62 research outputs found

    Superantigen Production by Staphylococcus Aureus in Atopic Dermatitis: No More Than a Coincidence?

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    Varicella Outbreak in an Indian Couple Living in Germany Caused by VZV Clade VI Acquired during a Trip to The Netherlands

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    Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the cause of varicella and zoster, is divided into five major clades and four provisional clades, the latter of which have been rarely reported worldwide to date. We present a varicella outbreak by the provisional clade VI within an Indian couple in Germany returning from a trip to Amsterdam. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of varicella by the VZV clade VI described in Germany, but the disease was acquired in The Netherlands

    Inhibitors of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV and Aminopeptidase N Target Major Pathogenetic Steps in Acne Initiation

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    Acne is a chronic disease hallmarked by sebaceous hyperplasia, follicular hyperkeratosis, and inflammation. Parallel targeting of these factors is required to treat acne effectively. Inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) and aminopeptidase N (APN) show strong anti-inflammatory effects on immune cells and therapeutic efficacy in autoimmune disorders. Our investigation focused on the expression and functional relevance of these ectopeptidases in three cell types which exhibit an altered phenotype in early acne lesions. We showed for the first time expression of DP IV and APN on human sebocytes. In the SZ95 sebocyte cell line, the DP IV inhibitors Lys[Z(NO2)]-thiazolidide and Lys[Z(NO2)]-pyrrolidide and the APN inhibitors actinonin and bestatin suppressed proliferation, enhanced terminal differentiation, and slightly decreased total neutral lipid production. The anti-inflammatory and differentiation-restoring cytokine IL-1 receptor antagonist was significantly upregulated in SZ95 sebocytes and the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line in the presence of inhibitors. Furthermore, the inhibitors suppressed proliferation and IL-2 production of Propionibacterium acnes-stimulated T cells ex vivo and enhanced the expression of the immunosuppressive cytokine transforming growth factor-β1. Our data provide first evidence for a functional role of DP IV and APN in the sebaceous gland apparatus and for their inhibitors, used alone or in combination, as completely new substances possibly affecting acne pathogenesis in a therapeutic manner

    Pimecrolimus in atopic dermatitis: Consensus on safety and the need to allow use in infants

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a distressing dermatological disease, which is highly prevalent during infancy, can persist into later life and requires long-term management with anti-inflammatory compounds. The introduction of the topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs), tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, more than 10 yr ago was a major breakthrough for the topical anti-inflammatory treatment of AD. Pimecrolimus 1% is approved for second-line use in children (≥2 yr old) and adults with mild-to-moderate AD. The age restriction was emphasized in a boxed warning added by the FDA in January 2006, which also highlights the lack of long-term safety data and the theoretical risk of skin malignancy and lymphoma. Since then, pimecrolimus has been extensively investigated in short- and long-term studies including over 4000 infants (<2 yr old). These studies showed that pimecrolimus effectively treats AD in infants, with sustained improvement with long-term intermittent use. Unlike topical corticosteroids, long-term TCI use does not carry the risks of skin atrophy, impaired epidermal barrier function or enhanced percutaneous absorption, and so is suitable for AD treatment especially in sensitive skin areas. Most importantly, the studies of pimecrolimus in infants provided no evidence for systemic immunosuppression, and a comprehensive body of evidence from clinical studies, post-marketing surveillance and epidemiological investigations does not support potential safety concerns. In conclusion, the authors consider that the labelling restrictions regarding the use of pimecrolimus in infants are no longer justified and recommend that the validity of the boxed warning for TCIs should be reconsidered

    Дослідження структури порушених відкритою розробкою земель й пошук шляхів вдосконалення рекультивації залишкових виробок кар'єрів

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженням структури порушених земель, на ділянках з видобутку корисних копалин відкритим способом. Наведено площі порушень земель при розробці основних видів корисних копалин. Проаналізовано ризики, що виникають із несвоєчасною рекультивацією земель гірничого відводу, а також від покинутих гірничих виробок старих кар'єрів. Паралельно розглянуті обсяги відходів гірничого виробництва та їх повторне використання в якості заповнювача для залишкових вироблених просторів кар'єрів.The article is devoted to the research of land violation indicators at the extraction of minerals by surface mining method. Data gives about the land violations area at the mining key minerals. Ana-lyzed the risks from the not-on-time reclamation of the mining clam and abandoned excavations of the old quarries. In parallel considered the volumes of mining wastes and their reuse as aggregate for filling residual spaces of surface mines.Статья посвящена исследованиям площадей нарушения земель, связанных с добычей полезных ископаемых открытым способом. Приведены площади нарушений земель при разработке основных видов полезных ископаемых. Проанализированы риски, представляемые несвоевременной рекультивацией земель горного отвода, а также заброшенными горными выработками старых карьеров. Параллельно рассмотрены объемы отходов горного производства и их повторное использование в качестве заполнителя для остаточных выработанных пространств карьеров