocardial infarction (MI) morbidity and specific types and sources of air pollution. METHODS: We identified all persons living in Denmark in the period 2005–2017, age &gt;50 y and never diagnosed with MI. We quantified 5-y running time-weighted mean concentrations of air pollution at residencies, both total and apportioned to traffic and nontraffic sources. We evaluated particulate matter (PM) with aerodynamic diameter ≤2:5 lm (PM 2:5), &lt;0:1 lm (UFP), elemental carbon (EC), and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2). We used Cox pro-portional hazards models, with adjustment for time-varying exposures, and personal and area-level demographic and socioeconomic covariates from high-quality administrative registers. RESULTS: In this nationwide cohort of 1,964,702 persons (with 18 million person-years of follow-up and 71,285 cases of MI), UFP and PM 2:5 were associated with increased risk of MI with hazard ratios (HRs) per interquartile range (IQR) of 1.040 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.025, 1.055] and 1.053 (95% CI: 1.035, 1.071), respectively. HRs per IQR of UFP and PM 2:5 from nontraffic sources were similar to the total (1.034 and 1.051), whereas HRs for UFP and PM 2:5 from traffic sources were smaller (1.011 and 1.011). The HR for EC from traffic sources was 1.013 (95% CI: 1.003, 1.023). NO 2 from nontraffic sources was associated with MI (HR = 1:048; 95% CI: 1.034, 1.062) but not from traffic sources. In general, nontraffic sources contributed more to total air pollution levels than national traffic sources. CONCLUSIONS: PM 2:5 and UFP from traffic and nontraffic sources were associated with increased risk of MI, with nontraffic sources being the domi-nant source of exposure and morbidity. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP10556.</p

    International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS): protocol of a prospective observational cohort study on clinical and biological predictors of disease course and outcome in Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute polyradiculoneuropathy with a highly variable clinical presentation, course, and outcome. The factors that determine the clinical variation of GBS are poorly understood which complicates the care and treatment of individual patients. The protocol of the ongoing International GBS Outcome Study (IGOS), a prospective, observational, multi-centre cohort study that aims to identify the clinical and biological determinants and predictors of disease onset, subtype, course and outcome of GBS is presented here. Patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for GBS, regardless of age, disease severity, variant forms, or treatment, can participate if included within two weeks after onset of weakness. Information about demography, preceding infections, clinical features, diagnostic findings, treatment, course and outcome is collected. In addition, cerebrospinal fluid and serial blood samples for serum and DNA is collected at standard time points. The original aim was to include at least 1000 patients with a follow-up of 1-3 years. Data are collected via a web-based data entry system and stored anonymously. IGOS started in May 2012 and by January 2017 included more than 1400 participants from 143 active centres in 19 countries across 5 continents. The IGOS data/biobank is available for research projects conducted by expertise groups focusing on specific topics including epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, clinimetrics, electrophysiology, antecedent events, antibodies, genetics, prognostic modelling, treatment effects and long-term outcome of GBS. The IGOS will help to standardize the international collection of data and biosamples for future research of GBS. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01582763

    Relationship of leukaemias with long-term ambient air pollution exposures in the adult Danish population

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    Background Few population-based epidemiological studies of adults have examined the relationship between air pollution and leukaemias. Methods Using Danish National Cancer Registry data and Danish DEHM-UBM-AirGIS system-modelled air pollution exposures, we examined whether particulate matter (PM2.5), black carbon (BC), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) averaged over 1, 5 or 10 years were associated with adult leukaemia in general or by subtype. In all, 14,986 adult cases diagnosed 1989–2014 and 51,624 age, sex and time-matched controls were included. Separate conditional logistic regression models, adjusted for socio-demographic factors, assessed exposure to each pollutant with leukaemias. Results Fully adjusted models showed a higher risk of leukaemia with higher 1-, 5- and 10-year-average exposures to PM2.5 prior to diagnosis (e.g. OR per 10 µg/m3 for 10-year average: 1.17, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.32), and a positive relationship with 1-year average BC. Results were driven by participants 70 years and older (OR per 10 µg/m3 for 10-year average: 1.35, 95% CI: 1.15–1.58). Null findings for younger participants. Higher 1-year average PM2.5 exposures were associated with higher risks for acute myeloid and chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia. Conclusion Among older adults, higher risk for leukaemia was associated with higher residential PM2.5 concentrations averaged over 1, 5 and 10 years prior to diagnosis.</p

