149 research outputs found

    Book Review: Jnaneshvari

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    A review of Jnaneshvari by Felix Machado

    Behavioral and Epidemiological factors behind Vaccine Hesitancy in The United States

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    Vaccines are by far the most significant achievement in public health over the last century, saving millions of lives. Vaccination provides immunity as well as protection against certain infectious diseases, and the majority of vaccines contain a weakened version of a disease-causing microorganism. But why do people continue to be skeptical of vaccines and what they can do to improve their health? Vaccines, in general, can evoke strong biological, cultural, social, and political reactions all over the world, not just in the United States. Vaccine history is extremely complex, and it is still ongoing today as new diseases emerge. The anti-vaccine movement has existed since the development of vaccines by Edward Jenner in 1796. It is critical to understand the past and continue building on what we know today through new vaccine research & technology. Diseases today are far more complex than in the past, but advances in technology have enabled us to combat diseases in ways we could never have imagined. The war on diseases is never-ending and will continue as long as humans exist. But why are people becoming more hesitant to get vaccinated than ever before, or refusing to get vaccinated at all? Today, the ongoing pandemic and the new COVID-19 vaccine are the main topics on which vaccines are being discussed in major news outlets. Many people have turned to the vaccine to protect themselves from the virus, but many are still skeptical that the vaccine is safe or effective. This has pushed vaccine hesitancy to the forefront of the pandemic, and it has become a hot topic not only in the United States but in countries all over the world

    Effect of Combined Drug Therapy and Genetic Modifiers on Hepatosteatosis and Fibrosis in a Mouse Model for Alström Syndrome

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    Alström Syndrome (ALMS) is a genetic disorder characterized by obesity, progressive hearing and vision loss, and insulin resistance in humans. Variability of additional phenotypes exists among patients, often complicating diagnosis of ALMS (Marshall et al., 2011). Postmortem studies of patients with ALMS revealed severe fibrosis in multiple organs (Marshall et al., 2011). Currently, there are no known treatments for the fibrosis observed in ALMS patients. The purpose of the studies described herein was to examine the effects of losartan, an antifibrotic drug, on fibrogenesis and to identify genomic loci that modify ALMS phenotypes in a mouse model for ALMS (Alms1Gt/Gt). A genome wide screen performed in two backcrosses to C57BL/6Ei and Balb/cJ mouse strains identified two genetic modifiers in Alms1Gt/Gt mice. A significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) for high density lipoproteins (HDL) was identified on chromosome 5 in the backcross to C57BL/6Ei while significant modifying loci for retinal degeneration was identified on chromosome 2 in the backcross to Balb/cJ. Further analysis with additional progeny may reveal other significant modifiers. Histological and chemical analyses of samples from 24-week-old mutant and control mice treated with losartan were initiated in this study. The results of this study may help future therapeutic strategies for treating human patients with ALMS

    On a non-referential theory of meaning for simple names based on Ajdukiewicz's theory of meaning

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    In 1931-1934 Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz formulated two versions of the theory of meaning (A1 and A2). Tarski showed that A2 allows for synonymous names existing with different denotations. Tarski and Ajdukiewicz found that this feature disparages the theory. The force of Tarski's argument rests on the assumption that none of an adequate theory of meaning allows for synonymous names existing with different denotations. In the first part of this paper we present an appropriate fragment of A2 and Tarski's argument. In the second part we consider an elementary, interpreted language in which individual constants occur, but not functional symbols. For such a language we define semantically a relation of synonymity for simple names and show that it fulfills syntactical conditions formulated by Ajdukiewicz in A2 and allows for synonymous names with different denotations

    (3RS)-S-[1-(3-Chloro­phen­yl)-2-oxopyr­rolidin-3-yl]-N,N′-dimethyl­thio­uronium bromide

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    The title mol­ecule, C13H17ClN3OS+·Br−, consists of benzene and pyrrolidine rings and an S–C(NHCH3)2 group. The central C—N bond lengths in the S–C(NHCH3)2 fragment indicate partial double-bond character. Mol­ecules are inter­connected into chains by N—H⋯Br hydrogen bonds and the chains are linked into pairs by weak C—H⋯Br hydrogen bonds

    (3RS)-S-[1-(3-Chloro­phen­yl)-2-oxopyr­roli­din-3-yl]thio­uronium bromide

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    In the title molecular salt, C11H13ClN3OS+·Br−, the C—N bond lengths in the –S–C(NH2)2 fragment indicate partial double-bond character of these bonds. The constituent ions are connected by N—H⋯Br bridges into Z-shaped chains. The supra­molecular architecture of the structure can be described by being composed of these chains inter­locked by additional C—H⋯Br short contacts. An intra­molecular N—H⋯O=C bridge, as well as weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, are also present in the structure