    Honeybee Colony Vibrational Measurements to Highlight the Brood Cycle

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    Insect pollination is of great importance to crop production worldwide and honey bees are amongst its chief facilitators. Because of the decline of managed colonies, the use of sensor technology is growing in popularity and it is of interest to develop new methods which can more accurately and less invasively assess honey bee colony status. Our approach is to use accelerometers to measure vibrations in order to provide information on colony activity and development. The accelerometers provide amplitude and frequency information which is recorded every three minutes and analysed for night time only. Vibrational data were validated by comparison to visual inspection data, particularly the brood development. We show a strong correlation between vibrational amplitude data and the brood cycle in the vicinity of the sensor. We have further explored the minimum data that is required, when frequency information is also included, to accurately predict the current point in the brood cycle. Such a technique should enable beekeepers to reduce the frequency with which visual inspections are required, reducing the stress this places on the colony and saving the beekeeper time

    Residential exposure to transportation noise in Denmark and incidence of dementia:National cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between long term residential exposure to road traffic and railway noise and risk of incident dementia. DESIGN: Nationwide prospective register based cohort study. SETTING: Denmark. PARTICIPANTS: 1 938 994 adults aged ≥60 years living in Denmark between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2017. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incident cases of all cause dementia and dementia subtypes (Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Parkinson’s disease related dementia), identified from national hospital and prescription registries. RESULTS: The study population included 103 500 participants with incident dementia, and of those, 31 219 received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, 8664 of vascular dementia, and 2192 of Parkinson’s disease related dementia. Using Cox regression models, 10 year mean exposure to road traffic and railway noise at the most (L(den)max) and least (L(den)min) exposed façades of buildings were associated with a higher risk of all cause dementia. These associations showed a general pattern of higher hazard ratios with higher noise exposure, but with a levelling off or even small declines in risk at higher noise levels. In subtype analyses, both road traffic noise and railway noise were associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, with hazard ratios of 1.16 (95% confidence interval 1.11 to 1.22) for road L(den)max ≥65 dB compared with <45 dB, 1.27 (1.22 to 1.34) for road L(den)min ≥55 dB compared with <40 dB, 1.16 (1.10 to 1.23) for railway L(den)max ≥60 dB compared with <40 dB, and 1.24 (1.17 to 1.30) for railway L(den)min ≥50 dB compared with <40 dB. Road traffic, but not railway, noise was associated with an increased risk of vascular dementia. Results indicated associations between road traffic L(den)min and Parkinson’s disease related dementia. CONCLUSIONS: This nationwide cohort study found transportation noise to be associated with a higher risk of all cause dementia and dementia subtypes, especially Alzheimer’s disease

    The Chandra Source Catalog

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    The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) is a general purpose virtual X-ray astrophysics facility that provides access to a carefully selected set of generally useful quantities for individual X-ray sources, and is designed to satisfy the needs of a broad-based group of scientists, including those who may be less familiar with astronomical data analysis in the X-ray regime. The first release of the CSC includes information about 94,676 distinct X-ray sources detected in a subset of public ACIS imaging observations from roughly the first eight years of the Chandra mission. This release of the catalog includes point and compact sources with observed spatial extents <~ 30''. The catalog (1) provides access to the best estimates of the X-ray source properties for detected sources, with good scientific fidelity, and directly supports scientific analysis using the individual source data; (2) facilitates analysis of a wide range of statistical properties for classes of X-ray sources; and (3) provides efficient access to calibrated observational data and ancillary data products for individual X-ray sources, so that users can perform detailed further analysis using existing tools. The catalog includes real X-ray sources detected with flux estimates that are at least 3 times their estimated 1 sigma uncertainties in at least one energy band, while maintaining the number of spurious sources at a level of <~ 1 false source per field for a 100 ks observation. For each detected source, the CSC provides commonly tabulated quantities, including source position, extent, multi-band fluxes, hardness ratios, and variability statistics, derived from the observations in which the source is detected. In addition to these traditional catalog elements, for each X-ray source the CSC includes an extensive set of file-based data products that can be manipulated interactively.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 53 pages, 27 figure
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