    Implementation of Freescale Kinetis L Technology in Portable Medical Device

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této práce je navrhnout mobilní zařízení pro snímání EKG s využitím mikrokontroléru Kinetis L od firmy Freescale. V práci je popsána metodika snímání a geneze elektrokardiografického signálu. Návrh je řešen pomocí vývojových modulů FRDM-KL25Z a ADS1298ECG-FE. Součástí řešení je návrh vhodného zdroje napájení umožňujícího provoz zařízení po dobu 24h a déle. Jako paměťové médium, na které budou zaznamenávány naměřené hodnoty, byla vybrána SD karta. V práci je uveden i návrh zařízení založený na využití výukového modulu bmeng EKG. Dále se popisuje softwarový návrh pro mikrokontrolér, který je potřebný pro zprovoznění zařízení. V závěru jsou prezentovány výsledky navrženého zařízení.The aim of this thesis is to design a mobile device ECG measurement using microcontroller Kinetis L from Freescale. The thesis describes the methodology of measuring and generating the electrocardiographic signal. The design was constructed using development modules FRDM-KL25Z and ADS1298ECG-FE. A part of the solution is a design of a suitable power supply allowing the device operation for 24 hours or longer. SD card was selected for storage of aquired data. The thesis includes a design of the device based on usage of educational module „bmeng EKG“. The thesis also describes a software design for a microcontroller, which is required for operation of the device. And finally, the results of the designed device are presented.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvídobř

    Enterprise Software for Management and Deployment of Cloud Services and Applications

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    Cílem této práce je vytvořit a popsat software, který bude sloužit jako kompletní řešení pro poskytování cloud hosting služeb s podporou IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) a PaaS (Platform as a Service) služeb. Je kladen velký důraz za modularitu, tak aby výsledný systém dokázal ovládat široké spektrum aplikací či služeb pomocí webového ovládacího panelu. Způsoby virtualizace jsou rovněž řešeny modulárně, systém je připraven pro podporu několika virtualizačních řešení najednou. Je možné připojit neomezené množství fyzických hostitelských serverů, na které budou služby nasazovány. Pro koncové uživatele bude nasazení aplikace do cloud prostředí záležitost několika kliknutí myší.The objective of this thesis is to create and describe software that can be used as a complete solution for a company providing cloud hosting services such as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service). The implementation of this system is highly modular allowing support to deploy many different applications on various platforms. The system is ready to support multiple virtualization technologies using build-in plugin system. It is possible to connect unlimited number of physical servers to deploy applications on. The system is build to be user friendly and deploying applications is done by a few clicks in the web graphical user interface.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Application for Simulation of a Database Problems

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá simulováním problémů, které mohou nastat na databázovém serveru. Cílem práce je vytvořit aplikaci, která umožní definovat způsob vytížení databáze a simulovat reálný provoz. Správce databázového serveru tak má možnost vyzkoušet a odladit problémy, ještě před tím, než se databázový server uvede do reálného provozu.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to simulate problems that could take place on a production database server. The objective is to create an application that will allow database administrators to specify the type of workload and simulate real database traffic. This way database administrators can find and solve performance problems that might come up during the test before using the database in a production environment.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Programming the Functions of Automatic Transmission Control Module Based on the Autosar Platform

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá teoretickým rozborem platformy Autosar, praktickou realizací softwaru řídící jednotky na ní založené a její otestování v laboratorním prostředí. Úvodní kapitola se zaobírá teoretickou rešerší platformy a poskytuje čtenáři obecný přehled čítající motivaci vzniku, historii, verze platformy, popis jednotlivých vrstev architektury, stručný postup při vývoji softwaru, seznámeni s bezpečnostní normou ISO26262 a výsledným Autosar OS. Dále je zde v další kapitole popsána využitá řídící jednotka VC121, její technické parametry, vnitřní logika jednotlivých MCU a napájení. Následně se v další kapitole čtenář seznámí s konkrétními kroky postupu, které vedou k tvorbě¨softwaru automatické převodovky v prostředí DaVinci Developer a Configurator. A v poslední kapitole pak nalezne postup vedoucí k zprovoznění tohoto softwaru na fyzické řídící jednotce a výsledky měření ze zapojení v laboratorním prostředí za pomocí programu Vector CANoe.The bachelor thesis consists of theoretical research of the Autosar platform, practical realisation of software of the electronic control unit based on it and its testing in a laboratory environment. The introductory chapter consists of the mentioned theoretical research, and it does provide the reader with a basic overview, which is composed of the motivation for the creation of the platform, its brief history, versions, the description of its layers, a short description of steps of the development process, acquirement of basic knowledge of the safety norm ISO26262 and the Autosar OS. The next chapter does contain a description of the used electronic control unit VC121, its parameters, inside logic of individual MCUs and power supply. Then the reader gets acquainted with concrete steps of the development, which leads to the creation of software for automatic transmission in the workspace of the DaVinci Developer and Configurator. The last chapter consists of the steps needed to create a successfully operating electronic control unit and measurements made in a laboratory environment based on the Vector CANoe.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn